Xbox One Console Thread (Console is currently in stock as of 12/3 at Amazon)

Neo that is impressive.  I have a treadmill and run around 15 - 20 miles a week but i watch movies and shows.  I really can't believe you can play games while doing cardio but that's awesome dude.

As for the XBox Fitness announcement, I am really excited.  Yourshape fitness kind of did what I think this is going for but didn't have the workouts or the tracking to pull it off proper.  I am definitely going to be getting into this.  P90X bitches

I'm 6'6" and I weighed 255 when I started. Due to "Halo Running" I went down to 195 at one point and now hover around 220-225 or so. It worked great. I run at a speed of a mile every 10 minutes, which isn't as fast as I could if I wasn't holding a controller, but considering I had to WALK most of the mile in high school gym class and would have the "25+ minutes" as my time, I am very pleased with the progress and can't wait to see how Xbox Fitness can help me finally get arm and core strength, something I've never worked on due to it not being something I can tie into playing Xbox. There's been countless times I've run 7+ miles non-stop while playing Halo, just absolutely soaked in sweat, but feeling so energized due to the game and the music. There's parts of Halo 3 that make me actually get chills while I am soaked in sweat and nearly in tears from the epicness. It gets really emotional when fighting the Covenant and running and knowing they're what stands between you and the workout being over. It's awesome.
Good for you. Thats a great story and one I hope to replicate. Xbox Fitness will really help me reach my weight loss goals with p90x. October will be my last month paying for a gym membership.

I'm 6'6" and I weighed 255 when I started. Due to "Halo Running" I went down to 195 at one point and now hover around 220-225 or so. It worked great. I run at a speed of a mile every 10 minutes, which isn't as fast as I could if I wasn't holding a controller, but considering I had to WALK most of the mile in high school gym class and would have the "25+ minutes" as my time, I am very pleased with the progress and can't wait to see how Xbox Fitness can help me finally get arm and core strength, something I've never worked on due to it not being something I can tie into playing Xbox. There's been countless times I've run 7+ miles non-stop while playing Halo, just absolutely soaked in sweat, but feeling so energized due to the game and the music. There's parts of Halo 3 that make me actually get chills while I am soaked in sweat and nearly in tears from the epicness. It gets really emotional when fighting the Covenant and running and knowing they're what stands between you and the workout being over. It's awesome.
lmao i sense that you are trollen
Neo, I've never heard anything like that in my life. That is a pretty damn sweet story and something that must be cool as heck. That's definitely a unique thing you have that not many people can seriously do. That's pretty damn awesome. Good stuff

I've got a stationary bike (magnetic resistance type) parked in front of my media setup upstairs and have been known to play games while riding it, as it's less boring than watching TV. Always wondered how a treadmill might compare. I doubt I could properly play a multiplayer twitch shooter at the same time, but single player campaigns are no problem.

I can see how running on a treadmill might actually heighten the immersion if you're playing a combat shooter, ha ha.

No, I'm not trolling at all.  One of the many times I went through the series (back in early 2009 when it was still just the original trilogy) I kept an online record of how much time and how many miles each level took me.  Not that that proves anything, but I've talked about it in my personal life and on other forums for a very long time now.

I started on speed 3 of 10, which was basically a walk.  I started with the first level of Halo 1 on December 27th, 2007.  On February 3rd, 2008 I was running at nearly full speed (like 7 or 8) to the final level of Halo 3 and had already transformed the way I looked and felt.  My skin was so much nicer and my face and body shape went from being just a bit too chubby looking for my personal tastes, to looking close to my ideal.  I've bounced back and forth and have slacked for months now, but am currently near the beginning of Halo 2 right now in my current "series run".  I'm going to get in a phase of going at it hard soon though, it's just difficult with 19 credits at the university I'm at.

