Xbox 360 Price Drop: Digg it.

[quote name='Calamityuponthee']The elites can't stay on store shelves and they are dropping the price? No way.[/QUOTE]

PS3 is offering a hi-def generation DVD (Blu-Ray) player, HDMI 1.3, and WiFi support for $500. I think MS knows that beyond a certain point, HDD space isn't enough to get the sale when Sony is throwing in the Blu-Ray player. Right now a potential 360 buyer could very well spend $780* for a system comparable to the PS3. For spending an extra $280, he has 60gb extra in HDD space.

*Thats assuming the M$ first party wireless adapter is purchased

With PS3's new price, MS is really looking stupid for not making the Elite HD-DVD included
[quote name='MetalGator']PS3 is offering a hi-def generation DVD (Blu-Ray) player, HDMI 1.3, and WiFi support for $500. I think MS knows that beyond a certain point, HDD space isn't enough to get the sale when Sony is throwing in the Blu-Ray player. Right now a potential 360 buyer could very well spend $780* for a system comparable to the PS3. For spending an extra $280, he has 60gb extra in HDD space.

*Thats assuming the M$ first party wireless adapter is purchased

With PS3's new price, MS is really looking stupid for not making the Elite HD-DVD included[/QUOTE]

I agree with you here...

I didn't want to buy an elite... But now I think I may at $399.99... I'm sure a deal will come sooner or later to make it a bit sweeter. XD
[quote name='MetalGator']PS3 is offering a hi-def generation DVD (Blu-Ray) player, HDMI 1.3, and WiFi support for $500. I think MS knows that beyond a certain point, HDD space isn't enough to get the sale when Sony is throwing in the Blu-Ray player. Right now a potential 360 buyer could very well spend $780* for a system comparable to the PS3. For spending an extra $280, he has 60gb extra in HDD space.

*Thats assuming the M$ first party wireless adapter is purchased

With PS3's new price, MS is really looking stupid for not making the Elite HD-DVD included[/QUOTE]

Bla Bla Bla. I keep hearing these arguements, but not everyone wants WiFi, HD Movies, or anything like that. If they really did, PS3 wouldn't be lagging so far in sales that they have to have a price drop 7 months after its 'successful' release.
I don't see the Elite dropping to $400. Maybe down to $450, or $420 ($50 off its current price). Maybe they'll announce an even Elite-ier console with HD-DVD built in :)
i for one don't care about buying hd movie disks (b-ray or hddvd) - they're too expensive. so its irrelevant. and i havent filled up the regular hard drive on my xbox - why would i need/want a bigger one?

as for price drop: i don't thint we'll see one for 6-8 months. if i had to predict i'd say spring of 2008.
[quote name='GizmoGC']Bla Bla Bla. I keep hearing these arguements, but not everyone wants WiFi, HD Movies, or anything like that. If they really did, PS3 wouldn't be lagging so far in sales that they have to have a price drop 7 months after its 'successful' release.[/QUOTE]

I think WiFi is a big selling point. Dorms, home networks, etc. I think WiFi is more common these days than someone wiring Internet to the 360.

At $500, PS3 is best suited for the value minded consumer considering a next-gen console. Sony had more interest in BD's success than Microsoft did in HD-DVD's success, it's obvious. I imagine Toshiba is wishing MS had put the HD-DVD in the Elite. The $500 PS3 will be huge in the format war, book it.

I'm not a Sony fan boy. I got rid of my PS2 long before the PS3 came out and I don't own a PS3 yet. PS3 is a good bundled gaming based multi purpose media center at $500.
[quote name='dinovelvet']I don't see the Elite dropping to $400. Maybe down to $450, or $420 ($50 off its current price). Maybe they'll announce an even Elite-ier console with HD-DVD built in :)[/QUOTE]

Those all make sense. MS has to counter $500 PS3 somehow either

-significantly drop price of the HD-DVD add on
-make a new Elite with internal HD-DVD
-significantly drop price of current Elite
[quote name='GizmoGC']Bla Bla Bla. I keep hearing these arguements, but not everyone wants WiFi, HD Movies, or anything like that. If they really did, PS3 wouldn't be lagging so far in sales that they have to have a price drop 7 months after its 'successful' release.[/quote]

Pretty much how I feel HD movies I could care Less, Its the games I want and for the ps3 theres really nothing I want.
[quote name='MetalGator']Those all make sense. MS has to counter $500 PS3 somehow either

-significantly drop price of the HD-DVD add on
-make a new Elite with internal HD-DVD
-significantly drop price of current Elite[/QUOTE]

