Xbox Banning Discussion

I'm glad I didn't make any accounts recently to get those free games. While I have done it twice in the past to get two free games. I have never been banned for it. I did however get that Ben 10 XBLA game for free when it wasn't suppose to be free. I just checked now and I can still log in. Now that MS is banning for this stuff I won't even consider doing it again in the future.
wait we cant dl the ben 10 game? it was on the usa store right? i was to lazy to try to dl from other regions . anyway i know a guy who got banned a few years back and he called ms support and ended up paying for the stolen games and he got unbanned

I don't understand why they would be banning for errors they caused (or let slip up). Anyone wanna explain? My account seems to be OK for now...
When you go out of your way to cheat the system and make an account for a region you do not live in that is purposefully going out of the way to steal from them. It was not a slip up or an error on their part. The only error could be that they trusted that their customers werent a bunch of bottom feeding thieves.

anyway i know a guy who got banned a few years back and he called ms support and ended up paying for the stolen games and he got unbanned
What type of ban was it? How were the games stolen? How many games were stolen?
I'm pretty sure no one here has any right to be calling anyone else a thief. The conditions and consequences were clearly found and stated after the events, even though they point to their muddy ToS for a reason to punish people for their own mistake.
Well, now I'm afraid to turn on my console.

Last time I was online was the 27th in the morning. I could live through a console ban, but an account ban... geez.

Thought I might aswell start a poll, it's pretty simple. Answer if you got banned or not and simply leave a comment below from what country you are from. I would appreciate if you guys participate, and it will be interesting to see the answers as long as everybody is honest and don't troll the comment section. Here is the link:
Feel free to share this aswell, it's just better with more answers. I myself want to know for example where the most people are getting banned, and more.

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When you go out of your way to cheat the system and make an account for a region you do not live in that is purposefully going out of the way to steal from them. It was not a slip up or an error on their part. The only error could be that they trusted that their customers werent a bunch of bottom feeding thieves.
But it's totally okay when it's in the US, right? Like Fable 2 and Ben 10?
When you go out of your way to cheat the system and make an account for a region you do not live in that is purposefully going out of the way to steal from them. It was not a slip up or an error on their part. The only error could be that they trusted that their customers werent a bunch of bottom feeding thieves.
this post goes against everything your beagle boy avatar stands for

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To everyone saying this is stealing or theft, I have asked several times for people to actually provide the definition they are using for those words and no one has done so.  As I have pointed out, some people consider boosting for achievements to be cheating while others do not.  You need to provide a definition for your argument to be taken as anything more than trolling at this point.  If you can't even provide a definition for the word you are using, you really shouldn't even be using it in the first place.

For people calling the downloading of the games "illegal": As a person with a J.D., I can tell you that it is not "illegal" to breach the TOS or COC for XBL.  You have a contractural relationship with Microsoft.  Depending on the meaning of the terms in the TOS or COC, downloading these games may be a breach of that contract (the terms are not explicitly clear on this subject, it depends on interpretation and MS has interpreted these actions as breaches of the TOS).  However "breach of contract" does not equal "illegal".  If you think it is illegal, please state the law that has been broken.

The people in this thread that have had bans, either console or account, have been punished by Microsoft.  They are down at the moment.  If you get joy from kicking them while they are down, then you have a seriously deep-seated character flaw.  Deriving enjoyment from other's pain is about as scummy as a human can get.

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When you go out of your way to cheat the system and make an account for a region you do not live in that is purposefully going out of the way to steal from them. It was not a slip up or an error on their part. The only error could be that they trusted that their customers werent a bunch of bottom feeding thieves.

Interesting. So it is okay for you to take advantage of a glitch in the system to get free games but when other people do it is wrong?

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so what's the tally up to now for people that were banned? Shall we be worrying?
Threads across multiple forums have been really interesting. Thus far I've counted 70+ with no reason to suspect alternative reasons. Each forum appears to be adding at least 2-3 per day. If you took part in this, then you should worry, but it won't do you any good. Is knowing your about to get rammed any better than just being blindsided when you know the damage is the same for either?

The commonality in the threads: if you only downloaded one game... the account will likely be banned and console should be fine barring previous infractions. If you created two or more accounts, you'll likely see an immediate console ban when they get around to you unless they have a magical policy shift.

