WWE Smackdown Vs. Raw 2010 Anyone?

nope the damn game has been the same for so many years now i cant imagine how people can keep buying it. if they ever made a game with the classic 80s wrestlers ( thats actually fun and engaging) id buy that but i stoped watching wrestling so long ago i dont know whose still in it and dont care thanks alot Vince.

id also be down for a nwa/wcw classic wrestlers game. i stil wonder if they will ever figure out a way to do wrestling in games where its not just canned animation after canned animation.
Well, this one has the Havok physics engine and provides real time physical collisions. So players arms wont break collision and you can hook arms by running by each other. My favorite thing to do is knock the opponent out and run around his head cause your superstar will catch the opponents head with his leg and pull his head... heh.
[quote name='DarkNessBear']Well, this one has the Havok physics engine and provides real time physical collisions. So players arms wont break collision and you can hook arms by running by each other. My favorite thing to do is knock the opponent out and run around his head cause your superstar will catch the opponents head with his leg and pull his head... heh.[/QUOTE]

Speaking as a former tester, I believe you might want to keep any other information under your hat. NDA's aren't fun, I know, but my old boss took action against a guy who spread false rumors about a game on YouTube.

That is pretty awesome to hear though. The clipping always bothered me.
I don't think that's something there would be an NDA on, they've had quite a few big press events already where the game was playable.

Anyhow, I can't wait to see what kind of storylines they come up with. And the features they have this year are a big improvement over 08 and 09
[quote name='platinumdragon7']I don't think that's something there would be an NDA on, they've had quite a few big press events already where the game was playable.

Anyhow, I can't wait to see what kind of storylines they come up with. And the features they have this year are a big improvement over 08 and 09[/QUOTE]

Technically, everything is covered under the NDA.

I hope they have more than 6 like last years. I got done real fast with the RtW portion of the game.
This year, I'm getting it for the PS3 instead of 360. Its such a hassle to burn cd's just to get custom music when I can just plug a flash drive into the PS3 and do it that way. Plus the PS3 version got extra dlc that was excluded from the 360 version.
[quote name='advanced']Technically, everything is covered under the NDA.

I hope they have more than 6 like last years. I got done real fast with the RtW portion of the game.[/QUOTE]

Your mom wasn't covered under NDA...
I'm not sure If I'll get it on PS3 for once or on 360 as usual. Smackdown VS Raw 2008 was terrible on PS3. 2009 wasn't bad,but it wasn't up to par with the 360 version. If they finally get things right, and there both identical I might get the PS3 one.
[quote name='platinumdragon7']Your mom wasn't covered under NDA...[/QUOTE]

Was that even really necessary?

I'm still undecided on console as well. It will probably be 360 for me.
Yeah, I thought the frame rate was so bad on 2008. It just hurt my eyes to look at. But it seemed as if they made major improvements in 09. I would imagine in 2010 they'll be pretty much on par. Plus the fact that PS3 has exclusive youtube uploading is cool too.

Sorry advanced. I was drunk and immature last night. And now hung over this morning.
[quote name='lokizz'] i still wonder if they will ever figure out a way to do wrestling in games where its not just canned animation after canned animation.[/QUOTE]Ain't that the truth. What was the wrestling game on the N64, by THQ I believe, the WCW game.....that was years ago and albeit some minor improvements, this gen's wrestling games are the same as that one.
Oh yea! Important. If you have a 360 and PS3 and want this game - please get the 360 version. The PS3 version is complete crap.

All the testers were told to focus on the 360 version (rarely we would play the PS3 one) and I have compared them both side by side multiple times (PP) and the PS3 one looks like complete ass. Also there are more bugs on the PS3 version.
[quote name='DarkNessBear']Oh yea! Important. If you have a 360 and PS3 and want this game - please get the 360 version. The PS3 version is complete crap.

All the testers were told to focus on the 360 version (rarely we would play the PS3 one) and I have compared them both side by side multiple times (PP) and the PS3 one looks like complete ass. Also there are more bugs on the PS3 version.[/QUOTE]If this comment was coming from anyone else I would call fanboyism, but I'll take your word for it and just skip the 2010 version overall since I lack a 360 ...oh well
[quote name='DarkNessBear']Oh yea! Important. If you have a 360 and PS3 and want this game - please get the 360 version. The PS3 version is complete crap.

All the testers were told to focus on the 360 version (rarely we would play the PS3 one) and I have compared them both side by side multiple times (PP) and the PS3 one looks like complete ass. Also there are more bugs on the PS3 version.[/QUOTE]

Thanks! I guess I could use a few more achievement points anyway.
I'm getting this for the PS3, it can't be that bad. Finally I'll be able to download CAWS rather than having to make them myself.
It's not terrible and by no means don't buy it if you only have a PS3. It's just that if you also have a 360, then it is much better to get it on that console.
I might get it if they have a black friday sale....it took nearly a damn year for 09 to go down in price!
ill be all over this on 360 as usual. i hope though that it is infact the last smackdown game.. want someone else to take over the license already.
But it may suck to have someone else try to re-invent the wheel and we get another TNA Impact. Best idea would be to license this out to multiple companies like NBA and NHL
[quote name='platinumdragon7']But it may suck to have someone else try to re-invent the wheel and we get another TNA Impact. Best idea would be to license this out to multiple companies like NBA and NHL[/QUOTE]

You act like TNA Impact was bad. I liked the game a lot, it just wasnt that deep with wrestler, moves, or match types. But it was their first game so that wasnt realistically going to happen. But the animations, graphics, gameplay was really fun. Reminded me of when smackdown games were fun. Now they are all simulation, and slower. Impact did suck with reversals though, and having to give the CPU 3 finishers just to win near the end of story mode. But i still think it was a great building block for TNA.

With that said, im buying SVR10 for 360. I cant wait, it looks really good. Cant wait to try out Superstar Threads, and make/download stories people create.
They said the 360 version had a tiny bit more detail. That doesn't really tell me how much different the PS3 version is. I was going to change from 360 to PS3 version if they was the same. From the way they talked it was extremely minor,but I'm not sure. I still haven't decided which version, and it comes out tomorrow.
Other than graphical differences I also read some where there's a difference in the amount of create a story options. Any merit to that?
[quote name='saiyajinsc']Other than graphical differences I also read some where there's a difference in the amount of create a story options. Any merit to that?[/QUOTE]

PS3 version is strict to the 50 scenes and 450 Matches. 360 has 500 total but you can do more scenes. Like 250/250 or 200/300 or 300/200. 360 also has 64 layers compared to the PS3 32 for CAW. I really wanted to get the game on the PS3 but I changed at the last second due to THQ/Yukes screwing over the PS3 once again.
I got the PS3 version, so far i like it. This is the first Smackdown Vs. Raw game I have played since 06 I think. I'm still getting used to the controls. Oh something I found funny is that the wrestlers get caught up in the ropes and can move them to almost the middle of the ring.

Oh I bought it at Walmart and it had a cheat code to unlock The Dirt Sheet and McMahon office playable arenas. The Code is: BonusBrawl
It has to be typed just like that.

If you want me to lay the Smackdown on your candy A$$, you can add me to PSN...its AAAXV1. Just say something like SvR so I know.
bread's done