XBLA - Simpsons Arcade - 800 Points - Now available!

I can't warrant a purchase, as much as I played this at the Diary Queen in Lafayette Sq. mall as a kid. These beat em ups don't last anymore, but this one is a bit more fun than X-men was. It will be interesting to see if any changes have been made, but this would be great with 4 people playing in the same room. NOSTALGIA!!!

What's next? We have TMNT (both games), X-men, and Simpsons... that's the Holy trinity of my Arcade golden era beat em ups...
I'm in. This will help delay, if not kill, my hunt for a coin-op version. 800 MSP is far cheaper than ~$1000, and it will take up much less room!

Also, I wonder how well the Mortal Kombat arcade sticks would work with it?
[quote name='sp00ge']I'm in. This will help delay, if not kill, my hunt for a coin-op version. 800 MSP is far cheaper than ~$1000, and it will take up much less room!

Also, I wonder how well the Mortal Kombat arcade sticks would work with it?[/QUOTE]The coin-op version looks so much cooler. ;)
Day one purchase for! Glad to see so many other CAGs are interested in this. If I can't talk my friends into getting it, I'll see if any of you are up for a game.
[quote name='McCHitman']
What's next? We have TMNT (both games), X-men, and Simpsons... that's the Holy trinity of my Arcade golden era beat em ups...[/QUOTE]

They could put me in a coma by re-releasing Power Stone to XBLA...
I still want Alien vs. Predator that Capcom made. That is the one game missing from the lineup of top arcade game from the 90's. Also the arcade versions of KI 1 and KI 2 and then it feels more complete. Maybe Street Fighter Alpha 3 although I do have the anthology version for the ps2 so it's not a pressing concern.
[quote name='sp00ge']I'm in. This will help delay, if not kill, my hunt for a coin-op version. 800 MSP is far cheaper than ~$1000, and it will take up much less room!

Also, I wonder how well the Mortal Kombat arcade sticks would work with it?[/QUOTE]

I imagine any arcade stick would work great if you're just trying to capture the arcade feel. You only need two buttons, attack and jump if I recall.
[quote name='Strider Turbulence']lol, you guys will hate Power Stone if it came to XBLA. All it would take is a few matches in multiplayer.[/QUOTE]

lol. true dat.
Downloaded the trial, will give it a go later on tonight.

CAGs strapped for space on their hard drives will be glad to hear that it's only 18MB.
[quote name='Strider Turbulence']lol, you guys will hate Power Stone if it came to XBLA. All it would take is a few matches in multiplayer.[/QUOTE]

I'm up for that challenge. I was surprised that my college arcade had that game and I always play that when on break.
Bought. Will probably be on later tonight if anyone wants to try to blow through it for the 30 minute achievement. Not sure how hard that will be, can't remember how long the game is. I'm assuming not very long.
[quote name='KaneRobot']Bought. Will probably be on later tonight if anyone wants to try to blow through it for the 30 minute achievement. Not sure how hard that will be, can't remember how long the game is. I'm assuming not very long.[/QUOTE]

I played through once solo this morning, and it took about 35 minutes with a little struggling. With help, it shouldn't take nearly as long.

I might be up for some multiplayer tonight.
I thought this game was supposed to be in HD, and widescreen. From the xbox live marketplace screens it looks like a straight port with dated graphics. not saying thats bad, but i just thought it was going to get a makeover.
Kind of a bit steep for a TMNT Arcade clone. I bit on that one when it went on sale for 200 points a couple years back. Might do the same with this one if it ever drops to that price.
Gonna get some Battlefield in momentarily but I think I'm going to jump on this around 10pm EST tonight, if anyone sees me on feel free to join up, or add me if you're not already on my list.

[quote name='sp00ge']I played through once solo this morning, and it took about 35 minutes with a little struggling. With help, it shouldn't take nearly as long.[/QUOTE]

Same here and that's pretty much exactly what happened with me. I think if I played through again I'd be damn close. Your two button attack can kill many enemies with one hit, that makes a big difference.

[quote name='ZForce915']Kane, is that a Golddust avatar outfit you're wearing? That might be the best/worst thing I've ever seen.[/QUOTE]

Yes, and that's the reason I bought it. So awful it's great.
[quote name='KaneRobot']Gonna get some Battlefield in momentarily but I think I'm going to jump on this around 10pm EST tonight, if anyone sees me on feel free to join up, or add me if you're not already on my list.

Same here and that's pretty much exactly what happened with me. I think if I played through again I'd be damn close. Your two button attack can kill many enemies with one hit, that makes a big difference.


Don't forget that there are team-up attacks with two players, so that should up the damage.
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Just cleared it solo with Homer in about 28:30 on normal difficulty, so it's definitely possible to do on your own.

