XBLA - Ms. 'Splosion Man - 800 points - 5/4: New Challenge to Win The Next TP Game


36 (100%)


Interview With Details
Fresh out of containment and ready to butcher countless more scientists, Ms. Splosion Man was revealed this evening by Twisted Pixel. Alongside the first teaser and news of next fall's splosive sequel, Twisted Pixel CCO Josh Bear spoke with us about all things MSM. We got to the important stuff upfront, pinning Bear to the wall about the real difference between Mr. and Ms. Splosion Man. "Splosion Man has a penis, Ms. Splosion Man has a vagina," he confessed. Solved.

Oh, right, there was also talk of the reasoning behind a full-on sequel in terms of gameplay. Bear explained: "I think with Splosion Man a follow up was something we really wanted to do, and that is why you never saw DLC for that game. We could have churned out new levels, but we wouldn't have had the time to add in new gameplay puzzles or cool new character stuff. But we didn't just want to do Splosion Man 2, it had to be something a ittle more interesting. That is why we decided to do MSM."

And that's not all! Apparently Twisted Pixel is already hard at work on another game -- an entirely new IP, in fact -- with ex-Harmonix designer Dan Teasdale. Head past the break for more.


Joystiq: This is the first "sequel" that Twisted Pixel is working on – after a string of original games, why make a sequel? Do you reject the "common wisdom" that sequels are creatively bankrupt? Will TP continue making new characters? Chances for other TP intellectual properties to become franchises?

Josh Bear, CCO of Twisted Pixel: We have never wanted to make a sequel to one of our games unless we thought it made sense, that we could add more to it and actually make a better game. I think with Splosion Man a follow up was something we really wanted to do, and that is why you never saw DLC for that game. We could have churned out new levels, but we wouldn't have had the time to add in new gameplay puzzles or cool new character stuff. But we didn't just want to do Splosion Man 2, it had to be something a little more interesting. That is why we decided to do Ms. Splosion Man. As for us continuing to create new characters, absolutely. Ms. Splosion Man is a new character herself, she just happens to continue on from where we left off with Splosion Man. We are also working on another game right now that is brand new IP.

Given that Comic Jumper packed in free DLC for Splosion Man, any chance Ms. Splosion Man will pack in free DLC for Comic Jumper?

We love giving away free stuff in our games, but it is unlikely there will be Comic Jumper DLC in Ms. Splosion Man. As awesome as that would be, Comic Jumper levels are extremely involved and would take a large amount of time and money to create. At some point though we would love to do more with Comic Jumper, especially if we can add more sexist and racist things to it, because according to some people on the internet, that is what we love here at Twisted Pixel! **** women! **** other cultures! Yayyyyyyy!!!

Will we see you folks at PAX East this year?

AWWW YEAH! Are we gonna make out behind the booth like we did last year?

What is the difference between Splosion Man and Ms. Splosion Man ... really?

Splosion Man has a penis, Ms. Splosion Man has a vagina.

We have to ask: Was Ms. Pac-Man an influence in creating Ms. Splosion Man? If so, how?

Ms. Splosion Man is an homage to Ms. Pac-man, where there were similarities in gameplay and look, but everything was just more polished and better all around. We have taken that approach with this game, to make sure it is more of what people liked about Splosion Man but also stands out on its own as a much bigger and better game overall, not to be confused as an over-priced DLC pack which I think a lot of retail "sequels" can be a lot of the time.

Is Ms. Splosion Man running off of a different engine? If so, what improvements have been made? If not, why such a long development cycle?

Ms. Splosion Man is running off the engine we have used for all of our games, BEARD. With every new game we come out with we make improvements to the engine. You'll have to wait and see what prizes we've added to BEARD this time around.

What kind of gameplay additions will we see, especially in co-op?

There is a lot of stuff we wanted to do in the first Splosion Man but just didn't have time for. We are revisiting some of that with Ms. Splosion Man, along with a bunch of other stuff. On the co-op side, we are revamping how we design the levels so that it is easier for four people to play at once, and that the online side of things runs smoother than the first one. It is going to be a lot of fun.

