XBLA - Military Madness - 800pts - 9/30/09


14 (100%)

PSN, WiiWare, XBLA: Military Madness Returns For All Platforms

nectarislogo.pngIn the second of Hudson Entertainment's digital download announcements for today, NECTARIS: Military Madness, the classic turn-based strategy game is coming to the Xbox Live Arcade, PlayStation Network and WiiWare.

Military Madness is a turned based strategy game that started on the TurboGrafx-16 that is similar to that of Nintendo's Advance Wars franchise. Using a hex grid, players move their units across a battlefield and attack the opposition using your terrain advantages for you, and capture territory in order to get more units on your side.

Military Madness will be changing things up in this version, with a complete reworking of the graphics and having several addition to the gameplay. Previous installments have been somewhat ugly on the battlefield, but this installment intends to modernize the game with a new 3D view. Something a bit better than Commanders: Attack of the Genos I hope.

The game will also support up to 4 player in a new multiplayer mode. Previous installments have only had 2 player battles. There will also be new units, including a "commander unit".

Through some sleuthing we also discovered this resume, which leads us to believe that this game is being developed by BackBone Entertainment, who previously worked with Hudson on the ever popular Bomberman Live on Xbox Live Arcade, the upcoming port to the PSN as well as numerous classic remakes for Capcom. They appear to be working on the just announced Diner Dash as well. Whether they are also working on the WiiWare version of the title, which Hudson have been known to develop new games internally, is currently unknown.

Unfortunately, no screenshots have been released for the game. Despite that they have revealed that they are aiming for a Summer 2009 release date, but knowing the Xbox Live Arcade that date is very tentative.

After the somewhat poor reception of Sierra and Southend Interactive's Commanders: AOTG on Xbox Live Arcade, a new turn based strategy game is just what each platform needs right now. Let's just hope Backbone can pull it off.













hands on impressions from IGN

GDC 09: Military Madness Hands-on
We stop the madness to bring you the details on this latest remake.
by Daemon Hatfield

March 25, 2009 - Compared to Bonk or Bomberman, Military Madness probably isn't one of Hudson's more recognizable franchises. It does have a long history, though, going back to the TurboGrafx-16. The original was remade for PlayStation in 1998, and is now being remade again for current console digital distribution services. Military Madness is a hex-based and turn-based strategy game set on the moon. This summer's remake will feature the same story and maps as the original, but the visuals are getting a 3D polish.

The single-player campaign can be played on normal or advanced difficulty. Advanced uses the same maps but ups the enemy count. Everything is rendered in 3D now so players can zoom in for a close look at the battlefield and rotate the map. We were playing the game on an Xbox 360, where the L stick rotated the screen, the R stick zoomed in and out, and the D-pad moved our selection icon around the grid.

No new units have been added for this remake. Players will have at their disposal tanks, infantry, and long-range vehicles. A battle is won when either the enemy is decimated or its headquarters is captured. Like other games of this sort, adjacent allies will provide a support boost when you attack or defend. Your surviving units will level up and become more powerful over time.

Up to four players (or AI armies) can skirmish in local and online multiplayer. Strategy games can sometimes drag on for too long in multiplayer matches, so Hudson is adding the ability to set turn length or a maximum number of game turns -- when all turns are up, the player with the most points wins. We will also be able to use powerful commander units in multiplayer, and customize them with 20 special abilities. In player matches, all of these abilities will be available to every player. But in ranked matches, half will need to be earned.

The visuals we saw were decent but not impressive – perhaps because they were programmed for both the Wii and the HD consoles. We also worry that, at least on the 360, navigating the grid with the D-pad could become tedious. But this series does have a strong strategy pedigree and has received positive reviews in the past.

Hudson says Military Madness will be identical on all three platforms, except for a few multiplayer maps that didn't make it into the WiiWare version. You can relive this classic or experience it for the first time this summer.

cheese list
There are 12 achievements with a total of 200 points.

Battle of the Bears 10
In the campaign, destroy a squad of POLARS with a squad of GRIZZLYS or vise-versa.

Top Gun 10
In the campaign, get a squad of EAGLES, FALCONS, or HUNTERS to Rank 8.

Snack Time 10
In the campaign, destroy a squad of RABBITS with a squad of LYNX.

Mule Be Sorry 10
In the campaign, destroy a loaded MULE squad.

Humiliation 10
In a Ranked Match, destroy an 8-troop strong unit in a single attack.

Win a Ranked Match by capturing an enemy base.

Search and Destroy 10
Win a Ranked Match by destroying all enemy squads or by your opponent surrendering.

In Command 10
Attain player level 30, unlocking all Commander Customization for Ranked Matches.

Long Haul 25
Attain player level 50.