It's the weekend, unsure if they have weekend warriors or not. Personally, I empathize with each person who gets banned over this, especially since finding out that this has been going on in various regions for year... all of which have been without consequence. Then having to deal with people comparing their plight to something so far off base it just makes them look ignorant (sorry, region hopping is not like robbing somebody's home or hotel because it's unlocked. There's no sign on the door clearly stating "free" ... nothing needs to be INFERRED/IMPLIED as price is EXPLICIT).

The XBLET is not at fault for simply following protocol. They were likely told to remove all the accounts from those regions created in the last X number of days with no reason. Doubt those who operate the code for XBL came out and said "Oh hey, we messed up by failing to put prices on games in these regions" because that would likely have meant their job. Of course, banning of accounts logs a mark against the most recent console. Multiple accounts = multiple marks = bans.

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Threads across multiple forums have been really interesting. Thus far I've counted 70+ with no reason to suspect alternative reasons. Each forum appears to be adding at least 2-3 per day. If you took part in this, then you should worry, but it won't do you any good. Is knowing your about to get rammed any better than just being blindsided when you know the damage is the same for either?

The commonality in the threads: if you only downloaded one game... the account will likely be banned and console should be fine barring previous infractions. If you created two or more accounts, you'll likely see an immediate console ban when they get around to you unless they have a magical policy shift.

It's the weekend, unsure if they have weekend warriors or not. Personally, I empathize with each person who gets banned over this, especially since finding out that this has been going on in various regions for year... all of which have been without consequence. Then having to deal with people comparing their plight to something so far off base it just makes them look ignorant (sorry, region hopping is not like robbing somebody's home or hotel because it's unlocked. There's no sign on the door clearly stating "free" ... nothing needs to be INFERRED/IMPLIED as price is EXPLICIT).

The XBLET is not at fault for simply following protocol. They were likely told to remove all the accounts from those regions created in the last X number of days with no reason. Doubt those who operate the code for XBL came out and said "Oh hey, we messed up by failing to put prices on games in these regions" because that would likely have meant their job. Of course, banning of accounts logs a mark against the most recent console. Multiple accounts = multiple marks = bans.
But I read a post in another forum that was quite interesting, a lot of the people who have been banned are americans. There are few from Europe who has been banned but not much. So if you live in Europe you may have a low chance of escaping this, but I don't think the people in U.S.A for example can escape this however.

This is the post from another forum that I found interesting "[SIZE=11pt]It's funny how most banned people are americans. In europe they can't ban without reason and deny access to previously purchased games. EU law forbids that and if I get banned for legally purchasing free games from Oman I can simply go to the consumer protection office and get the ban reversed because the law counts and not the terms MS forces us to accept.”[/SIZE]

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But I read a post in another forum that was quite interesting, a lot of the people who have been banned are americans. There are few from Europe who has been banned but not much. So if you live in Europe you may have a low chance of escaping this, but I don't think the people in U.S.A for example can escape this however.

This is the post from another forum that I found interesting "[SIZE=11pt]It's funny how most banned people are americans. In europe they can't ban without reason and deny access to previously purchased games. EU law forbids that and if I get banned for legally purchasing free games from Oman I can simply go to the consumer protection office and get the ban reversed because the law counts and not the terms MS forces us to accept.”[/SIZE]
I doubt that the EU law protects an EU resident for a transaction that presumably takes place in Oman through an Oman account as there may be jurisdictional issues. It may since the transactions are all done within the confines of their retail system, but doubtful. The EU does have more favorable consumer protection laws (I don't mean spill hot coffee on yourself, either). I wouldn't put it passed them, though. The EU routinely sues large corporations under competition clauses for exorbitant amounts of money. Microsoft dealt with that just a few years ago.

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No it doesn't. On Thursday my Xbox was banned and I'm from Europe. I don't believe it has anything to do with region. And while the process of getting the games for free may not be considered illegal, MS still has the right to ban because of violation of the TOS(which is not the law) contract we all signed(digitally).

I haven't read the Live TOS but I'm pretty sure MS covered it all, whether it is in Europe or in North America. 