- Not everybody cares about next-gen hd movies
- Never going to happen. It's useless to add an internal HD-DVD player since they will never release games on HD-DVD in fear of alienating the current userbase
- Why? Demand is high on the Elite and I doubt the PS3 price drop is going to affect that. The Premium is good enough for people who want to save cash.
[quote name='Sporadic']- Not everybody cares about next-gen hd movies
- Never going to happen. It's useless to add on an internal HD-DVD player since they will never release games on HD-DVD in fear of alienating the current userbase
- Why? Demand is high on the Elite and I doubt the PS3 price drop is going to affect that. The Premium is good enough for people who want to save cash.[/QUOTE]

- Not everybody does not equal "nobody"
- Internal HD-DVD would still play DVD based games fine, and save people the hassle (and some $) on adding on an HD-DVD drive
- The $480 price tag was based on PS3 at $600, the Elite should come down. How much it should come down is debatable.
[quote name='MetalGator']- Not everybody does not equal "nobody"
- Internal HD-DVD would still play DVD based games fine, and save people the hassle (and some $) on adding on an HD-DVD drive
- The $480 price tag was based on PS3 at $600, the Elite should come down. How much it should come down is debatable.[/QUOTE]

- Exactly
- Which is why an internal HD-DVD player is a dumb idea. You are raising the initial console price for a feature only a handful of people give a damn about. Sony has already proved that loading a console full of extras isn't worth the additional cost.
- Ok?
Well, i bought my Premium on 4/20/2007, and i have a 90 if the price drop comes before the 20th of July, i'm heading back to Wal-Mart and getting that $50. God help them if fthey say no...
I'm torn, on the one hand they probably think they'l look foolish if they don't drop the price. Yet on the other, they have their big ass system mover game coming out in only 3-4 months or so, so why drop the price now knowing they'll unload a whole hell of a lot of systems in October/November.

While, I think they will drop the price sooner to prevent from looking like they've been one-upped, IMO I think a Feb-March drop or something as a more sensible decision. Elite's should just stop being made altogether now and fold those features (minus the black coat) into the Premium sku til March '08, then knock the price down a hundred (and hopefully eliminate the Core).
[quote name='Duo_Maxwell']I'm torn, on the one hand they probably think they'l look foolish if they don't drop the price. Yet on the other, they have their big ass system mover game coming out in only 3-4 months or so, so why drop the price now knowing they'll unload a whole hell of a lot of systems in October/November.

While, I think they will drop the price sooner to prevent from looking like they've been one-upped, IMO I think a Feb-March drop or something as a more sensible decision. Elite's should just stop being made altogether now and fold those features (minus the black coat) into the Premium sku til March '08, then knock the price down a hundred (and hopefully eliminate the Core).[/QUOTE]

A $50 price drop isn't a lot. With the new chips and Halo 3 coming, they are only going to increase their sales and profits.

Those chips are ready to go. They are likely trying to get rid of most of their current systems before announcing them. With a slight price drop. That would only help them. I'm pretty sure they will do something like a $50. Microsoft said they were ready to price drop EVERY year and they haven't. I think they will to get rid of all their old chips, put the new chips, and sell like hot-cakes with Halo 3.
MS really needs to drop 50 dollars and make the HD DVD player cheaper. A killer halo 3 trailer would help too. If MS were to drop the 360 by 100, they would win the war right then and there, but of course they will not drop $100.
[quote name='N5']A $50 price drop isn't a lot. With the new chips and Halo 3 coming, they are only going to increase their sales and profits.

Those chips are ready to go. They are likely trying to get rid of most of their current systems before announcing them. With a slight price drop. That would only help them. I'm pretty sure they will do something like a $50. Microsoft said they were ready to price drop EVERY year and they haven't. I think they will to get rid of all their old chips, put the new chips, and sell like hot-cakes with Halo 3.[/QUOTE]

I have yet to see anything even close to resembling an official comment or even press article that the 65nm chips are soon to be ready and nothing that said they will actually have them out or around by Halo 3 (afterall the chips were already pushed back some). And you bypasssed the point some, I said they will probably do it, but my point was the system will "sell like hot-cakes" when Halo 3 with/without a drop so it needn't be all that necessary IMO. $50 is also a bigger hit than it seems, they just started turning a slight profit on the things (about $75) and a $50 drop would bring it back to only $25 profit, chopping their profit on each by 2/3.
[quote name='Duo_Maxwell']I have yet to see anything even close to resembling an official comment or even press article that the 65nm chips are soon to be ready and nothing that said they will actually have them out or around by Halo 3 (afterall the chips were already pushed back some). And you bypasssed the point some, I said they will probably do it, but my point was the system will "sell like hot-cakes" when Halo 3 with/without a drop so it needn't be all that necessary IMO. $50 is also a bigger hit than it seems, they just started turning a slight profit on the things (about $75) and a $50 drop would bring it back to only $25 profit, chopping their profit on each by 2/3.[/QUOTE]

