XBLA - Braid - 1200pts

Ok so I'm in love with the game and the hints.

Someone give me a hint for World 4 or my brain is going to explode. Is there a simpler way to look at these puzzles?
yeah the story can lead to alot of things. one thing people have yet to really touch on is the visual design of the game. the levels actually have a strong part in the story as well such as the level with all the hats and headless statues.
[quote name='Razzuel']For that part I
let the lion man fall to the ground and when he was about halfway between the balcony and the cannon I jumped on his head and then landed on the cannon. Remember the higher you fall from onto a lion man's head the higher you get launched.
Did that help?[/quote]

Yeah, makes perfect sense, was it pretty simple for you to get that piece?
Im currently getting the star in
level 2-2, yeah this is going to take a while.
I have 6 stars so far. I had to look at a video for a few, but i found two on my own. I thought there was one per level, but that is wrong, and i would have been looking forever thinking that.
[quote name='LinkinPrime']Yeah, makes perfect sense, was it pretty simple for you to get that piece?[/quote]

Yeah, but at first I was trying to
jump off the lion man from the balcony and realized that that wasn't a good idea.

I'm curious if you had trouble on the puzzle I was referencing earlier. The puzzle piece on world 6-5 with
the three plant traps and the time immune lion men. To solve it
I just kept messing with rewind until I got two lion men in that alcove which became extremely frustrating. The simple solution—as far as I know—is to line up the plants using the ring and then pause time until a bunch of lion mean are in that alcove.
[quote name='Razzuel']Maybe but that is because that is our fault in over analyzing the puzzles. I can think of a bunch of examples where I was trying brute force and trial and error to solve the puzzle, completing overlooking how simple the solution really was. My best example is a puzzle piece on world 6-5. If you have got that one and that puzzle frustrated the hell out of you then you did it wrong. When I was doing speed runs it clicked and I realized how simply it really was.

Oh yeah, I totally overcomplicated a bunch of them. Like 5-3 where you have to take the key over that big spike pit to unlock the door over the entrance. If you could have seen the things I was trying to do to make sense out of it you would have laughed. When I finally figured out what the solution was I felt so stupid.
[quote name='xcoax']Oh yeah, I totally overcomplicated a bunch of them. Like 5-3 where you have to take the key over that big spike pit to unlock the door over the entrance. If you could have seen the things I was trying to do to make sense out of it you would have laughed. When I finally figured out what the solution was I felt so stupid.[/quote]

Haha, for that one it was a lot of staring and wondering until I had a sudden moment of enlightenment where I just knew the solution.

I sort of did the "what the hell, I am going to try everything thing" on world 5-7 until I accidentally stumbled upon the solution.
Some of the jumps require timing and precision that may have people questioning if it can be done. The jump at World 6, Stage 4 (involving the canon) was somewhat tricky.
OK I guess I'll be the first person who has bought this game to say it wasn't worth 1200 points. To give my impressions briefly I'll say it only took me 3-4 hours, most of the puzzles were either easy or required you to figure out a new game mechanic (aka lots of messing around) with maybe about a fourth of them being fun to figure out, the story felt more vague to me than deep and I didn't really feel anything special at the end of the game. The music and graphics were pretty cool, but nothing amazing. I don't feel any need to replay the game and overall I would have been pissed if I paid 800 points for this game, let alone 1200. I would say try the demo and if you don't like it, don't buy it just because everyone else says it's the best game ever. No need to stop enjoying it just because I feel it's incredibly overrated, though. I'll just go back to playing Team Fortress 2, a game which has given me over 100 hours of fun for only about $10 (that's 800 points) through Orange Box.
How's the speed run of the whole game? Doable? I tried to do a couple of the individual levels, but got stuck on Jumpman. Is it any more lenient when you're doing the whole game?
I have all 7 stars, I cant figure out how to get the 8th star. Would anyone be kind enough to tell me how to get it, without spoiling what i would get, or any other info? I tried to look it up, but i dont want to read spoilers, just want to know how to get it.

