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I finally started up Bully SE and the framerate definitely isn't perfect by any means. It's mostly fine, but I definitely see some moments where it noticeably drops a little bit and I'm not the type of person that is bothered by that. The camera is another weird thing I noticed right away since it uses the classic last gen-style camera that doesn't move like all third-person games do now, which is always something I see in all of the HD remasters of last-gen games. The game definitely looks better than the PS2 original, though that's with the caveat that they mainly just made the game look cleaner and improved textures and that sort of stuff.

The achievements all look to be either complete Chapter 1, 2, 3, etc. or do X mechanic Y times, so that's not a surprise from an early Xbox 360 achievement list.

To talk about the game itself, it's easily my favorite Rockstar game due to the great story, the grounded characters, and the great gameplay mechanics that were a big improvement over what we had to endure in the GTA III Trilogy.
[quote name='Bloomy']Each episode is already 400 (I'm inferring your use of "instead of" to mean you think the sale price would be 400, though I could be reading that wrong). With the first episode being free, I wouldn't be surprised if the others dropped to 250. While that's a bit of an odd price for XBLM, getting them all during the sale would then cost 1,000 MSP, half off the non-sale price. And given the accolades the game has received, I'd pick it up at that price.[/QUOTE]

they are 400 now, i meant for an input on them possibly dropping to 200.

250 makes sense
For the walking dead, I'm just waiting for the compilation disk to be half off. I got black to the future for $10 like that about 6 months after release. Expect the walking dead disk to be 15 sometime next year.
[quote name='Blaster man']For the walking dead, I'm just waiting for the compilation disk to be half off. I got black to the future for $10 like that about 6 months after release. Expect the walking dead disk to be 15 sometime next year.[/QUOTE]
They made a blaxploitation game based on Back to the Future?

Also with all the problems from the Walking Dead on disc game, I'd rather just save the trouble and get the downloads so I don't have to worry.
[quote name='Blaster man']For the walking dead, I'm just waiting for the compilation disk to be half off. I got black to the future for $10 like that about 6 months after release. Expect the walking dead disk to be 15 sometime next year.[/QUOTE]

I might do this aswell. Each game is around 600 MB so your looking at 3 GB and some change of memory for the first season. If you get it on retail, you could also sell your copy once you complete the game.
I really want to like Hell Yeah! Wrath of the Dead Rabbit more than I do, but it's feeling more like a 400 msp game for me. That's the good news (for my very limited pool of points)... The bad news is that I had a great time with the Serious Sam 3 demo. Great graphics, old school shooter feel, and a generous auto aim (something that seemed to be lacking on the first 2 encounters on the Xbox). And for the person commenting about the lack of ammo for the pistol, it's one of those magical infinite reload variety...just in case that was a serious question. ;-)

Midnight Club LA is my favorite racer this generation. The open worlds, vehicle variety, cop chases, controls, and sense of speed were exactly what in was looking for. Even the music is pretty good. My one gripe was the tedious requirement of having to drive to every single race; no teleport option. :whistle2:\
Does anyone know if the PS3 extras in Joe Danger 2 are available for 360 yet? Not sure if I should buy now, or wait for a sale for that version.
[quote name='bshirk']Does anyone know if the PS3 extras in Joe Danger 2 are available for 360 yet? Not sure if I should buy now, or wait for a sale for that version.[/QUOTE]

There's PS3 extras? Tell me more...
[quote name='VidPower']There's PS3 extras? Tell me more...[/QUOTE]
I Think Joe Danger 2 came in two or three months after the 360 version and it had some extra levels and vehicles, kinda like how 360 got JD1 and we got the "Extended Cut" levels or whatever. Though so far as far as I know they're all still exclusive to their own console.
[quote name='bardockkun']I Think Joe Danger 2 came in two or three months after the 360 version and it had some extra levels and vehicles, kinda like how 360 got JD1 and we got the "Extended Cut" levels or whatever. Though so far as far as I know they're all still exclusive to their own console.[/QUOTE]

We knew we had to go back to the drawing board, we wanted Joe Danger to be more accessible and easier to get into. We scrapped about half of the levels, and toned down the rest. Then we added a huge amount of new content, to make the original Joe Danger the 25 hour fun-fest that was such a hit on PS3!

The sad thing is, no one ever got to play this prototype game we now refer to as “Joe Danger Gaiden”. It was an alternate Joe Danger for a true fan, and I still play it every now and then. When we came to make the PS3 version of Joe Danger 2, I thought it would be a great opportunity to let our original fans play this unseen version.

