Xbox 360 Mountain Dew 10 Min. Giveaway...

[quote name='The Dord']With getting 20 or more caps, its gets not too difficult to win, if you know how to spend your points. NEVER SPEND 1 POINT into a CONTEST, always spend 2, and if you see a contest thats low on points, spend 4![/QUOTE]

No. Trust me, that is not the best strategy. YOU NEED TO PUT ALL OF YOUR CODES INTO ONE TIMESLOT IF YOU WANT TO WIN.
I really want to get this. Ive got 200 codes and I plan on entering right when a new time slot appears and hope that people put codes in other slots since they have less codes than mine. I am trying to decide when to put mine in. Do you guys think that the amount of codes is going to go up or down? Also it would be best to enter during the week (not weekend) in the middle of the night, right?
[quote name='Sockey']I really want to get this. Ive got 200 codes and I plan on entering right when a new time slot appears and hope that people put codes in other slots since they have less codes than mine. I am trying to decide when to put mine in. Do you guys think that the amount of codes is going to go up or down? Also it would be best to enter during the week (not weekend) in the middle of the night, right?[/QUOTE]

It makes sense about that being the best time since you wont get a bunch of last minute people entering any codes into it.
[quote name='Sockey']I really want to get this. Ive got 200 codes and I plan on entering right when a new time slot appears and hope that people put codes in other slots since they have less codes than mine. I am trying to decide when to put mine in. Do you guys think that the amount of codes is going to go up or down? Also it would be best to enter during the week (not weekend) in the middle of the night, right?[/QUOTE]

That was my strategy exactly and it worked. Go for it.
[quote name='TJordan522']That was my strategy exactly and it worked. Go for it.[/QUOTE]

Ok, Im going to see what the times around 3am go for on monday and tuesday and maybe enter on wednesday.
[quote name='Rockman']Check out the 6:00 time slot on Sunday. Its has over 3000![/QUOTE]
23,101 right now. It'd be funny if a person made a bunch of accounts to win and lost.
Edit: Why the hell are most of these over 1000?
Yeah I just noticed all the timeslots are in the thousads till 7:40 where it drops down to 300 somthing.

Edit: Just after I post this the 7:40 goes up to the thousands but the 7:50 is in the 300s. WTF
[quote name='Sockey']Yeah I just noticed all the timeslots are in the thousads till 7:40 where it drops down to 300 somthing.

Edit: Just after I post this the 7:40 goes up to the thousands but the 7:50 is in the 300s. WTF[/QUOTE]
Someone's probably using a code generator of sorts, so I'll just save my codes for later.
[quote name='Sockey']I really want to get this. Ive got 200 codes and I plan on entering right when a new time slot appears and hope that people put codes in other slots since they have less codes than mine. I am trying to decide when to put mine in. Do you guys think that the amount of codes is going to go up or down? Also it would be best to enter during the week (not weekend) in the middle of the night, right?[/QUOTE]

I realize a lot of CAG'ers think it might be best to wait but...I think the sooner the better quite honestly. Look at it this way: the codes aren't everywhere around the U.S. right now. There are still millions affected by the hurricane (even some CAGers I bet :( so they can't play. Between those two factors, I think "the pool" around the country is still relatively small.

When you get to the end of October, I'm betting you'll be seeing a lot of people who have stock-piled entering at the last minute. I may be wrong, but a couple of months of this promotion (and those codes) being in stores everywhere by THAT point is a good bet.

I'd take my shot when you feel you've accumulated enough codes (200 is a pretty good number!), and do it asap. The middle of the night OR early in the morning (try before 8am EST) are both solid choices, and you're right, during the week is best.

Good luck! :)
what about stock piling codes until the middle of the contest. Most ppl would rush to enter either at the end or the beginning, and the middle should be less do this, in conjunction with the hundreds of codes in one time slot...but i cant get that many codes:cry:
Scratch that: looks like someone this time TRULY has hacked the system. Those numbers in the drawings are absurd!! (10,000?? Yeah right!!)

I'd hold off now and wait until the coast is clear and they straighten this out. Unlike the code forwarding, this IS the kind of thing they'll crack down on!
HOLY SHIT, every drawing this hour is over 1200 except this last one, it's been really low the last couple days whenever i've looked. I won at the beginning when everyone was blowing there loads and it was only averaging 1000 for the top drawings when people started doing the email invites.

If people can create serial code generator for pc games and pc software they obviously will be able to crack a shorter codes like these. Assholes like this ruin shit for everyone!! I wonder what Pepsi is gonna do about this? They store all the codes you enter and could easily see if you are abusing the system. I wonder if they log ips of everyone who enters codes that way they can bust people creating multiple accounts and flooding multiple accounts with entries..........

