Xbox One Console Thread (Console is currently in stock as of 12/3 at Amazon)

Also if someone is interested I can try calling Amazon, and seeing if it's possible to switch my pre-order over to their account.
So all that is left is MS store, Walmart, or best buy? Same apply for PS4?

If i do store pick up online from Best Buy do they charge card immediately?

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So all that is left is MS store, Walmart, or best buy? Same apply for PS4?

If i do store pick up online from Best Buy do they charge card immediately?

BB charges your card unless you do it instore. MS would be the best move but you may have to pay upgraded shipping to get it day one. If not it my ship on day one and you will get it a few days later. That may matter to some.
Go get a pre order card from Target.

Know this may not be true for every target, but just went to mine a bit ago. I had been there last week at some point and got a ps4 and xbox preorder in, ps4 was down to two cards, but xbone still had the other 8 left. I got card 2 of 10 for my local target for xbone, and not another has been bought since I got mine last week.

I dont think xbone will be hard to get, it'll be tougher for ps4. Only 2 ps4 cards left at same target and they had 10+ when I got mine.

Wonder if they dont sell all those cards if they will still get 10 xbone for day one purchases regardless?

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i will LOl hard, if this turns out like the wii-u, where it is readily available, and like the many sders, who preordered in order to make profit, ending up returning it a week later.
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Halo 5 confirmed for next year.


It's not going to be called Halo 5 most likely and it's always been known to come out in 2014 since it was revealed at E3.

I would like a break from Halo, and Gears, but as seeing as it's a new console I guess they have to make them agian.

It's not going to be called Halo 5 most likely and it's always been known to come out in 2014 since it was revealed at E3.

I'm pretty sure we got confirmation last night it would be called Halo 5...
I love Halo, but I think both consoles out of the gate should have pushed new IPs, and seeing what new series they could have made.

If innovation is the name of the game then new IPs seems like a no brainer.
just changed my pre order on amazon to instore at best buy i decided im 100 percent getting this thing at launch and wanted in store pick up at midnight.

just changed my pre order on amazon to instore at best buy i decided im 100 percent getting this thing at launch and wanted in store pick up at midnight.

Killer Instincts is the first thing I'm buying.
Killer Instincts is the first thing I'm buying.
same here... cant wait! (even though i wish it was a retail release)

what ticks me off is that game is a perfect example of a game that needed to be a retail release.... as i know a shit load of old school gamers that would see it on the shelf and be like no fucking way!

It needs more marketing...(perhaps maybe when the final product is finished next year)

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same here... cant wait! (even though i wish it was a retail release)

what ticks me off is that game is a perfect example of a game that needed to be a retail release.... as i know a shit load of old school gamers that would see it on the shelf and be like no fucking way!

It needs more marketing...(perhaps maybe when the final product is finished next year)

I would buy a collectors edition without thought. I guess we could always make up our own cases haha.
so the magic question... how long do you expect these launch day one bundles to remain in stock on
i was shocked when i looked today and they were still live i just did not like the idea of a 500 doller system sitting on my door step while im at work that day. So now i got system from best buy and all my games from amazon and might pick up one game at bestbuy at midnight

why do you need release date? it's some time in nov
i want release date as well so i can plan accordingly and come up with gameplan. (take day off, etc)

Just wish they would go on the offense instead of reacting to sonys every move..too bad that nov 8th date was blown off

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i want release date as well so i can plan accordingly and come up with gameplan. (take day off, etc)

Just wish they would go on the offense instead of reacting to sonys every move..too bad that nov 8th date was blown off
When was the Nov 8th date blown off? I actually think MS planned for Nov 15th, the same day as the original, but that went out the window when sony announced there date. I wouldnt be suprised if they do Nov. 1st. 360 was released on the 22nd

When was the Nov 8th date blown off? I actually think MS planned for Nov 15th, the same day as the original, but that went out the window when sony announced there date. I wouldnt be suprised if they do Nov. 1st. 360 was released on the 22nd
From the Doritos and Pepsi promo:

Also a very reliable Microsoft insider also mentioned a late Nov release date.

I've gone into several targets around me on Long Island and found plenty of Xbox One reservation cards still available for the Day One Edition, if any one is still looking it might be worth a ride to target.

I've gone into several targets around me on Long Island and found plenty of Xbox One reservation cards still available for the Day One Edition, if any one is still looking it might be worth a ride to target.
Yeah, my local Targets in FL have all of their cards still as well. My Amazon order got screwed up so I considered grabbing one, but I have a ton of Amazon credit. Don't think there's a way to convert to Target credit.:(

Yeah, my local Targets in FL have all of their cards still as well. My Amazon order got screwed up so I considered grabbing one, but I have a ton of Amazon credit. Don't think there's a way to convert to Target credit.:(
unless you must have xbone in your hands on release date. i would wait till the actual release date. there is a very good chance, you will see amazon have it available, because of cancellations due to credit card issues.

unless you must have xbone in your hands on release date. i would wait till the actual release date. there is a very good chance, you will see amazon have it available, because of cancellations due to credit card issues.
I don't -have- to have it, but it'd be nice since I've held off replacing my broken 360. Only plan on getting one for at least the first year at least, so I'd prefer to get the Xbox since my GF would kill me if I got the PS4 and she had to use a controller for her dance games, etc (if it still works like that).

if its not out the week of cod ghost my money would be 22nd to match the 360 launch date or the 19th with the launch of watch dogs

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I'm pretty sure we got confirmation last night it would be called Halo 5...
I will be extremely surprised if that ends up being the case. 343 Industries specifically has said the actual name will be said at a later time. I don't think there will be a number at all, and if there is it'll have a subtitle it's known by instead.

I think they want to avoid the crap everyone always says when they see something above a 3 or 4 when it comes to movies and games, and there's where they say, "They're still making those?" or something equally dumb when they actually have no idea the quality of the product they speak of.

I am surprised there isn't a date still, but we're still about two weeks out from when the Xbox 360 date was released so it's not some huge deal.  What I think Microsoft is doing is trying to get system out by 11/15 or earlier and they're not sure yet if they can do it yet and don't want to guarantee anything yet.  They're probably working on the logistics of all these November games, and the consoles themselves.  I know some people will say dates don't matter much because of how each will sellout anyway, but I think it will do the Xbox One a lot of good to come out a week or two before the PS4 and have all eyes on it as the first next-gen console.  

I think the November 8th date probably is what they're shooting for, and once it leaked they had some people leak out that it's not real.  I think it is real and Microsoft doesn't want to give Sony or anybody else a heads-up that Microsoft is shooting for early November.

bread's done