Xbox One Console Thread (Console is currently in stock as of 12/3 at Amazon)

I still have my Xbox One preorder on Amazon that I placed back on 6/10/13. Thinking about canceling it since most of the multiplatform games I planned to buy, I will get on the PS4. Sucks to hear that others in here are having their preorders canceled, yet I'm here with a Day One preorder that I probably won't keep. :/

I still have my Xbox One preorder on Amazon that I placed back on 6/10/13. Thinking about canceling it since most of the multiplatform games I planned to buy, I will get on the PS4. Sucks to hear that others in here are having their preorders canceled, yet I'm here with a Day One preorder that I probably won't keep. :/
You never know you might regret it :p. I am getting a PS4 and Xbox One. A majority of multiplat games have always ran better on Xbox Im not being biased just speaking the truth. I guess its just what you prefer at the end of the day though.

You never know you might regret it :p. I am getting a PS4 and Xbox One. A majority of multiplat games have always ran better on Xbox Im not being biased just speaking the truth. I guess its just what you prefer at the end of the day though.
By a lot of accounts that wont carry over to this gen though.

By a lot of accounts that wont carry over to this gen though.
Yeah and we heard that same crap from May 2005 to November 2006. Then the PS3 finally came out and the hype could no longer cover up the reality that the PS3 would have the inferior version except on about 2 or 3 titles where it was babied and specifically given the superior version.

It's the same shtick every generation with Sony.

Yeah and we heard that same crap from May 2005 to November 2006. Then the PS3 finally came out and the hype could no longer cover up the reality that the PS3 would have the inferior version except on about 2 or 3 titles where it was babied and specifically given the superior version.

It's the same shtick every generation with Sony.
Umm, I don't think you've been following the news on the Playstation 4 that much. I'm a huge, huge Xbox fan. But not only is the Playstation 4 a bit more powerful, it's much easier to develop for than the Playstation 3 was. And it's far more friendly to indie developers than Xbox One (though that could change whenever the Xbox One indie program finally goes live. Not before).

This is all very well documented - not because Sony keeps boasting and making promises. The information comes from numerous developers who are already working with the hardware. The whole gaming development community isn't in on some conspiracy into tricking people that the PS4 is better than it really is.

We don't need console debates in here, but we also don't need people denying objective reality.

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Yeah and we heard that same crap from May 2005 to November 2006. Then the PS3 finally came out and the hype could no longer cover up the reality that the PS3 would have the inferior version except on about 2 or 3 titles where it was babied and specifically given the superior version.

It's the same shtick every generation with Sony.
So you're saying it will be the same deal with PS4? Quoting to come back and laugh at you later. The hypocrisy of you talking about "reality"...christ.

Umm, I don't think you've been following the news on the Playstation 4 that much. I'm a huge, huge Xbox fan. But not only is the Playstation 4 a bit more powerful, it's much easier to develop for than the Playstation 3 was. And it's far more friendly to indie developers than Xbox One (though that could change whenever the Xbox One indie program finally goes live. Not before).

This is all very well documented - not because Sony keeps boasting and making promises. The information comes from numerous developers who are already working with the hardware. The whole gaming development community isn't in on some conspiracy into tricking people that the PS4 is better than it really is.

We don't need console debates in here, but we also don't need people denying objective reality.
True as both machines have very similar internals made by AMD. So this time around multi platform games should look identical with each console having a certain graphical feature exploited by the developers.

The only reason to get both systems is for exclusives and the online package. Currently the XONE has 2 launch games running in Full-HD @ 60FPS with all the eye candy turned on: Forza 5 and Ryse. I think I read where Killzone is having trouble hitting the 60FPS mark with all the eye candy turned on. That will probably change in the future.

I'm getting the XONE Day 1 Edition first because i'm a huge fan of Forza but I will definitely pickup a PS4 as soon as they are readily available.

True as both machines have very similar internals made by AMD. So this time around multi platform games should look identical with each console having a certain graphical feature exploited by the developers.

The only reason to get both systems is for exclusives and the online package. Currently the XONE has 2 launch games running in Full-HD @ 60FPS with all the eye candy turned on: Forza 5 and Ryse. I think I read where Killzone is having trouble hitting the 60FPS mark with all the eye candy turned on. That will probably change in the future.

I'm getting the XONE Day 1 Edition first because i'm a huge fan of Forza but I will definitely pickup a PS4 as soon as they are readily available.
I really want to get Forza at launch, but like other wheel enthusiasts, I'm waiting to see what they're going to offer and how much they'll be. I can drop another $150-$175 on a decent FF wheel like the Driving Force GT, but I'm not about to put out $400 right now on top of both systems which I'm getting. And I wouldn't even think of playing Forza without a racing setup.

