XBL Deals|7/4 Only- Witcher2, OrangeBox, More | 7/5 Only-Hitman:Absolution $10, More | ME3: Omega | BL2 DLC (Gold) | FREE Defense Grid (Gold) | MORE

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190 (100%)
Here is a list of all the current and upcoming Xbox Live Marketplace Sales for the USA. This includes the Deal of the Week, KINECT Central sale item(s), and any other 3rd-party sales or promotions. We have also included the upcoming Xbox Live Arcade releases in the 2nd post. Most sales are for one week. Feel free to post if you see anything not listed here.

Please note:

  • All known sales and information on sales are in the OP. Major Nelson usually updates us with new sales information every other Tuesday. When offers are validated by Moderators, it will be added to the OP as time permits.
  • ALL OFFERS ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE! No information within this thread can or should be construed as accurate (or still valid), therefore ...
  • Always verify Xbox Live Marketplace prices before your purchase!
  • Some sales are intended for GOLD MEMBERS ONLY, as noted within each section.
  • Spend wisely, have fun, and enjoy!
XBOX Live (Gold) Deal of the Week
GOLD MEMBERS ONLY ... neither a 48hr GOLD trial nor free GOLD weekends will give you the sale price. You must
either be a paying Individual/Family subscriber or within a console-activated "1 month complimentary GOLD trial" account.


7/2 - 7/8 ... Borderlands DLC

7/9 - 7/15 ... Dishonored and Metal Gear Rising DLC and More

  • Dishonored Games on Demand - Price Unknown
    DLC - The Knife of Dunwall - 400 MSP (50% off)
  • DLC - Dunwall City Trials - 200 MSP (50% off)
  • DLC - Void Walkers Arsenal - 160 MSP (50% off)

[*]Metal Gear Rising Revengeance DLC
  • Jetstream - 400 MSP (50% off)
  • Raiden Custom Body - 80 MSP (50% off)
  • Bladewolf  - 320 MSP (43% off)

[*]XBLA - Battle: Los Angeles - 400 MSP (50% off)
XBox "Games with Gold" Promotion 
GOLD MEMBERS ONLY ... neither a 48hr GOLD trial nor free GOLD weekends will give you the FREE price. You must
either be a paying Individual/Family subscriber or within a console-activated "1 month complimentary GOLD trial" account.


  • Confirmed as future free games: Halo 3


Sales & Specials: Open to Everyone!
NOTE ... if the start & end dates are not well-defined, ACT FAST! since these
"sales" could end anytime. However, they may also be permanent markdowns.


Ultimate Game One Day Sales:

7/2 ... Day One:

7/3 ... Day Two:

7/4 ... Day Three:

7/5 ... Day Four: (will last through 7/7)

7/2 - 7/8 ... Ultimate Games Persistent Sales:

* =  Want to Buy Games On Demand Using Microsoft Points? [customspoiler="GonD with MSP"]
Often overlooked, GoD are by default displayed in dollars both on Xbox.com as well as on the console, but on the very-first confirmation screen of the download process is the option to use Microsoft Points in place of real-world currency.

Through the console, after first selecting to download a GoD you are greeted by a familiar gray confirmation screen that pops up displaying the size of the download as well as confirming the price. At the bottom of this gray pop-up is the instruction to press the "X button" in order to change the payment type to MSP. Pictured below with an arrow:

On Xbox.com they've made it much more obvious, the confirmation "extra step" pop-up after clicking the download link displays a link that simply says "Use Microsoft Points" directly under the price in dollars at the top of the page.

The more you know....[/customspoiler]

Kinect Central sales

7/2 - ??? ... Unannounced Rocksmith DLC Markdowns

7/2 - ??? ... Other Unannounced Markdowns

7/2 - 7/8 ... Robocop and Fast and Furious Avatar Sale

  • Please check the avatar store on your Xbox 360 for more information

7/9 - 7/15 ... Just Dance 4

  • Price and content unknown

Monthly Marketplace Markdowns
Announced ... as confirmed on the Xbox 360's own dashboard, or corroborated from other sources (PSN, dev/pub, etc).