I'll take a picture sometime soon.  I have a treadmill right next to my chair I'm sitting in, and in front of my chair about 7 feet away is a 60" 1080p TV, so I just angle it a bit to the right and can run and see and hear perfectly with a blaring surround sound.  It's basically the perfect setup for something like this, and that's what has kept me running and motivated throughout the years, cause it's just too good to waste.  My usually speed on this treadmill is around 6.2 or something like that (not sure if all are on the same 1 through 10 speed system).

It certainly does increase the immersion.  I used to regularly play Halo: Reach multiplayer while running (mostly Grifball or 4 on 4 type games since BTB was too slow paced for me on the treadmill) and after some practice I would almost always end up being the best on my team and then some.  It was really funny cause I would end up playing way better sitting down then too, plus when I was running it was fun to think about how no one in a million years would picture the guy who just killed them as dripping in sweat in the middle of a four mile run.  

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I only dropped my controller once.  It was a few years ago.  I don't remember how or why, but it was pretty jarring.  I think I fell on one knee or something.  The treadmill I had back then kinda slowed from the hit so it wasn't bad.  I got a new one last summer after that one's circuit board or something started to give out.  This new one is more suited for running and is awesome.  I would not want to fall on it though.

I preordered my PS4 long ago thinking that was the only console I was going to get, now I have enough for both but too late to preorder XBox One.  What are the chances of retailers having stock not allocated for preorders on launch day?  I was planning on picking up at midnight in both cases.  This will be my first "day one" purchase so I thought I'd ask some veterans my odds of being able to get my hands on a Xbox One, day one, without a preorder.  Thoughts?

I preordered my PS4 long ago thinking that was the only console I was going to get, now I have enough for both but too late to preorder XBox One. What are the chances of retailers having stock not allocated for preorders on launch day? I was planning on picking up at midnight in both cases. This will be my first "day one" purchase so I thought I'd ask some veterans my odds of being able to get my hands on a Xbox One, day one, without a preorder. Thoughts?

Keep an eye out for pre orders. Day 1 findings will be hard.
I secured a Launch Day Xbox One at Amazon and was able to at Best Buy (for in store pickup) as well. Given the choice, would you attend a midnight launch or just await a shipment from Amazon? On top of that, would Best Buy hold a launch day console until the following morning?
I secured a Launch Day Xbox One at Amazon and was able to at Best Buy (for in store pickup) as well. Given the choice, would you attend a midnight launch or just await a shipment from Amazon? On top of that, would Best Buy hold a launch day console until the following morning?
Depends on your schedule, if you stay up until like 4+ AM then it makes the midnight more worthwhile since you can get some gaming in, but if you plan on buying it and going to sleep right away then you might be better off waiting for the Amazon order. Personally, I would prefer going to a midnight but I got mine in on Amazon so I will have to wait. Best Buy should hold all pre-orders for a week no matter what, it might help to call and confirm when it's close to release date though.

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I secured a Launch Day Xbox One at Amazon and was able to at Best Buy (for in store pickup) as well. Given the choice, would you attend a midnight launch or just await a shipment from Amazon? On top of that, would Best Buy hold a launch day console until the following morning?

If you want to see the madness then Bb
Depends on your schedule, if you stay up until like 4+ AM then it makes the midnight more worthwhile since you can get some gaming in, but if you plan on buying it and going to sleep right away then you might be better off waiting for the Amazon order. Personally, I would prefer going to a midnight but I got mine in on Amazon so I will have to wait. Best Buy should hold all pre-orders for a week no matter what, it might help to call and confirm when it's close to release date though.
True, thanks. Chances are I would probably not get too much gaming in. Though I would wake up the next morning, drive to my local BB and start playing in the morning :) Amazon would probably get to my doorstep after noon...

Making sure Best Buy will actually hold onto an item seems to be my priority. They did for my 3DS XL when it launched, but that wasn't a huge, next-gen console launch. I'll call and confirm as launch approaches. I just want to know if they've broken their promises with launch stuff or stood by allocating units for people who pre ordered.
True, thanks. Chances are I would probably not get too much gaming in. Though I would wake up the next morning, drive to my local BB and start playing in the morning :) Amazon would probably get to my doorstep after noon...