I thought that
pressing up where the ladders are on the way back would make him climb up them, but it doesnt.
[quote name='squid']How's the speed run of the whole game? Doable? I tried to do a couple of the individual levels, but got stuck on Jumpman. Is it any more lenient when you're doing the whole game?[/quote]

Yeah it is possible. I was able to complete it in 44 minutes and 20 something seconds on my third try. No it doesn't do anything differently since you are playing the whole game through. My best advice is to know exactly how to solve each puzzle in the simplest manner. Beyond that try to be careful because if you slip up then you are going to lose some time you need else where.

[quote name='The 7th Number']I have all 7 stars, I cant figure out how to get the 8th star. Would anyone be kind enough to tell me how to get it, without spoiling what i would get, or any other info? I tried to look it up, but i dont want to read spoilers, just want to know how to get it.

I thought that
pressing up where the ladders are on the way back would make him climb up them, but it doesnt.

The eighth star is in the
the final level: World 1-1. The star is in the princess' bedroom. To obtain the eighth star you have to
activate those time immune switches like normal but once you get past them rewind to right before you activated the first switch. Now run as fast as you can to the chandelier. You will arrive at the chandelier before the princess. As the chandelier is reforming, you have to jump on it right when it is reformed enough to stand on. Then the rest is up to you since you said not to spoil anything else.
Thanks, after a couple tries i was able to do it.

Anyone notice some kind of shaft to the left of the ladder you build to get to room 1? I always thought that would be some kind of hidden passage. Guess not.

Also in the last stage....you ever notice
on the way back the mona lisa painting has a mustache and under it says something like LMAO.
[quote name='The 7th Number']Thanks, after a couple tries i was able to do it.

Anyone notice some kind of shaft to the left of the ladder you build to get to room 1? I always thought that would be some kind of hidden passage. Guess not.

Also in the last stage....you ever notice
on the way back the mona lisa painting has a mustache and under it says something like LMAO.

I never interpreted it as a tunnel, I just thought of it as the holding place for the ladder pieces. Oh it's to the right, not the left.

Nope I never noticed anything about
the mona lisa beside knowing that it was there
in World 1-1.
[quote name='The 7th Number']Yeah its to the right, damn why did i type left? LOL.[/quote]

Haha, yeah I was wondering the same thing.

So what do you think about the result of obtaining all the stars?
[quote name='Razzuel']Haha, yeah I was wondering the same thing.

So what do you think about the result of obtaining all the stars?[/quote]

From what I've read
it's pretty much the the stars form a constellation of
the princess in shackles
. Of course, Blow could have always put something in that no one else found yet ;)
[quote name='Razzuel']Haha, yeah I was wondering the same thing.

So what do you think about the result of obtaining all the stars?[/quote]

I thought it was cool, wasnt expecting that. You can really see it good when you hold up. It was a fun game. Im going to start looking to do the speed run now. Im going to write down all i need to know.
Yeah I wasn't expecting
Tim to break time by reaching the princess
on the way to the eighth star. It was kind of crazy.
[quote name='Rodimus']What do you think about the ending? What does it mean?[/quote]

At first...
When it started going backwards i thought the guy was a perv. Because i had read something about looking through glass. LOL. Then when the knight in shining armor grabbed her and actually rescued her i was like WHOA!!!. I cant believe in all these years of side scrollers, that was the first time i encountered that. Plus its genius how one way it looks like you are trying to save her, but in reverse she is trying to stop you from getting her.
So I caved and bought this game b/c I had a surplus of points. I'm sorry to say I was dissapointed. I don't know where the comparison to ico/ shadow of colossus came from, but please, this is nowhere that good. This is a "clever" side scroller with time implemented into it's puzzles, which in my opinion were either too easy or too few, i can't decide which at the moment.

Even with 15,000+ pts left, I feel like I was ripped off. I feel like I'll get more out of my 800 pts spent on geometry wars 2 than this game that encompassed 5 hours of my time from start to finish, that cost 400 pts more than geometry wars by the way.