So what is it? Well, it’s a complete game that takes easily ten hours to complete. Many of the levels will be familiar to fans of the original, and others are experiments that we loved but were too challenging or quirky for the main game.

We’ve gone back and added all the cool new things from Joe Danger 2, like Pro Medals, Ghosts, new leaderboards and hidden challenges where you become a monkey on a jetpack!

All the levels use the scrambler from the original, which isn’t normally in Joe Danger 2. You play as Team Nasty (Joe’s rivals), and each one of the 5 members gets their own tour with 5 levels each! It starts out easy, but it really does get intense!

It is set in the Motion Capture lab from Joe Danger 2. This is a pure, abstract environment, and is where we develop all our levels and experiment (we use the grid markings to make the levels flow perfectly). It allows you to focus on the challenge!
[quote name='FriskyTanuki']

The achievements all look to be either complete Chapter 1, 2, 3, etc. or do X mechanic Y times, so that's not a surprise from an early Xbox 360 achievement list.

To talk about the game itself, it's easily my favorite Rockstar game due to the great story, the grounded characters, and the great gameplay mechanics that were a big improvement over what we had to endure in the GTA III Trilogy.[/QUOTE]

One thing to note is that the bicycle repair "Shop" minigame is pretty much FUBAR (at least it was in the disc version). You kinda have to start the motions of rotating the sticks before the prompt appears on-screen or else it registers as too late. You can look on gamefaqs for the sequences/tips on how to complete.

However, that doesn't really tarnish what is otherwise an excellent game. For more fun, with a touch of 'shared experience', I suggest listening to the Rebel-FM "Game Club" podcasts. They took Bully off their 'Pile of Shame' and invited listeners to play along with them over the course of 4 or 5 episodes. This was when I played and it was nice to hear what others were thinking about the same parts of the games.

It's very similar to GiantBomb's "Faces of Death" series chronicling The Walking Dead episodes except in podcast not written form. As Bully is broken mostly into chapters (with some open world side mission stuff), the format really works. I enjoyed it a lot.
[quote name='iRandom']Catan and Serious Sam 3 BFE worth it?
I need that extra push[/QUOTE]

Well I bought Catan today and am enjoying it for the most part. Never played the board game, but I did the "tutorial" round and thought it was pretty cool. Nice and relaxing, something you can pick up and play a match or two and come back later. Haven't tried the online yet, so no idea how active it is. I bought the extra generals thing too, though that probably isn't necessary.
[quote name='seppuku']
Midnight Club LA is my favorite racer this generation. The open worlds, vehicle variety, cop chases, controls, and sense of speed were exactly what in was looking for. Even the music is pretty good. My one gripe was the tedious requirement of having to drive to every single race; no teleport option. :whistle2:\[/QUOTE]

You sold be on it, if I hate it I will remember you :cold:

For Bully, I only have the 100% cheevo left, liked it alot but I still have like 15 GoD that I havent played yet so no time to start over on a 100% file
[quote name='merchie89']You sold be on it, if I hate it I will remember you :cold:

For Bully, I only have the 100% cheevo left, liked it alot but I still have like 15 GoD that I havent played yet so no time to start over on a 100% file[/QUOTE]

Maybe you could let us know then if it's the complete edition with all the DLC. Saw it asked a couple times, but don't recall anybody ever answering it yet.
[quote name='JStryke']Maybe you could let us know then if it's the complete edition with all the DLC. Saw it asked a couple times, but don't recall anybody ever answering it yet.[/QUOTE]
It is
I have never bought an xbla game before and was curious to whether or not games become a lot more cheap for those patient enough. With the backlog I have, it may well be over a year before I can tackle Fez, MotN, and super meat boy. Do you guys think from past experience that the games will be cheaper in the future? (Considering SMB is a couple of years old and still at 1200 msp at regular price seems to indicate that price drops are not frequent but I have basically zero experience with xbla games.)
[quote name='karekano126']I have never bought an xbla game before and was curious to whether or not games become a lot more cheap for those patient enough. With the backlog I have, it may well be over a year before I can tackle Fez, MotN, and super meat boy. Do you guys think from past experience that the games will be cheaper in the future? (Considering SMB is a couple of years old and still at 1200 msp at regular price seems to indicate that price drops are not frequent but I have basically zero experience with xbla games.)[/QUOTE]