[quote name='Captain Flaps']My friend saw something about a code generator that works ive looked into it but found nothing.[/QUOTE]

I wouldn't touch those codes with a 10 foot pole!
Does anyone know, if you tilt the bottle a certain direction, can you read the code on the cap with out opening it? I want to go and write down every code i can get without buying any mountain dew.
[quote name='Captain Flaps']Does anyone know, if you tilt the bottle a certain direction, can you read the code on the cap with out opening it? I want to go and write down every code i can get without buying any mountain dew.[/QUOTE]

LOL you wont be able to read it hell they are sometimes hard to read with the caps off because of the reflection in the light and the moisture on the lids. If you dont wanna buy them just go to a store and open bottles and write down the code till you get kicked out then go to the next store.
That sounds like a good idea i bet i could walk in open a few caps and walk out and they wouldnt even know anythign :) Im really considering just going to a grocery store and finding all the mountain dew with codes, and filling up an entire cart with bottles, and just running out with the cart, kinda like a beer run...but with a cart full of mountain dew
[quote name='TJordan522']No. Trust me, that is not the best strategy. YOU NEED TO PUT ALL OF YOUR CODES INTO ONE TIMESLOT IF YOU WANT TO WIN.[/QUOTE]

Umm no you dont, at nights the contest barely gets 400 ish caps in them, I won in a contest with only 4 caps dude. FOUR FRIGGIN CAPS, or the one I put two in! :lol:
[quote name='The Dord']Umm no you dont, at nights the contest barely gets 400 ish caps in them, I won in a contest with only 4 caps dude. FOUR FRIGGIN CAPS, or the one I put two in! :lol:[/QUOTE]

I understand that. But think about it....the odds are the same either way dude.

Let's say we have 200 caps.
According to you, we should spread out our entries by putting 2 into each time slot. Let's say the average time slot has 500 entries.
So we put 2 caps into 100 different times. For each of the 100 different time slots, we will have a 1:250 shot at winning. That's an overall 40% chance of winning.

My suggested method, the one which I won by, is to put all 200 of our codes into one time slot, which will yield 2:5 odds, also a 40% chance.

Either way, you have the same odds, but in my opinion, it is much easier to dump all of your codes into one time. That's also how most of us have won.

Plus, with my method, you can put all of your codes into the newest available timeslot. Then, your time will have 200 codes, and the times surrounding yours will have 0-5. Which time do you think the other people are going to enter now?? The one with 200, or the one with 3? Obviously they will enter the other time slots with lower entries, not yours, thus increasing your odds even furthur.

That is why my method is the way to go.
[quote name='TJordan522']I understand that. But think about it....the odds are the same either way dude.

Let's say we have 200 caps.
According to you, we should spread out our entries by putting 2 into each time slot. Let's say the average time slot has 500 entries.
So we put 2 caps into 100 different times. For each of the 100 different time slots, we will have a 1:250 shot at winning. That's an overall 40% chance of winning.

My suggested method, the one which I won by, is to put all 200 of our codes into one time slot, which will yield 2:5 odds, also a 40% chance.

Either way, you have the same odds, but in my opinion, it is much easier to dump all of your codes into one time. That's also how most of us have won.

Plus, with my method, you can put all of your codes into the newest available timeslot. Then, your time will have 200 codes, and the times surrounding yours will have 0-5. Which time do you think the other people are going to enter now?? The one with 200, or the one with 3? Obviously they will enter the other time slots with lower entries, not yours, thus increasing your odds even furthur.

That is why my method is the way to go.[/QUOTE]

Thats exactly what I plan to do. I think I better do it next week because the number of entrys will probably start increasing as more stores start sellling the bottles with the codes.
Hello everyone. I am new to CAG and I have joined for this forum. I am freaking out about this contest and its all i can think about I wish I had 200 plus codes right now so I could do TJordans strategy. I believe it is the best way. I also have been seriously considering doing several mountain dew "heists". But then I am wondering what if the 360 is worth jail. CAN SOMEONE PLEASE HELP ME OUT ON THE BEST WAY TO GET CODES!?!?!? I am willing to invest 100 dollars into just buying them.
[quote name='levi']Hello everyone. I am new to CAG and I have joined for this forum. I am freaking out about this contest and its all i can think about I wish I had 200 plus codes right now so I could do TJordans strategy. I believe it is the best way. I also have been seriously considering doing several mountain dew "heists". But then I am wondering what if the 360 is worth jail. CAN SOMEONE PLEASE HELP ME OUT ON THE BEST WAY TO GET CODES!?!?!? I am willing to invest 100 dollars into just buying them.[/QUOTE]

$100? If you want you can buy a bunch of mountain dews for the codes and end up with a 1:5 or 1:4 chance of winning
i will do that but i want to make sure i am going to win so I am looking for a way to get another 100-300 codes.