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To the guy who suggested this was a ploy to get people to buy a One - even if that were true, that is an incredibly stupid way of thinking on MS' part. All this will do as anger the customers and drive them towards purchasing something else. Its not like buying an Xbox One is going to suddenly make all their banned games playable, MS killed backwards compatibility
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I don't think it matters what region you're in either. I just think American's love to whine, bitch and moan----even when they are culpable so the are going to be much more visible.

I don't think it matters what region you're in either. I just think American's love to whine, bitch and moan----even when they are culpable so the are going to be much more visible.
Dude can you just shut the hell up already. NOBODY cares about what you have to say, you're that annoying guy who feels he needs to add his input into everything.

I don't think it matters what region you're in either. I just think American's love to whine, bitch and moan----even when they are culpable so the are going to be much more visible.
On the internet, everyone loves to whine. It makes no difference what race, gender, etc that you are.
How is that bricked Xbox treating you?
I don't care at all, also you just proved my point. Also why are you acting like a prick to people? Why are you dedicating you're time trying to belittle people? Does it make you feel better knowing you're pissing on someone who's down on their luck, due to actions they did and many of them are accepting? You might have personal beliefs on certain things but that doesn't entitle you to come into a thread and try to start shit with people because you don't agree with what they did.

How is that bricked Xbox treating you?
I see from your previous posts that you have enjoyed referencing the TOS for Xbox Live and also attacking other people who are already feeling bad about their sitution. Perhaps you should read the "Rules, Terms of Use, and Privacy" for the CAG forums?

"Language & Disruptive Behavior
You may not use CAG to make available content that is unlawful, harmful, threatening, abusive, tortious, defamatory, obscene, invasive of another's privacy, hateful, or racially, ethnically or otherwise objectionable. You may not engage in any behavior that interferes with the operation of CAG or its enjoyment by other users."

"Trolling & Harassment
Posting unsubstantiated negative commentary intended solely to annoy and/or offend other users is not allowed. You may not "stalk" or otherwise harass or harm another user in any way.

Since you seem so intent on people following the TOS and other agreements for the services they use, then you should stop harrassing people who already feel bad, since it is against the TOS of this forum. Wouldn't you agree?

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I don't think it matters what region you're in either. I just think American's love to whine, bitch and moan----even when they are culpable so the are going to be much more visible.
You are a TROLL. If you have nothing reasonable to add please, GO ELSEWHERE and take your self righteousness stank with ya!

As an AMERICAN, I was taught NOT to just bend over, spread em, and take it! As you are implying these banned folks should do.

As far as the bannings go, I think it is more like the "kill 1 scare 100" tactic. (Although in 2009 they banned somewhere between 750k and 1 million consoles) From a money stand point it simply makes no business sense to damage your core demographic, as many of the banned folk are hardcore gamers and the info was initially listed on hardcore gamer site then trickled into the lesser forums. (although M$ makes poor business decisions all the time) As far as ever really knowing what M$ policy is on this, good luck. Not even their own teams are saying the same things. Twitter teams says sharing DLC between acct's is ok, while enforcement is banning for it. Kinda like the left hand not knowing what the right is doing except M$ is more like a 100 headed hydra and none know what the others are doing. Really it's just a wait and see situation.

On a personal note, I have had at least two friends who did participate in the "free" downloads. One just dl'd injustice and rayman and he is console, main and dummy banned. The other dl'd EVERY free game and even earned achievements in a lot of them and so far only his dummy acct's got hit. So once again, inconsistency seems to be the norm for M$.

Please continue to add your experiences with this as the more info available the better.

Don't mind or even respond to the sanctimonious TROLLS.

Enough with the fighting, arguing, and trolling.  Do not respond to problematic posts, report them if you believe someone is doing something wrong.

Use the ignore feature if you have to.

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I really don't understand how the brain of the people being mean to the ones who got their xbox banned work, what is in there for you? do you feel more man? do you feel a better person? believe me people understands why they where banned, but those that makes it fair? of course not, to me it was too hostile from microsoft part that will cause customers to move to PS4 because MS wont change that, they take action and the customer has no right to defend them selves... so I'm asking to all the users who are here for no othr thing than being mean to others, please leave and let the people alone, they have had enough with their console or profile banns

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Thank you Trakan.

