Xbox 360 Commercial Airs... and omgwtfbbq


That was so terrible it gave me cancer!

Not that they need good commercials to sell the damn thing.. that's what the gaming press is for...
didn't you guys know from the promo vids?

get a 360

suddenly you get a girlfriend who wants to play games with you! Then suddenly your breakdancing friends come and breakdance around you while you play HALO!


and now you can add jump roping party to that list
yes, it aired in movie theaters before previews.

My guess is they are trying to be like Nike... the product doesnt fit tho.

Sony's PSP commercial is an example of a good commercial.
Great jump-roping, terrible video game commercial. Not a single split second of that had anything to do with videogames except the logo at the end.
Wow, that totally brought me back to the days in the 80's where Nickelodeon would have those specials on kids doing Double Dutch or whatever the hell. But, sadly, it wasn't an ad for classic Nickelodeon or anything like that.

Remember when ads used to be informative, or at least funny and informative? You know, try and sell a product through an interesting presentation while offering a bit of info and some reasons why the public may want to shell out money for something? Yeah, I don't either.
i can just see the ps3 commercial now:

three bunnies are sitting on a log and one of them goes home and hangs himself (then the playstation 3 logo appears)
[quote name='Chris in Cali']Great jump-roping, terrible video game commercial. Not a single split second of that had anything to do with videogames except the logo at the end.[/QUOTE]
Couldn't have said it any better myself.
[quote name='Mex25']i can just see the ps3 commercial now:

three bunnies are sitting on a log and one of them goes home and hangs himself (then the playstation 3 logo appears)[/QUOTE]

Did the bunny go hang himself because he heard one of your jokes?
[quote name='Epic Wolf']Aww Man that was Awesome!! I wanna buy a Jump Rope now :bouncy:[/QUOTE]

yeah me too... its like a car commercial that has nothing to do with the car

i almost closed the window part way through to say that its the wrong video, until i saw the end...
[quote name='Scorch']Did the bunny go hang himself because he heard one of your jokes?[/QUOTE]

I'm guessing you've never heard of lewis black. If you listened to his albums then you'd know where I got that joke from. Yeah I can't tell jokes for the life of me.
"Let's go out and buy jumpropes! Wait what? Xbox 360? Is that a new type of jumprope?"said the guy watching TV:booty:
[quote name='Mex25']I'm guessing you've never heard of lewis black. If you listened to his albums then you'd know where I got that joke from. Yeah I can't tell jokes for the life of me.[/QUOTE]

No, I haven't. Is he a comedian? I'll check it out.
Lewis Black: White Album
Highly suggested.

On topic though...that sucked. Bad. I understand how they were trying to represent everyone (BUY LIVE) but damnit...i was waiting for the old lady off to the left to jump in. I was severely dissapointed.

As for it being as bad as "Who are you?"...those at least showed something game related (yes i get the importance of a basketball player and a bmx biker...but other than that...)
I guess the point was supposed to be something about the online community, and how easy it is to "jump in?" No good. I'm disappointed the old lady in the corner didn't bust out her double dutch skills, too. Though I don't really think, say, the PSP commercials have been any better.
Ugh. They need to take a clue from Sony's marketing... or just about any GOOD marketing. It's a good thing I don't base my opinions on things like this on marketing... UGH!

The kids did a good job, but like everyone else said... what the hell does any of that have to do with the product? I'll be glad when commercials stop being so damned inane...
The job of a commercial is to get people talking about it...and we all know that they're trying to advertise the the commercial is actually a sucess.
This is definately a cool clip... it just has no relevance to the product being advertised. If I didn't know what I was watching, I would have been like "wait... what?" at the end when the Xbox 360 logo flashed up.
what's not to like about the psp commercial, it shows all the uses of the psp (abeit exaggerated). But it has relevance to the product and is a real mainstream commercial.
[quote name='daschrier']The job of a commercial is to get people talking about it...and we all know that they're trying to advertise the the commercial is actually a sucess.[/QUOTE]

wouldn't they rather have you buy it than just talk about it?
That was some cool jump-roping, but as a game system ad, that has got to be one of the worst I have ever seen.

Seriously, a mouse humping a Game Boy Micro is a better ad than this.
[quote name='daschrier']The job of a commercial is to get people talking about it...and we all know that they're trying to advertise the the commercial is actually a sucess.[/QUOTE]

It's a neat video. Most Superbowl ads have little to do with the products or companies that they advertise. Plus it has more mainstream appeal than clips from games or excerpts from reviews. They're just trying to create a buzz and associate their name with it.
Haven't seen the commercial yet, but has anyone's decision to buy or not buy an X360 changed by this commercial? TV commercials are not aimed at people that post on video game message boards who already have their mind made up. They are aimed at the general public and at this time of year that means little kids, teenagers, and possibly parents looking to buy something for their kids for Christmas. I'll have to watch the commercial later to see if it seems to try and appeal to these demographics.
no it didn't made me change my decision to buy one...I understand its slogan an to jump in, but it could have be done better
It has
Young People
old people
black people
white people
probably other races too, but cant really tell with the grainy video
a guy on a bike
Ben Wallace

all standing around and then jump roping at one point or another (except the old lady...damnit). It then says "Jump in." on the screen. Cue fancy logo. That is it. For a full minute.