Making sure Best Buy will actually hold onto an item seems to be my priority. They did for my 3DS XL when it launched, but that wasn't a huge, next-gen console launch. I'll call and confirm as launch approaches. I just want to know if they've broken their promises with launch stuff or stood by allocating units for people who pre ordered.
Yeah, I suppose depending on when you get packages is also a factor, some people get them earlier so the wait isn't as bad, I guess it depends on if you'd rather make the drive at midnight or at 10 AM. I never actually ordered a system myself there but all of the games/collectors editions I get are usually put back in the store pick up area so they aren't on display, which makes it so other people can't grab your copy, no idea if that's how all Best Buys do it or not though.

Man, every time I open this thread I get so excited for the One, then remember we still got a little over a month and a half to wait still!

I never actually ordered a system myself there but all of the games/collectors editions I get are usually put back in the store pick up area so they aren't on display, which makes it so other people can't grab your copy, no idea if that's how all Best Buys do it or not though.

Man, every time I open this thread I get so excited for the One, then remember we still got a little over a month and a half to wait still!
I found this:

So, if my local Best Buy doesn't go rogue on me, I could probably just get a decent night's sleep and grab it the next morning. But I'll still call them to make sure, per your advice!
Isn't the console MUCH cheaper on Amazon than an in-store purchase due to tax?  It's pretty much like getting a free game with the console if you order off Amazon and avoid tax.

I preordered my PS4 long ago thinking that was the only console I was going to get, now I have enough for both but too late to preorder XBox One. What are the chances of retailers having stock not allocated for preorders on launch day? I was planning on picking up at midnight in both cases. This will be my first "day one" purchase so I thought I'd ask some veterans my odds of being able to get my hands on a Xbox One, day one, without a preorder. Thoughts?
alot of online companyshave yet to have pre orders i know dell will having xbox one pre orders good chance next couple weeks those will open.

Isn't the console MUCH cheaper on Amazon than an in-store purchase due to tax? It's pretty much like getting a free game with the console if you order off Amazon and avoid tax.
amazon charges tax in alot of states and soon will be here. plus my tax for my order at best buy is only 25 bucks which is not bad

I live in California, so sales tax is charged here by Amazon. Depending on the county I am shipping to (I work in one and live in another), that can affect the sales tax rate as well...
Awesome :) If you're a Sam's Club member, act now! Sadly, I'm not. I wonder how Costco will be?

What you need to know about Costco?
I'm a Costco member, but I didn't look up how they would go about handling the console launches or what kind of stock they'd have.

Stock is currently unknown and if it will be a launch,bundle, or standard console is unknown.

Last I checked in the system is they have XB1 games/accessories that have item numbers, but are not setup yet. As it gets closer I will hopefully have more insight.
Amazon just started charging tax I'm my state on Tuesday. I went to Target yesterday to try and preorder one there because I have a red card and no luck :whistle2:(

I guess my launch day just got $30 more expensive!

Quick question - will all editions of the games the first week or so be the Day One Editions? Or only preorders? I'm thinking of canceling all of my games from Amazon so I can save the money in tax. Can I preorder from Target and pick them up day one and they will be the Day One Editions?

Stock is currently unknown and if it will be a launch,bundle, or standard console is unknown.

Last I checked in the system is they have XB1 games/accessories that have item numbers, but are not setup yet. As it gets closer I will hopefully have more insight.
Ah, do you work at one? Thanks for the heads up. It was more a curiosity than anything. Right now I'm still deciding on which order to cancel: Best Buy (In Store Pickup / Picking up morning following midnight launch) or Amazon's.

