XBL DotW Sales 2012 |- CLOSED

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[quote name='2nahelper']At the bottom of the Reward offer, the asterisk shows the following: Eligible Superheroes are Captain America, Spider-Man, Batman, Superman, and Iron Man.

So, not ALL Marvel stuff is eligible? If you bought the Hulk fists, for example, it wouldn't count? And how much Superman content is available to count towards this? Me am glad for sale.[/QUOTE]

If only the Marvel Pinball collection would work for this. It has Spider-Man and Iron Man in it. I was planning on buying it this month anyways so maybe I will be pleasantly surprised but I'm not going to hold my breath.
They really should've been more specific on this sale, or better yet, given us a link of all the content that would've count. I mean, what about DLC for Ultimate/Marvel Vs. Capcom 3? That has Cap. America, Spider-Man, AND Iron Man in it (well, maybe not the DLC itself, but still, the game has all three of them in it). Does it count? & same goes for the Pinball FX 2 tables as LV mentioned above.
[quote name='Zonic505']They really should've been more specific on this sale, or better yet, given us a link of all the content that would've count.[/QUOTE]

That's not the Microsoft way. They are purposely vague on nearly every deal they do, and generally requires many a small print to be studied with a magnifying glass.
[quote name='silverrat23']Nope. Managed to win it though![/QUOTE]

Won it earlier as well, Haven't tried it yet.

Once you win the Scratch and Match you also receive Hundreds of Friend Requests and Messages.
[quote name='silverrat23']Nope. Managed to win it though![/QUOTE]

[quote name='smiley80118']Won it earlier as well, Haven't tried it yet.

Once you win the Scratch and Match you also receive Hundreds of Friend Requests and Messages.[/QUOTE]

Yes, that was mentioned earlier. You may want to set your message settings to private.

Also, when you win the game does it just automatically download it for you, or do they email you a code or something?
Man, you all have been talking about the Bing Rewards not working, and I go to put one in today and it doesn't work... I have never had any problems,:cry:

[quote name='tylerh1701']Yes, that was mentioned earlier. You may want to set your message settings to private.

Also, when you win the game does it just automatically download it for you, or do they email you a code or something?[/QUOTE]

I hope it's a code. I already have R-Type, would be nice to be able to gift/sell it if I won.
[quote name='weeman43302']Man, you all have been talking about the Bing Rewards not working, and I go to put one in today and it doesn't work... I have never had any problems,:cry:

I hope it's a code. I already have R-Type, would be nice to be able to gift/sell it if I won.[/QUOTE]

Yup, I was asking for that exact reason.
[quote name='LordVila']If only the Marvel Pinball collection would work for this. It has Spider-Man and Iron Man in it. I was planning on buying it this month anyways so maybe I will be pleasantly surprised but I'm not going to hold my breath.[/QUOTE]
Why would you think that? Honestly, if it comes up in a list when you search XBOX.COM for one of the 5 characters, and a Pinball FX2 table shows as DLC, then there's a very good chance it's going to qualify. After all, there's only 3 avatar items with "Captain America" (1 shirt/gender + the shield), and only 2 avatar shirts (1/gender) when you search for "Iron Man" outside of DLC for other games ... so give them a little credit for being able to do a fast text search for addons.

BTW, here's a quick list I generated with DLC that "should" qualify (though obviously YMMV) ...
... and I linked to it from the OP of the Rewards wiki, so that people can find it again.
[quote name='iNFiNiTE HORiZON']#-o[/QUOTE]

yeah, but you got in on the june deal that was pay 240, get back 80. so at least you got something! :D
[quote name='Tsel']Right after I drop 400 points on a Batman avatar suit...[/QUOTE]

yeah, but you got in on the june deal that was pay 240, get back 80. so at least you got something! :D
[quote name='weeman43302']Man, you all have been talking about the Bing Rewards not working, and I go to put one in today and it doesn't work... I have never had any problems,:cry:

I hope it's a code. I already have R-Type, would be nice to be able to gift/sell it if I won.[/QUOTE]

Oh, man, I hope this gets resolved. Have you contacted customer service?

[quote name='dirtyvu']yeah, but you got in on the june deal that was pay 240, get back 80. so at least you got something! :D[/QUOTE]
Oh yeah, I forgot about that lol.
[quote name='smiley80118']Won it earlier as well, Haven't tried it yet.

Once you win the Scratch and Match you also receive Hundreds of Friend Requests and Messages.[/QUOTE]

I agree! I have been on the free membership for about four months now I received 2 mesages and 2 invites... Weird...
[quote name='tylerh1701']Yes, that was mentioned earlier. You may want to set your message settings to private.

Also, when you win the game does it just automatically download it for you, or do they email you a code or something?[/QUOTE]

It's a download. No code.
Also another thing with the Scratch and Win On the Sales App.

If you win make sure when you download it you stay within the download screen, do not exit out or it will cancel the download.