And who actually makes profit on consoles? Most of the time companies focus on making profits in game sells and such and not in consoles. Nintendo is the only one I think that ever actually tried making profit on consoles.
[quote name='Duo_Maxwell']I have yet to see anything even close to resembling an official comment or even press article that the 65nm chips are soon to be ready and nothing that said they will actually have them out or around by Halo 3 (afterall the chips were already pushed back some). And you bypasssed the point some, I said they will probably do it, but my point was the system will "sell like hot-cakes" when Halo 3 with/without a drop so it needn't be all that necessary IMO. $50 is also a bigger hit than it seems, they just started turning a slight profit on the things (about $75) and a $50 drop would bring it back to only $25 profit, chopping their profit on each by 2/3.[/QUOTE]

I don't think they've made up for the losses on the XBox1 it's not really profit. and that $1 billion spent on warranty certainly didn't help things. further fuel for the discrediting of the rumor.

but we'll know for sure tomorrow.
I've already made my thoughts known on why a price drop won't happen...but are people that oblivious to the hardware problems this console has? That a meager $50 price drop (which is mere conjecture, for the record) makes us suddenly forget that you're buying a system which has a damned good chance of kicking the bucket?

Before I see any price drop, I'd rather see a 360 on store shelves that says "NOW 30% LESS LIKELY TO DIE ON YOU!" Let's keep our priorities in order, kids. Do we want a cheap piece of junk, or a reliable piece of hardware at the current price (assuming, of course, that the 65nm chipset will resolve the 360's frequent and multiple deaths, something that may or may not be true)?

And I find it fascinating that the two people who made the "not everyone cares about HD movies" argument are ardent fans of HD DVD.
Don't forget that this is only an analyst saying so. Not saying that I don't want one as that would finally push my hand to get one, but I never trust analysts; they're paid to spew bulls#it.
[quote name='Apossum']I don't think they've made up for the losses on the XBox1 it's not really profit.[/quote]

Thats only if you assume that the whole XBOX trademark is just for games, which it is not. Its microsofts way of trying to get a standing in a new market and later expand in it.

BTW, news is up at gamespot indicating the same:
[quote name='help1']Thats only if you assume that the whole XBOX trademark is just for games, which it is not. Its microsofts way of trying to get a standing in a new market and later expand in it.

BTW, news is up at gamespot indicating the same:[/QUOTE]

no i'm not. just saying they're not making any profit on the system (or brand) contrary to what "small picture" reports might present.
to do a price drop along with the warranty thing would set them back a few more years.
[quote name='help1']Thats only if you assume that the whole XBOX trademark is just for games, which it is not. Its microsofts way of trying to get a standing in a new market and later expand in it.

BTW, news is up at gamespot indicating the same:[/QUOTE]

Right, and this article shows that it is Pachter making the $399 Elite prediction with another analyst disagreeing with him on that. It isn't insider info (or a retailer ad) like we had with the PS3 price drop. I just don't see that one happening - $50 across the board, *maybe*. We'll see... If worse comes to worse I just have to consider that I got $80 worth of entertainment out of my Elite these last 2 months :lol:.
If this was the case, they'd have to drop the price of the 120gb HDD, and that obviously isn't going to happen.
[quote name='mykevermin']And I find it fascinating that the two people who made the "not everyone cares about HD movies" argument are ardent fans of HD DVD.[/QUOTE]

Why should others be burdened with extra cost just because I like HD movies?

If they want to get on board, there is a good low cost solution.
What MS should do if they actually gave a shit about HD DVD (it is clear that they pretty much do not, as they would rather see downloadable content succeed), is include a coupon/voucher for a heavily discounted HD DVD add-on. No more than 100 bucks, and preferably less.

I'll go out on a limb - MS is too arrogant, and possibly stupid, to announce a price drop right now. The earliest they would do that is the fall. Hope I'm wrong.
[quote name='Sporadic']Why should others be burdened with extra cost just because I like HD movies?

If they want to get on board, there is a good low cost solution.[/QUOTE]

The competition makes a $200 add on for HD-DVD a slap in the face
[quote name='KaneRobot']What MS should do if they actually gave a shit about HD DVD (it is clear that they pretty much do not, as they would rather see downloadable content succeed), is include a coupon/voucher for a heavily discounted HD DVD add-on. No more than 100 bucks, and preferably less.

I'll go out on a limb - MS is too arrogant, and possibly stupid, to announce a price drop right now. The earliest they would do that is the fall. Hope I'm wrong.[/QUOTE]

I'm surprised Toshiba did not somehow persuade MS to make the HD-DVD drive either dirt cheap or included.
[quote name='MetalGator']The competition makes a $200 add on for HD-DVD a slap in the face[/QUOTE]

Yep. They should drop the HD add on to $130 or lower.
[quote name='hurley7715']while 50 is better than nothing, 100 would have been great

Yeah, a $50 drop will probably still have me playing the waiting game. Though the extended warranty helps, as that knocks another $50 off since you don't really need to buy the extra warranty now....
bread's done