Xbox 2 Preorders at EB


I'm not sure how prevalent they are, but my local EB has begun taking preorders for Xbox 2 and several games. There's a small sign near the register promoting the Xbox 2 and its supposed launch games available for preorder including; Condemned, Halo 2.5, Quake IV, and Project Gotham Racing 3. I didn't even know PGR3 or QIV have been confirmed for Xbox 2 yet. Are the preorders available at other locations yet? For reference, I live in NY.
From my experiences with EB they begin taking pre-orders for anything after it has been confirmed that it is being made. You could probably pre-order the PS9 from those old commercials. I'll check next time I go down because its always good to be high on the list.
[quote name='Jango007']From my experiences with EB they begin taking pre-orders for anything after it has been confirmed that it is being made. You could probably pre-order the PS9 from those old commercials. I'll check next time I go down because its always good to be high on the list.[/quote]

Agreed I'm getting on on preorders at a couple stores in case this comes out around Christmas and is therefore impossible to find. I'm gonna hit all four local Gamestops and the two semi-local EBs.
With the psp, ps3, and xbox next (or whatever name it gets), plus a load of good looking games coming out, How about another job?
uh... wow.
I have $300 set aside for the XBox 2 and I plan to dump more. I hope this is official and MS makes note of it. PGR3 and Halo 2.5 I'll reserve with the system.
[quote name='zionoverfire']If they annoucing Oblivion as a launch title I'm so there.[/quote]

I thought Oblivion was a launch title? No?
The only thing i will reserve for the system as of now is The Godfather, and thats only if the system is released before the end of the year
[quote name='XCutioner93']I recently went to EB and Gamestop and didn't see signs indicating a preorder, maybe it's YMMV?[/quote]
Most places probably don't have any signs yet, I know my local stores don't but I'm just going to ask about it next time I'm there.

[quote name='MaskedPlague']They were taking preorders at my area EBGames. I would like to know a price first before I plop down a Benjamin. [/quote]
Most likely you only have to put $10 to reserve it (someone who actually did so can probably correct me if I'm wrong), so I'm just gonna plop the ten bucks down and if I find out it's too expensive just get my money back later.
It's not a preorder with money down. It's simply a sheet you can write your name and info down so once more information comes, you will be first to call.
I'd only consider preordering it after E3. That way, I can see some of the games so I know if it will or won't have a shitty launch like the PS2 (or if Microsoft's lost their Japanese developers which they really need to keep.) After E3 is also when you can basically get the guarantee that you'll get the system right away when it comes out. But yeah, going into a preorder for the XBox 2 without knowing anything about it save for a few rumoured games that don't even sound that good isn't a great idea. e3, boys.
[quote name='Chacrana']I'd only consider preordering it after E3. That way, I can see some of the games so I know if it will or won't have a shitty launch like the PS2 (or if Microsoft's lost their Japanese developers which they really need to keep.) After E3 is also when you can basically get the guarantee that you'll get the system right away when it comes out. But yeah, going into a preorder for the XBox 2 without knowing anything about it save for a few rumoured games that don't even sound that good isn't a great idea. e3, boys.[/quote]

What's not a good idea about trying to be first on the list? It's simple you get down on the paper or whatever, then you get your preorder in when you can. If you end up not liking how it looks at launch you just cancel your preorder. I think that's a better option than waiting until November and seeing a hot game announced at the last minute, then being unable to preorder because you waited so long.
Halo 2.5 has already been confirmed (I believe Gamespot had this one). It's going to be on the Hard drive (sold seperately). They've made it sound like there will be two distinctly different systems- one with a hard drive (around 400$), and one w/o (300$). I know a while ago they were toying with the whole PCTV concept, and having a windows OS for your tv built in, but who the hell really knows until E3.

The 'list' that he's probably referring to is that there is a department listing already programmed into the EB POS (aka register) system that has a list of 'expected' XBox2 titles. None of them are confirmed, they are there as possible games coming out, and the anticipated prices/option for reservation should they become official. I know the Saturn and Dreamcast had similiar lists with all the games that were 'suppose' to come out... obviously reality was a lot less....
It's not a good idea to tell customers that those proposed games are coming out for the new Xbox. Don't want people complaining when those games aren't actual launch title games
[quote name='bil4l']Xbox 2 will probably be out before Bungie decides to release some new maps for Halo 2.[/quote]

Funny because its true! There has been a lack of dnl Content on live lately, wish there was more.
Af for me, I will in no way by that dude when it first launches. I will wait for the inevitable $100 price drop and plus wait for the bugs to be found and those fixed. And to top if off, by the time I pick it up for $199, those launch games will only be $19.99.

It's good to have patience.
id rather get my preorder in now while they arent telling me i have to buy one of their "bundles". No EB i wont buy that 3rd party garbage that you wouldnt be able to sell otherwise and no I wont let you pick out my games for me.
[quote name='hebgbz']Af for me, I will in no way by that dude when it first launches. I will wait for the inevitable $100 price drop and plus wait for the bugs to be found and those fixed. And to top if off, by the time I pick it up for $199, those launch games will only be $19.99.

It's good to have patience.[/quote]

Heh, I'm right there with you hebgbz. I bought my PS2 at the $199 pricepoint and my Xbox at the $149 pricepoint. Plus there's plenty of great games coming out this year to keep me occupied till the first round of price drops on the next systems: Jade Empire, Advent Rising, FF12, Republic Commando, Splinter Cell, Doom....and of course Halo 2 on Live will continually entertain me.

