Xbox 360 Customer Support – One Man’s Story

[quote name='VanillaGorilla']Because ANYTHING Cheapy posts about the Xbox or Microsoft is always negative. And you seem vaguely familiar to me...[/QUOTE]

suck it trabek!
[quote name='blackjaw']how is it anti-MS or fanboyish to post a true story about MS customer service or to post the facts that MS is sucking in Japan?[/QUOTE]

It's anti-MS and fanboyish when you ONLY post negative things about MS and only post positive things about Nintendo and Sony. I don't have a problem with a moderator posting a negative experience as long as the overall coverage is even-handed. I've been visiting this site for well over a year and cannot recall a single positive MS front page post.

Where were the negative posts and sarcastic comments about Sony intentionally lying to their fanbase about the launch date on the PS3? They knew before the end of last year that they would never make a Spring launch, but they kept pushing that to try to keep their fanbase from switching to the 360. People are willing to wait a few months for a product, but when you have to wait an entire year to play the type of games you see your friends playing, corporate loyalty doesn't seem so important.

Of course there were shortage issues with the 360 launch and some faulty units. There were also shortage issues and quality problems with the PS2 and there will no doubt be shortage issues with the PS3. Well, maybe if they end up selling it for $600 there won't be shortage issues!
[quote name='grognard66']It's anti-MS and fanboyish when you ONLY post negative things about MS and only post positive things about Nintendo and Sony. I don't have a problem with a moderator posting a negative experience as long as the overall coverage is even-handed. I've been visiting this site for well over a year and cannot recall a single positive MS front page post.

Where were the negative posts and sarcastic comments about Sony intentionally lying to their fanbase about the launch date on the PS3? They knew before the end of last year that they would never make a Spring launch, but they kept pushing that to try to keep their fanbase from switching to the 360. People are willing to wait a few months for a product, but when you have to wait an entire year to play the type of games you see your friends playing, corporate loyalty doesn't seem so important.

Of course there were shortage issues with the 360 launch and some faulty units. There were also shortage issues and quality problems with the PS2 and there will no doubt be shortage issues with the PS3. Well, maybe if they end up selling it for $600 there won't be shortage issues![/QUOTE]

....Wtf does any of that have to do with a guy talking about a broken machine?

And are you just not paying attention about sarcastic remarks, or do you just want them evenly displayed on the home page?
[quote name='grognard66']Of course there were shortage issues with the 360 launch and some faulty units. There were also shortage issues and quality problems with the PS2 and there will no doubt be shortage issues with the PS3. Well, maybe if they end up selling it for $600 there won't be shortage issues![/QUOTE]

Game Daily Biz

PS3 to Cost 500-600 Euros, says SCEE VP

The President of Sony Computer Entertainment France has reportedly discussed the price of the PlayStation 3 with a European radio station, Europe 1. George Fornay, who is also an SCEE VP, says that the console could be as much as 600 Euros or about $735. Ouch.

Doing a strict currency conversion to U.S. dollars gives us a range of $612 to $735. As past console launches have taught us, a straight up currency exchange rarely yields the price that will be assigned to the console in another country. Quite frankly, we'd be shocked if the PS3 cost more than $700 in North America.
I guess I'll share a story as well.

Back when I transfered my Gamertag to the 360 I wanted to cancel it so I called up MS, went through everything canceled it, thinking everything was over.

Month later we get a charge on our credit card bill for $49.99. Call up yet again cancel again. "Thank you sir, you should be seeing a refund on your statement"

....month later we get another charge for $49.99. This time I call up and cancel, but we never get the credit for it. Then they decide to charge us yet again for another year subscription. So we end up having $100 in charges we shouldn't have.

Call up MS rep again tell him about everything and he tells me to wait a while, since the refund may have not went through right away.

About a month ago we finally got the refund for the first charge but still are awaiting the second refund.

In the future Microsoft is never getting a credit card number of mine again.
[quote name='grognard66']It's anti-MS and fanboyish when you ONLY post negative things about MS and only post positive things about Nintendo and Sony. I don't have a problem with a moderator posting a negative experience as long as the overall coverage is even-handed. I've been visiting this site for well over a year and cannot recall a single positive MS front page post.

Where were the negative posts and sarcastic comments about Sony intentionally lying to their fanbase about the launch date on the PS3? They knew before the end of last year that they would never make a Spring launch, but they kept pushing that to try to keep their fanbase from switching to the 360. People are willing to wait a few months for a product, but when you have to wait an entire year to play the type of games you see your friends playing, corporate loyalty doesn't seem so important.