Unannounced ... from Xbox.com scrapes. *These may or may not be permanent, so judge accordingly.


Unannounced Price Drops for July:

* =  Want to Buy Games On Demand Using Microsoft Points? [customspoiler="GonD with MSP"]
Often overlooked, GoD are by default displayed in dollars both on Xbox.com as well as on the console, but on the very-first confirmation screen of the download process is the option to use Microsoft Points in place of real-world currency.

Through the console, after first selecting to download a GoD you are greeted by a familiar gray confirmation screen that pops up displaying the size of the download as well as confirming the price. At the bottom of this gray pop-up is the instruction to press the "X button" in order to change the payment type to MSP. Pictured below with an arrow:

On Xbox.com they've made it much more obvious, the confirmation "extra step" pop-up after clicking the download link displays a link that simply says "Use Microsoft Points" directly under the price in dollars at the top of the page.

The more you know....[/customspoiler]

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Got 4,000 points I need to spend before the convert it to currency, plus I'm pretty much going with PS3 for multiplats now. May bite on Catherine for 1200
I can easily recommend any of the Worms Games besides Mayhem...DO NOT BUY! =O

btw the Sunny Days Sale is pretty pathetic...and I agree that they could have done a lot better, especially after screwing up so much the last few weeks with any new info on the Xbox One...

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Maybe this has been asked before, so I apologize, but any idea how long State of Decay is? For $20 I am hoping for a good 10-20 hour, if not more, game length.

Heads up about Guardians. I was going to jump in but I've read about a nasty bug that keeps people from playing with unlocked and bought characters. Anyone have it that can comment more about it would be appreciated.
So how many hours does it takes to finish State of Decay? I am afraid to start playing and ending up committing a huge chunk of time for it.
you could burn through the game in less than 10 hours but i've played probably like 20 and have hardly touched the story missions, it's addicting just looting things leveling up different characters, finding new characters, finding new bases and upgrading them, all of that stuff is p much independent of the story. so really it's as short or long as you want it to be. i enjoy getting sidetracked and milking it, but if you wanted to beat it quick it's not that long. a true sandbox experience if i've ever played one. one where it's actually fun to run around and sandbox, unlike gta 4 where i beat the game then was like yeah so, i'm done with this game forever.

Maybe this has been asked before, so I apologize, but any idea how long State of Decay is? For $20 I am hoping for a good 10-20 hour, if not more, game length.
It has. Look above.

So, what's funny is at it's the "Sunny Day" sale, but it just started raining cats and dogs where I live, when it's been sunny and warm for the past week.
So how many hours does it takes to finish State of Decay? I am afraid to start playing and ending up committing a huge chunk of time for it.
you could burn through the game in less than 10 hours but i've played probably like 20 and have hardly touched the story missions, it's addicting just looting things leveling up different characters, finding new characters, finding new bases and upgrading them, all of that stuff is p much independent of the story. so really it's as short or long as you want it to be. i enjoy getting sidetracked and milking it, but if you wanted to beat it quick it's not that long. a true sandbox experience if i've ever played one. one where it's actually fun to run around and sandbox, unlike gta 4 where i beat the game then was like yeah so, i'm done with this game forever.

Maybe this has been asked before, so I apologize, but any idea how long State of Decay is? For $20 I am hoping for a good 10-20 hour, if not more, game length.
It has. Look above.

Thank you. I am downloading the demo now to be sure, but I am a RPG junkie and I enjoy me some Survival Horror Zombie games...so I hope I'll like it

I enjoyed State of Decay to be honest. Still on the first playthrough though. YMMV is the big factor here should ya decide to buy it. So I suggest you play the demo first before you do anything.

As for the Sunny Day sale, I'm kinda eager on getting Game of Thrones, Cursed Crusade, and Testament of Sherlock Holmes

State of Decay turns to shit if you stop playing it. My advice is that you either need to plan to play it 10 hours straight, or pause the game and leave your Xbox on when you gotta leave. Make sure to turn off the auto shutdown first.