What did you learn from Splosion Man that you can apply to Ms. Splosion Man?

A lot of things, everything from difficulty to length between checkpoints, etc. It is nice to revisit the franchise and be able to address things that you know people were having issues with.

How did the "Way of the Coward" mode work out in 'Splosion Man? Did players respond well?

Way of the Coward worked out well for us. I still can't believe Miyamoto copied from us for New Super Mario Bros. What a dick. We found that a lot of players appreciated that it was there, but didn't want to use it because it hurt their pride. A version of Way of the Coward will be back for Ms. Splosion Man, for people who are having a hard time and want to move forward. Originally the decision to put Way of the Coward in was because Sean Conway, our level designer, was having problems beating his own levels. We felt bad for him and put it in as a cheat just so we could finish the game, but ended up leaving it in for other players as well, just in case they sucked as bad as Conway did.

The co-op mode was especially fun if you had the people for it, but was a lot of missed content. Any plans for AI or some other way for people without the right number of friends to experience content like that?

Yeah we have a few ideas we are working on for that. I think one of those things is just to let people know that multiplayer is a different game altogether with different levels, etc. I don't think we did a good job explaining that in the first game, and a lot of people missed out on it.

Some of the billboards in Comic Jumper had hints at Twisted Pixel's future games. Was Ms. Splosion Man in there, or is there another title Twisted Pixel is still working on separately?

Ms. Splosion Man was not one of the billboards in Comic Jumper. But there is a "Coming Soon" billboard in there that does have a hint of something we may or may not be working on. That is all I can say, or the sniper outside my window will shoot me in the face.

Is this also an XBLA exclusive?

We haven't announced that yet, but we are always open to working on all platforms (apologies to Mr. Gates -- if you guys had a version of "The Tester" on Xbox we would totally only go with you all the time).

Will Dan Teasdale be working on this? If so, what's he doing?

Dan Teasdale is currently our janitor here at the company. He sings "Hungry Like the Wolf" when he mops the floor, and he loves to pound on the trash can lids as he takes out the garbage. He is an amazing janitor! Sometimes he has game ideas, but we just laugh at him and tell him to keep shining our shoes.

You've turned out three new IPs, and have become a studio known for original characters. Is this a sequel in addition to or instead of a new property?

We are making Ms. Splosion Man because it is awesome. We are also working on another game that is a new property that will be announced sometime soon. If Dan can hurry up and clean out the fridge, he might get a chance to work on that game.

Is Ms. Splosion Man more complex, or does it maintain the simplicity of the first game?

Ms. Splosion Man carries on what we did with 'Splosion Man and adds more awesomeness. Even at this stage it is a lot of fun, and we are all looking forward to sharing it with everyone who enjoyed Splosion Man. And I think people that found the first game too hard or too frustrating will be happy with the balance we have found in Ms. Splosion Man.

Want to get your hands on some Ms. Splosion Man action early?! Yeah you do, that’s why we got an early public access test all set up and ready for you. This type of testing doesn’t happen often in XBLA, so we are very excited to be one of the studios to be able to bring this to you. 10,000 spots are reserved so you should act fast – we’re expecting these invites to fill up quickly. The registration window is from May 24th to June 12th and happens here: https://connect.microsoft.com/site1241 just follow the instructions and you’re good to splode!

On June 6th the fun will begin and will last until June 26th. Participants will get two multiplayer levels each week, so play online often and send us your bug reports and comments to [email protected]. The point of this early access program is to gain your feedback on how we can better your online gaming experience, so speak up. Your voice will be heard and feedback taken into consideration. Thanks so much for being such passionate fans. We really appreciate you taking the time to help us out. Hope you like the game!