Of course there were shortage issues with the 360 launch and some faulty units. There were also shortage issues and quality problems with the PS2 and there will no doubt be shortage issues with the PS3. Well, maybe if they end up selling it for $600 there won't be shortage issues![/quote]

I'm saying this based on nothing.
When did the PS2 launch? when did the CAG website start? IMHO there's more anti-ms posts because 360 just came out and there seems to be lots of tech problems. If CAG started before PS2's launch (did it?) I'm sure there's posts about PS2's tech problems. There's no anti-nintendo because if you get a dead pixel on the ds, they'll give you a new one... can't hate nintendo for that. I'm sure when the PS3 launches and there's problems, Cheapy will post negative things about it.
I'm not like anti-ms, I like PS2 better because of the games. If a game I like comes out for both XBox and PS2, I rather get it for my Xbox because the graphics looks better on my hdtv. As for the 360, I'll wait and see what other games they'll make. $60 for fighting games like Rumble Roses and DoA4 just isn't worth it in my mind.

PS. There's no postive posts because machines don't deserve positive posts, its all about the games.
[quote name='Ruined']Microsoft customer support has always been top notch when I've dealt with them. Quick response, fast shipping, everything taken care of.[/quote]

My 360 had to be replaced 3 times, but they were fast and very courteous each time, I have to say.
Wow I had a similar experience with. Back in September '05 I signed up for Xbox Live with the 2 month free trial. After the 2 months ended I went on the $5.99 a month plan. In December I decided I didn't need the service, I called MS and they said they cancelled it and everything, and I received an email.

About a month later a friend of mine gives me another 2 month trial, and I decide to use it since I will be getting Winning Eleven 9 soon. After that trial ends I decide to go on the monthly service again, since I'm enjoying WE9. They charge me $5.99 for the service and to my big surprise I find out that they have been charging for the account I cancelled back in December! I have been charged for 3 months of service which I didn't even use! Granted, I should have checked my credit card statement but I rarely use that one. I decide to call up MS and tell them about it. They said we don't give refunds on the monthly service and I just tell them to cancel the account. Keep in mind I still have another gamertag.

I'm thinking everything's going to be fine, but they charge me again for it next month! I call them up again and they say they are sorry about it. I tell them to cancel both of my accounts now. I don't need their freakin service. They said how about we give you a free game and you continue one of your accounts. They offered Project Gotham Racing 1, Links and all the other crappy $10 games. I said no just cancel it. He says it's done.

I called them up earlier this month just to make sure that they don't charge me again. He says not to worry. I hope nothing shows up on the credit card later on. I have filed a report with my credit card company so let's see what happens.

MS swindled about $24 out of me. It's funny how I used 2 free 2 month trials, yet it feel's like they found out a way to charge me for those.

fuck Microsoft.
... and still no problems with my 360 here. The PS2 had problems, hell the Dreamcast had problems. Every launch system had problems. It was just the way MS customer support has handled the problems. I'm assuming with less issues now, that their tech support is alot better. But Jaket's experience pretty much sucks, and I can only hope his 360 stays tight for once.
Well, I bought another 360 tonight since I was over my initial anger at the system. There's some storms here tonight, so I'm not hooking it up (just in case) until tomorrow. I'm really hoping this one works, and I don't have to see the bloody ring of red hell again.
A buddy of mine bought one of the original Xboxes(not 360) and he ran it over with his car on accident, he dropped a shelving unit on it and it is one of his best xboxes to this day. The whole top shell is removed. You sort of just put the disc on and then the magnet piece on top the disc. It is freaking hilarious. You can watch the disc spin the whole time you play. The wires were cut and part of it was smashed in but he just taped them back up and it still works like a charm. All the guys I know who have the 360s (5) none of them have the ring of death. 3 of them picked up first batch systems. I remember about 12 of my friends returning the broken ps2 right away also... This is what scares me about the Ps3 at a $600 + price tag...To get it home and have a ps2 moment.

I used to work some microsoft shows and the people at microsoft are so freaking awesome dude. They toss merchandise around like candy. I had so many PC games that weren't even coming out for months...of course I ebayed most of them =). I don't really like to talk negative toward companies that are making a lot of money off me...If they sucked that bad, stand up for your principles and don't ever touch a microsoft product again. To piss and moan and not make a stand just says you are a pussy or don't really believe what you piss and moan about. Yes, be upset about the events, but don't hate on a company constantly that you are keeping in business.
[quote name='Stuka']My 360 had to be replaced 3 times, but they were fast and very courteous each time, I have to say.[/QUOTE]

This has nothing to do with customer support, they've aways been nice with me, once a rep & I sat on the phone for 40 minutes just BS-ing about games. Very friendly experience.