The fact they put in the "always playing" in there is a slap to the face of anyone with a job or life outside of their game. It also shows their AI is incredibly stupid. I can go in, fill up 5 resources to 100, come back later to see all my resources zeroed out and 4 people dead. Kind of makes you care less about them, since all they do is leach. Makes you want to start off a one man survival camp since you would be better off (and they would all die in a few days given their inability to do anything but destroy resources, have bitch fights, shoot each other, and die to zombies).

But there are no camps which allow 1 man. Gotta have these leaches with you to get anywhere. Leave the game, and you get punished. It's not even realistic though. It assumes that every survivor in your camp is there to make your life hell.

I can see their MMO having micro transactions... Anti-retard spray. Keeps your base free of retarded survivors for 24 hours, so you can go to work. You know, in real life.

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Got 4,000 points I need to spend before the convert it to currency, plus I'm pretty much going with PS3 for multiplats now. May bite on Catherine for 1200
I read the last several pages and didn't see anything about points being converted to currency - when is that expected to happen?

Game of Thrones is worth it if your a huge fan of the universe. As someone who has nearly finished Season 3 of Game of Thrones on TV and currently reading Clash of Kings, its a decent fix. I read a honest review a while back that convinced me to get it. Said that big fans would overlooked its failures to get involved with the well written story and characters. If that sounds like you then get it, if not then you should probably stay away.

Other than that, sales look meh. Besides Catherine.

Game of Thrones is worth it if your a huge fan of the universe. As someone who has nearly finished Season 3 of Game of Thrones on TV and currently reading Clash of Kings, its a decent fix. I read a honest review a while back that convinced me to get it. Said that big fans would overlooked its failures to get involved with the well written story and characters. If that sounds like you then get it, if not then you should probably stay away.
Yup, this. Game of Thrones has a tremendous story, especially as a fan of the books (and I'm guessing the show as well). Everything else is pretty meh, but if you like a great story and love the universe, I don't think you can go wrong. Plus, GRRM is in it!

State of Decay turns to shit if you stop playing it. My advice is that you either need to plan to play it 10 hours straight, or pause the game and leave your Xbox on when you gotta leave. Make sure to turn off the auto shutdown first.

The fact they put in the "always playing" in there is a slap to the face of anyone with a job or life outside of their game. It also shows their AI is incredibly stupid. I can go in, fill up 5 resources to 100, come back later to see all my resources zeroed out and 4 people dead. Kind of makes you care less about them, since all they do is leach. Makes you want to start off a one man survival camp since you would be better off (and they would all die in a few days given their inability to do anything but destroy resources, have bitch fights, shoot each other, and die to zombies).

But there are no camps which allow 1 man. Gotta have these leaches with you to get anywhere. Leave the game, and you get punished. It's not even realistic though. It assumes that every survivor in your camp is there to make your life hell.

I can see their MMO having micro transactions... Anti-retard spray. Keeps your base free of retarded survivors for 24 hours, so you can go to work. You know, in real life.
i don't think you get what the developers were aiming for with this game. it's not like dead rising or l4d where you are a 1 man zombie rambo. they set out to deliver an experience where you constantly feel vulnerable, and are always having to make tough choices and compromises. there's no 'slap in the face' to people with a job or life, you just have to accept that this isn't a game for the OCD who desire to spend hours building up a mass of resources and coasting through the rest of the game as a zombie killing god. if you leave your group with high moral and not too many infestations going on (although there is a glitch where it says too many infestations when there aren't any, but that's being patched this week), even if you leave the game for a few days nothing too bad will happen.

your people will use the resources in storage, and if someone was left sick or missing and u dont have a med center they might die. which is fair, i see lots of people playing the game as just one or two characters, investing all their time and efforts into them and getting pissed when they die out of their control. SOD isn't a game where you should be pumping all your resources into one person, you're supposed to play it as a community. instead of leveling one or two guys up to max levels i suggest almost always taking the weakest person in your group out on your next adventure so you're strengthening the group as a whole. because the game is designed so you can lose your precious survivor at any moment so if you play it in a way that you're invested overly in one or two people, you're gonna have a bad time. and when people die you can pick up their rucksack so you don't lose their items.