Usually games go for 50% off when they go on sale. If you're patient (and lucky) you'll be able to occasionally find a better deal. I bought Braid when it first went on sale for 1/3 off. A year and a half later it hit 2/3 off its original price. I don't think it's been on sale since then. As long as you buy it on sale you won't feel too bad when/if it goes on sale for slightly cheaper.
[quote name='JStryke']Maybe you could let us know then if it's the complete edition with all the DLC. Saw it asked a couple times, but don't recall anybody ever answering it yet.[/QUOTE]
Added a note to the OP confirming it's the complete edition. Does anyone know if RDR is the complete edition with the Nightmare Collection, or just the original game? I'm scraping the Xbox.com forums, but not finding an answer ... yet. :)
[quote name='Thrinn']Usually games go for 50% off when they go on sale. If you're patient (and lucky) you'll be able to occasionally find a better deal. I bought Braid when it first went on sale for 1/3 off. A year and a half later it hit 2/3 off its original price. I don't think it's been on sale since then. As long as you buy it on sale you won't feel too bad when/if it goes on sale for slightly cheaper.[/QUOTE]

So I guess permanent price drops aren't as frequent as I hoped. Regular Price drop + frequent 50~75% sale was what I was hoping for but I guess that was wishful thinking.

Man do I hate being indecisive. (But it's really hard to change that aspect of myself.)
Thanks for your input and info! Will definitely consider it while I ponder a bit more.
[quote name='karekano126']I have never bought an xbla game before and was curious to whether or not games become a lot more cheap for those patient enough. With the backlog I have, it may well be over a year before I can tackle Fez, MotN, and super meat boy. Do you guys think from past experience that the games will be cheaper in the future? (Considering SMB is a couple of years old and still at 1200 msp at regular price seems to indicate that price drops are not frequent but I have basically zero experience with xbla games.)[/QUOTE]

Seriously? You've NEVER bought 1 single xbla game?

If i recall correctly, you get that gamerpic ingame from spolsion man.
[quote name='Cornelius']Added a note to the OP confirming it's the complete edition. Does anyone know if RDR is the complete edition with the Nightmare Collection, or just the original game? I'm scraping the Xbox.com forums, but not finding an answer ... yet. :)[/QUOTE]

since its GoD, pretty sure its the regular game. It would have to be a bundle type sale with the add ons
[quote name='Royal High Knight']Seriously? You've NEVER bought 1 single xbla game?[/QUOTE]

Yup. Unless you consider Gears of War 3 season pass as a xbla game. That is the only 'paid' thing I've bought on xbox live.

I guess it's more of a first experience thing that is holding me back from purchasing. I imagine if I grab one game today, the flood gates will open and I'll grab everything that I'm even slightly interested in. It's that first step that's hard I guess.

EDIT: Splosion man I bought in the disc with limbo, trials and splosion man.
[quote name='iRandom']Catan and Serious Sam 3 BFE worth it? I need that extra push[/QUOTE]
You've got until at least Sunday to make up your mind on Catan, and maybe your point balance will help you with the decision. "Catan" is probably the best casual turn-based experience you can have (note I said "casual", rather than "stressful" like Civilization or Puzzle Quest). When you turn it up to "high", at least 1 of the 3 AI will give you a challenge (though usually due to abstaining from card-trading), and the random placement of the board (and initial order of city placement) can work immediately against you.

The Generals pack (adds new AI personas) and the Mayfair tiles (painted look) aren't necessary at all, and in fact, I play without the Mayfair tiles, since they're not starkly different in color.
Anybody that is thinking of picking up Midnight Club LA today should take a look at Best Buy. There's a special going on where you can get the Complete Edition of the Game for $13, which includes the South Central DLC. Not bad for only $3 more, IMO.
[quote name='icefiretn']Anybody that is thinking of picking up Midnight Club LA today should take a look at Best Buy. There's a special going on where you can get the Complete Edition of the Game for $13, which includes the South Central DLC. Not bad for only $3 more, IMO.[/QUOTE]
Unless you like GoD games running 100% from the HDD ... or you purchase points at 22% off from CrazyGameTime, making it $7.80 on GoD vs. $14.22 for WA state residents (w/ 9.5% sales tax). :lol:

[quote name='merchie89']since its GoD, pretty sure its the regular game. It would have to be a bundle type sale with the add ons[/QUOTE]
Yep, confirmed it's the regular game from announcements back in Dec, 2010, and added that caveat to the OP (in addition to MC's note). BTW, the S&S+ scratch prize is "Aqua" ... I know y'all were waiting for that news as well. :lol:
[quote name='icefiretn']Anybody that is thinking of picking up Midnight Club LA today should take a look at Best Buy. There's a special going on where you can get the Complete Edition of the Game for $13, which includes the South Central DLC. Not bad for only $3 more, IMO.[/QUOTE]
It's been $10 a few times at Gamestop and both them and Amazon had it for that price during Black Friday weekend as well. Though XBL wins out simply because half price points basically makes the game $5 so right on my HDD it goes!
[quote name='Cornelius']Unless you like GoD games running 100% from the HDD ... or you purchase points at 22% off from CrazyGameTime, making it $7.80 on GoD vs. $14.22 for WA state residents (w/ 9.5% sales tax). :lol:

Yep, confirmed it's the regular game from announcements back in Dec, 2010, and added that caveat to the OP (in addition to MC's note). BTW, the S&S+ scratch prize is "Aqua" ... I know y'all were waiting for that news as well. :lol:[/QUOTE]

Do you laugh out loud at cancer too? You sure :lol: a lot. Pretty funny though!

I actually just tried Aqua two days ago after buying it on sale... um... whenever the hell it went on sale LONG ago. I only played for about 15 minutes but it seemed fun.

As for GoDs, you make a nice comparison but I do love my physical collection. That, and I'm already fed up with how much deleting/reinstalling I do with my crammed 250 GB hard drive. If it isn't GoD exclusive, then I take the Trent Reznor "I do not want this" stance.
[quote name='sykotek']Is it worth getting the SS3:BFE DLC now if I don't plan to ever play multiplayer versus? I read somewhere that it could have more content for the main game as well, but I'm not sure because the PC version's DLC is named the same also.

Also, did anyone else notice the January listing for the new XBLA Sam indie game?[/QUOTE]

I didn't see anyone else answer my question. The Xbox Serious Sam: Jewel of the Nile DLC contains new single and co-op levels. Just thought I'd post in case anyone else here was curious about whether they should pick up the DLC while it is still on sale.
Man I really want to get back in and finish Undead Nightmare but the base game of RDR is in no way still worth $20. For $15 I might bite, for $10 I'd be all over it and is what it should be IMO.
[quote name='karekano126']Yup. Unless you consider Gears of War 3 season pass as a xbla game. That is the only 'paid' thing I've bought on xbox live.

I guess it's more of a first experience thing that is holding me back from purchasing. I imagine if I grab one game today, the flood gates will open and I'll grab everything that I'm even slightly interested in. It's that first step that's hard I guess.

EDIT: Splosion man I bought in the disc with limbo, trials and splosion man.[/QUOTE]

Wow thats crazy. Congrats I guess? :whistle2:s
[quote name='Cornelius']Unless you like GoD games running 100% from the HDD ... or you purchase points at 22% off from CrazyGameTime, making it $7.80 on GoD vs. $14.22 for WA state residents (w/ 9.5% sales tax). :lol:

Fair enough :). I buy all my points from CrazyGameTime, but between all the other good sales and buying past games, my 250 GB HD was filling up, so I decided to go with the disc. Plus, I saw that the DLC was currently 1000 MSP, so I figured if anyone was interested in both the game + DLC it still might be worth it!

Edit: nm, I just read in the other thread that the GoD version IS the complete version, so if you have cheap points and the hard drive space, then that's the one to go with. I still prefer having the disc for a little bit more tho :)
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Played the demos for Joe Danger 2 and Trine 2. Enjoyed them both, but I don't think I'll be picking either up. I have more than enough points, but these are the tough choices I need to make.

Joe Danger 2 looks great, but there's a lot of set pieces with the movie aspect of the game. If Joe Danger SE ever went on sale for 400, I'd pick it up, I really enjoyed the demo of that and it might be more my style.

Trine 2 is gorgeous and I had fun with the demo, but I feel like I did everything I can do in the game just from those 20 minutes, and fwiw, I likely wont have any friends to play coop with, so that factors in
[quote name='karekano126']Yup. Unless you consider Gears of War 3 season pass as a xbla game. That is the only 'paid' thing I've bought on xbox live.

I guess it's more of a first experience thing that is holding me back from purchasing. I imagine if I grab one game today, the flood gates will open and I'll grab everything that I'm even slightly interested in. It's that first step that's hard I guess.