Though the thing is, I can understand it having to be replaced once, but 3 times? Come-on. They should've got that right the first time. Do they not even trouble shoot or test the damn things before they send them back to the public?

IRT red_devil 3: That's exactly why I haven't used LIVE so far, the credit card, and auto billing your subsciption when it runs out. I've even had a 12 subscription card unused from the last Mountain Dew Points Promotion, 2 years now. I had a ID theft attempt through Pay Pal once, ever since my banking info has stayed of the net.

I will get LIVE soon though, and maybe a seperate debit card account for online purchases too, keeping a minimum of $50-75 in it at a time.
[quote name='ryoga79']Let me repeat that...we NEVER moved the system and it was scratched to SHIT. Called Microsoft, and they said that we HAD to have moved it, because that's the only way that the game would have been scratched. Went and returned the game to Walmart and got an exchange.[/QUOTE]

I hate to say it, but that's complete bunk.

We have a 360 Demo Kiosk at my place of work. The thing sits horizontal, in a glass case, where it cannot be moved, bumped or anything.

I pulled the Demo Disk out the other day and you should have seen how scratched up the thing was...
Let me just say that my post isn't anti-microsoft. Hell, I bought my original Xbox used in september of 2003 and it's worked perfectly for me (with the exception of that damn College Hoops 2k5 harddrive glitch). I own 6 games for my ps2, and close to 30 for my Xbox. Depending on how much my settlement is for my workman's comp case (pending), I'm going to most likely pick up a 360 (just not sure if it'll be here in the US that I buy one, or in Japan. ^_^). In all honestly, I'm probably an anti-Sony person, since I almost refuse to buy a psp (lack of games that I really care about, short of Hot Shots and GTa) and probably won't buy a ps3.
[quote name='retail sucks']This has nothing to do with customer support, they've aways been nice with me, once a rep & I sat on the phone for 40 minutes just BS-ing about games. Very friendly experience.

Though the thing is, I can understand it having to be replaced once, but 3 times? Come-on. They should've got that right the first time. Do they not even trouble shoot or test the damn things before they send them back to the public?[/quote]

I'm not saying that since they were nice about it all that it erases the problem. Sure, I was pissed every time my 360 died and I really think MS should have done better quality control or something to prevent it. But still, it has to count for something that they replace it so fast and are generally pretty good about making up for their initial mistakes.
I just want to add a bit to this discussion. Even though my issue is not with MS, it may help someone purchasing a console in the near future.
I purchased my unit day 1 from Kmart. This was the only location in the Milwaukee area that still had units available, so I camped it for a few hours and lucked out.
While paying for the system, there was both the store manager and associate really pushing the product replacement plan. This is called the Smartplan at Kmart, and I believe Sears uses the same plan since they are owned by the same company. I was told that this plan ($19.99) for one year allows me to walk in the store if I have any issues at all with the unit and exchange it for a new unit, no questions asked.
Last Saturday while loading up Burnout Revenge, I received the red ring of death. I wasn't too concerned since I have this plan. Next day, I call all the area Kmarts and none have the system in stock. I'm still not too concerned, so I call MS to see what options I would have there. They open a case, and mail me the prepaid box to mail the unit.
This morning, I was set to mail out the package to MS since Kmart still didn't have any systems. I checked one last time before walking out the door, and sure enough, they just got one in. I told them to hold it, explained my situation, and was off to Kmart.
I took the new unit up to the service desk, and was told I can't exchange since it is past 90 days. I explain the service plan, and still I'm denied. The very same store manager that pushed this plan on me is called up. He tells me I'm out of luck and I have to call this 800# on the plan. I'm stunned since this is the muther scratcher that sold me the damn thing. With nowhere near being resolved, the store manager says "There's nothing I can do." and he walks away.
I call the 800#, and since this item is over $200 it goes from an exchange plan to a service plan. Closest service to Wisconsin is Pennsylvania - convenient. After explaining the situation to the Smartplan person, I find that the only thing this plan offers is some third party to attempt to fix your unit - MS already offers that for free.
Needless to say, I returned the Smartplan - also a pain in the ass since it was past the 90 days. Still fuming, I called the nationwide customer service line for Kmart - which is in India, and launched a complaint agains the store manager for misinforming me.
I'm not sure if I'm more upset with my local Kmart, or this worthless Smartplan that people may get suckered in to buying. I will never again shop at Kmart. I may be overreacting, but I hope this helps someone avoid being lied to about this shitty plan.
I hope it goes better with MS - sent the package in after all this.
I stopped into an EB today and to my surprise an old friend was working in there. I asked him about the recent problems I had with the system (seen here and he fed me a line about needing to replace the power cord. Mind you this is not some guy I just knew casually, we were pretty good friends so he wouldn't be feeding me bullshit. It's unfortunate that the MS company line has spread to some game store employees as well, possibly because they don't know any better.