Bring on Castle Crashers and lower the price of short low-replayability side-scrollers please, no matter how clever they think they are.

Oh and as far as the story is concerned, I keep reading how people are blown away by the last level, if anything, it made me feel more ripped off. If I had to compare it to something, it might be an M. Night Shamalyn movie, take that for what you will.
Wrote up a review:


For those who don't want to read the whole thing, here's the most important part:

"Video games are constantly looked down upon by nearly everyone who isn’t involved with them on a daily basis. Friends, parents, and teachers; law officials, politicians, and religious fanatics. Most believe that they’re a waste of time, a corruptive force of evil, or simply “just for kids.” Braid is undeniable proof that games can be extremely intelligent, emotional, thought-provoking works of art. Acknowledging both facts, we are left with feelings similar to those felt after finishing the game: We are grateful for knowing better, for having the open mind to experience these creations, yet at the same time we are saddened to realize that those biased against the medium will never experience something as profound and amazing as Braid."
I finished it early this morning since I couldn't sleep until I completed it. It was a lot of fun and I'm happy that I played through it. I haven't gotten this kind of feeling of achievement from a game, ever. Braid is a remarkable game.

I'm reading some of the old posts on his blog and I thought this one was interesting:


He planned to release a level editor after the game was released. I wonder if he still wants to do that. If so, that is something that should be free, IMO. The game was great and worth the money, but charging another $5 after already paying $15 for a short game would be weak.
[quote name='sj41']I finished it early this morning since I couldn't sleep until I completed it. It was a lot of fun and I'm happy that I played through it. I haven't gotten this kind of feeling of achievement from a game, ever. Braid is a remarkable game.

I'm reading some of the old posts on his blog and I thought this one was interesting:


He planned to release a level editor after the game was released. I wonder if he still wants to do that. If so, that is something that should be free, IMO. The game was great and worth the money, but charging another $5 after already paying $15 for a short game would be weak.[/QUOTE]

Goddamn, a level-editor would be fantastic.
the level editor would be entirely possible seeing that the debug tools (shown on gamasutra) are pretty much an object oriented move, rotate, and drop interface. Dumbing it down and limiting it would easily turn it into a retail product.
I finally bought this because of RelentlessRolento's vigorous endorsements.

Just kidding.

Well, I really did buy it -- not for that reason, though.

Looking forward to playing it.
Haha! I love that everyone is like "yay" I completed the game. I'm like "yay" I finally got that bugger of a piece on World 2! ;)

And yeah, I definitely feel like I'm getting my money's worth from this. It's just such a different type of game and I can't wait to go back and look at all the spoilers people were putting in about the story!
[quote name='AshesofWake']the hunt on world 4 is driving me ape shit. :bomb:[/QUOTE]

Good times, good times.

Or not, I fucking hate that level.

If anyone is doing speed runs of the individual levels, add me if you want.
Loved the demo....but couldnt get the last puzzle piece...I am not sure how to describe it but it is one above a door to the right of the level that leads to the level where that looks like Mario Bros. Any help would be appreciated...I tried for about 30 minutes to figure that last piece out but couldn't figure it out...didn't want to resort to a faq b/c I felt like I would rely on it too much.

I am going to download the full game this weekend at some point.
I finally broke down and bought it (but only because I'm getting 4800 points tomorrow!). I'm confused though, does the game start on World 2?
and i thought only geo wars 2 could do this

Xbox 360 Top Live Titles (based on UU’s)
1 Halo 3
2 Call of Duty 4
4 Gears of War
5 Rock Band
6 Guitar Hero III
8 Battlefield: Bad Company
9 Braid
10 Madden NFL 09 Demo

Top Arcade Titles (Full Versions)
1 Braid
2 Geometry Wars Evolved²
3 SmashTV
4 Golden Axe
5 Streets of Rage 2
7 Track and Field
8 Sonic The Hedgehog 2
9 TMNT 1989 Arcade
10 Double Dragon
[quote name='AshesofWake']the hunt on world 4 is driving me ape shit. :bomb:[/QUOTE]

Yeah that one was rough. If you completed the first hunt I can say the method is pretty similar to that, but different too.
I failed miserably on a speed run last night (about 57 minutes.. shame..) I just tried again, but gave up on world 5 when I was at 32 minutes. I'll try again in a few minutes.. but overall I am STILL loving this game.
[quote name='AshesofWake']the hunt on world 4 is driving me ape shit. :bomb:[/quote]
If you want a hint:
Jumping can be a little manipulated if you're jumping off a enemy going into the past.