Rules and boring stuff:
Eligible applicants must…

  • Be one of the 10,000 registrants chosen to participate.
  • Own a retail Xbox 360 console with a hard drive.
  • Have an Xbox LIVE Gold Membership.
  • Have broadband Internet access at home.
  • Be willing to play the early access with others in the program if they know them or not.
  • Have time to play with numerous online gamers, and time to provide copious feedback.
To apply:

  1. Click here.
  2. If prompted, sign in with your Windows Live ID (you may also need to register with Connect if you’ve not done so before).
  3. Complete the survey.
  4. Click Submit.
Processing submissions may take some time, so please be patient. If you have any issues with Connect during the application process, email [email protected].
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My girlfriend and I are currently playing through 'Splosion Man and are totally loving it. One of more creative games I have played on the 360.

Anyone else thing this trailer is one of the better game trailers to be made? I laughed and smiled nearly the entire time.
[quote name='DoubleJG']My girlfriend and I are currently playing through 'Splosion Man and are totally loving it. One of more creative games I have played on the 360.

Anyone else thing this trailer is one of the better game trailers to be made? I laughed and smiled nearly the entire time.[/QUOTE]

The co-op levels are very clever. It's much more than just letting 2 people play the same levels as single player.

The new Laura craft xbla game is another one where co-op has unique puzzles and mechanics when compared to single player.
[quote name='starmask2k3']shouldn't this be Mrs.explode woman not man[/QUOTE]
[quote name='starmask2k3']shouldn't this be Mrs.explode woman not man[/QUOTE]

Yes, they should have done it like Pac-Man and called it Mrs. Pac-Woman.
From this month's OXM magazine:

"...you'll be able to choose your own path through Ms. Splosion Man to suit your skill level. A world map is now in place, giving you the choice to play through simpler or harder stages as you see fit. "There'll be multiple paths, each with their own risks/rewards," Willford [Twisted Pixel co-founder] adds. They're also experimenting "with the idea of giving certain levels alternate completion paths similar to Super Mario World."

Thought this was pretty cool.

They've set up a developer blog for Ms. Splosion Man and while not really saying much other than that it will have a lot of bonus content like their past games. They also have an Easter contest that may or may not already be over:

Starting with, CONTESTS! We are kicking this Blog off with an Easter egg hunt that you can take part in for a chance to win a free copy of Ms. Splosion Man upon release. All you have to do is grab a copy of our happy family office photo below and search for all the hidden eggs. The first 10 people to find all the eggs with the correct total will win a game code upon release.

Shoot over an email describing where each egg is and a total or circle all the eggs in the pic and send it back with a total. Send your findings to me at contest(at)twistedpixelgames(dot)com with the subject “MsSM Easter Egg Contest” and I will contact the winners! You may even get a shout out on the blog and twitter

Contest is from now until 12:00 am April 25th. Good luck, and happy hunting! Now onto the blog post.

Happy Family! Click for larger image, and right click to save.
A new mode has been revealed for Ms. Splosion Man, which is called 2 Girls 1 Controller Mode. It's a self-co-op mode that lets you control two Splosion Girls at once.

The Teaser:
This week you should see the June issue of Game Informer magazine hitting stands. In it, our upcoming XBLA title Ms. Splosion Man gets a full page preview where we got to unveil a brand new feature in the game. The feature is called 2G1C mode and each day this week we will reveal a new video that shows people reacting to seeing the awesomeness of this mode in action. Be sure to check out the June issue of GI for details on this mode, and check back here each day this week for a new reaction video, culminating in a finale on Friday.

The subject of today’s reaction video is Tony.

The subject of today’s reaction video is Conway.

The subject of today’s reaction video is Grace.

The subject of today’s reaction video is Jay.
The Reveal:

Hide yo kids, hide yo wife! All week we’ve been teasing a new game mode coming to Ms. Splosion Man called 2G1C. Like its impossible-to-unsee video namesake, this new mode is ridiculous, preposterous, and not for everyone.


