Xbox One Console Thread (Console is currently in stock as of 12/3 at Amazon)

With all the troubles people have been having with their consoles and even though both my PS4 and XB1 have been perfect with zero issues I went ahead and picked up the square trade warranty for the XB1 using a 30% code an awesome cag hooked me up with. Really think it's worth it. Also have the official Sony warranty on my PS4. 

Hopefully I never have to use them but I think I'd much rather be safe than sorry. In other news I hope everyone who has a working xb1 has enjoyed theirs so far I know I still need to start DR3 having too much fun with Forza.

are you trying to say someone here eats garbage.
im saying that we all have, just as you get older (whether better finances, less 2 am drunkenness, or not constantly half-baked) you come to realize that there really is no reason to eat the chain garbage over homemade and/or mom and pop pizzeria...and when you do you you should feel ashamed.

for example, the pizza hut app was so cool to me that i planned to try it when my wife was of of i couldnt bring myself to spend about as much money to eat such hot garbage...say same for the taco bell ps4 promotion...that time has passed for this old man
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Domino's is a million times better than both Pizza Hut and Taco Bell though...

I have saved a bulk of what I am looking forward to the most for later this weekend and throughout the next 7+ days.  I can't wait.  I've barely scratched the surface, but it's all ready now.  Not going to have most of the day tomorrow though.  Got special plans. :)


Agreed 100%.  It doesn't get any better than Xbox.

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[quote name="Neo" post="11271663" timestamp="1385212935"]

Domino's is a million times better than both Pizza Hut and Taco Bell though...

Perhaps it is, but it still is giant douche vs turd sandwich :D
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Not good at all, Sony did these same numbers launching in 2 regions which were dominated by Xbox last gen. Sony launches in 30 more regions in 7 days and these regions are Sony land. I predict another 2 - 2.5 million between US and Can black Friday restock and the other 30 regions launch day.
Sounds like an actual war, too bad the consoles are non bc and have a handful of good games. It's amazing how enthusiastic gamers can be for this stuff when there's so little to play on them plus they're $400 and $500 a piece. I really thought ps4/xbone were just going to be a big bust and ruin the industry, but nope, apparently people are ready and willing for round 8 of the console war.

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Sounds like an actual war, too bad the consoles are non bc and have a handful of good games. It's amazing how enthusiastic gamers can be for this stuff when there's so little to play on them plus they're $400 and $500 a piece. I really thought ps4/xbone were just going to be a big bust and ruin the industry, but nope, apparently people are ready and willing for round 8 of the console war.
I keep telling people this, times have changed. Everybody wants the newest, latest, greatest. Its the reason Apple can put a new Ipad/iphone every year with mild complaints. Social media really changed everything, a simple tweet or instagram to brag to get likes about your new toy is the cool thing as of late

Domino's is a million times better than both Pizza Hut and Taco Bell though...

I have saved a bulk of what I am looking forward to the most for later this weekend and throughout the next 7+ days. I can't wait. I've barely scratched the surface, but it's all ready now. Not going to have most of the day tomorrow though. Got special plans. :)
Comparing those restaurants is like comparing the PS4's retail launch lineup. Yeah I guess one is better than the others, but garbage is still garbage no matter how you look at it. Killzone 4 Life!!!

So about game installs. On my PS4, NBA2k took awhile, but during the install. It lets you still play the game, but it's a barebones type thing. All my ps4 games do something similar. Does the XboxOne make you install the game completely before you start it? Sorry won't have mine until after the weekend.
Does the HDMI input pass through the X1 even if it is not turned on?I had to pull a PS3's HDMI from the TV to plug in the X1. I might plug the PS3 into the back of the X1, though, if it works that way ;).Apparently I cannot have all the fancy TV features because I don't have a cable box with an HDMI output. I have what I known of since the dawn of cable - a coax line out of the wall. I have always just had that and it feeds into my TV's no problem and provides digital and HD channels that way (in addition to analog). I never really knew why people had cable boxes. I guess some cable providers force them but it has never been an issue until now. On the other hand, I would use the TV features maybe once and then never again so no biggie I guess... I thought my son might be interested but he asked "why would you want to watch TV while playing a game?" Why indeed.
No the One has to be on to watch tv. Learned that last night after turning it off and waiting for the cable signal to come in. Had to look around the internet before I found other people having the same problem. Can't even have it in standby mode has to be on. Not a big problem for me till I have family or friends over and they just want to watch tv. This just adds another unnecessary step to watch tv.
Yes its basically the same on the Xbox. BF 4 installed after about 10 minutes for me to be able to boot it up. All I could access is the single player and options.

Why are people complaining about the cable box thing? Why would cable work with the Xbox off? How would it pass through? If it's that big of a deal just unplug the HDMI cable from the Xbox and put it in the TV. It doesn't take that long

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You do realize that the ps4 launch titles are pretty close to identical as the xbone right ?

They both have exclusive (crappy) "arcade/freemium" titles and then its just killzone/knack vs Ryse/DR3
You forgot Forza, the best reviewed of the retail bunch.

