1 (100%)
Right now I'm in the middle of watching Angle beat the Shiistas outta Guerrero, and would just like to comment on the event so far, and hear anyone elses opinions. As of now, this Summerslam has been rather dissapointing... for me at least, thanks to Booker's loss of the US title to Cena, and Edge retaining the IC belt (where was Evolution!!). Another thing I frowned upon was the comment made by Smackdown's new GM, saying that if Eugene leaves RAW, he'll be more than happy to sign him for SD, and he'll make him the biggest star ever. This pretty much assures me that Eugene is here to stay, and that I'll continue to hate long segments of one of the 2 shows. In better news, Kane won the Till Death match, chokeslamming Hardy off the second rope for the victory.
huh? That Cena/Booker is a best of 5.

I stopped ordering PPVs years ago. I either get a friend to stream it to me through a program or go to Hooters and watch it. Tonight, the friend's not online, but is capping it with his directv, so i'll be watching it right after it goes off the air, hopefully.

But i've been listening in, and it sounds okay so far. Eugene vs. Trips.. I'm sure Eugene will win thanks to Regal.. or Regal will screw over Eugene and Trips will win.. either way, the ending won't be clean. And apparently it'll be a short match, since there's only an hour and 15 minutes left (it goes until 945 or so).. and we still have JBL/Taker to go through, as well as Benoit and Orton.

Look for

&spoiler&.. gonna leave space above and below it so no one accidentally sees it..



Orton is currently scheduled to win the strap.



Wait, wtf, ur saying that there's four more matches to go to decide who gets the belt? Because all I saw was Cena Fu'ing Booker and pinning him. If so, this is great news.
[quote name='tenzor']I hope undertaker and randy orton win the titles.[/quote]

WHATTTT!!!? I agree with you on the Orton pick, but Undertaker beating JBL is a whole different story. JBL is the first decent guy to hold the WWE belt since the Rock. Given some more time, I think they could make him into a rather impressive champion that's well liked. As of now, most people I know hate him, but I think the man's pretty damn funny, and something different for once on an incredibly bland Smackdown show. It he is stripped of the title someday soon, I'm hoping for RVD to be the one receiving it. The fact the the WWE doesn't even have him going for it at the moment is just dumb.
THANK the lord, they did the right thing and had HHH beat Eugene. I woulda set fire to WWE NY if that pathetic excuse for a wrestler, Eugene, had gotten the victory. As always, major props to Ric Flair for being the total badass that he is, and backing HHH to assure a win. Too bad he didn't get the chance to swing a hammer at Regal, but as long as he held him off long enoguh so there'd be no pin break.
[quote name='Xevious']I dont have cable tv or pay per view. What is the outcome of the JBL/Undertaker match?[/quote]

Taker lost by DQ
[quote name='CaseyRyback'][quote name='Xevious']I dont have cable tv or pay per view. What is the outcome of the JBL/Undertaker match?[/quote]

Taker lost by DQ[/quote]


At first I thought the pay per view was pretty bad, but looking back, some of the matches were pretty good. I just did not like the taker jbl match, although I am glad jbl retained the title. Also, thank god Angle and HHH won, I can't stand that damn eugene.
Undertaker beating JBL is a whole different story. JBL is the first decent guy to hold the WWE belt since the Rock.

jbl does not deserve a title. he's done nothing to do so. hes a mediocre worker at best, and i cant even imagine what made vince put the strap on him. the last good champ was HHH the last time he had the title (the first time he had the raw belt it was a mockery tho)

As of now, most people I know hate him, but I think the man's pretty damn funny

ill admit his gimmick can be funny, but often he rambles on too long in his promos. and funny =/= champion

It he is stripped of the title someday soon, I'm hoping for RVD to be the one receiving it. The fact the the WWE doesn't even have him going for it at the moment is just dumb.

RVD hasnt done anything worth mentioning since entering the wwe. his matches are bland and predictable, he does the same 12 things over and over every match. great for insomnia

rvd is one of the hardest working wrestlers ive ever seen is being way to underused. his in ring skills surpass even the best in the wwe. he should be up there with the big boys instead of being on sunday night heat.
What punq he said is so true. People who know how to wrestle and are entertaining make great champions

Angle is the only one in SD worthy of holding the title.
[quote name='guyver2077']rvd is one of the hardest working wrestlers ive ever seen is being way to underused. his in ring skills surpass even the best in the wwe. he should be up there with the big boys instead of being on sunday night heat.[/quote]

rvd IS underused and is capable of much more than he's doing now, but face facts, hes not that good.

he's a spotfest that cant sell and cant throw a punch.

ecw is dead. it was amazing while it lasted, but i wish people could just let the past go.
[quote name='CaseyRyback']
Angle is the only one in SD worthy of holding the title.[/quote]

i disagree. eddie as a heel is AMAZING and he would still have the title if he were a heel champ. his face stuff gets old fast.
i will always hang onto my ecw memories. they were incredible and rvd is probably the best talent that ever came out of there. i miss going to the live shows. and rvd had a shot at the title but came at a bad time as triiple h was being his greedy self and beating everyone until goldberg showed up :D

god i hate triple h. hes trying to be like a modern day ric flair. he wants to be the one to beat orton at wrestlemania 21. what an ego
[quote name='punqsux'][quote name='CaseyRyback']
Angle is the only one in SD worthy of holding the title.[/quote]

i disagree. eddie as a heel is AMAZING and he would still have the title if he were a heel champ. his face stuff gets old fast.[/quote]

yea I can agree with you on that one. He has gotten built up pretty big.
[quote name='punqsux'][quote name='CaseyRyback']
Angle is the only one in SD worthy of holding the title.[/quote]

i disagree. eddie as a heel is AMAZING and he would still have the title if he were a heel champ. his face stuff gets old fast.[/quote]