[quote name='PKRipp3r']not for nothin'.... and i respect CToTheDizzle but being a moderator doesn't disqualify you from being an idiot

not by a long shot[/QUOTE]

I didn't say "being a moderator disqualifies you from being an idiot." I said Cheapy didn't bring in idiots to be moderators on this forum. This is true.

[quote name='Strell']If you think an idiot can't attain a job as moderator, you're really not paying attention hard enough around here.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, I guess I should meticulously research every post made here like you apparently have the time to do. I've yet to see any abuse of power.

You guys seems to have a case of the e-penis envy in regards to your status here. Unless you're going to name names - and as long as you can do it in a way without using the word "gay" or calling names, there shouldn't be a problem - knock it off.
I'm refering to the the OP statements, about someone sounding like the were retarded as a rep for Xbox. It's a useless fact, and I've never had such a experience. When your pissed off, there is nothing they can probably say that is pleasing to your ears, lol.

But the replacement ordeal is wrong. He should get the controller & extra months of LIVE for free, for his troubles, counting the extra mess ups, as MS promised.
[quote name='KaneRobot']I said Cheapy didn't bring in idiots to be moderators on this forum. This is true.

Yeah, I guess I should meticulously research every post made here like you apparently have the time to do. I've yet to see any abuse of power.[/QUOTE]

If you're going to be hostile, just give up the argument to begin with.

Can't dig yourself out of a hole with more digging, kid.
Dudes MS is the worst at honoring these offers.

In the past MS has offered me
1. A free game for 2 Live referals
2. A free month for beta testing Live
3. $20 for 2 live referals
4. $50 MIR for the wireless adapter

Out of all these I have not gotten a single thing from MS!

I haven't bought a 360 yet and this is a major reason why. Piss poor customer service and out right fraud aren't to applealing to me.
[quote name='lukenot']I just want to add a bit to this discussion. Even though my issue is not with MS, it may help someone purchasing a console in the near future.
I purchased my unit day 1 from Kmart. This was the only location in the Milwaukee area that still had units available, so I camped it for a few hours and lucked out.
While paying for the system, there was both the store manager and associate really pushing the product replacement plan. This is called the Smartplan at Kmart, and I believe Sears uses the same plan since they are owned by the same company. I was told that this plan ($19.99) for one year allows me to walk in the store if I have any issues at all with the unit and exchange it for a new unit, no questions asked.
Last Saturday while loading up Burnout Revenge, I received the red ring of death. I wasn't too concerned since I have this plan. Next day, I call all the area Kmarts and none have the system in stock. I'm still not too concerned, so I call MS to see what options I would have there. They open a case, and mail me the prepaid box to mail the unit.
This morning, I was set to mail out the package to MS since Kmart still didn't have any systems. I checked one last time before walking out the door, and sure enough, they just got one in. I told them to hold it, explained my situation, and was off to Kmart.
I took the new unit up to the service desk, and was told I can't exchange since it is past 90 days. I explain the service plan, and still I'm denied. The very same store manager that pushed this plan on me is called up. He tells me I'm out of luck and I have to call this 800# on the plan. I'm stunned since this is the muther scratcher that sold me the damn thing. With nowhere near being resolved, the store manager says "There's nothing I can do." and he walks away.
I call the 800#, and since this item is over $200 it goes from an exchange plan to a service plan. Closest service to Wisconsin is Pennsylvania - convenient. After explaining the situation to the Smartplan person, I find that the only thing this plan offers is some third party to attempt to fix your unit - MS already offers that for free.
Needless to say, I returned the Smartplan - also a pain in the ass since it was past the 90 days. Still fuming, I called the nationwide customer service line for Kmart - which is in India, and launched a complaint agains the store manager for misinforming me.
I'm not sure if I'm more upset with my local Kmart, or this worthless Smartplan that people may get suckered in to buying. I will never again shop at Kmart. I may be overreacting, but I hope this helps someone avoid being lied to about this shitty plan.
I hope it goes better with MS - sent the package in after all this.[/quote]

NEVER EVER buy any replacement plan. They're all a lie to get more money from you to boost the stores margins. I learned that lesson back in 1996 when I bought a laptop from Bestbuy.
[quote name='Archgarth']And this is why I'll buy my 360 at Costco, if the piece of junk dies on me one or two years from now, I'll be able to take it back to the store no problem.

