Xbox 360 or Wii?

I don't really want to start a war here but, errr I'm getting a new console for Christmas and I don't know which one I should pick? I need to know before Tuesday as Wii preorders start on Amazon. :applause:
Which has the game lineup you'd like to play more?

If Zelda has you drooling, go Wii.

If you need to get your Gears of War on, go 360.

It's really only a choice you can make. :)
I'd recommend a 360 this year and a Wii next year. The 360 has a ton of great stuff out right now. By this time next year, the Wii will have an incredible lineup as well.
Yeah, if you're pulling in only one, and your not completely sold on the Wii, get a 360. They'll be easier to come by and the 360 has a stronger line up of games at the moment.
I have a 360 and am planning on getting a Wii this weekend, BUT if I had to choose one>

360 has good graphics, a good controller and tried and true controls of everything is the same(which is good sometimes). There are a bunch of games out and rental stores have good selection(at least if people would stop breaking the games like they do at the local place).

Wii tries something different and Zelda looks awesome. There are a couple of other games that look interesting but I won't be able to rent them any time soon.

SO, if you chose one I'd go with 360. I am a huge Nintendo fan, but I really like my 360 as well. I have 5 or 6 games and have played them a bunch. Plus, the being able to rent RIGHT now is a plus as well. Who knows when Family Video will rent other systems games. I would have to play the Wii myself before I could actually give you a great answer though.
[quote name='GF_Eric']I'd recommend a 360 this year and a Wii next year. The 360 has a ton of great stuff out right now. By this time next year, the Wii will have an incredible lineup as well.[/QUOTE]
Seconded. I'll get a Wii but I want to wait until more stuff is out for it. The 360's holiday lineup is pretty killer.

If you're caught up in the hype go ahead and get a Wii as I'm sure you'll be happy with it, but the 360 seems like the sure bet right now.
These questions always seem sort of obvious to me. They have extremely different games, so whichever one currently has more games you are interested in available.
[quote name='botticus']These questions always seem sort of obvious to me. They have extremely different games, so whichever one currently has more games you are interested in available.[/QUOTE]

I'm not so sure these are obvious, because I assume that most people who ask there either don't play very often or (more likely imo) they are planning to eventually have both.

I think the beauty of this decision is, you can't lose. One thing I would caution you is that Nintendo releases games extremely slow for new systems (and game delays are normal). So, if you don't like the current lineup, I wouldn't be looking at 6 months down the road, because there won't be tons new (yes, I know this happens with every system, but it seems to be worse with Nintendo, again imo).

The 360 has great games right now, and some games coming down into cheap range. It's the system I decided to get right now, but I definitely think in the next year or 2, I see a Wii being hooked up to my tv.
I have an idea, why don't you walk your lazy ass over to your closest video game store, and play the in store demo kiosks for a while. You can do this for free. Then, you would be able to make up your own mind.
I like my 360 because... it'll be the only next gen console I have for a while. I'm getting the Wii ASAP but the graphics make it hard for me to call it next gen.

But if I had to pick one, Wii is more appealing to me because I like Nintendo games more.
Wii, you should just play last-gen games similar to the ones on 360 until the 360 drops if you're really that interested.
[quote name='Morrigan Lover']I have an idea, why don't you walk your lazy ass over to your closest video game store, and play the in store demo kiosks for a while. You can do this for free. Then, you would be able to make up your own mind.[/quote]

I comlpetely agree, you shouldn't make the decision until you have actually played both consoles.
bread's done