it's all about compromises, which is why the game is so cool. one game is never quite the same as someone else's. should you spend your time gathering more materials for that base upgrade, doing some missions, saving that missing survivor, or investigating a new lead? you aren't meant to be able to save up a million resources and finish off every mission in one playthrough. good luck doing that. you're supposed to constantly be weighing choices; gee, i really want that base upgrade, but i don't want that survivor to die. you have to prioritize based on how you want to play and live with the consequences.

bottom line, basically it's not for the OCD who need to do everything in one playthrough, or who have to feel like they can amass a ton of supplies and be set for the rest of their campaign. won't work. you're meant to always feel vulnerable and like your community is on the brink of collapse, with every decision you make keeping you just above that collapse. you're not supposed to just invest all your time in one or two characters who are juiced up and never die ala dead rising or l4d. i love that they made all these design decisions that make people complain about how they never feel like they've put the odds in their favor. that's the whole point of the game.

KIRBY-I read that the patch coming this week for state of decay will fix it so that your players can't die while your Xbox is off. Should make it much more accessible.
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So, Worms Revolution or Ultimate Mayhem?

My friend wants a 3D worms, and it looks like Revolution is just 2D, but why is Revolution the newer/better/more expensive game?

I normally don't come on any CAG thread purely to trash something and contribute nothing, but goddammit Microsoft. I'm not sure why this "Sunny Days" sale has me a bit over the edge, but fuck you'd think with the prison style shanking they have received for the last month they would at least have someone in their ranks saying "we should probably do some nice sales since the spotlight is on us and our services for an entire week, good or bad."
With the Xbox One clearly wanting to be an all digital console, I hope we start to see sales that rival those on Steam.

I normally don't come on any CAG thread purely to trash something and contribute nothing, but goddammit Microsoft. I'm not sure why this "Sunny Days" sale has me a bit over the edge, but fuck you'd think with the prison style shanking they have received for the last month they would at least have someone in their ranks saying "we should probably do some nice sales since the spotlight is on us and our services for an entire week, good or bad."
With the Xbox One clearly wanting to be an all digital console, I hope we start to see sales that rival those on Steam.
Microsoft has been giving us the sales they think we deserve, not the ones we need. In short, doubtful.

I'm wondering why some are saying they need to spend their MSP before the switch. From the link explaining the switch it seems like the purchases we make with converted MSP at the time of the switch will be the only credit that won't be taxed from then on. It seems better to stock up on our MSP balance now so we'll have funds that won't be taxed. Of course, you don't want to stock up more than what you'll spend by sometime a little beyond 2014.

Did I miss something? Here's the part that makes me think that:

Which tax locale will be used in calculating my purchases?
We will not apply taxes when you purchase digital content using funds that we deposit into your account at the time of the transition. However, when you use funds that you deposit into your account after the transition (including from Xbox Gift Cards, which will not be subject to tax at purchase), all appropriate taxes will be applied to those purchases based on the ship-to address for your account.

So, Worms Revolution or Ultimate Mayhem?

My friend wants a 3D worms, and it looks like Revolution is just 2D, but why is Revolution the newer/better/more expensive game?
Probably based on sales... I don't think the 3D versions did that well... that game has been a success in 2D... I personally pulled the tirgger on Revolution... seems more interesting than cheezy 3D

That is what I was just looking at. That really sucks. Now games on demand and DLC will have tax? Also are they saying that points you already have before the change will expire in one year or points that are added after the transition. Don't know why anybody wanted the MSP to go away. Highly unlikely we will be getting money cards at 50% off like we got with the MSP cards and now we are getting taxed.
Does anyone know why NFS: Most Wanted 2005 was recently pulled from GoD? I was getting ready to buy it after Target's upcoming point sale & now it's gone. It was there literally last week.
That is what I was just looking at. That really sucks. Now games on demand and DLC will have tax? Also are they saying that points you already have before the change will expire in one year or points that are added after the transition. Don't know why anybody wanted the MSP to go away. Highly unlikely we will be getting money cards at 50% off like we got with the MSP cards and now we are getting taxed.
It seems like after Microsoft retires MSP if we try to purchase something it will trigger the MSP to money conversion. We then have one year to spend the amount that was converted.