Sorry about your experience w/ Microsoft, as I don't think it's really on par with their normal amount of customer service. I had to call them recently on a Windows XP issue and they called me so much trying to get my problem resolved (it turned out to be a faulty network/hard drive combination that was corrupting downloads) it was like we were dating, or something...[/quote] Microsoft? You must feel so dirty...
What was the point of this thread? For people to argue? Most of us knew there where problems out there with launch systems and that's to be expected, also most of us know the customer service SUCKS no matter where you go or talk to. I feel bad that guys system broke and the way MS jerked him around, but unless you take names, times and other important information down, you will fail at resolving problems like this. Ive had similar problems like this with 3 PS2's(which I took care of greatly) and I have also had problems like this with Xbox Live accounts, I resolved all my problems by taking down the proper information and following up. It's not like some guy at MS customer service is out to get you(He cant be because I don't work there) So in order to make right what once went wrong and add more fuel to the fire that this topic started I say fuck YOU MICROSOFTDICKS! For you I will shove a Memory unit up my butt(between the checks only), cover it with glitter and send it in for repairs. That will equal out the karma No?
[quote name='grognard66']This story lost all credibility for me when "Jaket" said that the MS support person sounded like he had Downs Syndrome. That's a cheap shot that reflects more on the writers attitude and morals, than the likelihood that MS dropped the ball in this fashion.

I don't know of anyone who has had a defective 360 (out of about 40 online friends), but the stories I have read on various forums have all been handled professionally and expeditiously. Of course, any company can screw up on occassion, but I suspect this idiot has an inherent bias and agenda. Generally, I find I get far better customer support when I treat the support person with respect...

I'm not entirely sure how someone can sound like they have Downs as opposed to any other speech impediment (or why that would even have any significance), but I think CAG should have at least had the foresight to edit that portion out. I've noticed a tendency for this site to bash MS (while not doing so for Nintendo or Sony) and this just further undermines the sites credibility in my mind.[/quote] shut up bill gates! although my system works just fine, i had a faulty controller as well as a corrupted download. i called ms on both occasions, and seriously, i think a couple of the operators didn't know what a 360 was! getting the controller replaced was a long and tedious phone call, and the "corrupted data " call was a nightmare. i was shuffled from operator to operator on that one. the end result was "sorry". they had no solution for me. and the call quality was terrible, i don't know if theyre using cheap ass headsets, or tin cans. but i couldn't hear them and they couldn't hear me. overall, a very bad experience.
[quote name='thagoat']shut up bill gates! although my system works just fine, i had a faulty controller as well as a corrupted download. i called ms on both occasions, and seriously, i think a couple of the operators didn't know what a 360 was! getting the controller replaced was a long and tedious phone call, and the "corrupted data " call was a nightmare. i was shuffled from operator to operator on that one. the end result was "sorry". they had no solution for me. and the call quality was terrible, i don't know if theyre using cheap ass headsets, or tin cans. but i couldn't hear them and they couldn't hear me. overall, a very bad experience.[/QUOTE]

You look so calm chewing your bubble gum,yet such anger in your type. I like that, I do have to agree with jacket on this one, the way the article/thread was presented is diffrent from what I'd I expect from CD.
[quote name='Ruined']Microsoft customer support has always been top notch when I've dealt with them. Quick response, fast shipping, everything taken care of.[/quote]
Ditto. It was torture but my came just like they said, although the first person I talked to was an idiot.
I had a very quick turnaround when my xbox fried, and the customer service rep was very helpful.

