XBLA - Geometry Wars 2 - 800pts

[quote name='paz9x']hahah anteis, that score is ridiculous.

i was playing offline a minute ago and got my new highscore of 49mil. i hope it saves that and adds it to my leaderboard when i go back on live.
the thing that makes it so addicting, is you just know you can do so much better.[/QUOTE]

it does not, you have to be hooked up to live to save scores.
Personal pacifism score is 70 something million. Great score thouse Anteis. Jer aka Son of a Beep has a score right around there: 340 mill or something like that, highest on my friends leaderboard. Shit is ridic!!
I haven't played this in a while but I sent out friend requests to anybody I saw on my current friends' lists. I want to get some scores that are higher than mine but are attainable, not like Jer's (Son of a Beep). :lol:
[quote name='Hoffer']My pacifism high score is 151 million. Closest I've come since I got that score is 87 million.[/quote]

With the multipliers you have by then I bet at 87 million you were only about 5 seconds away from 151 million.
I wonder if play in the game is starting to wane a bit (due to the posts) or if everyone is playing, there just isn't much to discuss.

There must be something to this game, my wife plays games off and on (Puzzle Quest was her last big one), but this is her new addiction. She loves Pacifism. She got 8 million in it, pretty strong considering she doesn't have a hardcore gaming background by any means.

I'm wondering if any other non traditional gamers (or at least non all the time gamers) have picked this up, since there is definitely a shooter reputation has a "casual need not apply" reputation.
[quote name='slickkill77']Eh I just havent topped my high scores in anything since I got them[/quote]

I got my pacifism score on day 2 and haven't come within 10M of it since. :cry:
I picked this up on Tuesday, demo doesn't do the full version justice since you only get to sample the first mode. Definitely worth the 800 points! I loved GW 1 even though I wasn't great but I seem to be doing better with GW 2. Got 5 of the achievements so far, been trying to get Treaty and have gotten 28/30, just need to practice a bit more. Only have around 4-5 other CAGs on my list with the game so my friend leaderboards aren't very big.
I finally got Treaty and Rebound tonight. I just have the 2 achievements for Sequence left. I can only seem to make it to like stage 12 or 13 in Sequence though. It's going to take some practice I suppose.
heh everyones doing better than I am I just finally got Slalom and Wax On last night which puts me up to around 5 of 12 achievements. I tried to get Phobia but I kept grabbing like one or two geoms around 800 points >_
[quote name='Lokki']I finally got Treaty and Rebound tonight. I just have the 2 achievements for Sequence left. I can only seem to make it to like stage 12 or 13 in Sequence though. It's going to take some practice I suppose.[/quote]

The closest I got to getting Treaty was on like my 3rd ever attempt on King. I made it to 25 and then died. I never got near that close again. Granted I just started playing the game last night, but I thought I was going to nail a semi-hard achievement right off the bat!

I really suck at this game but it is so fun. I have never restarted a game so fast in my life. It makes you want to just keep trying one more time. Reminds me of the NES days.
yeah its ridiculous how addicted to this game i am.
i have the 2 sequence achievements left and i know im not getting smile anytime soon.
ive really been concentrating on pacifism as its by far my favorite.
i wish my offline scores would update sucks.
yeah, last 2 sequence achievements for me as well.

i was really pleased with my 12 million score on pacifism until i saw my friends' score of 54 million.

for phobia, i recommend trying to shoot them when they spawn (those nearest you) and just trying to stay away. it's hard though...no doubt.
I played the game for a brief amount of time this morning, and I unlocked both the 500 geoms achievement and I got the Wax Off achievement on my third attempt. Now I just have to get Millionaire, Rebound, Game Over, and Smile.
yeah supermodestmouse thats what I'm trying to do for the phobia achievement the thing is staying far enough away gets hard after so many waves of enemies pop up because its difficult to get rid of a wave completely before the next one appears. Especially once it starts taking up the whole side or bottom of the screen for a wave which it does near the end. As far as Wax off that ones going to take me a while I just now got good enough at pacifism to pull off wax on with a score of around 14 million which I'm happy with till I look at Son of a Beeps score with is over 328 million *sigh*.
I had a killer run in King mode today, 7.4K. Currently ranked 689th in the world :D

I need to work on my Evolved and Pacifism scores though... Man, I love this game. best $10 I've ever spent, haha. The thing about it is that it never gets old.

