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[quote name='RollingSkull']To be honest, I think Ikaruga is overrated as hell. Much rather get me some Cave games.

Speaking of which, obligatory.


I'm not sure what exactly that video was, but it was hilarious.
Man, wish I had seen Metro 2033 confirmed as counting while that was still on sale. I kept going back and forth, but that probably would have pushed me over the edge to get it. Ah well.
[quote name='Skydude']Man, wish I had seen Metro 2033 confirmed as counting while that was still on sale. I kept going back and forth, but that probably would have pushed me over the edge to get it. Ah well.[/QUOTE]

I don't know how you haven't played it already with a 200,000+ gamerscore. Amazing.
[quote name='RollingSkull']For what it's worth, I tried the Naughty Bear demo and I still do like Naughty Bear and bought it post haste.

I still don't think it's a particularly well done game but there's really nothing else quite like it.[/QUOTE]

I agree. As soon as both games go on sale it'll be a instant ppurchase for me.
also there is Man Hunt....people can't forget about that game
[quote name='Gabrius']So... I need to spend 800 more to hit 2000 on the Shocktober promo. Do I get some Bioshock 2 DLC even though I wasn't the biggest fan of Bioshock 1, or do I pick up Decay 1-4? Help!!![/QUOTE]

Your gaming history is lacking both of the GoD titles, so why no pick up either of those, particularly with RE4's high Metacritic score?
I was going to pick up RE4 since I have not played it, and I probably would have had I been able to pick it up with MS Points, but I'm not going to attach my Credit Card or Paypal to my Xbox Live account. Not again.

I could just put the money towards Vanquish or Shadows of the Damned.
[quote name='Daemonocracy']I was going to pick up RE4 since I have not played it, and I probably would have had I been able to pick it up with MS Points, but I'm not going to attach my Credit Card or Paypal to my Xbox Live account. Not again.

I could just put the money towards Vanquish or Shadows of the Damned.[/QUOTE]

:lol: :roll:
[quote name='GUNNM']I guess I shouldn't be an asshole just press X.[/QUOTE]

It's ok. I think most in this thread are extremely tired with that question/comment.
[quote name='Cornelius']Your gaming history is lacking both of the GoD titles, so why no pick up either of those, particularly with RE4's high Metacritic score?[/QUOTE]

If you're measuring my collection by my gaming history, you're missing about 60% of my collection ;)

(I bought RE4 a week ago)
[quote name='Skydude']Man, wish I had seen Metro 2033 confirmed as counting while that was still on sale. I kept going back and forth, but that probably would have pushed me over the edge to get it. Ah well.[/QUOTE]

same here... i am very happy with my trip through Rapture though
[quote name='warboss zorbag']You Can't buy RE4 with points?
Isn't there an option to use points at checkout?[/QUOTE]


Tell me when next week's deals start, Spylon.
[quote name='Thrinn']More or less. They've done a handful of minor gameplay tweaks here and there. There's also an option that allows you to control two ships at once with one controller. I can't recall if the Gamecube version had that mode or not.[/QUOTE]
Nope, Gamecube was just playable ship the whole time, but it's hard for me to fathom the onslaught with one ship as is.
[quote name='tylerh1701']It's ok. I think most in this thread are extremely tired with that question/comment.[/QUOTE]

My favorite part of this question is it tells you what button to push on the same screen where they are attempting to buy it. Argh! These are the people that walk up to the desk under the "Electronics" sign in Target and ask the guy there where the electronics section is.
[quote name='PrinnyJ']My favorite part of this question is it tells you what button to push on the same screen where they are attempting to buy it. Argh! These are the people that walk up to the desk under the "Electronics" sign in Target and ask the guy there where the electronics section is.[/QUOTE]

you actually have to go to the purchase menu to do so, so no its not like its easy to see that if you dont know any better. If something is listed as 9.99 right beside something thats listed as 800 pts there would be an inquiry regarding accepted payments anywhere you wish to go.