This is just my opinion, but I'm actually pretty surprised this thread was highlighted on the front page. There have been many 360 customer service threads and discussions and frankly many told of worse experiences while many told of great ones.
My call to the CS today went pretty well. Aside from having to send in my system, they were very precise with their instructions, helpful, and cordial.
[quote name='thagoat']shut up bill gates! although my system works just fine, i had a faulty controller as well as a corrupted download. i called ms on both occasions, and seriously, i think a couple of the operators didn't know what a 360 was! getting the controller replaced was a long and tedious phone call, and the "corrupted data " call was a nightmare. i was shuffled from operator to operator on that one. the end result was "sorry". they had no solution for me. and the call quality was terrible, i don't know if theyre using cheap ass headsets, or tin cans. but i couldn't hear them and they couldn't hear me. overall, a very bad experience.[/QUOTE]

The customer service seems to vary from case to case. As I had the same problem (broken controller) and they sent out a new one within a week. I called them up on Sat. morning (3/17/06) and the new wireless controller was delivered on Wed (3/22/06). Granted, the operator had no clue what I was talking about, but that's besides the point. She was polite and extremely helpful.
[quote name='thagoat']shut up bill gates! although my system works just fine, i had a faulty controller as well as a corrupted download. i called ms on both occasions, and seriously, i think a couple of the operators didn't know what a 360 was! getting the controller replaced was a long and tedious phone call, and the "corrupted data " call was a nightmare. i was shuffled from operator to operator on that one. the end result was "sorry". they had no solution for me. and the call quality was terrible, i don't know if theyre using cheap ass headsets, or tin cans. but i couldn't hear them and they couldn't hear me. overall, a very bad experience.[/QUOTE]

Such a mature response. Yeah, I must be Bill Gates because I don't jump on the mindless "bash MS" bandwagon. Customer service is a struggle for all industries as it is generally a lower paying job and job retention rates are low (experience is far more important than training in that environment). This is not unique to MS or the gaming industry and we'll all find varying degrees of service.

It's a shame that you had issues with your data and controller, but that doesn't mean your experience is representative of what the vast majority of 360 owners have experienced. I think the 360 controller is the best console controller released to date. That's just my opinion.

My issue with this site is that they have such an obvious anti-MS bias. I visit this site for an early heads-up on gaming bargains as I'm a hardcore gamer (I own all systems) and try to save whenever I can - so I can buy even more games! :)

I see no reason for CheapyD and his clone moderators to throw in their biased opinions. I guess they don't realize that some of the companies they're trying to work out deals with for their members (Like EB, etc.) rely on sales of MS products for a significant percentage of their total sales and may not be receptive to continuing these bargains for such a biased site.

I think the fact that CheapyD lives in Tokyo is telling. He shares the same xenophobic mentality of that culture and won't give any American electronics product a chance. Where are the prominently displayed posts on dropped pixels on the PSP?
Yeah, Cheapy hates 360. Probably the reason why he was on for hours on Oblivion the other day. Probably was only playing it cursing the damned system. Or defecating on the system in some kinky way like most other Japanese 'cause he lives there right? :roll:

It's probably on the main page 'cause...gee...I don't's the hot issue at the moment. Lots of people want the system. It's in demand. It's a well-known problem. This is a gaming site. 360 is a gaming console. Ergo....
[quote name='SteveMcQ']Yeah, Cheapy hates 360. Probably the reason why he was on for hours on Oblivion the other day. [/quote] Heh...caught me.
Mrs. Cheapy and I played it all day Saturday, Sunday, and Tuesday (she was home sick from work).

[quote name='grognard66'] I guess they don't realize that some of the companies they're trying to work out deals with for their members (Like EB, etc.) rely on sales of MS products for a significant percentage of their total sales and may not be receptive to continuing these bargains for such a biased site.[/quote] There is no bias. The stories that make the front page are there based on what I think will be interesting to our readers.
I have a fairly close relationship with EB/GameStop, GameFly and other retailers and not once have they ever mentioned anything to me about the content of an editorial. They don't me.

[quote name='grognard66'] I think the fact that CheapyD lives in Tokyo is telling. He shares the same xenophobic mentality of that culture and won't give any American electronics product a chance. Where are the prominently displayed posts on dropped pixels on the PSP?[/quote]
Are you saying that I moved to Japan because I hate American products or that I developed a hate of American products in the 5 months that I lived here? How can I be xenophobic of my own culture? That doesn't make much sense.

My PSP has no dropped pixels, but my DS has one that is Red 80% of the time.
(Oh, I wrote this about the PSP "Value" Pack)

There is no question that currently, I am playing (and enjoying) my 360 far more than any other system.
Where did I ever post or say that I hate/dislike/disapprove of Microsoft or their Xbox or Xbox 360?

Man, its so late...I gotta go to sleep and have some sweet dreams of inferior American products.
[quote name='SteveMcQ']It's probably on the main page 'cause...gee...I don't's the hot issue at the moment. Lots of people want the system. It's in demand. It's a well-known problem. This is a gaming site. 360 is a gaming console. Ergo....[/QUOTE]

And they're an easy target right now. I enjoy my 360, but Microsoft did some awkward boneheaded things. We should able to discuss this kind of stuff without being labelled a fanboy or hater.