I finished worlds 2-4 and one level and only one level has made me extremely frustrated just because it seems like it was glitched for the majority of the times I tried it. On world 3, irreversible:
The platform that you jump off, I dont know how or why but ti didn't move at all when I played it for like an hour. Randomly I start it up and the platform moves out easily letting me jump up and get the puzzle piece in the top left. The other puzzle piece with the keys, the green key at the bottom of the pit would not work for the first door of the three.
Again I tried to figure out these for so long and then randomly one of the times I loaded up that level it was possible to get those two puzzle pieces. Am I missing something or was that a glitch?
Is the speed run from the moment you start a new game or can you manipulate time to shave off minutes? I guess what I'm asking is if the timer counts forward time in the game or actual minutes played outside the game.
[quote name='javeryh']Is the speed run from the moment you start a new game or can you manipulate time to shave off minutes? I guess what I'm asking is if the timer counts forward time in the game or actual minutes played outside the game.[/quote]It counts minutes played, but it does stop whenever you're solving a jigsaw puzzle (I don't understand why it stops here. I think solving the jigsaws puzzles fast should have been part of it, and they could've bumped it up to 50 minutes). The speed run is very difficult, and it's going to take awhile for me to breeze through the game in 45 minutes. It's really damn fun trying, though. :)
[quote name='ivanctorres']Loved the demo....but couldnt get the last puzzle piece...I am not sure how to describe it but it is one above a door to the right of the level that leads to the level where that looks like Mario Bros. Any help would be appreciated...I tried for about 30 minutes to figure that last piece out but couldn't figure it out...didn't want to resort to a faq b/c I felt like I would rely on it too much.

I am going to download the full game this weekend at some point.[/quote]

I think you are talking about the one above the door on Leap of Faith. If so,

You have to use the lever to move the platform in such a way that it catches the falling rock guy and brings him over to the side that the puzzle piece is on. Then, jump on him to bounce up to the puzzle piece.
[quote name='dastly75']
The platform that you jump off, I dont know how or why but ti didn't move at all when I played it for like an hour. Randomly I start it up and the platform moves out easily letting me jump up and get the puzzle piece in the top left. The other puzzle piece with the keys, the green key at the bottom of the pit would not work for the first door of the three.

Pay Attention the name: Irreversible. If you look at the platform when you first start, there is a vertical column that has the green sparkle around it. If AT ALL, you reverse time, then you make it so the platform can't get past the vertical column. But yeah, I actually solved that one with luck too, but then I noticed why when I had to go back to the room for some reason; I never noticed the vertical column the first time around.
[quote name='moojuice']
Pay Attention the name: Irreversible. If you look at the platform when you first start, there is a vertical column that has the green sparkle around it. If AT ALL, you reverse time, then you make it so the platform can't get past the vertical column. But yeah, I actually solved that one with luck too, but then I noticed why when I had to go back to the room for some reason; I never noticed the vertical column the first time around.
Yeah I didn't even see the platform till one random time but I'm pretty sure it was already encapsulated every other time I tried at the beginning of the level. As well as the key not working in the door, just dropping to the ground.
I'm telling yeah, that level can be glitched...
Bought this on Tuesday after getting some point cards on sale. Missed a few puzzle pieces on Worlds 2 and 3 but figured them out yesterday without too much trouble. I actually figured out how to get one puzzle piece on World 3 by accident, which was kind of cool. I'm looking forward to figuring out the rest of the puzzles over the week.
Ok I need a hint on the last puzzle piece of "Crossing the Gap" on World 5.

edit: nevermind
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