Xbox Banning Discussion

Same here. Right now I'm writing an open letter to MS in the forum, using a non-main account of course, stating all the lies the twitter account has said.
I hope this gets enough traction cause for me the 3 reps told me it was ok. Then that tweet i seen before i did the accounts so i went in not thinking i would get banned. That tos and stuff most people do not read or gets lost reading it so asking support about it they lie saying it is ok but is not. So in other words reps tell people to do things tos says not to and we believe what they tell us cause they are ms support. They are either doing it on purpose or trained not at all except to avoid questions.

Then people blame us when they do not have all the facts. It saddens me how so many put blame on others without a care to know what really happened. I asked 3 reps from ms they all lied i was conned in my book. I bet many was also went by that tweet alone cause it was a support agent.

Anyways my opinion on things and maybe others will feel the same way. I am falling asleep keep it going people and cross your fingers.

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I hope this gets enough traction cause for me the 3 reps told me it was ok. Then that tweet i seen before i did the accounts so i went in not thinking i would get banned. That tos and stuff most people do not read or gets lost reading it so asking support about it they lie saying it is ok but is not. So in other words reps tell people to do things tos says not to and we believe what they tell us cause they are ms support. They are either doing it on purpose or trained not at all except to avoid questions.

Then people blame us when they do not have all the facts. It saddens me how so many put blame on others without a care to know what really happened. I asked 3 reps from ms they all lied i was conned in my book. I bet many was also went by that tweet alone cause it was a support agent.

Anyways my opinion on things and maybe others will feel the same way. I am falling asleep keep it going people and cross your fingers.
I just got done my letter to them on the forums. Let's see if they respond or take it down. I also copy and pasted it, screen shot'd it, and made an on-screen recording to back up my proof of messaging. Hopefully this does something and gets our consoles unbanned.

I just got done my letter to them on the forums. Let's see if they respond or take it down. I also copy and pasted it, screen shot'd it, and made an on-screen recording to back up my proof of messaging. Hopefully this does something and gets our consoles unbanned.
I hope so this ban hammer wave was a joke.

I hope so this ban hammer wave was a joke.
Yeah, I know. "Here's a great idea guys. Let's ban those who downloaded free games our employees said was okay, and leave the modders who game save and hack our products!"

Yeah, I know. "Here's a great idea guys. Let's ban those who downloaded free games our employees said was okay, and leave the modders who game save and hack our products!"
There are so many hackers join borderlands open games many use hacked saves to level 2000+ same with dead island. Hell ban people on uno having sex doing drugs and wait for it pretending to blow there heads off with real guns.

There are so many hackers join borderlands open games many use hacked saves to level 2000+ same with dead island. Hell ban people on uno having sex doing drugs and wait for it pretending to blow there heads off with real guns.
Yeah, gotta love it. Also gotta love that the blogs are shut down. How appropriately timed for them,

I'll post my forum thread tomorrow, if anyone cares or wants it, and then will post their response, IF I ever get one.

There is no way we can let them get away with this crap. We have proof that support said it was not a banable offense, we have a prominent victim, Silv4 to be the face of our cause, and with the Xbone being more expensive and coming out after the PS4 they don't need bad PR.
We should rally behind him because his account ban is a massive loss and he will def put up a fight before loosing it.
There is no way we can let them get away with this crap. We have proof that support said it was not a banable offense, we have a prominent victim, Silv4 to be the face of our cause, and with the Xbone being more expensive and coming out after the PS4 they don't need bad PR.
We should rally behind him because his account ban is a massive loss and he will def put up a fight before loosing it.
I am down but heading to bed will be on later.

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downloaded injustice from the costa rican marketplace. previously had it on my main gamertag. did not migrate account back to the US. 

no bans or anything yet.

You guys were actually MIGRATING your foreign accounts to the USA? Could that be a trigger?
the tips I followed said you had to change it to usa to use the this point I'm thinking it's completely random and must be triggered by more than one event violating their vague ToS either at 1 time or between multiple times. Tried logging in to play GTA online, got the security proofs message. Cancelled the message and connected. Servers won't let you create a character that can be saved as of now. That's to be expected since it just launched at 7am est.
You guys were actually MIGRATING your foreign accounts to the USA? Could that be a trigger?
I didnt

So if i put tag from my banned console to my new one is there even a slightest chance they will ban my tag and my new xbox? If there is small chance i will ditch my 7k digital account. I am sick of looking over my back. I will use my new 360 until xmas then move to ps4.