Whats the alternative? An editorial about how the PS3 might not live up to its expectations? And what if it did? People would be throwing that in his face for years to come.

I'd rather read about something that can be backed up with proof, rather than speculation from the magic speculation elves. In Japan. That live in his house. Under the chair. By the electric outlet.
My call went ok today, they're sending me a coffin. I'm crossing my fingers for the rest of the process.

I'm going to hell for being a prick department: The first time I called, I think I got the guy who is mentioned in the OP that sounds like he has Down's.

....I hung up and called back for someone else :whistle2:?
My call went ok today, they're sending me a coffin. I'm crossing my fingers for the rest of the process.

I'm going to hell for being a prick department: The first time I called, I think I got the guy who is mentioned in the OP that sounds like he has Down's.

....I hung up and called back for someone else :whistle2:?
I just encountered the same problem (red ring of death) about an hour plus ago while playing NBA 2K6--a rental from Hollywood Video. I just called and thanks to the link I tried all those Microsoft 360 website "suggestions". Of course it's a hardware failure! Only after owning the system a paltry 10 DAYS now has to be sent away ALREADY!..... I'm awaiting a "coffin" as well and I have to just sent the console only. The only good thing was I was able to manually eject the rental game out of the drive but while trying to find the hole I believe I might have popped something else. I believe I will be encountering some problems in the process to add to this thread in the future.
How many days did most of you get the box after calling? And then how many days from when you sent it in to when you got it back?
OK so here's a test guys. My xbox 360 just died today(4/14/2006) at 9:20pm, by 9:30 I have already talked to(Jermatta) at 18004MYXBOX and have a UPS return box on the way. I'm pretty bummed but, Jermatta was very nice and applogetic and promised to resolve the matter promptly. I would like everyone to Know that seconds after adding Millertime to my friends list it died(THANKS ALOT MILLER!)
Sent mine off today. Should I expect a notice from MS when they ship me back a system so I can be home to sign for it? Or do they just send it back whenever? A timetable would be nice.
Now to add to my continuing saga of Microsoft ineptitude:

Last night I had my friend bring over his Xbox 360 (since mine is on the ringer) and still had my console and parts. For shits I tried my power brick and accessories on his November (Launch) Xbox. With my power brick I noted the infamous RED RING OF DEATH with his system. Then I proposed to switch power bricks, using his power brick and using my console. VOILA despite a little clanging it worked. No mention of any of this type of "troubleshooting". I should be charging Microsoft "Flunkies" for solving this myself.

So I called them back and made sure he added those notes. In additon when I had my game stuck in the system the Microsoft Bitch I called on that wednesday night failed to give me any detailed description where to insert my "thing used to eat corn"(yes this was her actual description of a cornholder). There are so many damn holes on the face of the system due to this lack of detail wound up puncturing my infrared/remote sensor since I noticed it on my friend's system and missing on mine. Another strike on them. So I have to still send my system to get the infared sensor repaired and am awaiting a new power brick.

Also when I asked if a fan to attach to the system would benefit, the shill said "Oh we wouldn't recommend any since MICROSOFT HASN"T MADE ONE!!!" Oh dear god no, Microsoft hasn't made it!!! So I guess I'll just return my Pelican Fan Stand (which I got for $9.99 after using the $10 off coupon from the book) Right now, eh? What a fuckING ass.

Oh come on guys this is a little farfetched....I mean I sent in my 360 5 times (replaced each time) before I finally got one that worked. I am still not completely sure it does actually, the hard drive slipped off of the 360 while I was carrying it and smacked the floor (MY TILE FLOOR), after looking at it closely the Harddrive never sits in correctly on the current 360 I have so theres no telling whether its the harddrive or the 360 that has a defective harddrive slot. So yay! I am so tempted to sell it on ebay.

Not to mention that the 2 out of the 3 wireless controllers I own for it now do not shut off when I turn off the console. I have to manually take out the battery to shut them off so they dont drain the batteries. Oh and lets not forget the fact that I recieved NOTHING for my troubles of having to send my 360 back 5 times - no points, no xbox live re-imburcement, nothing. I have never been so pissed off at a product ever in my life. I now own 7 games for the 360 that has caused me so much frustration and anger that I almost feel like taking it outside and smacking it with a sledgehammer. Atleast then I could tell the M$ customer support that it is completely dead.