Still need to clear it a couple more times with Bart & Marge, I'll be on for a while if anyone wants to go through it.
Bought this day one since I had been hoping for a proper port to home consoles the past 20 years, even though it probably should have launched at 5 bucks based on the amount of my friends waiting for a sale to get it now. The online coop was pretty solid from what I played with randoms, had hard slowdown a couple times on the last boss, but nobody dropped and it sorted itself out. The other time I went through was flawless.

The best thing about this port is they put in separate modes with limited quarters and leaderboards. There is finally a legit skill mode in one of these games with the 1 credit survival mode, instead of the usual infinite continues where everyone abuses one respawning enemy point. This mode adds a surprising amount of replay to a game like this and will keep me playing it longer than TMNT and X-Men.

Now we just need a real port of the SNES Turtles in Time (with 4 player if possible) and I'll be pretty satisfied.
[quote name='The 7th Number']I thought this game was supposed to be in HD, and widescreen. From the xbox live marketplace screens it looks like a straight port with dated graphics. not saying thats bad, but i just thought it was going to get a makeover.[/QUOTE]

No, nobody ever said it would be changed in any way.
[quote name='eastx']No, nobody ever said it would be changed in any way.[/QUOTE]

Actually over at Joystiq a user commented on how it was being made in HD, even though the article never said it was, i guess i got confused.
i am really glad i purchased the game. I don't think I ever had enough quarters to get past the 2nd stage as a kid, and it was fun to play this game again.
I received a couple of invites to this from CAGs on my friends list yesterday, is there an option on there to just invite everybody from your friends list or were they actually inviting me? I don't have the game at the moment, just confused me a bit. I used to play this a lot in the arcades, might grab it soon. Beat-em-ups are awesome.
Too bad the graphic in my games has a gold strip, why cant it have a white strip at the top like the rest. well castlevania had a gold strip too. :X
Still love this game.

I tried to beat it on Expert solo with Lisa and individual quarters for the cheevo along with the beat the game with every character one as well, managed to get to the boss of stage seven and ran out of lives.

On the bright side, I am ranked 19th in points on expert haha.
I lucked into the expert achievement myself earlier today with Lisa.

I beat the first two levels with pretty good success, but choked on the graveyard level. Think I had two quarters left at the start of stage 7 when a random guy showed up. Thanks to him, I finished with 0 quarters, and maybe a small fraction of my life left on my last life when the game ended.
[quote name='jello44']Still love this game.

I tried to beat it on Expert solo with Lisa and individual quarters for the cheevo along with the beat the game with every character one as well, managed to get to the boss of stage seven and ran out of lives.

On the bright side, I am ranked 19th in points on expert haha.[/QUOTE]

I'm up to fourth. I guess people must be milking the extra ninjas on the channel six level to get the extra points because I probably only left five points floating out there.

As long as you abuse the jump attack and play smart expert is pretty easy. Burns is the only mildly hard thing about it.

I got all the cheese so I think I might be done with the game for a while.
I got all of the Achievements today too. Expert and Survival are both pretty reasonable if you're careful and do the X + A attack on bosses as much as possible. My review's going up at Co-Optimus tomorrow.
It sounds good, but I just can't bring myself to pay $10 for a game of this sort. Even 400 seems like it's pushing it, especially when PS+ subscribers get it for free. It needs to go on fire sale.
[quote name='IceBlueShoes']Also waiting for a 400pt sale.[/QUOTE]

Im still waiting for xmen arcade to go on sale . lol These games are classics either way. Xmen could go on sale any week now?!??!! :bouncy:
Hasn't xmen been on sale already? I can't honestly remember though, I have so many xbox live games. >_<

My 4 year and I buzzed through the game on Tuesday night, it was a blast playing the game. My only complaint is the dpad on the ps3 was very unresponsive, the analog was the best way to play.

EDIT: I just checked and I have it, it must have been on sale already because I usually don't buy them full price.
[quote name='BWeed560']Im still waiting for xmen arcade to go on sale . lol These games are classics either way. Xmen could go on sale any week now?!??!! :bouncy:[/QUOTE]

X-Men has been on sale at least twice already. Once a month or so after release, and the second time was around the holidays if my memory (usually shoddy) holds true.
Does anyone know if it's possible to play a four player game with two local and two online players? My husband and I want to play with some friends online. I notice most games don't allow this option.
[quote name='RallyV']Does anyone know if it's possible to play a four player game with two local and two online players? My husband and I want to play with some friends online. I notice most games don't allow this option.[/QUOTE]

It's possible... We cover that in the review at Co-Optimus (once of the site's nicer features).
bread's done