Xbox One Console Thread (Console is currently in stock as of 12/3 at Amazon)

I was just alerted to this video.  How did I not see this until now...

I'm sure the Xbox One people in line right now will witness the same thing in some places.  It'd be weird if someone did it at the official NYC or LA launch with Microsoft there.  Especially the NYC one.  Wouldn't surprise me.

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Sorry....I like to get the fanboys going when they are flustered. I would give a slight edge to XBOne for launch lineup, mainly due to Forza 5.
you did not get me flustered i was just stating you are incorrect when x1 don't play 1080 p games. Guess what killzone might be 1080 p on ps4 but the thing runs at 30 fps YUCK 1080 p don't look greta if game don't run at 60 fps.

you did not get me flustered i was just stating you are incorrect when x1 don't play 1080 p games. Guess what killzone might be 1080 p on ps4 but the thing runs at 30 fps YUCK 1080 p don't look greta if game don't run at 60 fps.
I own it and man...not impressed. .no idea how that game scored an 8..its a snoozefest
Seriously, everyone just needs to knock the BS off. Neo is seriously the worst fucking Fan boy on this site for any console.

On a more on topic note, where are people selling their day one code? On Ebay?

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Been watching an xbox one stream for a while and voice commands are real smooth and quick. There's a slight learning curve for knowing what words to use though. Some of the videos of 'failed voice commands' i've seen, happens when someone is using the wrong phrase 3 times and then they just use the controller instead.

I still cant believe the jackasses on gamefly giving 1.0 scores to the xbox one games...
lol yeah I just looked at that again too. Must have been a fun seven days with the PS4 to sit and do that and also go and continually sit on message boards and smear any and every thread about the Xbox. The Xbox One board on GameFAQs is still unusable and unbearable unless you feel like a laugh and not any serious discussion.

You know what I won't be doing tomorrow at this time? Giving any care about whatever crap the PS4 has going on or what its supporters are saying on a board. Yet that's seemingly their main concern when it comes to us post-PS4 launch.

I still cant believe the jackasses on gamefly giving 1.0 scores to the xbox one games...

Nothing better to do. This and the loners in here fanning the fanboy flames and that Sony post don't show any confidence. Just arrogance. We will continue to play nice. Don't worry, we will be content and not bothering you all this time next week. We will be enjoying our games and entertainment experience. You all obviously are already so bored you need to hang out here!

I've been playing in 1080p on my Xbox 360 for years, and that's without the horrid performance both the PS3 and PS4 have.
"Ive been playing in 720p, upscaled to 1080p on my 360 for years, and that's without the horrid performance both the PS3 and PS4 have."

There, fixed that for ya, free of charge. lol

Been watching an xbox one stream for a while and voice commands are real smooth and quick. There's a slight learning curve for knowing what words to use though. Some of the videos of 'failed voice commands' i've seen, happens when someone is using the wrong phrase 3 times and then they just use the controller instead.
This is why I took all the grasping-for-straws complaints about the Kinect and Xbox One hardware with a grain of salt. Most of it is people just not knowing how to use it or mumbling their way through life. I can't understand half the people I run into on a daily basis cause they talk like they got a mouth full of rocks. It's not the Kinect's fault it can't understand dumbed-down slurred speech.

This is why I took all the grasping-for-straws complaints about the Kinect and Xbox One hardware with a grain of salt. Most of it is people just not knowing how to use it or mumbling their way through life. I can't understand half the people I run into on a daily basis cause they talk like they got a mouth full of rocks. It's not the Kinect's fault it can't understand dumbed-down slurred speech.
Sure, lets make excuses for Microsoft but anything Song "LMAO ALL THEY MAKE IS A PIECE OF SHIT!"

LMAO! This thread is hilarious. Do you people have anything better to do than bash each other's favorite company.

Microsoft and Sony love your money, not your loyalty.
Yeah, pretty much, lol. I dont know why some people give a shit so much. Each console has pros and cons.

I'm actually far from a fanboy of either XBox or Playstation. I have both PS3 and 360 and will no doubt repeat that for the new iterations. It's just funny when fanboys get so butt-hurt if they hear the slightest bit of negativity towards their beloved game system.

Just called 24th and Orgeon gamestop in South Philadelphia. The guy said they have one Xbox one up for grabs to the next person that walks in.

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no offense neo but you at times go over board with this fan boy attitude give it a rest and chill rest of the night
I will be going for a few hours throughout the night due to my aforementioned final Halo run (which I will recording part of for YouTube) and also watching Oblivion on Blu-ray, which I've waited nearly four months to month again for the second time. I have an exciting night planned even without my love being here yet.