I'm still getting my Day 1 edition but really the only game I'm getting right at launch is Dead Rising 3 (and might buy a Killer Instinct character pack). I'll have Killzone on PS4. It looks like my next game there will be Knack with both Watch Dogs and DriveClub being delayed. I want to get either COD or BF4 for the campaign, I guess I'll wait for the reviews and then decide which system, but I'd like to wait for a $40 sale on those.

I do remember the 360 launch, I bought Call of Duty 2, Codemned, Perfect Dark Zero, Kameo and Madden 06 right away. So the XBOX 1 and PS4 launch lineups individually aren't as impressive as they'd have you believe.

But also on my radar is NBA 2K14 and, I don't know, maybe Ryse depending on the reviews. For some reason I thought Kinect Sports Rivals was a launch game but I guess it's not.

And if I do end up getting a racing wheel for XBOX 1, I'm sure I'll also pick up NFS Rivals.

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Yeah, PS4 will be the lead platform this gen on multiplatform titles. BUT Xbox One will likely have the best multiplayer service as Xbox 360 and the original Xbox did before it.
That's same thing people said about ps3 company's will always make the games so they can run on all systems they are one with that said other then first party titles most games will play/ look pretty much the same for first couple years at least till 360:ps3 life are over even after that seeing just like last gb ms system is less powerfull then Sony so games will be dug down for x1 and run smoother.
Sony got away with making it difficult to program on the PS2 but it bit them with the PS3.  It appears they learned from their mistakes this time around which is a good thing for everyone.  Should make 3rd parties have a much easier time getting games running on both with minimal effort being spent between the two.

I would guess the PS4 will be a bit more powerful but the difference is going to be so minor I'm not sure who will care.

The biggest issue I have with the PS4 is their launch line-up is weak compared to the X1.  Not saying the X1 is out of this world but there is so much more i'm interested in.  I have both systems paid off but I'm really thinking about cancelling my PS4 or seeing if I can make some cash reselling it.

I can predict the future I will play and beat Killzone then it will sit till Second Son comes out.  Then it will sit till the next good exclusive comes out.  

That's same thing people said about ps3 company's will always make the games so they can run on all systems they are one with that said other then first party titles most games will play/ look pretty much the same for first couple years at least till 360:ps3 life are over even after that seeing just like last gb ms system is less powerfull then Sony so games will be dug down for x1 and run smoother.
Have you ever used periods before?

I never pre-ordered a console at launch before so how likely is it that I will get it before the end of the year?  I have a standard edition pre-ordered from amazon that I pre-ordered in September. Is there a good chance I will get one or should I just try to find one on launch day? 

I never pre-ordered a console at launch before so how likely is it that I will get it before the end of the year? I have a standard edition pre-ordered from amazon that I pre-ordered in September. Is there a good chance I will get one or should I just try to find one on launch day?
It's all guessing at this point. I contacted Amazon after they cancelled my day one preorder that I placed back during the week they opened up and they said they can only tell me that it'll be shipped/delivered for Jan 2nd. I'd probably try and find one on launch day. I'm stuck as I put credit on Amazon so I can't afford to buy one after buying gift cards. Thought I had one locked up but apparently not.

I decided recently I am only going to get one of the two new systems even though I have preorders for both.  I am going to keep my Xbox One over the PS4 for this main reason... Xbox Live is proven.  In current gen, it kills PSN.  Sony claims it will be better but I don't buy it until I see it.  Thus, I will let go of my PS4 preorder and keep my Xbox One. 

I decided recently I am only going to get one of the two new systems even though I have preorders for both. I am going to keep my Xbox One over the PS4 for this main reason... Xbox Live is proven. In current gen, it kills PSN. Sony claims it will be better but I don't buy it until I see it. Thus, I will let go of my PS4 preorder and keep my Xbox One.
This. Microsoft has proven they know what they are doing. Sure Sony talks a big game, but I'll believe it when I see it. I see a lot of unhappy PS owners in the future when they feel let down.
This. Microsoft has proven they know what they are doing. Sure Sony talks a big game, but I'll believe it when I see it. I see a lot of unhappy PS owners in the future when they feel let down.
It's honestly a matter of opinion and either side can't say its a fact. I really enjoy PSN plus and have no problems with it at all but really don't care for live.
I decided recently I am only going to get one of the two new systems even though I have preorders for both. I am going to keep my Xbox One over the PS4 for this main reason... Xbox Live is proven. In current gen, it kills PSN. Sony claims it will be better but I don't buy it until I see it. Thus, I will let go of my PS4 preorder and keep my Xbox One.
Yeah I just posted about my indecisiveness in the PS4 preorder thread. I keep leaning toward the Xbox since Live gaming seems to have a longer shelf life on minor titles--something random like Frontlines Fuel of War. I got hooked on that game even though I had never heard about it previously. Maybe Sony making online a pay feature will keep serious gamers engaged? Probably should just hand over my wallet and get both systems.

