WWE Smackdown vs. Raw 2010 - Gen. Discussion & Info - IGN Review is in - 8.5


72 (100%)

To no one's surprise, WWE returns this year with a 2010 outing. The page was launched quietly this past week. The roster isn't posted yet, but a handful of noteworthy things are:


Create A Superstar Redesign
Take creation one step further with a new paint tool to detail your created superstars with original tattoos, logos and other unique designs. Exclusively on the PS3 and XBox 360.

WWE Story Designer
Embrace a directional role to create and customize unique storylines. Choose superstars, cutscenes, locations, camera angles, match-ups, emotions, and even write your own scripts. Construct each night's show card with matches, unique match stipulations, interference events, and other story twists and turns.

Share the creativity
Share your created content with the WWE Universe by uploading created superstars, entrances, finishing moves, highlight reels, created storylines and more. Use the keyword search engine to view created content from around the world and download for use both offline and online. Only on PS3 and XBox 360.

Road to Wrestlemania
The popular story-based mode returns with new storylines, including first-ever Divas storyline and a Create-A-Superstar storyline (note: only one CAS storyline).

Superstar Threads
For the first time in franchise history, you can create alternate ring gear for superstars by customizing the colors of shirts, logos, face paint, elbow pads, boots and much more. Save the alternate looks for use throughout the game and online. Exclusively on PS3 and XBox 360.

More features coming soon..

Roster coming soon..


New info added 9/10/09, courtesy of IGN. Full article here, snippets below:

Create A Superstar is back, and some would say it's better than ever seeing as how parts load in a flash. This time around you're going to be able to have 50 CAS, which includes the guys you've whipped up as well as the ones you've downloaded from the SVR community, and they're each able to have three alternate costumes to their default duds. A nice touch: you can name these alternate attires so you know exactly what you're grabbing off of the character select screen. You can edit your guy or gal's entrance attire, cinematic attire, and ring attire, choose a screen pose, and so much more. Plus, these folks and all their accessories are in 3D this time around, so "shirts" won't just be painted onto their skin anymore.

One of the biggest changes to Create A Superstar for 2010 is the elimination of the layer restriction -- in past games, you could only have so many layers of clothing, paint, and other junk on a guy -- and the addition of a point system. When you're creating your character, you'll have 48 points to work with. Adding certain clothing pieces and items costs you a certain amount of points. If you don't have enough points left for a kickass pair of boots or something, you have to go back and make room in your pool or accept your shoeless hero.

If you're looking for nitty gritty details, the build I have has 76 hairstyles in it including Mr. Perfect and Jake the Snake-looking hairdos, there's a Foley-like flannel, British Bulldog dreads and pants, and so on. When it comes to giving your character a name the announcers can call him, currently, the list is just 35 generic titles such as "The Princess" and "Dynamite." Hopefully, that list will be expanded in the final product. When it comes to assigning your Superstar or Diva an allegiance, you can place him or her with Raw, SmackDown, ECW, WCW, WWE Legends, or the Free Agent pool.

We might as well talk about my jump into the Paint Tool. If you're just joining us, the Paint Tool gives you the chance to sit down with a simple set of commands (there's a pen, circle creator, line tool, eraser, rotate option, paint can, trash and color palette) and put whatever you can think up on the digital canvas. You select the mode, choose one of the 20 slots you have at your fingertips, select if you want the canvas to be 128 x 128 pixels or 265 x 256 pixels, and you're off. Important note for planners: you can't have hi-res and low-res logos on the same character and you can only have two hi-res logos and 10 lo-res images on one dude or dudette.

Create A Finisher is also on this preview disc and allows you to save 30 special moves. Although it has been overhauled visually and loads a hell of a lot quicker -- I mean, you pick a move part and you're seeing it instantaneously -- the big addition here is diving finishers. When you choose to create a new move, you need to pick at the very start if it's a front grapple move or a diving one. The front grapple one's the same system we saw before (start with 36 moves such as Poison Fog and Wrestling Hero Slam Clutch 01 as options and then start branching out into different holds and finishers from there) even though new moves have been added, but a diving finisher starts you on the top turnbuckle.

Your first decision is choosing one of 16 taunts or 53 take off animations such as simple leaps and the beginnings of flips. From there, you have more than 60 dives to begin stringing together that range from sunset flips to Superman poses to flying punches. After that, it's more dives, new descents, and finishing moves. It's sweet, and all the better because you're creating 10-step processes that could never happen in real life. I mean, some of the stuff I have created here has guys just flipping through the air and hanging in the sky for no reason. You can change the speed the guys are moving at as well as what trajectory each part of the move is coming in at so things get crazy quickly. It's insane and one of the few times I've been able to round up my coworkers to have them watch SVR and actually be entertained.

