XBLA - Bionic Commando Rearmed - 800pts - New Challenge Rooms w/Codes

My only concern for this is whether or not I want to get this for 360 or PS3. The d pad on the Xbox is just so damn wonky. I'll wait to hear your impressions.
[quote name='bardockkun']Man, hard to get used to, but fun as hell.[/QUOTE]

Man. The controls are really awkward...I'm kind of rethinking this purchase. We'll see.
I had an excess of Internet Monies so I got the 360 version. It's pretty fun, then I tried the Challenge Rooms, and I want to gouge out my eyes because they are a BITCH. Also noticed a bit of screen tearing at the top of the screen in some areas.

I too never played Bionic Commando back in the day so this is also my first experience with it.
Challenge Room 17 is a major bitch. I didn't even realize I took 45 tries to beat it until I actually beat it, though someone managed to beat it on their second try, which is insane.
I was mainly referring to Dragon Run (the one where you have to dip below the level and swing to start then constantly swing to get to the end) because that took me a good 22 tries. Challenge 8 is a lot easier (I'm ranked like 124th in the world in that one) and only took me...6 tries I wanna say.

Oh, and stuff like what the demo did kinda does make me a bit angry.
That's the one I'm referring to, with all of the spikes that you need to drop and swing a few times to make it through safely.

If you haven't noticed, there's a video you can download from within the game if you bought it from the database. Just go to the database and click on BC Trailer to download it. That's where you can find the code to unlock the Retro Skin for BC.

Edit: It looks like somebody's already beaten the game from looking at the leaderboards, which took them about 1:42 to beat it.
This game is badass. This and Prince of Persia are the killer combo for oldschool gamers. More of these kind of games please! I'm surprised at how much effort went into this. It's not just a slopjob remake, it's like a ground-up rebuild.
After being up all night, my brother and I played through the first "half" of the game (the parts before Area 8), and are now taking a break till later.

What fun in Co-Op! The split-screen is kinda disorienting at first, but a very welcome addition! Just like good old Toejam and Earl! XD

Pi Pi Pi...

The Demo speak was quite funny. The whole game is constantly making fun of itself ("Bionic Commando? I hope you're better than your name!"), and I appreciate this bit of humor. I've had good laughs at silly mistakes and such while swinging along, and it's just such a personality-fillex experience.

Let me mention I'm suprised at how well the multiplayer is put together, too. It doesn't feel "Tacked on" in my limited play of deathmatch; The amount of stages offered where more than I expected, and I like the way the wep pows float in. They don't just appear on screen out of the middle of nowhere, in some random corner, or anything like that...

I can use the Analog with no difficulty in this game, who cares about the 360 d.pad? The game now even lets you control the speed of your walk with analog.

The game is an awesome, high class re-visioning of a classic. More like this, please!
I played the demo, but I don't feel I got a decent taste of the game. I'm on the fence at the moment. Can someone swing me towards a buy? (Ha, that was a pun!)
[quote name='Jagged Toaster']I played the demo, but I don't feel I got a decent taste of the game. I'm on the fence at the moment. Can someone swing me towards a buy? (Ha, that was a pun!)[/quote] Same here, I going to go to target and get 1 or 2 points cards later today.
I just got past the one you were talking about Frisky. It wasn't that bad. The NEXT ONE however is pure EVIL. I mean, holy crap. You gotta be pixel perfect. I can't make it down to the next one.
I didn't even download the demo, just bought it. Loved it, but I was sooo fucking tired that I couldn't get past level one. Can't wait till I get home to play some more.
for you people that didn't play the original, there is a kind of zen experience you get once you get good with the swinging, but it takes a while to get there.
[quote name='LinkinPrime']I didn't even download the demo, just bought it. Loved it, but I was sooo fucking tired that I couldn't get past level one. Can't wait till I get home to play some more.[/QUOTE]

getting the xbox and ps3 versions?
[quote name='A Happy Panda']Man. The controls are really awkward...I'm kind of rethinking this purchase. We'll see.[/QUOTE]

I agree. I hate how if you want climb up a ledge you have to press B to shoot your arm and then press B again to go up and then press up so that you can mount the ledge. It's unnecessarily complicated.
Also just bought it without even trying the demo. I think that's the first time I ever did that.

The controls take a few minutes to get used to but I don't see why hitting B twice to climb is so unnecessarily complicated.
I beat it already (easy mode...), and I beat the World Record time, but not the score. I couldn't see why it was rated Mature until the VERY END. Yeah...pretty clear then.

Also guys, remember to hit up Area 0
because there's a gun upgrade there allowing you to fire 3 shots. Makes the game a bit easier.
I wouldn't mind enemy attacks if I could see the damn bullets and actually be able to strafe (goddamn Commando has spoiled me).
[quote name='graf1k']I cannot believe my friend and I bought this blind only to find out co-op is local only. What a crock of shit.[/quote]

I thought so too with the way people were talking about it at E3. This is disappointing, and it's not an instant buy for me anymore. I thought the demo was alright but I have a lot of games to play right now. I'll have to wait until I hear some CAG impressions and read some more reviews. Also I'm wondering if it's going to be some sort of giveaway when the 3D counterpart comes out. I'm sure it depends on rather or not it'll continue to sell between now and then.
[quote name='graf1k']I cannot believe my friend and I bought this blind only to find out co-op is local only. What a crock of shit.[/QUOTE]

Two things to say on this:

1- That's what you get for not doing research before buying it.