There is NO connection to games, or systems, or anything else excluding a cooperation skit on Sesame Street. The GB Micro commercials show a girl wearing a specific pattern, in a world with the same pattern, then sees an actual system she matches. There was a point to it at the end along with the reveal. This commercial, honestly, feels as random as those weird as (yet fun) ESPN commercials with a mascot or random player making copies.
[quote name='SpottedNigel']It has
Young People
old people
black people
white people
probably other races too, but cant really tell with the grainy video
a guy on a bike
Ben Wallace

all standing around and then jump roping at one point or another (except the old lady...damnit). It then says "Jump in." on the screen. Cue fancy logo. That is it. For a full minute.

There is NO connection to games, or systems, or anything else excluding a cooperation skit on Sesame Street. The GB Micro commercials show a girl wearing a specific pattern, in a world with the same pattern, then sees an actual system she matches. There was a point to it at the end along with the reveal. This commercial, honestly, feels as random as those weird as (yet fun) ESPN commercials with a mascot or random player making copies.[/QUOTE]

From that description, it actually sounds like a great commercial. It gives the following image:

This is a product that is going to great for the family. People of all races and ages can enjoy it and you get to feel like you are part of a big community of people that like the same stuff you do.

Adding Ben Wallace is a definite stroke of marketing genius as well. I still have to see this thing, but your description makes me think Microsoft has a really good commercial on their hands.
[quote name='shipwreck']From that description, it actually sounds like a great commercial. It gives the following image:

This is a product that is going to great for the family. People of all races and ages can enjoy it and you get to feel like you are part of a big community of people that like the same stuff you do.

Adding Ben Wallace is a definite stroke of marketing genius as well. I still have to see this thing, but your description makes me think Microsoft has a really good commercial on their hands.[/QUOTE]

You're either on crack or are a huge fanboy. That commercial was terrible, it told us nothing about the Xbox 360. Nothing. It mentiond no released date, videos games, price, didn't show the system, no game footage, nothing. It had nothing to do with video games at all.
[quote name='radjago']IAWTP

It's a neat video. Most Superbowl ads have little to do with the products or companies that they advertise. Plus it has more mainstream appeal than clips from games or excerpts from reviews. They're just trying to create a buzz and associate their name with it.[/QUOTE]

You have to figure those Superbowl commercials are for products that are already established. Products like Coke, Pepsi, Budwiser, Levi's, ect. Those companies are already well known for their products. The Xbox 360 is something totally new, and needs to be properly introduced to the consumer before Microsoft decides to put out wierd "hip" commercials that have no relevance to the product.
[quote name='Chris in Cali']You're either on crack or are a huge fanboy. That commercial was terrible, it told us nothing about the Xbox 360. Nothing. It mentiond no released date, videos games, price, didn't show the system, no game footage, nothing. It had nothing to do with video games at all.[/QUOTE]

well, what commercials actually give practical information or realistic portrayals of products nowadays. "They" have found that it's best to keep the consumer's mind off reality and deal in loose symbols instead, which are far more entertaining.
being an advertising student, I can see what they're going for, it's just a bit below the surface for a simple advertisement. way too much of the jump roping, not enough information about the product or ways to learn about the product.

The point of the commercial is that 360's online community is something of a spectator sport or social experience. Jump in, play along, show off for an audience with your gamercard, and everyone's invited.

It's not the best way to advertise a new product or get the name out there about it, because in the first 20 seconds you've probably lost more than half of your audience to short attention spans and boredom. So the commercial pretty much fails on any level. I know microsoft can hire marketers who are smarter than this.
[quote name='Chris in Cali']You have to figure those Superbowl commercials are for products that are already established. Products like Coke, Pepsi, Budwiser, Levi's, ect. Those companies are already well known for their products. The Xbox 360 is something totally new, and needs to be properly introduced to the consumer before Microsoft decides to put out wierd "hip" commercials that have no relevance to the product.[/QUOTE]
Lots of people know about the xbox. I doubt the "360" will have people thinking that the Xbox 360 has nothing to do with the xbox.
SpottedNigel: I don't think it was White Album....maybe Rules of Enragement or End of the Universe...I'd have to check my CDs (I own them all).

Who are they advertising to anyway? Microsoft isn't about casual fans or anything like that...I mean most of the people who want a 360 have already decided the how/when/where to get one. Are we supposed to want to jump into the ghetto? I don't get it.
[quote name='Chris in Cali']You're either on crack or are a huge fanboy.[/QUOTE]

Count me in there too then C. I liked the commercial; totally 'got' it.

MS, it seems to me, has always been more interested in providing an entertaining experience (not just letting you play some video games), and they are taking it to the next level with the X360 (always on Live, better ranking/matchmaking, zones, etc.)

Yeah I learned nothing about video games; I learned what MS thinks about video games. Which is cool; I think of video games the exact same way.

Great commercial.
Reminded me of those skip-it commercials, that being said, when i started watching the video I thought I was sent the wrong link seeing as that had not a dam thing to do with video games unless the killer app is a Jump Rope game......
bread's done