It sounds like only MSP in our balance prior to the initial conversion will have that one year time limit. If we redeem an MSP code after the conversion there doesn't seem to be a time limit on those converted funds. However, we only have until basically the end of 2014 to redeem any MSP codes. Also, MSP codes redeemed after the initial conversion seem to have their funds subject to tax.

Some people just hated seeing around $0.50 sitting in their balance. Now instead we'll pay around an extra $0.90 for every $10 we spend. I shook my head when the audience at the press conference cheered at the announcement. The guy on stage must have thought "well, that was a freebie".

Can anyone talk me out of Kung-Fu Impact for Kinect for $5? Or talk me into it? Or well . . . just maybe talk to me?
I enjoyed the Kung Fu: High Impact demo and have been waiting for a good sale on it so I bit...but mostly for my two boys (4 an 6). I'm hoping to get a couple hours playtime out of this, and probably more for my kids. If nothing else it's a good reason to dust off the Kinect.
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^^ lol are you Denver the last dinosaur?

Well then I better add all those codes I got from the 1200 for $5.43 deal. Damn worthless sunny day sale nothing to buy. I hate when we get a random named sale that turns out to suck. Well at lest I know I will have all the Mass Effect DLC before a year goes by since I have to spend all my points by then.
Can anyone talk me out of Kung-Fu Impact for Kinect for $5? Or talk me into it? Or well . . . just maybe talk to me?
I enjoyed the Kung Fu: High Impact demo and have been waiting for a good sale on it so I bit...but mostly for my two boys (4 an 6). I'm hoping to get a couple hours playtime out of this, and probably more for my kids. If nothing else it's a good reason to dust off the Kinect.
Thanks, I ended up buying it. $5 and the fact that it's just 2gb made me pull the trigger. Hard to argue with it. Even if I just get an hour of stupid fun with my nephews with it, it's worth it. I just hope it doesn't wind up being one of the free games I get from Gold in the next 6 months. Actually that goes for everyone as I hope the games we get are awesome AAA games that are no more than 6 month old rather than essentially Kinect shovel-ware or games that are 5 years old and can be grabbed for $5 at Eb Games or that any decent Gold subscriber would have already owned and played. The jury will be out.

^^ lol are you Denver the last dinosaur?
^^ "He's my friend and a whole lot more" - though don't ask me what exactly more than just a friend he might just be . . .

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A friend and I bought The Cursed Crusade. I know it got horribad reviews, but I enjoyed the demo. And it's co-op over 7 hours.

Dungeon Siege 3 or the LOTR GOME is up in the air next.

A friend and I bought The Cursed Crusade. I know it got horribad reviews, but I enjoyed the demo. And it's co-op over 7 hours.

Dungeon Siege 3 or the LOTR GOME is up in the air next.
It got bad reviews? And I actually enjoyed the demo quite a bit too.
Yeah, the A.I. Was apparently horrendous, it had a lot of glitches and it made no sense, but acted as though it did.
I see. At least it's 10 dollars and I don't have to pay full price. Is there any thoughts on Battlestations Pacific and Midway?

Australia gets shafted with this sale as the game on demand games are not on sale here.

I took the link to sale page and put the Australia link in title to see what it woulld come up for us and we only get avatar and theme sale, and tiger woods dlc. This sucks. I also checked and the dlc is the same on the American page so this stuff is also probably on sale in America too.

Australia gets shafted with this sale as the game on demand games are not on sale here.

I took the link to sale page and put the Australia link in title to see what it woulld come up for us and we only get avatar and theme sale, and tiger woods dlc. This sucks. I also checked and the dlc is the same on the American page so this stuff is also probably on sale in America too.
At least we got COD: Black Ops on GoD for $2.95 and Max Payne 3 for $4.95 a couple months back. But yeah we got shafted. Simple as that. Though the sign at Sydney Airport was very clear when I arrived "Welcome to Australia - prepare to get shafted"

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