Yeah I just posted about my indecisiveness in the PS4 preorder thread. I keep leaning toward the Xbox since Live gaming seems to have a longer shelf life on minor titles--something random like Frontlines Fuel of War. I got hooked on that game even though I had never heard about it previously. Maybe Sony making online a pay feature will keep serious gamers engaged? Probably should just hand over my wallet and get both systems.
the free dedicated servers will be an advantage on xbox one too. I know some games this gen shut down their servers because a contract expired or the company shut down...this time, Microsoft can keep them running on their own servers for years.

the free dedicated servers will be an advantage on xbox one too. I know some games this gen shut down their servers because a contract expired or the company shut down...this time, Microsoft can keep them running on their own servers for years.
I've heard about that, but is that true even for EA Sports games--like EA will shut down a game after two years. Now that won't be an issue, as long as people still play the game it'll just be done through Microsoft's servers? I assume the same would also be true for item sharing like user creations in the WWE games?

Yeah I just posted about my indecisiveness in the PS4 preorder thread. I keep leaning toward the Xbox since Live gaming seems to have a longer shelf life on minor titles--something random like Frontlines Fuel of War. I got hooked on that game even though I had never heard about it previously. Maybe Sony making online a pay feature will keep serious gamers engaged? Probably should just hand over my wallet and get both systems.
One of the major reasons so many 360 games are more active, is the fact that the install base for 360 was higher than PS3 for a good 4 or 5 years (because it was cheaper). Thus, most games sold more on 360. Even now, even though the PS3 is ahead a little bit, a majority of the people go with the version that their friends get. For example, all of my friends only have a 360. That was enough for me to go with GTAV on 360. I'm sure it was the same for others.

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Yeah, the attach rate for the Xbox 360 was always insane compared to the Wii and PS3.  I don't know where it is now, but it used to be multiple times higher than either one of them and beat both of them combined.  I halfheartedly looked for the current numbers (if they even reliably exist now) a couple weeks ago and didn't see anything that told the stats.

I keep bouncing back and forth whether to buy Forza at launch or not.  I already have Battlefield 4, Dead Rising 3, and Need for Speed: Rivals ordered and I get the feeling that Forza will be the first to get a huge cut in price.  Mainly cause I saw how I got Forza Horizon for $20 about a month after launch (my favorite Forza ever and one of my favorite racing games of all-time).

Yeah, the attach rate for the Xbox 360 was always insane compared to the Wii and PS3. I don't know where it is now, but it used to be multiple times higher than either one of them and beat both of them combined. I halfheartedly looked for the current numbers (if they even reliably exist now) a couple weeks ago and didn't see anything that told the stats.

I keep bouncing back and forth whether to buy Forza at launch or not. I already have Battlefield 4, Dead Rising 3, and Need for Speed: Rivals ordered and I get the feeling that Forza will be the first to get a huge cut in price. Mainly cause I saw how I got Forza Horizon for $20 about a month after launch (my favorite Forza ever and one of my favorite racing games of all-time).
I think Need for Speed will get a price cut really fast too. I love both series though.

I think it will too, but I don't want to be without it unless I hear that it's barely a step up from the Xbox 360 version.  I've been trying to find out what the differences are but have been unsuccessful.  I haven't looked in a while though.  I think having two racers along with the other two beasts of a game PLUS Xbox Fitness and everything that comes along with the new console might be a bit of overkill, especially with GTA V and an intense school schedule.  Thankfully I'm done about 2-3 weeks after launch and will have six weeks of freedom to game more hardcore than ever before.

Sorry if this link was posted before, but my friend pointed this out to me not too long ago:

"Basically, if you put money towards any pre-order, partial or in full, the system takes you out of your old pre-order status and re-issues another pre-order based on the new balance; pretty much not guaranteeing you a system on launch day since they're no longer accepting pre-orders"

Of course, I can't vouch for this but it was just something I read and wanted to share :/

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Yeah, the attach rate for the Xbox 360 was always insane compared to the Wii and PS3. I don't know where it is now, but it used to be multiple times higher than either one of them and beat both of them combined. I halfheartedly looked for the current numbers (if they even reliably exist now) a couple weeks ago and didn't see anything that told the stats.

I keep bouncing back and forth whether to buy Forza at launch or not. I already have Battlefield 4, Dead Rising 3, and Need for Speed: Rivals ordered and I get the feeling that Forza will be the first to get a huge cut in price. Mainly cause I saw how I got Forza Horizon for $20 about a month after launch (my favorite Forza ever and one of my favorite racing games of all-time).