By your analogy. The option to pay with cash or points really isnt given to you unless you go to the register with your item, and who wants to get embarrassed by not knowing any better at Target? Show of hands?
Well i bought bioshock 1 and 2 and resident evil 4 love both bioshocks but my god the controls on resident evil 4 it had been awhile since i played a resident evil game really funky controls
[quote name='Juice el Savior']im still hoping someone will try selling me on minerva's den other than "its awesome"

i dont get it, what makes it so special?[/QUOTE]

How awesome it is.
[quote name='Juice el Savior']im still hoping someone will try selling me on minerva's den other than "its awesome"

i dont get it, what makes it so special?[/QUOTE]It's probably the greatest expansion to any game ever. It adds another amazing story to the bioshock universe. And it has a game within a game (Spitfire). It's worth it just for the story. It'll keep you hooked.
[quote name='Juice el Savior']im still hoping someone will try selling me on minerva's den other than "its awesome"

i dont get it, what makes it so special?[/QUOTE]

The people that made this DLC did such a great job they left 2K and formed their own studio.

According to Giant Bomb, it's worthy of buying Bioshock 2 just to play it.
[quote name='Bosamba']The people that made this DLC did such a great job they left 2K and formed their own studio.

According to Giant Bomb, it's worthy of buying Bioshock 2 just to play it.

okay... im sold... here is hoping to nothing awesome being on sale this coming week :lol:
Wonder if more GoD are going to go on sale. Microsoft needs to keep putting games at 50%. Mad I missed out on Metro, but Ive been really into Catherine lately. Super happy I picked it up when it was on sale.
[quote name='PrinnyJ']My favorite part of this question is it tells you what button to push on the same screen where they are attempting to buy it. Argh! These are the people that walk up to the desk under the "Electronics" sign in Target and ask the guy there where the electronics section is.[/QUOTE]

I just looked into it further, and I would have to press "purchase" before the option to press X pops up on the screen. There is no prompt to press X for MS points in the initial overview like there should be.

The way it is set up suggests that you can only purchase it with dollars instead of points.

So no, it did not tell me what to do clearly and only throws it in at the very last screen. It's like waiting for the final checkout screen after putting an item in my virtual cart before I am made aware of alternative payment options.

I suppose things like this make you feel intellectually superior, and I'm glad you found a way to boost your self esteem, but it's not the most straightforward system for people who never buy games on demand and are instead used to points.

As for others who were helpful, even if frustrated with the question being asked repeatedly, thank you for clearing up that points can be used - you just need to be at the final purchase screen.
[quote name='Chrono Gear']Put me in this category. Wasn't interested in this type of game then and not a fan now. But to each his own so if people like it, good for them. I pretty much feel the same about the CoD phenomenon. As long as Activision is willing to make games like Blur with the cash they earn from the CoDs they churn out every year I'm willing to deal with it.[/QUOTE]

Oh yes, I love Blur, too bad Activision shut down the wonderful devs at Bizarre Creations. They were responsible for games I enjoyed like the aforementioned Blur, Geometry Wars: Retro Evolved 2, Metropolis Street Racer, and the Project Gotham Racing series. I acknowledge the Call of Duty series is popular, I just haven't played most of them yet. I guess a large portion of what makes a game resonate with a player is when they are willing participants for it, even with horror. I do enjoy some horror-themed games, and I gotta figure out which ones do I match up with my 800MSP purchase of Metro 2033 for the rewards offer.

[quote name='Righteous Nixon']It doesnt have anything to do with being lazy. Updating the graphics is one thing but updating the control scheme....well, that changes the game itself, quite dramatically in fact. Capcom understands that these kinds of HD updates should be about allowing people to play them in HD on the current generation of consoles. It shouldn't be about dramatically changing the game experience itself. Resident Evil is a perfect example as the control scheme of the early games played a very large role in the overall atmosphere of the games themselves. The tension wouldn't be anywhere near the same with an updated control system. Not even close. Basically, the Early Resident Evil games would be completely different games with updated controls.

Some people like these HD updates and some people don't like them, for one reason or another. Personally, I love them and cant wait to see what other games get the HD update in the months and years to come. That being said, if they start dramatically changing the games themselves, I wont be buying them. The game companies should preserve the game experience as much as humanely possible in these updates. They should update the graphics and leave everything else untouched. Thankfully that seems to be the approach that most companies are taking with these games and it isn because of laziness. Its because its the proper approach to these kinds of games.[/QUOTE]

I feel that if an old game is to be released on contemporary systems they should be done right. I expect the games as I remembered with modern amenities such as options on how the graphics are displayed, achievements/trophies, optional galleries/information, and solid netcode. Pretty much a labor of love. I've gone at length about how I feel emulation should be done (prefer: unfiltered pixel art, uninterpreted non-smoothed out sprites, non-stretched widescreen support, low price). As for HD re-releases, I encourage them so long as they do not ruin the original vision of the game. It is even better if the HD update allow for the original to be played as it was as well.