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I have a couple questions.I have been using the 1 month xbox live gold free links since march are they banning over this? and what about the people that have over seas accounts but never took part in the free games downloading? Damn Im highly paranoid right now

You guys were actually MIGRATING your foreign accounts to the USA? Could that be a trigger?

I didn't. Never had to. I used the account. Downloaded all the content I could. Then that was it.
I didnt

So if i put tag from my banned console to my new one is there even a slightest chance they will ban my tag and my new xbox? If there is small chance i will ditch my 7k digital account. I am sick of looking over my back. I will use my new 360 until xmas then move to ps4.
Isn't that sort of like a beaten wife? "I will go ps4...but NOT until I get another 360!"

^ What I'm trying to say, microsoft is making you buy an entirely new console for XBL. Yet people are willingly forking over the cash to stay with the people that fucked you over.

^ What I'm trying to say, microsoft is making you buy an entirely new console for XBL. Yet people are willingly forking over the cash to stay with the people that fucked you over.

That makes more sense.

And fuck that. I'm not buying anything new. If they don't unban us then ill get a used Xbox and return my banned one.
I'd like to do a blog article on this. I'm new to Xbox Live really, and haven't followed the misdeeds of Microsoft up close.

I know they've done things like permanently ban people over avatars. They banned the top gamerscore for one week over a link in his profile. I know that their bans used to majorly screw with everything. The key here is that MS is secretive about their actions, and in turn a lot of forums have simply placed the blame on the user. For instance, you had to have done something wrong, and then they usually don't even let anyone talk about it.

So, it's a dual way of keeping people silent. Then, with no official MS announcements, and posts on forums going away, it's like it never happened. MS customer support has even threatened people apparently, basically like look, we didn't ban your main account yet, but make an issue of this and we will. In turn, forums have gone on witch hunts against banned users, accusing them of various things, which keeps people silent as well.

I have been doing a lot of reading, and it just amazes me that MS is still allowed in the console business. In theory, the Xbox 360 was the best of this generation of gaming systems, but that's ignoring the up to 75% failure rates of the original Xbox 360s, banning and other shenanigans.

Some things that jump out at me about the recent bannings. There is evidence that people were not committing fraud. There appears to be ways of signing up, that while asking for a region and the like, never actually required any lying. There is also evidence (such as the tweet that was posted here), that indicates MS explicitly stated this sort of activity would not be banned. Of course, there is even more evidence that MS was completely inept in their handling of this, and there's simply no way a glitch like this should have happened had they been competent. It would appear it wasn't a ToS violation, but they have updated the code of conduct to reflect that this is a violation, but from what I gather they updated it after the fact. MS even banned a guy with a 400K gamerscore and a massive Xbox collection over this.

On top of that, I have seen reports that before MS changed course, they actually banned some people for downloading free Halo DLC? In addition, there's banning people for free Xbox Gold (legitimately acquired from what I gather)? Basically, it's if you get it for free, MS might ban you because they can.

Anyway, any info, screenshots, quotes, etc... I'm interested in seeing/saving this.

And another thing that grinds my gears a bit, is if people are going to sell their consoles they should state that they're banned from live, as I plan on buying me a 360 soon. (Haven't had one since 2011), and If I get it only to start it up and see that it's banned I would be pretty damn pissed.

^ What I'm trying to say, microsoft is making you buy an entirely new console for XBL. Yet people are willingly forking over the cash to stay with the people that fucked you over.
I brought a used console to replace my banned one for about $90. The money came out of my xbox one pre-order and I switched to ps4 to make up the difference.

I brought a used console to replace my banned one for about $90. The money came out of my xbox one pre-order and I switched to ps4 to make up the difference.
That makes more sense, I sure as hell wouldn't pay full price for something to support those that have screwed me over.

[quote name="blablah2382" post="11102722" timestamp="1380633714"]
And another thing that grinds my gears a bit, is if people are going to sell their consoles they should state that they're banned from live, as I plan on buying me a 360 soon. (Haven't had one since 2011), and If I get it only to start it up and see that it's banned I would be pretty damn pissed.[/quote]You can easily bring said Xbox back. Its a pain, I know.

I brought a used console to replace my banned one for about $90. The money came out of my xbox one pre-order and I switched to ps4 to make up the difference.
Sadly, I love my Xbox. Wish I could just jump ship.

That makes more sense, I sure as hell wouldn't pay full price for something to support those that have screwed me over.
I don't have spare money to blow. Hence, me downloading theses games in the first place.