Our mode is called Two Girls, One Controller, and it allows one player to control two Splosion Gals simultaneously on the same controller. You use the left analog stick with LB button for one, and the right analog stick with RB for the other. It takes a keen eye and a whole lot of dexterity to keep these two girls on target, but once you get the rhythm right you’re off and sploding. Take it from Lead Designer, Sean Riley:

“Hey, I’m Sean Riley, Lead Designer on Ms. Splosion Man and creator of much of the multiplayer campaign. Designers are social recluses who don’t want to make friends or talk to people, so we designers would always try and play multiplayer on our own instead of ever admitting we needed help. Then Chainsaw, our audio dude, had the idea to put both players on one controller, using each stick to control a different player and the bumpers to jump. It was a great idea, so I stole it and claimed it as my own, and we got it put into the game. Later on our Lead Programmer, Mike Henry, came up with the idea of calling it 2 girls 1 controller, and as soon as he said it, we knew that’s what the name would have to be. We decided that some of our audience out there might also be OCD with no friends and would want to try and beat the multiplayer game all on their own, so we made the mode a special unlockable in the game. Best of luck, and be very, very, very careful if you ever search for videos of people accomplishing this greatest of challenges.”

While we hope this feature doesn’t inspire you to vomit up your goldfish crackers and granola bars, we do hope it offers an exciting new challenge that keeps you coming back for more.

That's very interesting that the name of 2girls1controller is a reference to 2girls1cup. I guess even though it's a very kid friendly game, kids wouldn't get the reference.
Twisted Pixel has announced an early public access test (aka beta) for Ms. Splosion Man that will last for a few weeks from June 6 to June 26:
Want to get your hands on some Ms. Splosion Man action early?! Yeah you do, that’s why we got an early public access test all set up and ready for you. This type of testing doesn’t happen often in XBLA, so we are very excited to be one of the studios to be able to bring this to you. 10,000 spots are reserved so you should act fast – we’re expecting these invites to fill up quickly. The registration window is from May 24th to June 12th and happens here: https://connect.microsoft.com/site1241 just follow the instructions and you’re good to splode!

On June 6th the fun will begin and will last until June 26th. Participants will get two multiplayer levels each week, so play online often and send us your bug reports and comments to [email protected]. The point of this early access program is to gain your feedback on how we can better your online gaming experience, so speak up. Your voice will be heard and feedback taken into consideration. Thanks so much for being such passionate fans. We really appreciate you taking the time to help us out. Hope you like the game!

Rules and boring stuff:
Eligible applicants must…

  • Be one of the 10,000 registrants chosen to participate.
  • Own a retail Xbox 360 console with a hard drive.
  • Have an Xbox LIVE Gold Membership.
  • Have broadband Internet access at home.
  • Be willing to play the early access with others in the program if they know them or not.
  • Have time to play with numerous online gamers, and time to provide copious feedback.
To apply:

  1. Click here.
  2. If prompted, sign in with your Windows Live ID (you may also need to register with Connect if you’ve not done so before).
  3. Complete the survey.
  4. Click Submit.
Processing submissions may take some time, so please be patient. If you have any issues with Connect during the application process, email [email protected].
Twisted Pixel and Microsoft Game Studios have announced that they're to hold a muliplayer beta for Ms. 'Splosion Man giving 10,000 players the chance to get public early access to the game, which is a rarity for an Xbox Live Arcade title.
The registration window for getting in on the Ms. 'Splosion Man action is from now until June 12th, so head on over to https://connect.microsoft.com/site1241 and follow the instructions for your chance to start 'sploding early.
You'll need a Gold Xbox Live membership, a broadband connection, hard drive space and time to play and provide feedback on the beta if you want to get involved.
The Ms. 'Splosion Man public multiplayer beta will begin on June 6th and will run until June 26th, giving participants access to two multiplayer levels each week. You can then report your comments and feedback at: [email protected].
Now go get 'sploding!
While they dont explicitly say so, I would assume you will get a free copy of the final game when the beta is done.
[quote name='Corvin']Didn't like giving them all my personal info, especially my phone #, but I signed up anyway.[/QUOTE]

It's being done through Microsoft Connect which is a professional outfit. They handle way bigger and more important stuff than this, you should be fine. If I were you I'd sign up for a google voice account. You can route calls to your regular phone and if a telemarketer calls you can easily block the number.
Just got email notifying me of being selected to participate in the beta. Includes individual token code. Good luck to all other applicants!
bread's done