EDIT: Splosion man I bought in the disc with limbo, trials and splosion man.[/QUOTE]

Sounds like a gateway drug.....lmao. Honestly, the one thing that gets me the most about the arcade games is the nostalgia factor. I would say most of the arcade games are worth the purchase, as long as you plan on playing them. I ended up just buying games because they were cheap which has led me to 100+ arcade games and a serious backlog.
[quote name='iRandom']Catan and Serious Sam 3 BFE worth it?
I need that extra push[/QUOTE]

did you like Serious Sam: The First Encounter or Serious Sam: The Second Encounter?

if you liked those, you'll like Serious Sam 3. It's similar gameplay but wtih modern graphics. the other 2 were revamped with newer graphics (lighting, textures) but the models were pretty much the same. SS3 looks like a newer game.

but it has occasional split-second pauses during the game. I just got it. went through a couple of levels. here's me playing the first level (I basically only have a melee weapon since the first firearm only came with 10 bullets):


go to 20:14 for an example of the pausing during midlevel loading.
for sample gameplay, starting at that 20:14 point and going forward is a good representation of the beginning of the game.
now i'm kind of doubting myself and I really want trine 2. This preview video for the rest of the game looks fantastic. Wish I could convince a friend to buy it, its just not the same with a random coop partner, and playing single player feels so lonely in this world
I think I'm gonna blind buy Mark of the Ninja and just get HELL YEAH! on Steam since it's been cheaper there in the past already.
Does the Xbox version of Plants vs. Zombies have any extras that make it stand out over the PS3 version?

In the meantime, in for Fez and maybe Hell Yeah!
I recommend Mark of the Ninja, great game with good replay value.

I just cashed in 400 M$ pts from Bing so I had to pick up Fez...not sure when I will have time to play it however ;)
[quote name='karekano126']Yup. Unless you consider Gears of War 3 season pass as a xbla game. That is the only 'paid' thing I've bought on xbox live.

I guess it's more of a first experience thing that is holding me back from purchasing. I imagine if I grab one game today, the flood gates will open and I'll grab everything that I'm even slightly interested in. It's that first step that's hard I guess.

EDIT: Splosion man I bought in the disc with limbo, trials and splosion man.[/QUOTE]

I was just like you - bought the Limbo 3 pack a few weeks back, was blown away by how good they were. Today I decided to take the plunge and bought a $20 card and got Mark of the Ninja, Fez, and Trine 2. I'm really liking what I've played so far - go for it!
[quote name='karekano126']Yup. Unless you consider Gears of War 3 season pass as a xbla game. That is the only 'paid' thing I've bought on xbox live.

I guess it's more of a first experience thing that is holding me back from purchasing. I imagine if I grab one game today, the flood gates will open and I'll grab everything that I'm even slightly interested in. It's that first step that's hard I guess.

EDIT: Splosion man I bought in the disc with limbo, trials and splosion man.[/QUOTE]

Turn around and run or else next year you will be posting this:

[quote name='F1ngers of fury']I ended up just buying games because they were cheap which has led me to 100+ arcade games and a serious backlog.[/QUOTE]

I have around 100 XBLA games as well but only about 10 in the backlog. I think it is an amazing service. It allows smaller devs to get their games on a platform with 70+ million users! That allows us access to more games. win/win for sure...
[quote name='MasaTFC']so this is a PSA reminder- Go buy Rayman fucking Origins. Its 800 MSP, and its amazing.[/QUOTE]

Listen to this person. S/he knows what the dealio is.
[quote name='F1ngers of fury']I ended up just buying games because they were cheap which has led me to 100+ arcade games and a serious backlog.[/QUOTE]

I'll be working on around 275 after this sale's over and done with. I don't know what's more ridiculous, how many XBLA games I have or how little time I've put into the collection - I've gone several weeks at a time without gaming (why?) and have a habit of quickly shifting interest from one game to another, so I've finished so very few of my games. And let's not even talk about my absurd piles upon piles of games on disc/cartridge.

I wouldn't go back on most of those purchases, though I do wonder what possessed me to buy the sports titles on XBLA...
[quote name='dark_inchworm']I'll be working on around 275 after this sale's over and done with. I don't know what's more ridiculous, how many XBLA games I have or how little time I've put into the collection - I've gone several weeks at a time without gaming (why?) and have a habit of quickly shifting interest from one game to another, so I've finished so very few of my games. And let's not even talk about my absurd piles upon piles of games on disc/cartridge.

I wouldn't go back on most of those purchases, though I do wonder what possessed me to buy the sports titles on XBLA...[/QUOTE]

You just saved me from having to type the exact same thing. Time I can put towards NOT playing the games I picked up. ;)
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