Also. A friend on my list was suspended for 2 days on xbl and banned from Halo 4 for 2 weeks cause he downloaded the free dlc that day. Bullshit MS is.
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Also, and this may have been posted, it's interesting to note that Microsoft has explicitly said that if you live outside of a launch country for the Xbox One, then you can import a console and use one of the 13 working Xbox Live marketplaces. (Albert Penello also implied that you could possibly get around the payment method requirement by using a pre-paid card.)

"You can use one of the 13 digital marketplaces corresponding to our launch markets, assuming you have a valid payment instrument for those countries. Lots of people in Europe specifically travel, move, and visit family," he continued before slyly adding "Now, of course, if you were using Pre-Paid cards..."
the tips I followed said you had to change it to usa to use the this point I'm thinking it's completely random and must be triggered by more than one event violating their vague ToS either at 1 time or between multiple times. Tried logging in to play GTA online, got the security proofs message. Cancelled the message and connected. Servers won't let you create a character that can be saved as of now. That's to be expected since it just launched at 7am est.
I didn't change the region to use the content. I just used content on my main account.

I didn't even make a fraudulent account. I made a US one and then migrated it to the other regions.

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Welp, apparently since the Dashboard hasn't been updated fully yet and the only way to access the download for the BF4 beta is switching to a UK region. Boy, how many people will be upset in a week or two.

It's funny. MS could put any asinine thing in the ToS and you'd have their sympathizers say, "it was in the ToS. You should read the ToS. LOL, you deserved being banned." Even when fracking support is telling you it's not breaking the ToS, you'd STILL have people backing MS up. It's ridiculous.

Hi guys,

I'm looking for AA---you know, Accountability Anonymous... could you point me in the right direction?

You all are the same people that jump on posters in other threads who say "Be careful... Amazon bans accounts with excessive returns" or "Best Buy bans for excessive trade-ins" as being paranoid and trying to create fear (as I'm sure there were posters in the Xbox 360 free games threads saying the same thing) and then when you actually get banned you cry whine bitch and moan and blame everyone but yourselves.

No one is saying that MS has a good policy in regards to issuing punishments when they feel their TOS have been breached by a user but if even at one time you were lead to believe this (i.e. banning) was a remote possibility then you can't point the finger at anyone but yourself.

And before your call me a MS apologist understand I use my 360 for HBO go streaming only as I find their exclusives to be bland and unimaginative and the user base to be a bunch of immature teenagers and young adults who.... lack.... maturity..... and accountability.

It's funny. MS could put any asinine thing in the ToS and you'd have their sympathizers say, "it was in the ToS. You should read the ToS. LOL, you deserved being banned." Even when fracking support is telling you it's not breaking the ToS, you'd STILL have people backing MS up. It's ridiculous.
"All users of the Xbox Live service, in order to maintain uniformity, are hereby required to wipe from front to back after making bowel movements. Additionally, a minimum of three (3) sheets, but no more than ten (10), must be used with every wipe. If more than three (3) wipes are required, additional courtesy flushes must be made. Failure to comply may result in revocation of your Xbox Live privileges, up to and including deletion of your user account."

It's funny. MS could put any asinine thing in the ToS and you'd have their sympathizers say, "it was in the ToS. You should read the ToS. LOL, you deserved being banned." Even when fracking support is telling you it's not breaking the ToS, you'd STILL have people backing MS up. It's ridiculous.
There is verbiage in the ToS that essentially says "we can do whatever we like, whenever we like."

Tantamount to saying "your argument is invalid, no matter how justified you think it is."

Has anyone been banned that didn't download the Rayman game or the misc pile of arcades? As far as i'm aware, both the Angry Birds and Injustices were able to be downloaded from the other regions normally without any sort of circumvention or tricks. The games that came after required you to trick the system into letting you search for the games in question.

I'm guessing that the bug that allowed you to search for games in regions that aren't supposed to have live support is what caused the bans, rather than getting banned just for downloading a game marked as free.

You all are the same people that jump on posters in other threads who say "Be careful... Amazon bans accounts with excessive returns" or "Best Buy bans for excessive trade-ins" as being paranoid and trying to create fear (as I'm sure there were posters in the Xbox 360 free games threads saying the same thing) and then when you actually get banned you cry whine bitch and moan and blame everyone but yourselves.
I won't debate the morality of downloading the games much. Let's just be clear here, Microsoft has said things in the past to indicate it was in the least not a bannable offense. They also have condoned region switching. Finally, fraud was not required to download the games. I'm not calling it moral, but there's no need to be obtuse about this.