So about game installs. On my PS4, NBA2k took awhile, but during the install. It lets you still play the game, but it's a barebones type thing. All my ps4 games do something similar. Does the XboxOne make you install the game completely before you start it? Sorry won't have mine until after the weekend.
Nope I was playing Ryse at about 4% installed. Demo for NBA Live at about 20%. Which is good because you dont have to install the entire demo before you delete it :)

Id: adullploy was ijustw1n on psn if any of you were friends.
Never had an xbox so I have no friends. Had to force myself to go to sleep last night I was having so much fun. Voice commands were sharp, I love all the free fitness stuff and the "xbox record that" feature to grab a quick dunk or kill.

I only spent 20 minutes with DR3 because the camera got me a little motion sick but it and 2k are ridiculous looking and fun.

No complaints because I know they can always patch in more and there's nothing now that leaves me wanting. Now I have to figure out how to send the wife and kids off to get more time in.
You forgot Forza, the best reviewed of the retail bunch.
Yeah but all the reviews indicate a lot has been pulled from the game and micro transactions have been inserted. It's basically a stripped down version of Forza 4. That's the one game I justified buying the XONE. When I read the reviews I decided to wait for the PH version which should include all the DLC.

Wondering if anyone has the issue I have with Xbox One. I got the day one edition and my day one controller will not connect to the system. I did some research and found that some other people are having the same issue. Basically I hit the guide button it flashes connects for about ten seconds, then starts to flash again connect for a ten more seconds and then flashes constantly. I was able to get through initial setup by connecting a micro USB cable but the minute I disconnect it the controller is disconnected.

I went to the store late last night and bought another controller and it works fine with no issues.

I contacted MS support and got a ticket to return and get a replacement day one controller. Kind of sucks because I wasn't planning on buying a second controller for a while but shit happens.
Wondering if anyone has the issue I have with Xbox One. I got the day one edition and my day one controller will not connect to the system. I did some research and found that some other people are having the same issue. Basically I hit the guide button it flashes connects for about ten seconds, then starts to flash again connect for a ten more seconds and then flashes constantly. I was able to get through initial setup by connecting a micro USB cable but the minute I disconnect it the controller is disconnected.
I went to the store late last night and bought another controller and it works fine with no issues.
I contacted MS support and got a ticket to return and get a replacement day one controller. Kind of sucks because I wasn't planning on buying a second controller for a while but shit happens.
Mine wouldn't even turn on after I did the update which took 2 hours to complete
Also makes that horrendous sound whenever I insert a disc
Not a happy fanboy
And here I was, thinking the stupid, endless console bickering shit would diminish (somewhat) when people started playing idiotic on my part! lol
amazing isnt it? how people can get so personally connected to a corporation that just views them as dollar signs is beyond my comprehension skills.

You do realize that the ps4 launch titles are pretty close to identical as the xbone right ?

They both have exclusive (crappy) "arcade/freemium" titles and then its just killzone/knack vs Ryse/DR3
You best not be talking shit bout my Resogun! lol

Starting to regret not keeping my XBone pre-order now, though I do have enough with PS4/3/vita/3ds to keep me busy until Titanfall

I'm bored with forza. I thought it was going to be a free roam. What other game should I get? Is need for speed most wanted a free roam or should I get Ryse or DR3?
I'm bored with forza. I thought it was going to be a free roam. What other game should I get? Is need for speed most wanted a free roam or should I get Ryse or DR3?
What made you think it would be free roam? The closes Forza game that was free roam was Horizons I believe. Everything shown for Forza was on track footage

Nope I was playing Ryse at about 4% installed. Demo for NBA Live at about 20%. Which is good because you dont have to install the entire demo before you delete it :)
Alright, thought I seen a few people earlier post about having to wait until 50% before they could start it. Is your Ryse a disk or download?
Only played DR3 for about an hour but I'm digging it so far.  Graphics are not the greatest but the amount of zombies on screen is impressive.  The shoulder buttons on the controller aren't as bad as I first thought.  You use them pretty consistently in DR3 and it's not bothering me at all.

Also played about an hour of Ryse.  It's a lot better than I was thinking it would be.  I can understand why people don't like it, but it's not as bad as it was made out to be.  The executions are going to be performed once you start them (which you have the option of doing or not) even if you mess up so it doesn't punish you in that regard, but it still ends your combo so their is reason to keep trying to get it right.  Graphically it's the most impressive next gen game, but I still need to complete the game.  Killzone looked great in places but was inconsistent throughout the game (not to mention the rain in the game is laughably bad looking).

Also I sold my day one achievement on ebay for $45.  I'm pretty happy about that.

For stores to get more stock in by black Friday shipments have to arrive by Wednesday. That is only leaves 5 business days for a restock so highly doubtful. Also if Microsoft already had enough consoles made for a major restock at most retailers in 5 days, they would have just shipped them for launch.

The reason Sony launched in the US on the 15th was precisely so they had enough time to restock retailers for black Friday. Having 12 business days from launch until Wednesday before Thanksgiving makes it possible.
Walmart will have both PS4 and XOne on Thanksgiving for their sale.