Oh and the greatest part was when I tried to pay for the extended warrantee they denied it because it had been too long when "HOW THE FU** WOULD I BE ABLE TO KNOW WTF CONSOLE I HAVE WHEN THE 4+ MONTHS I HAD IT I WAS SENDING IT BACK AND FORTH TO YOU DUMBSHI***!"
too bad Kotaku sucks now. It keeps on trying to accessing some ip that times out and the articles are 50% useless or repeating shit over and over again.
Reminds me of my story (sorry for the length of it):

Dec 24 Yah I new 360 premium pack. These are so hard to find. Crap, doesn't work. Freezes in 3 minutes. Phone a friend who got his in the same shipment and he has no problems. I decided it could be a "burn-in" issue so I wait...and get better at Hexic.

Dec 26 Games still freeze, phone MS. I'm told a box is on its way. Hexic score looks better.

Dec 30 Still no box. I phone MS and I'm told they didn't send one. Now they will. Wow placed in the top 100 in Hexic. Who's the man?!

Jan 1 MS has a reset and loses all my Hexic scores. I still have the achievements....but no scores. I phone and I'm basically told "too bad" I now hate Hexic (and B with that large score).

Jan 3 Box arrives and I ship within the hour. I phone MS and I'm told to wait 10 days after the "receive" it for my replacement.
Remember that word "receive"'s gonna come back.

Jan 10 MS gets the system (yes purolator sucks and I phone to let them know). I wait 10 days. I buy stuff in anticipation. another wireless. Charge and play. Chiller mat. Dummy.

Jan 20 No system so I phone. I'm told they don't have my 360. I tell them they do. After much fighting and providing confirmation from purolator I'm put on hold for 30 minutes. Next I'm told "yes it showed up, but they haven't "received" it yet"
Huh? So when can I expect it. They won't say. I ask them to contact the service center. They say they can't. I tell them it's a lie because the last guy I spoke with on Jan. 3rd did. I'm told to wait 30 days.

Jan 21-22 I email everyone from God to the Devil hoping for some kind of help. I share my story, but I get no replies. Finally on the 22nd an email comes from someone in the Major Nelson camp asking for my serviceID. I provide it and go back to prayer.

Jan 25 My hard drive arrives. I phone. I'm told the rest is coming. Even my power supply? "Power supply?" uh-oh. Guess they have to ship me one of those now as well. Why did they ask for it in the first place?

Feb 6 My 360 power supply. It arrives later that evening. Nice system. Quiet, doesn't get as hot as the first one. I'm happy except for my Live subscription which is now expired and I'm told there is nothing they can do about it.

Feb 27 My 360 dies (red lights). I'm told to disconnect everything and wait until tomorrow. I do so.

Feb 28 Still dead. Now I'm told I have no warranty. WHAT?! I argue, after 15 minutes on hold another box is coming.

March 3 Box arrives and I ship it. Gamecube comes out of retirement.

March 16 Replacement arrives. Purolator guy looks familar. 360 is scratched, used and dirty. I clean the food stains off, curse and then hook it up.

March 17 It's dead. I phone to complain. I ask if this is what my $700 went towards. I'm told that shouldn't have happened. I agree. All I really want is my quiet system back. I beg. I say I'll wait for it to be fixed. I'm told they don't track the systems. Another box is on it's way.

March 22 Box arrives. Hey Purolator guy! How's the wife? 360 ships and I go back to the cube. Man this system rocks. I ponder if I have ever had a bad Nintendo system.....nope.

April 5 Replacement arrives. Purolator guy shaved. 360 is an older Hitachi drive. Looks new....kinda. Has stickers, but it looks kinda worn on the case. I phone. "Oh it's new". Yah. $700 for used trash.

Today....I'm afraid to turn it on. It works, but for how long. I don't want to get a live membership because MS won't re-imburse if I lose the system again. I don't want to buy any games. Hell all I really want now is my money back.

I have kept everything from every transaction with MS. My friends tell me to contact a lawyer. I hate lawyers, but I also hate crappy customer service.

* December 10th – System starts freezing on everything.
* December 15th – Called MS
* December 16th – DHL delivered empty box
* December 19th – DHL picked up Xbox 360 and shipped it to Texas for repairs
* December 22nd – Replacement Xbox 360 was delivered

And it has worked perfectly ever since. It has frozen on Oblivion 5 times in 80 hours of gameplay, but no other games have had a hiccup. "knocks on wood"
bread's done