I think Booker T could also be a worthy titleholder on SD if he was just a little quicker in the ring.
You are right though, the list of legit world title holders on SD is painfully short.
[quote name='BLarR'][quote name='tenzor']I hope undertaker and randy orton win the titles.[/quote]

WHATTTT!!!? I agree with you on the Orton pick, but Undertaker beating JBL is a whole different story. JBL is the first decent guy to hold the WWE belt since the Rock. Given some more time, I think they could make him into a rather impressive champion that's well liked. As of now, most people I know hate him, but I think the man's pretty damn funny, and something different for once on an incredibly bland Smackdown show. It he is stripped of the title someday soon, I'm hoping for RVD to be the one receiving it. The fact the the WWE doesn't even have him going for it at the moment is just dumb.[/quote]

JBL is a good heel, and given a little more push he can become a even better heel. Undertaker deserves another title reign before his time is up, he is one of the most respected wrestlers in the WWE. Hes been there the longest then almost any wrestler on that roster besides maybe Shawn Michaels. He never ditched the WWE for WCW or ECW or sold out to the fans. Undertaker put many injuries aside to keep entertaining the fans and helping the WWE become what it is today. I want to see this man get another title reign before his time is up. As for RVD, I wouldn't mind seeing him as a champion.

Also I am happy to see Randy Orton as champion, he deserves it. No disrespect to Chris Benoit though he deserved it also but he had his time and he even got to win it at wrestlemania. I feel a Randy Orton face turn and a Triple H / Orton feud coming up.
[quote name='guyver2077']but wwe want to make hhh make the face turn and beat orton for the belt.[/quote]

Agree. But its hard to imagine either of these guys having the success they enjoy now if they turn face. They were both made to play the heel role.
[quote name='johnnyoski'][quote name='guyver2077']but wwe want to make hhh make the face turn and beat orton for the belt.[/quote]

Agree. But its hard to imagine either of these guys having the success they enjoy now if they turn face. They were both made to play the heel role.[/quote]

exactly..and i cant imagine hhh being a face again. its not him.
[quote name='johnnyoski'][quote name='guyver2077']but wwe want to make hhh make the face turn and beat orton for the belt.[/quote]

Agree. But its hard to imagine either of these guys having the success they enjoy now if they turn face. They were both made to play the heel role.[/quote]

Similar to Kurt Angle. No matter if face or heel, people will always chant "You Suck!"
[quote name='manofpeace20']They need to have 1 champion.[/quote]

yeah that worked well. the one champion 2 brand theory was insane.

what they need to do is balance the brands out. smackdown lost alot of talent in the past year
[quote name='punqsux'][quote name='manofpeace20']They need to have 1 champion.[/quote]

yeah that worked well. the one champion 2 brand theory was insane.

what they need to do is balance the brands out. smackdown lost alot of talent in the past year[/quote]

they need to kill the brands. No one gets enough face time to emerge and become a star
That is b/c they didn't do it right. Maybe if every other month the champion defended against each show, the variety would be better. Now we get constant JBL VS Eddie and Benoit VS HHH.
Well, after last night's RAW it appears Orton will be the new face feuding with Evolution.
Personally I think its a little too soon after winning the title. They should have waited a month or two for HHH to build up more jealousy towards him.
Biggest question now is who, if anyone, will replace Orton in Evolution?
[quote name='World Of Games']edge is supposed to replace orton in evolution![/quote]

You're probably right but I sure hope this doesn't happen.
Orton knew how to work the crowds and he had that cocky swagger that made him a perfect fit for Evolution.
Edge is not very entertaining on the mic and is too much of a "high-energy" type wrestler to fit in with Evolution.
I agree that edge would not fit in evolution very well. Yes, smackdown does need less corny storylines. "Paul Bearer was buried in cement" "Booker T retrieving special items to ward off undertaker" Lastly, Orton winning the belt is a little strange to me, it would have been like the rock winning the belt while in the nation with faarooq being the leader.
This is why I stopped watching wrestling. Randy Orton beating Chris Benoit....WTF?

JBL as champ, thats terrible. When are RVD, Cena, Booker T, and other wrestlers like them going to get a real push? I'm sick of HHH winning all the time.
I rarely watch 'rasslin anymore, but I'd be willing to gander that Orton got the belt so he's the "youngest champ" just to attempt to knock out any memories of Brock Lesnar. With the animosity between WWE and Brock, it just seems par for the course anymore.....

Only way I'd go back to watching is if Foley came back for a championship run.
personally I think Orton deserved it. he was gonna get it sometime down the road, anyway. I mean come on, look who his relatives are! "Cowboy" bob Orton is one of the best old-time wrestlers of all time, and his son is faollowingf in his footsteps. lets just hope this isnt a one month run, and that HHH doesnt take the title back soon (although ive heard hes supposed to hold it till WMXXI then lose it to HHH.)
I gave up on wwe about a month ago. it is to much talking I want wrestling. I just watch all the indy wrestling now all they do is wrestle.
bread's done