I approve of HD remakes done in the style of Halo: Anniversary, The Secret of Monkey Island Special Editions, and Guardian Heroes where you can choose to play them in the original format (and specifically with the way I prefer emulation noted above for the latter two titles). While R-type Dimensions does allow for switching between the new-style polygons and original pixel art, the original had its hit boxes feel better for precision thus I prefer it for play over the look of the newer polygons, but I am very happy the option is there to switch. I felt Super Street Fighter 2 Turbo HD-Remix was a whiff even though it gave an option to play in the original format (actually, just the play mechanics of SSF2T along with blurred filtered original sprites, which looks even worse placed over their re-imagined backgrounds).
I almost went so far as to demonstrate how I felt HD pixel art characters should be done. What I felt was a misstep with the game using drawings it ended out to be (upper right) rather than improve the original (lower left) to HD-resolution pixel art (center) [image also shows how the character sprites were made from the 32x32 tiles on the upper left]. While that image I made (in the center) was still a work-in-progress which I never finished, notable by mistakes with the boots, arms/gloves, hair, jawline, breasts, and hat; I felt the actual game's style ruined some small subtleties the original game had, such as how every character's in-game face was in profile to show they were facing their opponent, maintaining Akiman's original style of the time, the color palette restriction for characters, and dithering technique used commonly for Capcom's pixel art at the time when SSF2T was released. (Also, yes, that is the alpha client of GGPO, I had 18 MF'ing Firefoxes open, my screen resolution was that low then, and I realize the image is a JPG which ruins pixel art with artifacts and blurs but I just wanted to show my friend my current progress with a quick screencap even though a PNG is ideal for pixel art >__<

Which brings me to the deal this past week of Resident Evil 4, that I am still debating on getting. I already have the game on other platforms including the PS3 (it was on sale for $10 there long ago before), but I do love the game (and Ashley Graham's ballistics). I know it is a lazy "HD" port since all Capcom did was just use the old game and put it on the 360 which just upscans it to the display resolution. Polygons are resolution independent, but fortunately they used the Gamecube/Wii textures and shaders instead of the horrid PS2 textures and shaders. However I wish they would take the effort in improving the textures like the way Beyond Good & Evil HD and Perfect Dark did it, but like poor emulation it feels like a cash grab which makes me think twice about paying for the game once again.

[quote name='eastx']That's silly talk. You might as well say RE4 wouldn't be RE4 any more if they'd actually updated the graphics. Are you familiar with RE4 on Wii or PC? Both of those games support alternate control methods and yet they are still RE4. In fact, many gamers feel the Wii version is the best because it has more intuitive controls. Difficult, antiquated, or poorly-thought-out controls create a barrier between the player and the game. The barrier is not too great for most of us in this case, but it is enough for some people.

Anyway, the fact that Capcom actually did create an all-new and more effective control scheme for RE4 on the Wii is all the argument we need that they could've added a new option on 360 and would've complained.[/QUOTE]

As for control changes, eastx did mention the Wii and PC iterations of Resident Evil 4 which did take the effort to improve the controls a bit. I also found the newer modern control schemes worked well on the XBLA Perfect Dark, and the added touch of a right analog stick camera control to the XBLA Jet Set Radio did make the games better. I understand some games are about getting used to their style of controls like the old Xbox title, GunValkyrie (which is not backwards compatible on the 360), or your first few times trying a fighting game. For Resident Evil 4, it was part of its play to stop and take careful aim for the game's pacing, but maybe some people have grown accustomed to aiming with the right analog stick. Similarly Deadly Premonition and the original Dead Rising had left analog stick aiming modes, which made players adjust and adapt to its control scheme. The sequels to Dead Rising did make the change to right analog stick aiming because so many are accustomed to that. It takes me a bit, but eventually I do adapt and can play a game fine for most titles.