Secondly, did Amazon screw with people's computers? Did Best Buy screw with your car? Let's not be confused here, Microsoft is impairing the function of Xbox 360s. May be not corrupting them like in the past, which was nearly criminal, but this is a key sticking point. This means, there are people with paid services they can no longer access. No refunds on paid services either.

Third, did Amazon also cut off access to credit from gift cards when they banned an account? This is a key sticking point as well, because Microsoft has certainly done that. There are people with hundreds, if not more in their account that they lost access to. Same with Best Buy, did you lose your gift card to? If there was no refund, there's no defending that on the part of any of those, but I suspect only Micrsoft did this.

Fourth, did anyone banned from Amazon or Best Buy permanently lose the ability to access purchased digital content? In some instances, people who legitimately purchased in excess of $1,000 worth of digital content from Microsoft had their account banned, and can no longer access what they paid for.

So, if that isn't the case, then just please, please educate yourself or move on, because what you are trying to do is compare things that have no substantive similarities. I haven't followed Amazon or Best Buy bans much, but if they do actually behave like this as well, I'll steer clear. Otherwise, I assume that an Amazon or Best Buy "ban" only prohibits certain things.

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Has anyone been banned that didn't download the Rayman game or the misc pile of arcades? As far as i'm aware, both the Angry Birds and Injustices were able to be downloaded from the other regions normally without any sort of circumvention or tricks. The games that came after required you to trick the system into letting you search for the games in question.

I'm guessing that the bug that allowed you to search for games in regions that aren't supposed to have live support is what caused the bans, rather than getting banned just for downloading a game marked as free.
Here here. Again, I was banned for using the free one month XBL link from the deal forums here. I NEVER changed my region and I NEVER downloaded any games, even the free gold ones in the US.

Back in August I used the free month link which said I had gold until 9/30. I bought a 12 month card preparing for GTA online and AC Black Flag. On 9/29 I logged on my 360 to play GTA and got a popup saying I was suspended until 9999. Email to my account stated marketplace fraud.
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Hi guys,

I'm looking for AA---you know, Accountability Anonymous... could you point me in the right direction?

You all are the same people that jump on posters in other threads who say "Be careful... Amazon bans accounts with excessive returns" or "Best Buy bans for excessive trade-ins" as being paranoid and trying to create fear (as I'm sure there were posters in the Xbox 360 free games threads saying the same thing) and then when you actually get banned you cry whine bitch and moan and blame everyone but yourselves.

No one is saying that MS has a good policy in regards to issuing punishments when they feel their TOS have been breached by a user but if even at one time you were lead to believe this (i.e. banning) was a remote possibility then you can't point the finger at anyone but yourself.

And before your call me a MS apologist understand I use my 360 for HBO go streaming only as I find their exclusives to be bland and unimaginative and the user base to be a bunch of immature teenagers and young adults who.... lack.... maturity..... and accountability.
What a wide and baseless accusation. Neither Amazon or BB have anything to do with this anyway.

It was my understanding that the ToS was changed after all this started unfolding. Not to mention, some parts of MS say it's perfectly okay.

When you have a company that has no idea what its message is (which was also clear with the Xbox One), how can the users get ALL the blame like you continue to bring up throughout this thread?

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Hi guys,

I'm looking for AA---you know, Accountability Anonymous... could you point me in the right direction?

You all are the same people that jump on posters in other threads who say "Be careful... Amazon bans accounts with excessive returns" or "Best Buy bans for excessive trade-ins" as being paranoid and trying to create fear (as I'm sure there were posters in the Xbox 360 free games threads saying the same thing) and then when you actually get banned you cry whine bitch and moan and blame everyone but yourselves.

No one is saying that MS has a good policy in regards to issuing punishments when they feel their TOS have been breached by a user but if even at one time you were lead to believe this (i.e. banning) was a remote possibility then you can't point the finger at anyone but yourself.

And before your call me a MS apologist understand I use my 360 for HBO go streaming only as I find their exclusives to be bland and unimaginative and the user base to be a bunch of immature teenagers and young adults who.... lack.... maturity..... and accountability.
MS's own support said you cant be banned for it.

I'm looking for AA---you know, Accountability Anonymous... could you point me in the right direction?
I am glad you are fine with people getting banned due to TOS violations, which would mean you are perfectly happy to be banned from these forums for violating the TOU against harassment and trolling. Since you have violated them several times already and had several of your posts removed for this, you would be more than happy to receive a ban from these forums, since that is what you are advocating in the MS situation. I mean really, you must believe that you should be banned from here, otherwise you would have to be some sort of hypocrite or something. I have reported your harassment and trolling to the mods (yet again), lets see if your post is removed (yet again).