A quick hit before I end this preview, I got the chance to fool with Superstar Threads here as well. This is a pretty simple concept, so I won't beat a dead horse. You pick an existing WWE Superstar and get to save three alternative versions of their attire. You're not redressing them, just taking what they're already wearing and re-coloring it. So, you can only jump in and change the color of Cena's jean shorts, sweatbands, etc. You can't add or subtract these things and you can't add or change any logos the wrestler may or may not have. This is a simple way to keep your roster looking like it does on programming as well as changing Triple H into a pink outfit.
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Oct 20? Didn't the wrestling games always come out in Nov? Seems like it anyway. I haven't watched wrestling lately,but I still love the games. I'll end up buying this day one. :cool:
Yep. This is the first game since Here Comes The Pain to have a release in October.

This story designer mode has me intrigued. I'm not going to try to get overhyped about the CAS.. but I'm already getting my entrance themes ready :D
I played one match of the game at SummerSlam Axxess yesterday. I, of course, chose Edge and went against my friend who played as Kofi Kingston. I wasn't familiar with the PlayStation controls, but we messed around for about 5 minutes.

The graphics seem slightly improved, and the most striking change was that there was no HUD. Stamina/energy was displayed in circles underneath our chosen wrestlers. Edge wore his red star t-shirt to the ring. Controls seemed similar to last year's game, though as I said, I'm not familiar with the PS3 versions of previous installments.

Overall, it was pretty fun. One last note- they were handing out cards advertising Stone Cold Steve Austin as a Gamestop exclusive bonus superstar.

EDIT: My friend (not the one who was with me at the show) found a video of me and Jed playing the game. Go to 0:45. I'm on the right in the black shirt.

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Lol, Diva story lines. Looks like a pretty cool game anyway, I might get back into wrestling games just for the heck of it.
[quote name='lilboo']Divas better be able to participate in ALL matches.[/QUOTE]

I would be happy If you could make them bleed. They won't never change that though. ;)
No, hitting divas (if you are male) still counts as an auto DQ.

I know everything (especially about the create modes) in this SMACKDOWN. If you got any questions, let me know!
[quote name='OnyxPrimal']"Convert a HIGHLIGHT REEL into an entrance movie."

Heck yeah![/QUOTE]

That's Sweet! No more generic Entrances for my CAS.

The Create a storyline looks awesome as well. Would be REALLY cool if you could download other peoples Storylines. Man, so tempting to go pre order. Not sure yet how ever
[quote name='Vulcan2422']That's Sweet! No more generic Entrances for my CAS.

The Create a storyline looks awesome as well. Would be REALLY cool if you could download other peoples Storylines. Man, so tempting to go pre order. Not sure yet how ever[/QUOTE]

Did you not read the original post? They said on the official site:

Share your created content with the WWE Universe by uploading created superstars, entrances, finishing moves, highlight reels, created storylines and more. Use the keyword search engine to view created content from around the world and download for use both offline and online. Only on PS3 and XBox 360.
[quote name='Scorch']Did you not read the original post? They said on the official site:[/QUOTE]

SORRY, I missed that part.....hhm, I wonder how that's going to work out and how much space your going to need on your hard drive....I know alot of them are probably going to suck, considering I only saw maybe a HANDFUL of good Highlight reels in 09.....alot were promos and crap.

Here is hoping that somebody makes an AWESOME ECW Old school Storyline!
"WWE Story Designer
Embrace a directional role to create and customize unique storylines. Choose superstars, cutscenes, locations, camera angles, match-ups, emotions, and even write your own scripts. Construct each night's show card with matches, unique match stipulations, interference events, and other story twists and turns."

Sounds awesome. Too bad the gameplay will probably still blow.
Shame I won't be able to make my move "The Crystallizer" Where you jump off the ropes and hit the guy with a DDT. I don't think I'll ever see that move in a game :(

But from that little preview, sounds like we can do ALOT and make almost anybody. I might just pre order considering this would be the first Wrestling Game I have pre ordered since No Mercy.
I cant wait for this game. The roster will be announced on gamespot wednesday. Ill be getting this game, but i dunno how long ill be into it. With GTA DLC and CODMW2 coming out right after SVR10, it might hit the shelf after a week. But superstar threads sounds great, and the story creator can make this game last a long time.
Story creator sounds like it could provide stupid amounts of fun. Only real problem I have with this is that, once again, you are given SO much stuff to play around with but you'll know in the back of your head that there's another game coming out next October. I wish they could get it through their fucking heads that once a year is too much, but this won't change as long as they keep making money. :whistle2:(

Let these games/features BREATHE for a bit, dammit!!!
Roster of 59. I am sure that some of those who weren't named would come via unlockable/dlc.

