[XBLA] - Monday Night Combat - 1200 Points - Free DLC Out Now!

eh its relative really, assasins power is compensated by their overall frailty and weak ranged attack, they are great at dropping the big boys and lone wolves, but are horrid at breaking through moneyball defenses, they are annoying and hard to spot ( i wish they made their humming louder, even with 7.1 in my headset i rarely hear them ) but balanced in the negative to their positive.

The Assault is a medium for range and close range and is popular as it is a straightforward jack of all trades class that you don't really have to focus on to play, however those that do and learn the class ins and outs can be awesome players. i think the auto grapple from the dash should be two movements but other than that they are a well balanced class.

im sure some tweeking will go on in the future but remember, the best way NOT to get one shotted.. is stay in the air, do not run down the main paths, stick with your team, do not follow repeated patterns of movement or they will keep going there to kill you everytime, and keep your back to the walls and glass as much as you can
I found that the support class it really good once the money ball comes down. If you can get one or two in then it is game. All you have to do is drain the life from the ball and it will fill yours back up. Most of the games I was able to get in with the support class once I started this nothing could stop me. Anyone have any tips as for what to use with the support class. I think right now I have the health regen, armor, and crit shot in that order. I think.
Support is definitely my favorite class so far. The shotgun is great for taking out assassins and air strike is really fun to use with quick skill recharge.
[quote name='sendme']I found that the support class it really good once the money ball comes down. If you can get one or two in then it is game. All you have to do is drain the life from the ball and it will fill yours back up. Most of the games I was able to get in with the support class once I started this nothing could stop me. Anyone have any tips as for what to use with the support class. I think right now I have the health regen, armor, and crit shot in that order. I think.[/QUOTE]

support i have just started experimenting with, but was fond of ability reuse, armor, health regen/speed as i like to run with my team and become an instant target. gonna play some with them more tonight
[quote name='thrustbucket']from reading this thread it sounds like asault will be the first to be nerfed. I also notice assault and assassin are most popular classes in my matches.[/QUOTE]

Nothing really needs to be nerfed, they did a great job a balance testing. If anything they would be nerfing the Gunner class, not Assault.

[quote name='LinkinPrime']IMO Assassin's are overpowered, they're way too fast and on top of that they have cloaking abilities...I get killed mostly by the assassin class over all the others.[/QUOTE]

Every class has an easy way to kill an Assassin, you just have to pay attention to your surrounding more. Gunner has the slam ability, Support has the shotgun (one shot kill at close range) and the Firebase reveals invisible Assassins, Tank has that spinning attack, Assault has charge with grapple, and Sniper has those freeze traps.

FYI, even when they are invisible they kick up dust when moving so you can still see where they are.
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bah after a full night of playing, I'm really hating the assault class. No matter which class I played I had the most deaths to them. And most of the time 3 of my team played assault.
I was doing really well with support today in my first game. It was me playing the support 3 assassin a sniper and gunner. I found me a spot and was let out the firebot and just kept healing it. When an assassin came through shotgun. I did this over and over and when the the jackbot, think that is the name of the large robot, came into play I went to get it and the host dropped from the game. It never got a new host. I think I would have been mvp as well as things were going.
[quote name='matto1233']So I take it people do play this game online?[/QUOTE]

The first day or two, most games I got into weren't full. Since Friday, every game I'm in has a full lobby. No matter what time I play. So, it does seem people are playing the game.
This game is weird. It honestly feels like I'm playing alone a lot of the time.

I played against one team that used teamwork and they rolled us.

I still don't understand how to get Jackbots, or that one incoming bomb attack, who's attack is that???
Got it today and enjoyed it a lot, but unfortunately probably won't be playing again till friday. This should serve as a nice bridge to Halo: Reach. How the hell do you take out those big guys? I don't know what they're called, but their guns seemed so powerful and no matter how much I shot them they never seemed to come close to dying.
[quote name='wakawakawa']I still don't understand how to get Jackbots, or that one incoming bomb attack, who's attack is that???[/QUOTE]

You are either talking about the airstrike that the support class has or one of the turrets that, when fully upgraded, is able to hit people from almost across the map.
Airstrike is incredible. I noticed yesterday that it's possible to stick the airstrike to a bot. Has anyone managed to stick it onto an actual player?
[quote name='swayz0r']Airstrike is incredible. I noticed yesterday that it's possible to stick the airstrike to a bot. Has anyone managed to stick it onto an actual player?[/QUOTE]

I believe it is possible and I think you unlock a plaque for doing it but I am not playing right now to check.
[quote name='swayz0r']Airstrike is incredible. I noticed yesterday that it's possible to stick the airstrike to a bot. Has anyone managed to stick it onto an actual player?[/QUOTE]

This is do-able, I've landed a couple of them on players while looking down from above.
I get airstrikes stuck on players at least once every game or two. I got one on a Gunner that was a good distance away. I was just trying to land it near him to hopefully get some damage. When it stuck to him, I cheered like a little school boy. :)
The first day or two after the game's release, I only had 2 friends with the game on my friend leaderboard. Now I'm up around 8 people with the game. I'm really loving this game and trying to get as many of my friends to buy it as I can.