EDIT: Wow, I'm nothing compared to RonnieWrecked (aka Toilet Pigs)... 25th in the world, wow. And a killer Waves score too. Incredible man.
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Just went from 441 mill to 561 mil in pacifism. Put me back in the top 150...my heart is still racing!


Wow, 649 mil, rank 104.
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[quote name='BackInBlack']Just went from 441 mill to 561 mil in pacifism. Put me back in the top 150...my heart is still racing!


Wow, 649 mil, rank 104.[/QUOTE]

Damn! I thought I was doing well with 120 million. :lol:
[quote name='BackInBlack']Just went from 441 mill to 561 mil in pacifism. Put me back in the top 150...my heart is still racing!


Wow, 649 mil, rank 104.[/QUOTE]

holy balls
[quote name='BackInBlack']Just went from 441 mill to 561 mil in pacifism. Put me back in the top 150...my heart is still racing!


Wow, 649 mil, rank 104.[/quote]

I'm pretty average in every mode, but high scores in Pacifism just elude me. I can barely even get close to my highest score even after playing for an hour or so. When I concentrate on the other modes for a long period of time, I can usually increase my score by at least a little bit, but Pacifism kicks my ass every time.
[quote name='BackInBlack']Just went from 441 mill to 561 mil in pacifism. Put me back in the top 150...my heart is still racing!


Wow, 649 mil, rank 104.[/QUOTE]

You need to add me as a friend, friend!
Thanks man.

At first I didn't even think I had gotten the achievement (nothing popped up) and was pretty mad/disheartened. But I looked in my profile and it was there, luckily. Turns out I had forgotten that I had notifications disabled, haha. I was glad it didn't glitch on me though.

Yeah, I used to be pretty bad. I used to think getting 100k on the original Geometry Wars was good, haha. I just started playing a ton when GW2 came out and got better from there. It kept my interest long enough that--even though I was bad--I eventually got better.
[quote name='LinkinPrime']Wow, congrats dude...as much as I like this game...I suck at it. I think my favorite mode is Pacifism.[/QUOTE]

Same here. It's the most fun mode, I think. Very different play style than the other modes.

This game is much more approachable than the first Geo Wars with the various modes, and more forgiving multiplier system, so it's easier to get a good run, for the most part. The first game made your first life the most important.
[quote name='Jek Porkins']Same here. It's the most fun mode, I think. Very different play style than the other modes.

This game is much more approachable than the first Geo Wars with the various modes, and more forgiving multiplier system, so it's easier to get a good run, for the most part. The first game made your first life the most important.[/quote]

I suck at it, but I was able to increase my score from 40,000,000 to 79,000,000 this afternoon which gives me hope for some scores in the 100 millions at some point.

I really like Pacifism and King, but they really start to grate on me after a while because the ramp up time seems so slow compared to something like Waves or Deadline.
[quote name='BackInBlack']oh my sweet christ, almost 2 billion in pacifism, number 4 on the leader board.

beat that jek :)[/QUOTE]

It'll happen...

Probably not. Great score, man. I saw you on my leaderboard, and nearly broke down and cried. I'm working on it, but that's a pretty high hurdle. Congrats!
[quote name='Jek Porkins']It'll happen...

Probably not. Great score, man. I saw you on my leaderboard, and nearly broke down and cried. I'm working on it, but that's a pretty high hurdle. Congrats![/quote]


I couldnt believe it myself either, i am begining to think this game type is alot more luck mixed with skill...i went from 649 mill to 1.9 billion...
[quote name='BackInBlack']oh my sweet christ, almost 2 billion in pacifism, number 4 on the leader board.

beat that jek :)[/quote]

Holy cow, Congrats.
[quote name='BackInBlack']Thanks!

I couldnt believe it myself either, i am begining to think this game type is alot more luck mixed with skill...i went from 649 mill to 1.9 billion...[/QUOTE]

I definitely think there is a bunch of luck involved. Skill and reflexes only get you so far. Random spawning gates are the luck of the draw though. I've had some matches where gates only spawn around the edges of the map. Talk about a difficult run.
Just curious, does anyone still play this game? I haven't stopped, haha.
It's such a great game. So simple but so addictive.

Last night I got 13 million in waves mode. It got pretty insane at the end.

I really need to work on my Pacifism score though, heh.
I play all the time. I'm not that good at it though. My best score in Pacifism is only around 80,000,000 and I don't even have either of the sequence achievements. I'm really close on the first one though.
bread's done