2- This is also further proof that IGN is full of morons and dumbshits. There have been several games that they docked points from for not having co-op over live. But in this case they mention it, and then excuse it for the developer.

Every game has features that didn't make it in (due to time constraints) that reviewers bitch about and give it lower scores for. How nice it would be for every developer to have the reviewer actually excuse them and give them a pass. Now that's a crock of shit.
[quote name='thrustbucket']Two things to say on this:

1- That's what you get for not doing research before buying it.

2- This is also further proof that IGN is full of morons and dumbshits. There have been several games that they docked points from for not having co-op over live. But in this case they mention it, and then excuse it for the developer.

Every game has features that didn't make it in (due to time constraints) that reviewers bitch about and give it lower scores for. How nice it would be for every developer to have the reviewer actually excuse them and give them a pass. Now that's a crock of shit.[/quote]
Pfft, we should all know by now that IGN is shit for reviews since they almost always score higher on a game then anyone else. Only exception offhand I can think if Godhand.
The more I play it, the more I'm not liking it. Example. On a secret level involving moving platforms, you're supposed to drop down to a moving platform from another moving platform while ducking. Here's the problem. 75% of the time, YOU CANNOT SEE THE PLATFORM BELOW YOU. You are falling blindly, forcing you to quickly react or die insantly.

And sometimes, even if you grab, it breaks connection so you die anyway. Who thought that was a good idea? WHO?
Was excited, played the demo and I'm not sure I want to get this anymore. The controls seems awkward to me, and I didn't have much fun with it. Looks like I'll save my points for castle crashers.
I decided to buy it. I'm glad I did. Coop is great fun. The top down battles seem real pointless though. All you have to do is run straight through. No variety there.
[quote name='Jagged Toaster']I decided to buy it. I'm glad I did. Coop is great fun. The top down battles seem real pointless though. All you have to do is run straight through. No variety there.[/quote]

I agree. I've only came across one map, the one with a tank & motorcycle shooter at the end. Are there more?

I think this is an awsome remake. I love the music, and the classic gameplay is still there, but it feels faster. I know it's been addressed already but one of the only problems I have is not having the ability to look up or down. That would help platforming instead of trying to guess. But after playing the level you kinda memorize everything.
Loved the original and currently loving this. Would have got it whether there had been significant changes or not. I agree the controls can feel wierd and 'awkward' at first but thats the way it is when you're first getting used to a control system you aren't used to. This i'm assuming is why the opening levels don't involve too much technical swinging and grabbing. Really looking forward to playing through and seeing whether the changes to the final boss are anything to shout about, after all the end boss int he original was a joke. Ahh... nostalgiax10 ftw
[quote name='CAG 79']I agree. I hate how if you want climb up a ledge you have to press B to shoot your arm and then press B again to go up and then press up so that you can mount the ledge. It's unnecessarily complicated.[/QUOTE]

I've actually gotten use to it. But the game still does force you into doing unnecessarily difficult swings and movements even though it looks like the jump should be easy. I never played the original so IDK if the NES version did this as well.

I have another complaint though like the other CAG. These levels are A LOT bigger than what you just see on the screen. I wish it gave me a Metroid style map layout of the level instead of forcing me to guess which way is the correct way. In Area 2 I got to some area, died there, and I have NO idea how to get there again. I just took the short route to the boss.
[quote name='eastx']If you need help with maps, try this: http://www.thealmightyguru.com/Reviews/BionicCommando/Wiki/index.php?title=Graphics:_NES

They don't show the new portions of the levels, but they'll get you through pretty well.[/QUOTE]

I'm not having problems with the levels like getting lost or anything. I just want to explore the whole thing. But this whole guessing where to go, and depending on blind falls is annoying. I just wish I could pause the game and look at a map is all. They can hide the little secret areas even a la Metroid.

I just looked at the Area 2 map, and I missed the entire bottom left half of the level. That's stupid. And looking at it, I can see why. I would've had to rely on a blind fall to get there.
[quote name='A Happy Panda']I'm not having problems with the levels like getting lost or anything. I just want to explore the whole thing. But this whole guessing where to go, and depending on blind falls is annoying. I just wish I could pause the game and look at a map is all. They can hide the little secret areas even a la Metroid.

I just looked at the Area 2 map, and I missed the entire bottom left half of the level. That's stupid. And looking at it, I can see why. I would've had to rely on a blind fall to get there.[/quote]

That's a funny thing about a game like this, and Megaman 9, looking at it's achievements. The secrets and difficult areas of this game are made as a response to the crazy, pointless actions that fans of the old games used to do. Having a blind jump lead to something is like a reward to all the people who want to truly do all they can in the stages. You run into things at points that you previously imagined "there should be something THERE!". Well, now, there is!

I dunno if I'd like to see an actual map added to the game, not initially, anyway. The ridiculous feel of "Man, this place is stupid big!" is one of those feelings I loved in the NES game. I always found it impressive. I wouldn't mind if the developers met the idea half way, though. Maybe giving a stage preview at the start of the stage, or letting you look over the maps in a viewer, after completing them.

Let me take that time to mention that I love the games Database. Every game needs these! It's fun, like the developers notes they used to have in the back of Working Designs games; Extra info that helps one get that much more into the game, and lets you see the true depth behind the work that went into it.
bread's done