I'm actually far from a fanboy of either XBox or Playstation. I have both PS3 and 360 and will no doubt repeat that for the new iterations. It's just funny when fanboys get so butt-hurt if they hear the slightest bit of negativity towards their beloved game system.
too bad im a person that gets every system. Trust me if ms kept their BS junk they had at start i would have got ps4 at launch.

Hey, since we're still going with the Xbox vs. PlayStation wars.

Isn't it funny that top rated exclusive right now is a Super Mario 3D World.

Man, It must really hurt some of you fanboys.
We were talking about that tonight at Gamestop, its funny how Mario and Zelda are the top rated games this holiday.

I'm actually far from a fanboy of either XBox or Playstation. I have both PS3 and 360 and will no doubt repeat that for the new iterations. It's just funny when fanboys get so butt-hurt if they hear the slightest bit of negativity towards their beloved game system.
I like hearing negativity towards the things I like actually, I prefer it to anything else. However, it says a lot about the competition when their boards are relatively clean and normal, and the Xbox's has been absolutely infested for several months. You can't post anything without someone coming in and repeating the same debunked garbage. Now even Sony regurgitates it. It's just pathetic, not angering. It also confuses me because if I paid $400+ for something less than a week ago I would be playing that (assuming it actually worked) instead of arguing about a competing console I don't have any interest in buying (supposedly). I think a lot of people are, once again, feeling that Sony launch regret and now they have to make themselves feel better by convincing themselves (and others) how they didn't make the wrong choice. It's fascinating and funny to analyze, but also predictable since this has played out just like 2005-2006 did.

I like hearing negativity towards the things I like actually, I prefer it to anything else. However, it says a lot about the competition when their boards are relatively clean and normal, and the Xbox's has been absolutely infested for several months. You can't post anything without someone coming in and repeating the same debunked garbage. Now even Sony regurgitates it. It's just pathetic, not angering. It also confuses me because if I paid $400+ for something less than a week ago I would be playing that (assuming it actually worked) instead of arguing about a competing console I don't have any interest in buying (supposedly). I think a lot of people are, once again, feeling that Sony launch regret and now they have to make themselves feel better by convincing themselves (and others) how they didn't make the wrong choice. It's fascinating and funny to analyze, but also predictable since this has played out just like 2005-2006 did.
Whatever makes you sleep better at night, Cowboy.

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We were talking about that tonight at Gamestop, its funny how Mario and Zelda are the top rated games this holiday.
Picking up Zelda tomorrow while I'm at Target. It is sad, but it might see more play time than anything else. My wife got me a 3DS XL and it has quickly become my favorite gaming device.

We were talking about that tonight at Gamestop, its funny how Mario and Zelda are the top rated games this holiday.
I'm considering getting those two as well this weekend since I decided to pass on getting Ryse and don't have to pay the $30 for Gamer's Club Unlocked until the end of the year since I got the free extension today. :D

Yeah I find that hard to believe since you bashed the Wii U on multiple occasions. I mean the Wii U isn't made by Microsoft after all.
i bashed the wii U because the game line up just is not there even afte a year being out. last wii u game i played was pickmin 3 and was just meh for me. I never once have said im a major ms fan boy but not getting into that argument.

Well if we're going talk randomness...I find it hilarious that Zelda and Mario games are pumped out faster than Call of Duty games and yet they are always praised. I love Zelda, but Nintendo is worse than Activision. Why does everyone give them a pass with those two franchises especially Mario? It seems like all they do is remake old Mario games and people continue to gobble them up. If you repainted a Mario game with some random franchise, but kept the same gameplay would people still praise the game? Pokemon is the same way.

Well if we're going talk randomness...I find it hilarious that Zelda and Mario games are pumped out faster than Call of Duty games and yet they are always praised. I love Zelda, but Nintendo is worse than Activision. Why does everyone give them a pass with those two franchises especially Mario? It seems like all they do is remake old Mario games and people continue to gobble them up. If you repainted a Mario game with some random franchise, but kept the same gameplay would people still praise the game? Pokemon is the same way.
Have you actually played any newer Zelda/Mario/Pokemon game or are you just ranting from the peanut gallery? It sounds like the latter. Funny thing is that you said Mario/Zelda/Pokemon are always praised. Hmmmmm.

Can we stop the fanboy bickering?
Are you sure you want stop the bickering? Seems like you are an instigator. LOL

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Just wanted to say good luck to everyone going out to get their shiny, new consoles tonight! Here's hoping everything from the purchase to the set up and playing goes smoothly. 

Personally, I have to much going on to devote the kind of attention and brand new system deserves so I'm holding out for a while. Plus the cheap-ass in me wants to wait for a good deal or bundle sometime next year.


I have not but honestly what have they added that has made them so different? 

I'm watching a Super Mario World 3D review right now and it literally looks like every other recent Mario game. 

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bread's done