[quote name='billydeewilliams']which dishwasher games is better?[/QUOTE]

I really loved the sequel, The Diswasher: Vampire Smile, and is the one I personally prefer. The primary reason because it is easy, unlike its predecessor which got too difficult (for me) at a point that I had to stop. I especially love the song The Sunken March, it should be like my theme song =P ... it is my most favorite track of the game. Reason enough to get it when it is on sale again. EDIT: As a special note, according to the [thread=292253]Xbox Rewards Wiki[/thread] from this site, the superior sequel does not count towards the Shocktober rewards. However, I enjoyed up to the point where I stopped on the original The Diswasher: Dead Samurai which does qualify for the rewards offer. To me, that one is too difficult but has its worth in supporting the indie developer, James Silva and the rest of Ska Studios.

[quote name='Jackie Chandler']Don't be silly. No one on CAG gets to games in their backlog.[/QUOTE]

Well, it was a decent week for me. I managed to knock out Bioshock 2 from my backlog, along with a couple of the DLC which I got from a previous sale. I did get A's on the Protector Trials (and some A+'s), it probably was my fault for playing this so soon after playing through the main game twice that I looked to each trial with trepidation (I don't wanna), but fortunately none of them are difficult (good for my perfect storm of game-playing inabilities) and upon completion it gave me an extra plasmid for the Minerva's Den add-on. I agree with most the sentiments on this thread that the Minerva's Den add-on was worth the 400MSP discount price, since I felt it had much better pacing than that of the main game, yet it gave a similar experience.

Once I finished Bioshock 2, I was considering my next item to knock off my backlog. Fortunately PlayXBLA's Weekend Achievement Challenge gave me an idea, and I already had all the Kingdom for Keflings achievements they were asking for. I owned Banjo-Kazooie from a previous sale (which was lazy in the graphics being just upscaled in resolution, but the textures were still N64, but at least they took the effort to retool the game for XBLA like "stop n' swap") and wanted to gauge how difficult the 4 achievements they asked for were, and they were pretty simple, which gave me the go-ahead to purchase GripShift since it was also on sale from the Sales and Specials + app.

For all the talk this past week of Resident Evil 4 and Bioshock sales, I feel GripShift was underrepresented on this thread, based on my initial impressions (to get the PlayXBLA 4 achievements, which were 4 of the 5 most common ones people have). I think only tylerh made mention of the game on sale so far. Granted it is my initial impressions, and I've only played the beginner stuff, so I have not seen how difficult the game could get. The game does have a bit of Trials HD for me, when I try to beat some of my friends' times for the 3 objectives. The game is not necessarily a racer, it's also part platformer, but it does have a generic Mario Kart-style mode as well. I bit on the title because I had seen a few other friends play the game (which they recommended), it is currently on sale for just 400MSP, and it is a rare chance I actually will enter in a PlayXBLA sweepstakes. I just hope GripShift doesn't stop me from playing it like Trials HD did when stages got too difficult for me.

Anyway, now I still have to finish Banjo-Kazooie from my backlog, which hopefully won't take me too long now that I actually started it. I am glad to have finally knocked off Bioshock 2 from the backlog (did as much of it as I wanted, haven't even touched its multiplayer aspects tho) before Infinite gets released. Maybe soon I should start Transformers: War for Cybertron I got a couple weeks ago since its sequel is already out. With all the sale action that has happened, and the wonder of what may be our deals for the coming week, I'm excited to see.
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[quote name='billydeewilliams']which dishwasher games is better?[/QUOTE]

I liked the 2nd one better. The first one is tougher but more fulfilling, but I thought the 2nd one brought a little bit more to the plate.
Hmm just realized that the Metro 2033 I bought on sale counts toward that promo, and I just bought RE4. Might as well get something else for 400 to get the refund, but not sure what ._.
[quote name='Lonedragon87']Any thoughts on ikuraga? Dont usally play bullet hell shooter but hey for 5 i am willing to jump in[/QUOTE]

I want to like it but I can't last past the first level. Is there any way to unlock more lives?