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What a wide and baseless accusation. Neither Amazon or BB have anything to do with this anyway.

It was my understanding that the ToS was changed after all this started unfolding. Not to mention, some parts of MS say it's perfectly okay.

When you have a company that has no idea what its message is (which was also clear with the Xbox One), how can the users get ALL the blame like you continue to bring up throughout this thread?

Even if you guys are pointing out the technicalities in TOS, in the end the bans are being assigned on a haphazard basis by the isolated Xbox security group. There is no script being applied that is banning everybody consistently across the board. These are done on a case by case basis.

I know it's been brought up that the Best Buy/Amazon bans are not the same but there is a point in the comparison. I was personally banned from Best Buy trade-in's for over a year. Their TOS stated a limit of 3 games. I always adhered to that rule but what did me in was trading in a couple of hundred games over the year span. Point being that even though I did not violate any specific clause in their TOS, they always could fall back on the "we reserve the right to" rule. My activity was akin to a dealer so they acted accordingly. You just have to take a common sense approach to the whole ordeal and not get hung up on the TOS. If you got free games when you shouldn't have, that in itself is going to upset the security group. After all, a glitch exploit that allowed searching and downloading games over the network is a security issue. What is the only recourse for the security team? A ban.

Also, it's absurd to correlate any malicious attempt at a ban to helping Xbox One sales. This is a multi-billion dollar company. Just like any other company, you'd be surprised how often the left hand doesn't talk to the right hand. There's no way Phil Harrison told the security group to ban a bunch of people that used a glitch exploit to help the sales & marketing department.

Amazon bans are actually very similar to MS account bans. If your Amazon account gets banned you lose everything. They take away your gift card credit, wipe away your pending orders, block any attempted returns, block every associated Amazon account that has the same billing address, and prevent you from ever creating another Amazon account again using the old address. You basically have to move out of your listed address to be able to create a new account. It is very severe just like the MS account ban.
I have a couple questions.I have been using the 1 month xbox live gold free links since march are they banning over this? and what about the people that have over seas accounts but never took part in the free games downloading? Damn Im highly paranoid right now
I've been using that free gold link for about 4 months in a row and no ban hammers for me yet, on top of the free games. Before using the free gold, I stacked up like 3 years of 1 month gold from a glitched promo they had back then, no bans from that too. For the first time in like 4 years I'm going to buy gold, maybe just a 3 months one, since I'm probably not out the woods yet. I'm guessing at this point since MS were on a roll banning people, they're just looking for any red flags to do so.

At the end of the day, it's their service and can change it anytime they want and that's a bitch. The least banned people could do is continue to bitch back on the Xbox forums, as sites like Kotaku were made aware by the news. That just shows you if enough people make noise, some one will hear. Right now I'm trying to see if any of those XBLPets mods downloaded any free games lol. Anyway I'm hoping for the best but expecting the worst so I'm expecting to start fresh with new accounts and such whenever I get the new systems.
It is very severe just like the MS account ban.
Except you can buy a new console and start a new gamertag at the same ip/address.

But my question is why? This close to next gen, I would just go PS4 if any if this shit happened to me. Theres no BC so there is no money loss switching consoles. Everyone needs to get this word out and let MS know how they feel. Bans should be reversed and instead suspensions should have been placed. Hell, if MS really wants to make people pay for games just force them to pay $60 for Rayman Origins and call it even.

Except you can buy a new console and start a new gamertag at the same ip/address.

But my question is why? This close to next gen, I would just go PS4 if any if this shit happened to me. Theres no BC so there is no money loss switching consoles. Everyone needs to get this word out and let MS know how they feel. Bans should be reversed and instead suspensions should have been placed. Hell, if MS really wants to make people pay for games just force them to pay $60 for Rayman Origins and call it even.
Yup, there's no way in hell I'd buy another 360. It would be like rewarding MS for banning my console and account. Even if I was only console banned I don't think I'd get a new console. Hell, I'm not even gonna get a new Windows Phone anymore because of this situation, I'm gonna switch to Android I guess.

I hate Microsoft! They banned my account because I abused their system now my life is over. I've been abusing Microsoft for the last 7 years but now I'm jumping ship and getting the ps4 even tho I had a better experience with xbox360 than ps3!!
bread's done