As far as M$ policy on this, it seems more like a "kill 1 scare 100" tactic. (Even with the huge banning waves of 2009 and 2011) Although M$ would be well within their "rights" to ban all users who did this. It just doesn't make much business sense to ban so many in your core demographic. Seeing as this hit the hardcore gamer sites first then trickled out. (Although M$ makes a lot of poor business decisions) As for consistency, M$ is all over the place as usual. I swear they must live by the SNAFU mentality. One on hand the twitter teams say it is ok to share DLC, but enforcement is banning for it. They tell us it will be ok to make an account in another region (xbone), but enforcement is banning for that as well. Kinda like the left hand not knowing what the right hand is doing, except M$ is more like a 100 headed hydra that none know what the others are doing. Par for the course for them. So, all in all, we won't know how they are enforcing this without comparing each others experiences. So please continue to post and just DO NOT respond to the sanctimonious TROLLS who keep showing up to rub salt in the wounds.

As far as my personal experience, I missed out on the freebies. I did however have two friends who participated.

Friend 1: Dl'd Injustice and Rayman, got console, main and dummy acct's banned.

Friend 2: DL'd EVERYTHING played them all and got achievements in most of them and only his dummy acct's are banned, so far.

Really just a wait and see situation. If you do get the BH, sorry to hear that, but if they didn't get your main, 360's are pretty cheap and ALL of your legit DL's will license transfer as well as your HDD being swappable to your new box. (just delete the offending files before swapping) 

Remember ToS and CoC are just a VERY LONG and complicated way of saying "If you don't play by our rules on our playground, then your banned. Also, they reserve the right to change the rules to suit them at ANY time.

LOL, kinda like Calvin ball. LOL

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"...except M$ is more like a 100 headed hydra that none know what the others are doing"
Yep that's pretty much the same way I feel. A better one would be it's like a game of telephone, you have one person messing up everyone else down the line. It's just a matter of finding the person or people messing up and replacing them or actually telling them what the policies are.

I wonder if deleting the alternate accounts would even help anything at this stage?

also did everyone that's been banned so far migrate the accounts? Wondering of that matters.

Posted this poll 1 or 2 pages back I don't remember, and 23 of 29 people said that they didn't got any ban at all.  That's quite interesting, I thought there would be a lot more. I know it isn't that accurate when there is not so much people that have been voting but it's a start, check for yourselves. Like Timmahboy said above that it seems more like a kill 1 scare 100 tactic, but you'll never know with Microsoft. They could continue this in weeks, let's just hope they don't..

I wonder if deleting the alternate accounts would even help anything at this stage?
also did everyone that's been banned so far migrate the accounts? Wondering of that matters.
I've migrated my morrocan accounts to US to get the downloads finished and I haent gotten any sort of ban/notice yet.
i just checked and its at 32 no's out of 41.

 that's almost 25% which isn't looking good as time goes forward. I am getting a bit nervous I haven't gotten banned yet but who knows what will happen.

I just hope I get to at least see the first day of GTA Online. After that they can ban me and I'd be okay with it.

lol 3 days to go...

It's sad but I was actually thinking it would be really F'd in the A if they ban me before I get the chance to at least finish that Sybarite achievement for Gears of War Judgment I've been working on since the damn game came out. I put more effort into that than Epic puts into supporting their game.

lol 3 days to go...

It's sad but I was actually thinking it would be really F'd in the A if they ban me before I get the chance to at least finish that Sybarite achievement for Gears of War Judgment I've been working on since the damn game came out. I put more effort into that than Epic puts into supporting their game.
If you get it and then you are banned..then it won't count for anything since the account you earned it on is gone/locked. So why bother until you know if you are or are not banned?

So will deleting the alts or games do anything at this point?
Nothing positive.

lol 3 days to go...

It's sad but I was actually thinking it would be really F'd in the A if they ban me before I get the chance to at least finish that Sybarite achievement for Gears of War Judgment I've been working on since the damn game came out. I put more effort into that than Epic puts into supporting their game.
3 days to go? What ate they done banning in 3 days?

I wonder if they are banning accounts with multiple complaints. When I play CoD BO2 I report players with offensive emblems or modded controllers I hope they get banned or a slap on the wrist.
Glad to see this was moved to a proper forum as it should've been. 

Also I would say I'm sorry to those that got banned as it really sucks but then again that's what happens when you get caught with your hand in the cookie jar. 

bread's done