Tommy Dreamer
Ezekeil Jacksoon
Vladimir kozlov
William Regal
Shelton Benjamin
The Great khali
Matt Hardy
Chris Jericho
Mike knox
John Morrison
Rey Mysterio
CM Punk
The Undertaker
Dolph Ziggler
The Brain Kendrick
Jeff Hardy
Mark Henry
Chavo Guerrero
Kofi Kingston
Mr. Kennedy
Randy Orton
The Miz
Big Show
Evan Bourne
John Cena
Ted Dibiase
Cody Rhodes
Jack Swagger
Triple H
Brie Bella
Nikki Bella
Mickie James
Kelly Kelly
Gail Kim
Michelle McCool
Beth Pheonix
[quote name='wildcpac']Roster of 59. I am sure that some of those who weren't named would come via unlockable/dlc.

Tommy Dreamer
Ezekeil Jacksoon
Vladimir kozlov
William Regal
Shelton Benjamin
The Great khali
Matt Hardy
Chris Jericho
Mike knox
John Morrison
Rey Mysterio
CM Punk
The Undertaker
Dolph Ziggler
The Brain Kendrick
Jeff Hardy
Mark Henry
Chavo Guerrero
Kofi Kingston
Mr. Kennedy
Randy Orton
The Miz
Big Show
Evan Bourne
John Cena
Ted Dibiase
Cody Rhodes
Jack Swagger
Triple H
Brie Bella
Nikki Bella
Mickie James
Kelly Kelly
Gail Kim
Michelle McCool
Beth Pheonix[/QUOTE]

Jesse made it, but no Ryder, Kidd, or Smith? :whistle2:\
Like I mentioned, there can be unlockables and DLC. I could picture the Miz getting the Jericho 09 DLC treatment. Meaning that his new outfit, finisher comes via DLC.
I haven't kept up with the WWE, so two questions about that roster you posted. One, is that the full announced roster or can we expect a few more names to be released closer to release? Two, for Christian, is that Christian as in Edge + Christian tag team from the past or is this some new wrestler that shares the same name. I'm assuming the former, but not 100%.
[quote name='JStryke']I haven't kept up with the WWE, so two questions about that roster you posted. One, is that the full announced roster or can we expect a few more names to be released closer to release? Two, for Christian, is that Christian as in Edge + Christian tag team from the past or is this some new wrestler that shares the same name. I'm assuming the former, but not 100%.[/QUOTE]

Every game has had unlockables, I do not see why this year would be different. Steve Austin is Free DLC if you pre order from gametop. The Rock if you pre order from some company in the UK. Hulk Hogan also has been rumored to be in the game. Strong rumor that other legends are in the game. There could be DLC as well. THQ is known to hold off on info to suprise people. And yes it is Christian as in Edge/Christian.
Somewhat disappointed that the Bella Twins and Jesse & Festus made it in. Definitely the first people I'm sending to free agency.

[quote name='JStryke']I haven't kept up with the WWE, so two questions about that roster you posted. One, is that the full announced roster or can we expect a few more names to be released closer to release? [/QUOTE]
I'd guess that's all we're gonna get for now. Maybe when a vid of the roster select screen pops up, we can get some clues to who's unlockable. (I'm hoping for the Hart Dynasty guys and the Burchills myself.)

[quote name='JStryke']Two, for Christian, is that Christian as in Edge + Christian tag team from the past or is this some new wrestler that shares the same name. I'm assuming the former, but not 100%.[/QUOTE]
Indeed the former except now he's ditched the see-thru sleeveless shirts and got himself a hair cut.
I'm excited for SvR10.

I run a massive YouTube page, www.YouTube.com/PerfectEnding dedicated to SvR games.

For SvR09, I made a lot of useful tutorial videos to help everyone get through that awful career mode with what they wanted, and it worked so well for thousands of players. I plan to do the same for SvR10. :)
I figured Vince was a must. I am glad Teddy made it though. I always enjoyed his theme music for whatever reason.
Glad to see that legends are being kept in the game... hadn't been following the news lately and I wasn't sure if another "Legends of Wrestlemania" was in the works.

What's the deal with the GameStop "exclusive"? Can you only get Austin if you buy the game from GS? Or can he be unlocked through normal means, and the GS pre-order just gives you a code or something that bypasses the unlock requirements? I hope it's the latter.
[quote name='BustaUppa']Glad to see that legends are being kept in the game... hadn't been following the news lately and I wasn't sure if another "Legends of Wrestlemania" was in the works.