And another bad glitch i noticed earlier. I won the game and tried to go through game marketplace to redownload it once i seen the download canceled. Well guess what Marketplace says 1200 MSP's still yet. So you have to go back within the Sales App and sit there while she downloads.

(Also as a update i won it around 10 am this morning still at this time (9 P.M.) It still says on xbox.com it costs 1200 to buy)

This could be bad if you decide to delete the game. Means you would lose it.
[quote name='Abbadon74']Oh, man, I hope this gets resolved. Have you contacted customer service?


No I haven't yet. I figure I'll just wait a couple days and see if it resolves itself. If it doesn't, then I'll contact customer service.

I usually put the codes in as soon as I get them just because I like having the points, and I noticed that many people talking about the issue on here have many codes saved. I though maybe this made me safe but apparently not.:whistle2:|
[quote name='smiley80118']Also another thing with the Scratch and Win On the Sales App.

If you win make sure when you download it you stay within the download screen, do not exit out or it will cancel the download.

And another bad glitch i noticed earlier. I won the game and tried to go through game marketplace to redownload it once i seen the download canceled. Well guess what Marketplace says 1200 MSP's still yet. So you have to go back within the Sales App and sit there while she downloads.

(Also as a update i won it around 10 am this morning still at this time (9 P.M.) It still says on xbox.com it costs 1200 to buy)

This could be bad if you decide to delete the game. Means you would lose it.[/QUOTE]

The game can be seen in the downloads history (or at least on my one)
I came across this page that has a ton of coded for Shoot Many Robots in game.items. I believe its stuff you can eventually buy in the game, these just give them to you outright. I played the demo of the game and I wasn't entirely sold despite being compelled to continue playing the trial more. It felt like a weaker somewhat awkward Contra to me. No idea if all the codes have been used.

[quote name='Donnums']I came across this page that has a ton of coded for Shoot Many Robots in game.items. I believe its stuff you can eventually buy in the game, these just give them to you outright. I played the demo of the game and I wasn't entirely sold despite being compelled to continue playing the trial more. It felt like a weaker somewhat awkward Contra to me. No idea if all the codes have been used.


Posted on Monday, March 19

Yes, this is old and they are all used.

As for free stuff not going into your download history, I think this is their way of giving out free stuff. Same thing happend when I downloaded Haunt. So smiley80118 is right, don't delete it if you want to keep it.
[quote name='Donnums']I came across this page that has a ton of coded for Shoot Many Robots in game.items. I believe its stuff you can eventually buy in the game, these just give them to you outright. I played the demo of the game and I wasn't entirely sold despite being compelled to continue playing the trial more. It felt like a weaker somewhat awkward Contra to me. No idea if all the codes have been used.


I got the final achievement (Level 50) for the game last night. I really did not like the game when I started it, but it grew on me. I can actually say it was pretty damn enjoyable towards the end when you're running through levels in multiplayer. It's a one trick pony though so I am sure most will get bored with it once they unlock the level 50 weapons.
[quote name='Sath666']Damn, Spelunky get superb review scores around - http://www.eurogamer.net/articles/2012-07-02-spelunky-review

Now i want to play it now. :([/QUOTE]

Spelunky is hard. Maybe I'm missing something, but there should be some way to permanently improve your character.

All the fun things about the game result in death far too frequently and make me feel like not exploring, but rather just looking for an exit.

For example, there are huge spiders in some of the first Mines, and they drop lots of good loot if you beat them. Keyword IF. I die to them the vast vast majority of the time because Spelunky has no good attacks and they're too fast. So now whenever I see one, no matter how bad I want to attack it and get the loot, I just go the other way.

And the achievements? HAHAHA, they're perfect for the Weekly Cheeve Challenge, cuz some of them seem near-impossible.

tl/dr - I'm underwhelmed with Spelunky.
If you don't like roguelikes, you won't like Spelunky. I've been playing the freeware version for years and rank it as one of my favorite games. Can't wait to play the XBLA version!
[quote name='tylerh1701']Spelunky is hard. Maybe I'm missing something, but there should be some way to permanently improve your character.

All the fun things about the game result in death far too frequently and make me feel like not exploring, but rather just looking for an exit.