That review video is awesome thanks for that!
[quote name='iNFiNiTE HORiZON']Hmm just realized that the Metro 2033 I bought on sale counts toward that promo, and I just bought RE4. Might as well get something else for 400 to get the refund, but not sure what ._.[/QUOTE]
If you're a fan of the ugly Americans cartoon, I'd suggest that-its what I'm fulfilling my promo with.
Hey guys, quick question about the Shocktober end date... According to Major Nelson, it ends on October 31. Now, I assume it includes Ugly Americans cause it's part of the Shocktober Sale, but what about the Bioshock 2 stuff?

I'm only asking because even though Bioshock-related content is the Deal of the Week, it's still listed in the Shocktober Sale... but new DotW's normally go up on Tuesday. Sorry, did that make any sense?

We got hit pretty hard by Sandy over here today, so I couldn't exactly run to the store to get some MSP. Hoping to get them in the afternoon to get my hands on that sweet Bioshock 2 DLC and Ugly Americans if the end date of Halloween for both is correct.
[quote name='XxLady_AthenaxX']Hey guys, quick question about the Shocktober end date... According to Major Nelson, it ends on October 31. Now, I assume it includes Ugly Americans cause it's part of the Shocktober Sale, but what about the Bioshock 2 stuff?

I'm only asking because even though Bioshock-related content is the Deal of the Week, it's still listed in the Shocktober Sale... but new DotW's normally go up on Tuesday. Sorry, did that make any sense?

We got hit pretty hard by Sandy over here today, so I couldn't exactly run to the store to get some MSP. Hoping to get them in the afternoon to get my hands on that sweet Bioshock 2 DLC and Ugly Americans if the end date of Halloween for both is correct.[/QUOTE]

Bioshock content is the Deal of the Week. It will refresh tomorrow morning as it does every week.
[quote name='bajingo']I want to like it but I can't last past the first level. Is there any way to unlock more lives?[/QUOTE]

Every hour you play in Ikaruga unlocks one additional credit until you eventually get unlimited credits. I'm at like 5 credits I think. Hate that type of unlock system.
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[quote name='billydeewilliams']which dishwasher games is better?[/QUOTE]
Both are absolutely worth playing but the second, Vampire Smile, is better for having more stuff but what it has doesn't quite replace what you miss from the first. The first has enough unique bosses and enemies. Note that they are both quite hard but VS is easier, on average.
[quote name='eastx']Every hour you play in Ikaruga unlocks one additional credit until you eventually get 10 credits. I'm at like 5 credits I think. Hate that type of unlock system.[/QUOTE]

Awesome thanks ill pick it up now if nothing else Just stand still like that video says :)
i asked about both dishwashers because on the xbox forums both are eligible for shocktober rewards promo

thanks for the opinions guys. think ill get vampire smiles.

also they have two plants vs zombies on the list. wish the horror pinball tables were included..
my brother only need 160 more msp for shocktober.
is the metro dlc good? he does not play many arcade games either.

well i bought metro which was 900 for me and i will get the world of keflings dlc.
was thinking of getting an 800 point game, amy or zombie driver. any thoughts?

also when the new deals go up for deal of week will shocktober still be going?
[quote name='bardockkun']Elder Scrolls sale this week. So far my points are safe and the discounts on the Skyrim DLC are rather meh.[/QUOTE]

how would you know this?

also, is it just elder scrolls or other games too?
[quote name='Chrono Gear']Bioshock content is the Deal of the Week. It will refresh tomorrow morning as it does every week.[/QUOTE]
Let me be a bit more clear... on Majornelson.com, he clearly states the Bioshock Deal of the Week will end on October 31st. That's a Wednesday.

On top of that, it's also in the Shocktober tab... so, either Major Nelson is misleading with his post, or Microsoft really is planning on going out of their way to update the Deal of the Week in the Shocktober tab for one day before ending Shocktober altogether.

So, since there seems to be more confusion than actual answers, I'll just assume I have more time to get MSP. If not, oh well. Bioshock 2 will probably keep sitting in my backlog until the next inevitable Bioshock sale.
[quote name='xbox_man']how would you know this?

also, is it just elder scrolls or other games too?[/QUOTE]
Dashboard has it right there and like I said, just Elder Scrolls theme. Maybe scratch and match losers will have something better or hopefully something the coming week. Then again I've spent enough after the September deals...
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