Just the other day I got a response over at BB forums from a user who lives near a busy NY/NJ Best Buy location. They told him that they'd hold pre orders, but they would sell out of some pre ordered games and turn his pre order into a backorder. I thought to myself, "wait.. what?".

Do I really need to reserve games , are they gonna sell out day one , I was just gonna wait but now I'm debating ?
Same answer, I don't think all locations will sell out of them. Depends on which editions your getting. But, for example, I don't think Forza 5 LE will be sold out everywhere or such :)

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Do I really need to reserve games , are they gonna sell out day one , I was just gonna wait but now I'm debating ?
I doubt they'll sell out, but to get the day one editions, with their extra content, of those 3 games you either need to preorder or purchase them digitally within the first two weeks of Xbox One release.
Ah, do you work at one? Thanks for the heads up. It was more a curiosity than anything. Right now I'm still deciding on which order to cancel: Best Buy (In Store Pickup / Picking up morning following midnight launch) or Amazon's.

Just the other day I got a response over at BB forums from a user who lives near a busy NY/NJ Best Buy location. They told him that they'd hold pre orders, but they would sell out of some pre ordered games and turn his pre order into a backorder. I thought to myself, "wait.. what?".

Same answer, I don't think all locations will sell out of them. Depends on which editions your getting. But, for example, I don't think Forza 5 LE will be sold out everywhere or such :)

Yes I work at one. I'm getting in-store at Game Stop because I want to try the madness out.
I'm glad my state doesn't have tax with Amazon yet, but I know they're working hard to make it so sometime soon.  Only time the government has ever worked hard to do anything here in Minnesota, besides that time they gave a convicted fraudster $500 billion in taxpayer money for a new stadium.

So is bestbuy not doing pre orders on Xbox one or Playstation 4 at all any more?  Im curious if Ill be able to get one if I wait in line if they have extras or if they are all sold out.

I knew I shouldve pre ordered when I had a chance but, I thought I wasnt going to jump into next gen for a while I just decided to recently.  If Im unable to oh well just gonna have to wait it out.

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Found a target 20 miles from my house with one card left. Just went and picked it up. I have had one preordered since June. 10 from Amazon but on Tuesday they started charging tax in my state so I am gonna cancel there because I have a red card.

This Target card absolutely guarantees me a console day one nov 22 correct? Just want to absolutely make sure before I cancel my Amazon preorder.

On another note, the dude at target did everything he possibly could to talk me out of the X1. He said that PS4 just announced 8 new exclusives this week and that the X1 was basically a 360 with a new case and that it didn't even have any new parts inside. He also said that it would never do 3D gaming. He tried a third time to tell me that the PS4 had awesome tv integration and could stream old games. So shocked he didn't talk about DRM too. I told him 5 times I wanted the X1 but apparently it was his civic duty to absolutely make sure that I was sure. Ridiculous.

Anyway happy to have a day one edition reserved again haha
I decided this morning to run 100 miles within the next 49 days until the Xbox One comes out.  It's a simple, doable goal, but it also means no slacking like I've done over the past several months.

I took those promised pictures today before my 3.25 mile run too.  The level I did today was the first Arbiter level in Halo 2.  I've regularly made goals related to the launch of something, usually a Halo game, so I love doing this sort of thing and it's motivation on top of motivation.

They are in this gallery on CAG..  First time using it besides putting my picture on it a long time ago.

That's awesome, Neo! Running at least 2 miles a day is totally do-able too. I run a 5k jog two to three times a week, and bump up the distance on one Saturday or Sunday. I don't have a treadmill so jogging and gaming sounds intense but fun.
probably wanted to take your preorder

Maybe so...

Can anyone completely confirm that with the preorder card from target I am 100% guaranteed a console on day one.
Maybe so...

Can anyone completely confirm that with the preorder card from target I am 100% guaranteed a console on day one.
dont see how anyone could 100% garantee it. if they have 30 preorders that doesnt mean they will all come in. MS might send only like 3-4 because of other areas needing some too

bread's done