I heard it's tough as nails, oldschool game. No hand holding. Pretty excited for this one. Always good to see developers release such a games in years, where most of the games are piss easy qte ''rail-shooters''. :)
[quote name='Sath666']I heard it's tough as nails, oldschool game. No hand holding. Pretty excited for this one. Always good to see developers release such a games in years, where most of the games are piss easy qte ''rail-shooters''. :)[/QUOTE]

I'm interested to see the opinions of the game in this thread after it releases.
(I was able to score a code off of the trading thread, if anyone is wondering how I have it)
I'm still planning to sink several more hours into it, but so far I'm not totally enthralled with it.
I thought the Games on Demand sale was supposed to end tomorrow like the weekly deals normally end? They still have the section up on the dashboard while everything is already back at full price.
[quote name='FriskyTanuki']I thought the Games on Demand sale was supposed to end tomorrow like the weekly deals normally end? They still have the section up on the dashboard while everything is already back at full price.[/QUOTE]

LOL Microsoft. I was gonna buy about 7-9 of them later today or tomorrow morning, but I guess that's out of the question now. I had a feeling this was gonna happen, maybe that's why I held out so long (because subconsciously I knew I didn't need any of these damn games).
I got my Xbox a year ago and am only just now finding out that there are a few awesome original Xbox games on the Marketplace for only 800 points. Just picked up Psychonauts and am stoked! Pretty sure I'm the only one who didn't realize this, but I figured I'd post just in case.
I was like "Ah, might as well pick up Rockstar Table Tennis if it isn't region locked" (I was going to use my US account to buy it, on my US 360 - my EU one is broken - in Denmark... That can cause complications)... Alas, no worries, since it was up to 1600 points again. Oh well.
[quote name='mpaullin']I got my Xbox a year ago and am only just now finding out that there are a few awesome original Xbox games on the Marketplace for only 800 points. Just picked up Psychonauts and am stoked! Pretty sure I'm the only one who didn't realize this, but I figured I'd post just in case.[/QUOTE]

i thought they were 1200
[quote name='Barry Burton']i thought they were 1200[/QUOTE]

Everything I looked at was 800, and I already bought Psychonauts for that much. Perhaps I stumbled across a sale?
So many people were saved from buying a bunch of crappy games because the sale ended early. Count your blessings, deep inside you know you really didn't want to buy those GoD games. ;)
I'm glad that sale ended... Now I don't have to keep almost pulling the trigger on games I would probably regret buying (even at a $4-$5 price point.):puke:
Psychonauts and others were normally 1200 points, though I don't know when they dropped. With the sudden shut down of the Games on Demand sale, I guess anything goes today.
[quote name='ooga']So many people were saved from buying a bunch of crappy games because the sale ended early. Count your blessings, deep inside you know you really didn't want to buy those GoD games. ;)[/QUOTE]

I really want Prince of persia :(
San Andreas and Grabbed by the Ghoulies are also down to 800. Some original Xbox titles are still listed at 1200 so this appears to be a sale opposed to a price drop
For the people that were having issues with Bing 100 MSP codes you might want to try them now. I just tried redeeming one that I had issues with and it worked.
[quote name='LordVila']For the people that were having issues with Bing 100 MSP codes you might want to try them now. I just tried redeeming one that I had issues with and it worked.[/QUOTE]

Yeah the one I was having trouble with yesterday worked today. Maybe they're working out there problems.

About the Xbox Originals, San Andreas has been 800 points for a little while now. It's the only price I have seen it at in a long time. Wish I would have gotten it when it was on sale for 400 points...
The 800 point Xbox Original Games:
Burnout 3: Takedown
Crash Bandicoot: Wrath of Cortex
Crimson Skies: High Road to Revenge
Fuzion Frenzy
Gauntlet: Seven Sorrows
Grabbed by the Ghoulies
Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas
Halo: Combat Evolved
Indigo Prophecy
Jade Empire
Max Payne
Max Payne 2: The Fall of Max Payne
Ninja Gaiden Black
I wonder if I should pull the trigger in Indigo Prophecy. I remember it being epic back in the PS2 days. Never beat it, beat Heavy Rain though.

Worth it at this point for 800 points?
[quote name='aaronrodgers']I wonder if I should pull the trigger in Indigo Prophecy. I remember it being epic back in the PS2 days. Never beat it, beat Heavy Rain though.

Worth it at this point for 800 points?[/QUOTE]

If you really enjoyed Heavy Rain, IP is probably worth it. The story really went off the rails for me after the first few hours (started great, though), and by the end it is a total mess. You could do worse for 800 points.
I thought Indigo Prophecy was pretty badass. I beat it back when it was still called Fahrenheit. Worth it for $10 if you have never played it.

Ninja Gaiden Black is the best game out of that list though for $10. I would pick it up if I didn't have the disc version.

I will be picking up Spelunky on the 4th (unless I can manage to score a code). Been waiting for it to come out for quite some time now.
[quote name='mpaullin']If you really enjoyed Heavy Rain, IP is probably worth it. The story really went off the rails for me after the first few hours (started great, though), and by the end it is a total mess. You could do worse for 800 points.[/QUOTE]

I'm hearing that as "This game ended in a total trainwreck, but it's still somehow worth $10".

Seriously, don't do it. I paid $5 on Steam and still felt ripped off. The absolute batshit retardation of the ending pretty much cancels out whatever kind of great start it had.

Back to Spelunky, I was interested at first, but the price point and the Flash-esque graphics turn me off. I guess I'll just play the PC version at some point. I may pick up Ninja Gaiden Black, though.
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