Too Easy 25
Win a Ranked Match without selecting any Commander Customization.

Saved the World 25
Complete the normal campaign.

Military Master 45
Complete the advanced campaign.

interview with the Producer

Backbone previously worked with Hudson with Bomberman Live, how was Military Madness decided for the next project? Why bring it back now?

PD: Hudson has a large catalog of titles – with Military Madness standing out as a really great strategy title. It was one of the original turn based strategy games & all it needed was a little graphical update.

The original Military Madness came out back in 1989, a time when games were a much more difficult and tutorials were not the norm. What changes have been made to help accommodate those who play games today?

PD: We’ve put in a MASSIVE help section in the game. So – if you’ve never read a help section before in a game, maybe this is the one to read. There’s also a section that explains what each unit does, from movement to attack to defensive stats.

The game is set to debut on Xbox Live Arcade, PlayStation Network and WiiWare. Were there any difficulties getting the game to work on all platforms?

PD: It’s always challenging to take a game built for XBLA or PSN and adjust it for WiiWare. For the first two platforms – our developer could make simultaneous builds with few problems. They did a great job for WiiWare, and we ended up with a game that really doesn’t differ all too much from the XBLA & PSN versions.

3 SKUs mean more people must be on board. How many people are working on this game, and how long has it been in development for?

PD: There were about 13 people at the developer & 3 of us here in the product development group at the Publisher. The development and QA have taken a total of about 10 months.

Does the WiiWare use Wii Remote pointer controls?

PD: No, this series is made for simple button controls and we didn’t want to tack on any unnecessary features. Besides, some Military Madness maps, especially the later ones, can take 45 minutes or more. I can’t imagine anyone wants to point their arm at their TV for that long.

How does the multiplayer work? Is online multiplayer included in all versions?

PD: Multiplayer is brand new to the title. Mostly because the internet didn’t exist as we knew it when this game first game out – that alone, it turns out, significantly hampered any online play. For XBLA & PSN there are ranked / scoreboard matches respectively that are 1 v 1. The unranked / un-scoreboard matches are any combination up to 4 people, this includes teams.

The Wii also gets online – but without all that ranked/unranked business.

Are there any plans for expansions down the line – be it multiplayer or story based?

PD: Not at this time. The story doesn’t – and I don’t want to spoil it – really end on a cliffhanger we could build on. But – there’s always the Multiplayer possibility.

Anything else you would like to say to the longtime fans of Military Madness?

PD: It’s just like the original, only much prettier and with some killer multiplayer. You’re going to love it. If you don’t, let us know what you’d want to see in a sequel, if we end up making one.

Thank you for your time.

PD: Anytime. I’m usually at my desk, working so hard I rarely have time to surf the web or watch any videos, so this has been a real treat & a welcome change of pace.
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HOLY SHIT! This info kicks much ass. I've been dreaming for another Military Madness game and with multiplayer......:drool:

Now I just hope they don't screw this up
I do have to say that screenshots remind me style wise as a cross between the PSX Nectaris version and Ring Of Red.

Even though I have a set 800 point limit on arcade games, I would have no problem breaking that rule if they try charging 1200 or 1600. I hope they don't do that as the multiplayer would be a wasteland but I wants me some new Military Madness
I'll definitely check out a demo of this, but MM was never my kind of game. Always nice to see nods to Turbografx games!

OMG, one of my fave games from the T16...I will be first in line for this when it comes out (barring some MS points pricing tomfoolery)...
[quote name='Galego23']boring[/QUOTE]

not really if you dig oldschool hex based strategy games. Going to be interesting in reading people's reactions from the people who think this is like Advance Wars
Wohoo, Finally! I never got into the TG16 original (not for a lack of not wanting to... always wanted to try it out), so looking forward to this.
Would have been nice if they added the stuff that was in Nectaris but either way, its a really nice crisp port that doesn't do anything outlandish. The online multiplayer is really good, its where the bread and butter of the game lays. Hopefully people don't over look it and a community builds up around it.

As a hardcore Military Madness fan, it's worth the money
Good to hear a reccomendation from a Military Madness fan! I enjoyed what I've gotten to play so far (most of demo), it's tactics are pretty nice for an older game, and the help and how to play info is really well laid out, and in large, easily readable text. (HD games tend to think everyone has HDtvs, and that all text should be stupidly small... I guess being developed for Wii as well saved this game from that fate.)

What stuff was in Nectaris, that wasn't in Military Madness, btw?
[quote name='SAB-CA']What stuff was in Nectaris, that wasn't in Military Madness, btw?[/QUOTE]

map editor, side section of 44 fan made levels (which were all really good though a lot of them were hard as hell) and a second campaign
bread's done