Great game!!!
[quote name='Hoffer']I get airstrikes stuck on players at least once every game or two. I got one on a Gunner that was a good distance away. I was just trying to land it near him to hopefully get some damage. When it stuck to him, I cheered like a little school boy. :)[/QUOTE]

Nice :applause::cool:
I stick people with it all the time. The fun thing to do with it is run up to someone when they have their back to you stick them and run a way. I had one person that I did that to run around trying to get a way from it and ran into another player on their side. I felt a little sad that they never got away from it and I bet that other player was pissed when it went off.
Is anyone NOT playing Assault or Gunner? Good lord. I keep getting stuck in matches with at least 3 people playing gunner/assault - sometimes everyone.

And Gunners are a BITCH to take out with almost every class. Any tips? IT seems they can kill you in 3 seconds from long distances. How do you stop that?
I am a tank.

I can snipe gunners as a tank, that works well and makes em go to cover.

You can be a sniper and kill the gunner.

Or be an assassin :)

Lots of ways to kill those guys..but yeah, its real annoying.

Want to play some tonight Thrust? I added you on my friends list i think.
When I first started playing, I played as a Gunner. Since then, I've tried every other class. I've easily played as Support the most. Assault is in the top 3 most played. I've only tried the other 3 classes one round each in Crossfire. I really want to go back to Assassin again.

I have had a couple rounds where a Gunner drove me nuts. They can really wipe you out fast with the double barrelled gun.
I want to try Sniper.

Assault doesnt seem interesting to me at all though.

Asassin I like, just sometimes I cant grab them :(

I never tried Support yet either
If anyone wants to add me, I'll be around in an hour or so. Haven't played the game yet, so no guarantees I'll do much good, but I'll be playing for fun for the most part.
[quote name='life.exe']Yes?[/QUOTE]
Then why does the Assassin have a facestab maneuver?
[quote name='Brak']Then why does the Assassin have a facestab maneuver?[/QUOTE]

Because she also has low health and limited range.

Someone should organize a night where we all get together and play this game with each other. It would be fun.
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[quote name='Brak']Then why does the Assassin have a facestab maneuver?[/QUOTE]

To kill people with?

If you are annoyed by them I posted a solution on the previous page of this thread on how to beat them with every class. They all have easy counters. Assassins never really do anything to determine the outcome of the game.
[quote name='Brak']Then why does the Assassin have a facestab maneuver?[/QUOTE]

It's just a grapple move. Every class in the game can grapple. Grapples can be done from the front and back. Personally, I'm more annoyed when Assassins grapple from the back because that is an instant kill. At least when they grapple from the front and you're at full health, it won't kill you and you have a chance to take them out.
All classes have either something that will reveal assassins (Ice mine, Firebase) or something that will prevent them from grappling you (deploy, hover).
[quote name='seanr1221']How do you hack turrets? I know you have to buy the skill, but I only ever destroy them as the support.[/QUOTE]

Don't you hack them just like any turret that belongs to your own team? Run up to it and hold the X button.

I've played a lot of Support and have never tried. I assume you need to be juiced to get it done without dying?

I've only seen one of my team's turrets hacked twice. It was an odd thing to see both times.
[quote name='seanr1221']How do you hack turrets? I know you have to buy the skill, but I only ever destroy them as the support.[/QUOTE]

You have to have the level 3 hack. then you just go up to them and press X.

What I wanna know is how you pick up your Firebase after you've already placed it? I saw a Support do it once and I haven't figured out how.
[quote name='seanr1221']Ah you have to hold X while near it, thanks.

And it's pretty easy to build juice as the support so that's not a problem.[/QUOTE]

You can hack both friendly and enemy turrets. Hacking your own team's turret gives you credit for any kills it gets. It also increases the turrets range and firing rate I believe. A turret hacked at level 3 is more powerful than a turret hacked at level 1. Something I didn't know is that a hack wears off. So, the .1 or .3 is like a progress bar that empties.

I think I've read that a long shot turret level 3 and hacked to level 3 has enough range to reach the other team's base. There's just a ton of stuff to learn about this game. It has a lot of depth to it.
[quote name='TruVisionary']

What I wanna know is how you pick up your Firebase after you've already placed it? I saw a Support do it once and I haven't figured out how.[/QUOTE]

Just walk up to it and press the Y button. Same button you press to deploy it.
so this game is actually fun huh i mean i played the demo n thought meh-

but now after reading some of the comments im thinking maybe i should give it another try--

as it seams most of the fun is coming from playing with other people
bread's done