Xbox One Console Thread (Console is currently in stock as of 12/3 at Amazon)

Well, my excitement for the One/PS4 has fallen like a nuclear bomb. I've always had the philosophy of never getting too excited for something, because you'll be a lot more disappointed. I guess it is only human to be a little excited though. I tried to keep it to a minimum, but going by this news, I guess it wasn't minimal enough. Ugh, why couldn't all this crappy One/PS4 news come sooner rather than later? We are a little more than 2-3 weeks away and all this info is just coming out. I was so excited, but now...I just don't know. I know launches usually suck, but I don't remember one two being this sucky. I know things will get better though. I can only hope.

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I second this. Zampella may have hinted it MAY be multi for the sequel, but it's really up to EA
He didn't hint at it. He flat out said it. He's going to know more than most everybody else when it comes to his own IP. Respawn is a third party dev not first party. It doesnt make much sense for a third party dev to go exclusive. EA is the publisher but they have released games in the past where the sequels become multi-plat. Mass Effect is an example.

Mods need to just start banning at this point.
Why cause its a Fact that COD: Ghost on Xbox is 720p?

This pretty much confirms that multiplatforms will generally look better on PS4. If third parties can't get 1080p out of Xbox One, they'll all have to be upscale.

Of course, this probably won't be the case with ALL games, but for games that have a lot going on, and are graphically intensive, this will probably be the case.

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Why cause its a Fact that COD: Ghost on Xbox is 720p?

This pretty much confirms that multiplatforms will generally look better on PS4. If third parties can't get 1080p out of Xbox One, they'll all have to be upscale.

Of course, this probably won't be the case with ALL games, but for games that have a lot going on, and are graphically intensive, this will probably be the case.
Some Xbox One games are 1080p though. It comes to the developer.

And besides, we are talking launch titles here. Launch titles are no indication of the performance of the console down the road. Things always get better ;)

Some Xbox One games are 1080p though. It comes to the developer.

And besides, we are talking launch titles here. Launch titles are no indication of the performance of the console down the road. Things always get better ;)
The games that have achieved 1080p on the bone are using last gen cheats like forward rendering and baked lighting or don't have a lot to render on the screen like sports games and racing games. You can chose to ignore the facts, but this machine is severely underpowered and MS should be ashamed for not only designing this travesty, but then asking $500 for it?!? Sad days ahead in the Xbox camp.

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What resolution is it on PS4? :D

Some Xbox One games are 1080p though. It comes to the developer.

And besides, we are talking launch titles here. Launch titles are no indication of the performance of the console down the road. Things always get better ;)
This is not a post to continue this apparent console war that is soon to be modded, but to further add to this point. Look at ANY launch titles for the 360 or PS3 and by our standards now they are atrocious. If anything developers have always preferred Microsoft's infrastructure more and more quickly adapt to their consoles. There is absolutely NO WAY anyone can say anything without looking like an idiot until, at MINIMUM a year or so beyond release.

Plus... this is a freaking CAG! Won't most of us find deals or ways to get both consoles either way?

I am so sick of all this nonsense. :wall:

I for one am still looking forward to the Xbox One release next month and am equally looking forward to working a deal for the PS4 early next year once more games are out.

I bought a Zune 30 (2006) and a Zune HD (2009) both at launch, so you're right.  Never a single issue with either of those perfect pieces of hardware.

I bought a Zune 30 (2006) and a Zune HD (2009) both at launch, so you're right. Never a single issue with either of those perfect pieces of hardware.
My point wasn't that the Zune was necessarily bad, my point was that you would never own a iPod like everyone else because the iPod was made by Apple not Microsoft.

People upset over the 720p crap really need to get a grip on things. It's only a short term issue and its really not that major of a thing anyway.

It's like you have to talk people from jumping off a bridge because they have one sock longer than the other........

I bought a Zune 30 (2006) and a Zune HD (2009) both at launch, so you're right. Never a single issue with either of those perfect pieces of hardware.

Did you really just call the Zune perfect..................

Please be sarcasism.
There is absolutely NO WAY anyone can say anything without looking like an idiot until, at MINIMUM a year or so beyond release.
I'm not trying to wage war with you because I liked other points you made in your post, but this? Sure past consoles have ramped up as time went on in the generation, but why does the other console that shall not be named not need this year of ramp up? And in a year if the bone is really starting to lag behind because game quality will increase on the other machine also, what will the excuses be then?

And in a year if the bone is really starting to lag behind because game quality will increase on the other machine also, what will the excuses be then?
Like I said we can only hold judgement until after launch. If indeed the quality is noticeably lower in a year then I feel that speaks for itself and there are no room for excuses. Right now however it is foolish to pass judgement.