What's the deal with the GameStop "exclusive"? Can you only get Austin if you buy the game from GS? Or can he be unlocked through normal means, and the GS pre-order just gives you a code or something that bypasses the unlock requirements? I hope it's the latter.[/QUOTE]

I read that the austin code is a one time download code. He isnt unlocked through the game. Rock will be downloaded too but free for everyone after a certain period of time.

Source: http://gamingring.com/news/?p=6707
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I was going to get the game from Gamestop but I was able to snag it for 48 off of amazon. That includes amazon being 5 bucks cheaper, eca, free shipping and no tax.
I love Cowboy Bob, but I don't want to play as the AARP version of him.

Still crossing my fingers that TRU does a free gift card promotion with this game like ODST and Batman.
If you order from gamestop.com and use the code WWE2010 you get free overnight shipping. :)

Coupon WWE2010 - Free overnight shipping on WWE Smackdown vs Raw 2010. May not be combined with other offers. Continental US only. Coupon expires on 10/19/09.
I wonder what kind of moderation there will be as far as content trading goes. I'm sure there will be a fine-tuned Austin CAW making the rounds for people who didn't get the GameStop pre-order bonus. And you KNOW there's gonna be a flood of Chris Benoits like five minutes after the game comes out. Will such things be cracked down upon??

Naturally one has to wonder how storylines will be handled as well. I wonder if they'll do something to make sure that only "PG" dialogue can be shared online, or if they'll just throw it all under the "online interactions not rated by the ESRB" banner.
That would be so cool if we could import LOW guys like they did with the SVR09 guys on LOW. Also to be able to DL other peoples CAW is genius. no more printing out the codes and logics for CAWs
[quote name='pimpster4183']That would be so cool if we could import LOW guys like they did with the SVR09 guys on LOW. Also to be able to DL other peoples CAW is genius. no more printing out the codes and logics for CAWs[/QUOTE]I'm watching the developer interview posted on GamingRing.com, and the guy said that there would be no importing this time, unfortunately.

However, it sounds like there are some great new additions. Ground grapples are now specific to either face-up or face-down opponents, and you can manually turn them over (finally!) to set up the move you want. They've also added the SIDE of a downed opponent as a new move category.

Also, you can turn an opponent in the corner, and transition from a strong front grapple into a rear grapple. Also I noticed in the video that Matt posted that you can hold the strike button to do a strong strike. Yeah, it's silly that these games are still playing catchup with No Mercy, but it's still great to see these features in!

Interview with Cory Ledesma. Confirms that the full roster has not been revealed. Unlockables. User created content is going to be "modded" from the community and not by thq. You flag things you deem wrong. The created story, etc is going to be reviewed for certain words before being put online.
[quote name='wildcpac']http://ow.ly/q1rn#

Interview with Cory Ledesma. Confirms that the full roster has not been revealed. Unlockables. User created content is going to be "modded" from the community and not by thq. You flag things you deem wrong. The created story, etc is going to be reviewed for certain words before being put online.[/QUOTE]

Seems like an old interview..
[quote name='wildcpac']http://ow.ly/q1rn#

Interview with Cory Ledesma. Confirms that the full roster has not been revealed. Unlockables. User created content is going to be "modded" from the community and not by thq. You flag things you deem wrong. The created story, etc is going to be reviewed for certain words before being put online.[/QUOTE]Ah, thanks for the link! So an automatic word filter will be in place for dialogue, but nothing can keep you from uploading a story. Beyond that, it's up to user moderation. That's a pretty good way to handle it actually.
[quote name='The 7th Number']Seems like an old interview..[/QUOTE]

Yeah, I saw it on caws.ws. I noticed that the article was posted on Wednesday after the roster reveal. I then read it again and saw the bottom where it was noted that the interview was before the roster reveal.
Lastly, I wish someone would ask if the Rock/SCSA moves are going to be in the game itself. Last year the DLC added wrestlers specific moves to the moveset.
[quote name='The 7th Number']I read that the austin code is a one time download code. He isnt unlocked through the game. Rock will be downloaded too but free for everyone after a certain period of time.

Source: http://gamingring.com/news/?p=6707[/QUOTE]

His terrible grammar discredits any information he posts.
[quote name='guyver2077']austin better be downloadable dlc or something..

I refuse to get this at GS... screw that[/QUOTE]

I believe both Stone Cold and The Rock are available through pre-order. I'm sure someone else can give you more details because I'm not totally sure myself.
IGN Review:


Highest rated SmackDown on a next-gen system.. highest rated since 2006 (which was a 9.2)!

I'm really excited about the presentation. It flashes the world title belt on the screen before championship matches (
, it has the Copyright stuff
, blood transfers (if your opponent's chest is bloody, it can transfer during moves and whatnot).. can't wait, finished paying it off today!!

Based off those screens, seems like they made the stories just as lame as they were in 09.
bread's done