I'll hope along with everyone that the next Xbox and PS3 launch with better titles than the last time around...but I won't be holding my breath, nor pre-ordering.
The Xbox has been the worst failure in videogaming history (based on how much money they lost) so it wouldn't surprise me if they ditched it so early. How they've lost over 1 billion on this system is beyond me!!

I hear people talking about Nintendo going 3rd party but by the looks of things it's microsoft that will go.
[quote name='captaincold']The Xbox has been the worst failure in videogaming history (based on how much money they lost) so it wouldn't surprise me if they ditched it so early. How they've lost over 1 billion on this system is beyond me!![/quote]

Just when I was begining to think that the majority of internet posters weren't idiots...someone like you comes along and proves me wrong.

And umm, the only game out of that "preorder" list that's actually official is Condemned, and that may not even be a launch title. In fact there are no games that are officially launch titles yet, sounds like EB is just looking for a scam to get people to preorder. Next thing you know they'll start making up release dates for games...oh wait...
[quote name='Gojtron']I didn't know that Halo 2.5 was official either.[/quote]

That's because it isn't. Bungie said that they wanted to work on a new title before going back to finish the Halo series.
Stubbs the Zombie isn't a Bungie game. It's being developed by two former Bungie employees (pretty high up guys, from what I remember), and it uses a heavilly modified version of the Halo 1 engine, but otherwise it's a totally independant game that's being published by Aspyr. I'm not sure why Magicbox's preview says that it's being published by Bungie, they aren't even a publisher.

As for what Bungie is doing...who knows. Possibly a launch title for Xbox 2, but I highly, highly doubt it would be Halo 2.5. This reminds me of all those "Halo 1.5" rumors that were going on a year ago.
I asked this evening at my local (LA) EB, and was told that there won't be any preorders for some time. Of course, most of the clerks are idiots. But I'll give this guy the benefit of the doubt.
[quote name='Edge']Stubbs the Zombie isn't a Bungie game. It's being developed by two former Bungie employees (pretty high up guys, from what I remember), and it uses a heavilly modified version of the Halo 1 engine, but otherwise it's a totally independant game that's being published by Aspyr. I'm not sure why Magicbox's preview says that it's being published by Bungie, they aren't even a publisher.

As for what Bungie is doing...who knows. Possibly a launch title for Xbox 2, but I highly, highly doubt it would be Halo 2.5. This reminds me of all those "Halo 1.5" rumors that were going on a year ago.[/quote]
Its being published by MS through Bungie. It'll have the advantage of the Bungie branding, and while I'm sure the people at Bungie will be doing some stuff on the technical end that publishers do, it'll be MS that actually produces the discs. A publisher does more than just churn out copies of the game.
[quote name='dafoomie'][quote name='Edge']Stubbs the Zombie isn't a Bungie game. It's being developed by two former Bungie employees (pretty high up guys, from what I remember), and it uses a heavilly modified version of the Halo 1 engine, but otherwise it's a totally independant game that's being published by Aspyr. I'm not sure why Magicbox's preview says that it's being published by Bungie, they aren't even a publisher.

As for what Bungie is doing...who knows. Possibly a launch title for Xbox 2, but I highly, highly doubt it would be Halo 2.5. This reminds me of all those "Halo 1.5" rumors that were going on a year ago.[/quote]
Its being published by MS through Bungie. It'll have the advantage of the Bungie branding, and while I'm sure the people at Bungie will be doing some stuff on the technical end that publishers do, it'll be MS that actually produces the discs. A publisher does more than just churn out copies of the game.[/quote]

That'll come as a terrible surprise to Aspyr, seeing as they seem very convinced they're publishing the game across Xbox, PC, and Mac.
At this point in time, any attempt at preordering an Xbox 2 has the same value as standing alone in a room and announcing aloud that you intend to buy an Xbox 2 at launch.
[quote name='epobirs']At this point in time, any attempt at preordering an Xbox 2 has the same value as standing alone in a room and announcing aloud that you intend to buy an Xbox 2 at launch.[/quote]

Along those lines, Quake IV has yet to even see a screenshot (only renderings of characters, and those are fuckin ancient). Why they would start pre-orders this early is beyond me
[quote name='Edge'][quote name='captaincold']The Xbox has been the worst failure in videogaming history (based on how much money they lost) so it wouldn't surprise me if they ditched it so early. How they've lost over 1 billion on this system is beyond me!![/quote]

Just when I was begining to think that the majority of internet posters weren't idiots...someone like you comes along and proves me wrong.

And umm, the only game out of that "preorder" list that's actually official is Condemned, and that may not even be a launch title. In fact there are no games that are officially launch titles yet, sounds like EB is just looking for a scam to get people to preorder. Next thing you know they'll start making up release dates for games...oh wait...[/quote]

I think you misunderstood the post. That has NOTHING to do with the quality of games or what gamers think, it was strictly about them losing Billions!! The Dreamcast is a great system but from a buisness standpoint it was an utter failure.

Anyone who's a hardcore gamer knows that when a company like microsoft all of a sudden canned a number of games(Bc,True fantasy etc) and postponed countless others that they have no confidence in this system anymore and there about to move on.
CaptainCold....your points are just incorrect. Though Microsoft is losing money still on the hardware, they made a tidy profit last year overall due to software sales. Generally, 1st parties don't make any money until the 3rd or 4th year when software sales and their associated licenses are at their highest.

Likewise, Microsoft didn't cancel BC. That was a Lionhead (or whichever Molyneux studio was doing it) decision. True Fantasy was cancelled, though you could probably point to a dozen titles by every publisher that get cancelled during a console's lifespan.
And this Xbox 2 brought to you by..... your friendly neighborhood Toys R Us. We may rarely have good deals or trained associates, but when we do, we go all out.
bread's done