And, Can somebody show proof of a generator?
[quote name='TJordan522']No, there is no proof of a generator. And if there is one, stay far, far away.[/QUOTE]

I got about 20 more codes today. Im going to save all these and enter them all into one drawing on my birthday (the 14th). Hopefully ill win :)
[quote name='Captain Flaps']I got about 20 more codes today. Im going to save all these and enter them all into one drawing on my birthday (the 14th). Hopefully ill win :)[/QUOTE]

i say put them in the day after your birthday. Otherwise you might be setting urself up for a big dissapointment on your brithday, and that would suck.
So, I saw that mad max in another thread used 497 codes. How did you guys with so many codes get them? I mean, it would be foolish to purchase that many of course.
[quote name='Captain Flaps']Check ebay, you might get a good deal.[/QUOTE]

they're taking them down now...i sold mine the first day, so i got a pretty good profit!
[quote name='Captain Flaps']Check ebay, you might get a good deal.[/QUOTE]

If you read their rules, if you get codes from e-bay Mountain Dew could disqualify you.
Please dont put codes in the thursday at X:XX AM. I put 201 in there. I really want to win. Thanks

Edit: THANK YOU CAG! I won!!!!
[quote name='Sockey']Please dont put codes in the thursday at 4:50 AM. I put 201 in there. I really want to win. Thanks[/QUOTE]

How the hell did u get some many codes lol!
[quote name='Captain Flaps']How would they know if you got the codes from ebay or not?[/QUOTE]

They know your name and address, they could do some searchin on ebay.
So, Dord,

In your opinion. . .

Last night I entered 10 caps into a 4am slot and lost. Tonight I was planning on doing another 10 caps in a single slot.

Should I do 2 caps in 5 different slots instead?

Just trying to pick your brain.
[quote name='The Dord']
Strategy - From a Certified Winner

Okay, heres the lowdown, but a few notations first:​

  • Looking for caps - Ask your friends at work or ask your parents to ask their friends at work to save you the caps. (This is the quickest way to get the caps if people are generous or don't give a fuck about the contest)
  • Purchase single 20oz/1 Liter bottles of Dew/Pepsi/Sierra Mist (or Diet if you prefer)
  • Save your caps after you enter them, just in case something bad happens in the contest. (High unlikely)

And now the lowdown:​

  1. I stress this enough (Or your a chance freak - go ahead) DO NOT PUT ONLY 1 CAP INTO A 10-Minute sweep. Not only are your chances low, but you just wasted a valueable cap! The odds are not in your favor with this!
  2. MINIMUM of 2 caps per 10 minute sweeps grants you much better odds than you had before. (EG 1/1000 becomes 1/500)
  3. Law of diminishing returns happen after 4 caps *UNLESS* you use the shotgun approach down below.
  4. The Invested Approach: putting 2-4 caps within multiple (more than 10 sweeps) 10 minute sweeps adds greatly to your favor as well.
  5. The Shotgun Approach: putting more than 100 caps in a single sweep can heavily put it in your favor** (EG 1/10) but make sure that you don't waste all your precious caps in one swing and then LOSE, then you want to commit suicide!
  6. Also, contest with fewer than 300 caps work with the

**Overtaking low sweeps can give you better than 3/2 odds in your favor.

Some Timing Strategies:

  • Best time to put caps in is in Late-Night contests, when the kiddies are in bed BUT not on the weekend Late-Night contests (friday or saturday night).
  • The Shotgun approach works best on the days and weekends, when there is the most caps (unless you see a great -under 300 caps- sweeps it works that way) Plus intimidation factor can approach in when someone sees that a 300 cap sweep suddenly becomes 500, no one will want to join in
  • The Invested approach works well on late night contest with more than 400 caps or so. ( 2 caps with more than 500, 4 with less than)
  • The earlier in the contest (this month before the second week of October) is the best time to enter.. The further along you wait, the higher chance you'll never see contest with low caps ever again.

(Take the cap amounts with the grain of salt, these were the averages that work on 9/7/05, it will be diffrent later on in the contest)
As thing in life, there is no guarantees, so don't complain if you lose if you use one of my strategies.. If you win using then. Give credit where credit is due so others can read this and know it works for them. The contest ends on the last day of October, 11:50pm drawing.

Oh, and good luck! I hope you win :)
(Edit: Mods, if you like what you see, PM me and I can make a thread and you can sticky it.. Delete if you must, but I will not go silently into the night as you delete my other post in a thread you deleted :) )

Strategy - From the 1st Certified Winner on this board!

You are retarded! LOL

There is no real strategy to winning. The more caps you enter into a drawing, the better your odds of winning it. If one drawing has 800 and the one after it has 500 enter the smaller one, that's a strategy...You can't break it down it's luck! Wanna come up with a system for me to win the lotto? ;)
bread's done