Plus... this is a freaking CAG! Won't most of us find deals or ways to get both consoles either way?
EXACTLY!! I still try the Taco Bell contest every night lol. In the end, I end up owning every console. Hell, I still have my Wii sealed in the box lol. Each console has exclusives that are just too amazing to pass up.

Going to try and get a console at Best Buy (didn't get a chance to preorder) but am also getting ready to run to Gamestop to put a hundred down on a launch system in case Best Buy doesn't work out. Only reason why I'm still deciding where is because I get a discount on protection at Best Buy :p. I also know how many consoles we are getting so I can judge the line in case I don't work the midnight launch.

Worst case scenario I have to give my money to the competitor. I can always cancel that preorder.
PS fanboys just need to relax and go somewhere else.  This is a X1 pre-order thread.  For people that are looking or have pre-ordered the console.  I don't really care what you are doing so can't you just let me enjoy the X1.  If your so confident in your choice just quietly feel bad for me.  I hope everyone that gets a PS4 loves it, I'm sure it will be great.  

But let me enjoy what I have decided and what I feel is the better option for me.  I will be OK.  And the whole Ghosts 1080 vs 720 is a pathetic thing to get hung up on.  A game obviously designed for last gen didn't port as well over to X1 as it did to PS4.  Big deal.  It would be like comparing NHL 2K6 if the PS3 launched same year as the 360.  Who in the world could possibly care.  I've watched the Battlefield 4 videos and they are so close no one is going to notice.  If you think so you are just fooling yourself

23 days I will be playing DR3, Forza 5, and Ryse.  You will have had your PS4's for a week and playing whatever games your going to get.  Everyone should be happy!!!

PS4 and XB1 have essentially the same hardware setup. It is a big deal that one is noticeably better than the other because one should not be harder to port to than the other. This isn't the case of the 360/PS3 where differences were due to needing to learn two different architecture setups.
io said:
Cut out the PS4 / PC discussion in here. If someone wants to make a PS4/X1 comparison thread in General Gaming then go for it and we can contain it all there. Though it is probably better to stay away from the topic completely - at least until both systems are out!
I really hate having to quote myself - but after culling out 30+ posts I think it needs repeating.

The is the Xbox One PREORDER thread - want to discuss 720p vs. 1080p, hardware specs, etc? Please make a thread for that in General Gaming.
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oh boy i got in on the gamestop pre order and was able to get it for just over 150 bucks after trading in my ps3 + add ons i had for system and all the unneededd 360 games and ps3 games. Now if only i can find the other system at launch i will be happy to pay 500 bucksfor both

This weekend is when I start my preparations.  I'm going to be getting ahead on some of my five classes in order to make the last bit of the semester not as difficult when it comes to finding time to game (I haven't played all week :() and also start cleaning and organizing some stuff.  I want to be in the best possible position and mood when the Xbox One comes out, cause then I have less to worry about and also feel more like I "earned" it.

I cancelled my pre-order on amazon so I can get it at gamestop instead. It's the standard edition rather than day one. Bummer.
This weekend is when I start my preparations. I'm going to be getting ahead on some of my five classes in order to make the last bit of the semester not as difficult when it comes to finding time to game (I haven't played all week :() and also start cleaning and organizing some stuff. I want to be in the best possible position and mood when the Xbox One comes out, cause then I have less to worry about and also feel more like I "earned" it.
What's your major?

Ghosts, BF4, Dead Rising 3, Fifa 14, Lego Marvel, take your pick.
Forza 5 says hi.

Ghosts, BF4, Dead Rising 3, Fifa 14, Lego Marvel, take your pick.
Did the Lego Marvel game get pushed back? Just curious, I noticed the release date moved to 12/31 on a couple of sites. Bummer if so, I want to grab it. I already have Ghosts, BF4, and Dead Rising 3 though.

EDIT: Weird, now it shows as 11/22 on

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i don't have any games pre order yet. i hope target does b2g1 for x1 just like ps4 which i would think is possible seeing they did same thing with wii u last year.

Did the Lego Marvel game get pushed back? Just curious, I noticed the release date moved to 12/31 on a couple of sites. Bummer if so, I want to grab it. I already have Ghosts, BF4, and Dead Rising 3 though.

EDIT: Weird, now it shows as 11/22 on
It was actually supposed to come out late this year or early next year initially but got pushed forward to launch.
I caved, and preordered Dead Rising 3 to go with my Xbox One. I was going to grab Watch Dogs, but the delay kind of killed that.
bread's done