Forza and Forza Horizon are two different beasts though. Forza 4 held its value really really well. I honestly don't think you can judge the value of Forza 5 off of Forza Horizon. I would say that Forza 5 will be a lot more like 4 than Horizon.
Microsoft: Xbox One Has As Many Pre-Order Sales as PS4
With how much negative press the Xbox One has received during the year, you'd think it would be left in the dust for next-gen. However, it appears it isn't having problem with pre-orders after Microsoft's 180 on DRM.
A user confirmed to be an Xbox One developer posted the following comment on Reddit:
"When I saw reports of Sony having a million or 1.5 million pre-orders for the PS4, I didn’t even think twice about it. We’re not disclosing pre-order numbers at the moment for accounting reasons but I know for a fact we have just as many. Don’t be bogged by published statistics. At the end of all this, what matters is the games you want to play."
While there's no solid evidence supporting his claim, it's certainly plausible. Best-seller lists, such as that on Amazon, have routinely shown Xbox One as a leader in sales.
In terms of how that's possible with a price tag of $499, it mostly comes down to games. Many would agree that the Xbox One has a better launch library, especially with the dismissal of the PS4's Driveclub.
When all is said and done, what really matters is how both perform after launch. Even the Wii U was a hit during its first month. You can expect to see both the PS4 and Xbox One to sell out at launch, but keep an eye on what happens once January rolls around.
Forza and Forza Horizon are two different beasts though. Forza 4 held its value really really well. I honestly don't think you can judge the value of Forza 5 off of Forza Horizon. I would say that Forza 5 will be a lot more like 4 than Horizon.
It's possible we could see Forza 5 for $30-40 during BF deals. BF4 is on sale for $30 @ Gamestop and that includes next gen versions.

yes but you can still use the copy of BF4 you get from GS to get the digital, I am lucky and have a sotre locally that is doing physical $10 upgrade for both systems!

I hope NFS or Forza 5 gets a quick price cut, I do want one or the other. I lean a little more towards Rivals myself, playing as a cop and chasing other real racers sounds fun as hell.

Honestly there is no need to have deals on the next gen games, I can assume publishers understand that any last gen game on sale will be upgraded for $9.99, so instead of running those deals, they are fine with them going for $9.99 more as a deal in a way, and then they will also make some moeny from people not being smart enough to realize it.

Hey guys on a side note. Amazon sent me a new e-mail today, adding $10 Amazon credit to my account for the Watch Dogs bundle being changed to just the system since the delay. If you ordered one through Amazon you may have the e-mail already or will get it.

I hope NFS or Forza 5 gets a quick price cut, I do want one or the other. I lean a little more towards Rivals myself, playing as a cop and chasing other real racers sounds fun as hell.
I'm debating on one of those titles myself. Leaning toward Rivals as the main Forza series tends to get boring.

Is the US getting a free game like the other countries? I pre-ordered my day one edition just in case we did end up getting a free game, since I'll be getting the console eventually, so I might as well do it now to get a free game with it.. but I haven't heard anything besides rumors for awhile now.

If not then I won't mind waiting a bit, then I might just go to Walmart to cancel my order and free it up for someone else to grab.

Is the US getting a free game like the other countries? I pre-ordered my day one edition just in case we did end up getting a free game, since I'll be getting the console eventually, so I might as well do it now to get a free game with it.. but I haven't heard anything besides rumors for awhile now.

If not then I won't mind waiting a bit, then I might just go to Walmart to cancel my order and free it up for someone else to grab.
If there were a free game, I think MS would have said something by now.

All this talk about racing games has sparked my hate for them.

I absolutely love Need for Speed and Burnout. I HATE not being able to play splitscreen.

Why the hell have modern racing games eliminated that feature??? I would snatch Rivals up WITHOUT question if it had split screen and yet as always now, it does not.

I hold onto my copy of Blur like my baby because it was the last great splitscreen racing game I feel like.


Is the US getting a free game like the other countries? I pre-ordered my day one edition just in case we did end up getting a free game, since I'll be getting the console eventually, so I might as well do it now to get a free game with it.. but I haven't heard anything besides rumors for awhile now.

If not then I won't mind waiting a bit, then I might just go to Walmart to cancel my order and free it up for someone else to grab.
No free game for the US. I believe the UK is getting FIFA 14 for free with the console which was done to counter Sony after the XONE DRM fiasco.

No free game for the US. I believe the UK is getting FIFA 14 for free with the console which was done to counter Sony after the XONE DRM fiasco.
Which is actually quite brilliant on the part of MS, fifa is a surefire way to move some consoles as fifa is generally the best selling title there every year.

Soccer fans love some fifa.

bread's done