My brother in law is an electronics supervisor at Target. He was told to hold back about 10 XOnes for Sunday I think. Not sure if that was a chainwide command or store level.
After about 24 hours still thoroughly impressed. 2k14 is really great, haven't played too much Ghosts, really like KINSLER and installing Dead Rising now while my daughter watches sprout. Downloads and installs seemed fast while watching TV rather than using the console.

Also they need to make a cable style remote for the TV interface, my girlfriend isn't crazy about telling the guide where to go while watching TV and with a couple other people talking in the room voice commands get spotty at best
I'm bored with forza. I thought it was going to be a free roam. What other game should I get? Is need for speed most wanted a free roam or should I get Ryse or DR3?
i still stand by nfs rivals being incredibly fun and superior to forza unless you are a sim racing car lover...especially without a driving wheel

ps horizons was great too
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Only played DR3 for about an hour but I'm digging it so far. Graphics are not the greatest but the amount of zombies on screen is impressive. The shoulder buttons on the controller aren't as bad as I first thought. You use them pretty consistently in DR3 and it's not bothering me at all.

Also played about an hour of Ryse. It's a lot better than I was thinking it would be. I can understand why people don't like it, but it's not as bad as it was made out to be. The executions are going to be performed once you start them (which you have the option of doing or not) even if you mess up so it doesn't punish you in that regard, but it still ends your combo so their is reason to keep trying to get it right. Graphically it's the most impressive next gen game, but I still need to complete the game. Killzone looked great in places but was inconsistent throughout the game (not to mention the rain in the game is laughably bad looking).

Also I sold my day one achievement on ebay for $45. I'm pretty happy about that.

People pay $45.00 to have a message pop up on their screen...

How did we get here?

This launch has completely soured me on Amazon. I just spent a good 10-minutes explaining that $59.96 - $49.00 is not $7.96. 


Here's hoping I actually have a Day One waiting for me at the FedEx distribution center. I'm about to go pick it up. 

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Played all afternoon yesterday.  Forza 5 and Battlefield 4.  Graphics and the smoooothness are awesome.  Loving the kinect functionality.  Thought I would never use it but it's been spot on so far.  Some stuff seems like it could be easier to access and I miss easily bringing up my guide for party chat and friends list.  The bumpers are TERRIBLE on the new controller.  Otherwise, love it!

Played all afternoon yesterday. Forza 5 and Battlefield 4. Graphics and the smoooothness are awesome. Loving the kinect functionality. Thought I would never use it but it's been spot on so far. Some stuff seems like it could be easier to access and I miss easily bringing up my guide for party chat and friends list. The bumpers are TERRIBLE on the new controller. Otherwise, love it!
I crashed the car in the first mission of BF4 so many times while messing with Kinect head tracker feature. Even if I was way off to the side and looking at the TV on an angle, it still knew when I was looking forward with no calibration required.

After playing KI for many hours last night, I finally got used to the bumpers. Still prefer 360, but they aren't as bad as I previously thought.
My only real complaint which has been previously mentioned is the bumpers. It just feels uncomfortable bringing your fingers up to them. No idea how this controller became the final build.
So good. So so good. Touches and shooting are slightly different than the 360 port which is weird.
To add on to this, the game is definitely different than what is on PS3 an 360. The presentation is very polished, and it gives you the feeling that you're actually watching a game on TV, except you get to control your team's destiny. To me, and this is solely my opinion my from experiences with it, the physics engine is very smooth, you don't get the silly trips as much as you do in current-gen. The ball has a truer flight as well. Graphics are also somewhat better. The game is better overall. Whether or not the marginal cost of buying this game is better than its marginal benefit, is up to you, but for me, It's totally worth the upgrade.

Yes its basically the same on the Xbox. BF 4 installed after about 10 minutes for me to be able to boot it up. All I could access is the single player and options.

Why are people complaining about the cable box thing? Why would cable work with the Xbox off? How would it pass through? If it's that big of a deal just unplug the HDMI cable from the Xbox and put it in the TV. It doesn't take that long
HDMI pass through is very common in home theater AV receivers. Even cheap ones. It missing is odd. People expect it.
HDMI pass through is very common in home theater AV receivers. Even cheap ones. It missing is odd. People expect it.
Oh well I stand corrected then.

This should solve some bumper woes


guys, serious question for you that have it now.

I have a Day One in my trunk. Was planning on returning it. Can you change my mind or agree to return it?

I cut the cable years ago when almost every show I watch became free online or on Hulu or Netflix, so the cable box features are useless to me.

I have a PS4.

I actually like some of the Kinect sports type games, as does my wife, but people are saying 2.0 isnt looking as good as promised.

Forza 5 is the Only game I really want badly. DR3 interests me a little.

I got a 360 at launch and suffered through the early game drought and Perfect Dark Zero, and 6 system failures(5 RROD and 1 dead slim at a week old, luckily 5 of them were under warranty) but still play my latest 360 and enjoy it. But I still bought a One so no fanboy intent in this post, I just need more convincing.
bread's done