Xbox One on the way. DRM removed, more details to come.

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well ps4 biggest talked about game at e3 was destiny is a mp only game so activision could put a high priced online pass to play the game online. sooner or later games will no longer have single player an online pass will jump up in price.

So where's this list of developers and their games that are now gone due to all those used games sales?

Last i checked people pay for live and companys still do online pass on 360.
Yeah, that just means it's the same as this generation, and XBLG members got boned.
well you have to have ps plus to play online on ps4 so i guess we ps4 people will get boned also

with that said ps plus is a amazing value compared to live
Yeah but PSN members didn't pay and didn't get boned. And it remains to be seen whether any company will use an online pass program, especially since the Xbone basically eliminates that need, and Sony is outright against it, and it would look really bad on EA to go back on their word and bring them back.

So I think I'll be ok.
I think most companys will still use online pass on ps4 nooo way they don't get something out of used games on the ps4 seeing how everyone is against xbox one.

ea no longer has online pass but every single ea game will have some kind of micro transaction products. which means if you want the full game they intend for you to have you will have to spend decent amount of money for it.

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I will take the required PS+ and at worst the potential online pass. Considering there is only about 35 online pass games on PS3, with majority of titles from THQ, Ubisoft, Sony, and EA only. THQ is gone, Sony/EA backing off online passes, that leaves Ubisoft of the big publishers being unknown. Activision never did online passes. Even with the possibility of micro-transactions, they are optional. Wouldn't xbox one players be more mad if it affected the way the whole game plays, too?

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Seriously? They aren't entitled to that money. They got their profit the first time it was sold. Hence the name the first sale doctrine. This idea that used games sales are so bad because they hurt publishers is ridiculous. Do you hear Ford whining because everyone's selling used cars and not letting them reach into their pockets and steal money they have no right to?
Used cars and video games are a horrible example. About the only thing that comes close is music.

The sad part is, the developers and publishers have said many times they have no problem with the consumers selling or passing on their discs. I think this is why Microsoft is at least trying, however misguided it might be, to let you gift/sell games to someone on your friends list. What they DO have a problem is with what is essentially a gaming pawn shop being a parasite to their business by selling barely discounted used games right next to new games. No other industry has to put up with such an environment. I don't go to Wal Mart and see somebody trying to sell me a used Blu-Ray player.

So yes, some consumer rights are at risk of being a casualty thanks to the war with GameStop.
Ok. If they have such a big problem with how GameStop operates, why not pull their games from the stores? Oh wait...right, then they'd have way less exposure. So, instead, let's punish the consumers who have nothing to do with the way GameStop sets their prices. Better yet, let's partner back up with GameStop so everybody wins except the consumer. Brilliant strategy. Basically, MS and GS are calling our bluff that we'll grow a pair and tell them to piss off. And I'm not going to be some shill who just bends over and takes it because I "need" to play the next Halo. The only time I shop at GameStop is when I can rip them the fuck off. Why? Because they stopped being competitive with their pricing years ago. If MS wants to follow them down that road, I have no problem doing the same with them. This is business. We're not best buddies. I don't owe them anything.

I think most companys will still use online pass on ps4 nooo way they don't get something out of used games on the ps4 seeing how everyone is against xbox one.
ea no longer has online pass but every single ea game will have some kind of micro transaction products. which means if you want the full game they intend for you to have you will have to spend decent amount of money for it.
Other than so called free to play games I've never seen a game that had micro transactions that amounted to not having the full game without them. For all the hate EA gets they've actually been especially good about this IMO, at least in the games I've played. They give you a leg up sometimes sure but that's about it.

The beginning of your comment implies that most companies use online pass now which is just not true. Very few do and I can only find about 30-40 total PS3 games and about 50 total Xbox 360 games that use them when including Sony and EA who will no longer use them.

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I will take the required PS+ and at worst the potential online pass. Considering there is only about 35 online pass games on PS3, with majority of titles from THQ, Ubisoft, Sony, and EA only. THQ is gone, Sony/EA backing off online passes, that leaves Ubisoft of the big publishers being unknown. Activision never did online passes. Even with the possibility of micro-transactions, they are optional. Wouldn't xbox one players be more mad if it affected the way the whole game plays, too?
I agree, although Activision did put a pass type thing on Prototype 2, they know better than to try and put it on a COD title. Just like every publisher who is paying any attention to this DRM backlash will likely back off any plans to do so on PS4.

I have no idea how we missed these articles but even Jack Tretton stated the restrictions were for online only which applies for first and third party games.

^CAG Macheezmo found another article from kotaku to back this up.

Tretton: "Any game that is made for PS4 that is physical goods, whether first-party or third-party, can go into a PS4 and play regardless of where it came from. The first player will play it, no problem, the second player will play it, no problem. What I was referring to was the online proposition."
AllThingsD: First off, people seemed really excited at last night’s [Sony PlayStation] event when you announced the no-DRM policy, which would allow for freer sharing of games. But this morning there was still confusion, and some countered that there are restrictions on game sharing. Can you offer a simple explanation for how this will work with the PS4?

Any game that is made for PS4 that is physical goods, whether first-party or third-party, can go into a PS4 and play regardless of where it came from. The first player will play it, no problem, the second player will play it, no problem. What I was referring to was the online proposition. (This example was later given to me by a Sony spokesman: If you buy a used disc from GameStop, you’ll have no problem popping that disc in and playing it from your PlayStation 4. The issue may arise when you try to jump online and play with other players. At that point, a third-party publisher may impose a fee or not allow that.)

The easiest way to explain it is — if you understand how it works on PlayStation 3, then that’s the same way it will work on PlayStation 4. No changes there. We’ve been out for six and a half years. It’s the same experience.

So, if it’s the same as it has been for six years, why did you announce “No DRM” at the press conference?

I think there was a tremendous amount of speculation and concern, for whatever reason, that the relationship between the consumer and their game was going to change. And I think a lot of the announcements from Microsoft led to that speculation, which led to, “What is Sony going to do?” So, even if it didn’t constitute a change in policy for us, we needed to clarify our policies quite literally.
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I think most companys will still use online pass on ps4 nooo way they don't get something out of used games on the ps4 seeing how everyone is against xbox one.
ea no longer has online pass but every single ea game will have some kind of micro transaction products. which means if you want the full game they intend for you to have you will have to spend decent amount of money for it.
Other than so called free to play games I've never seen a game that had micro transactions that amounted to not having the full game without them. For all the hate EA gets they've actually been especially good about this IMO, at least in the games I've played. They give you a leg up sometimes sure but that's about it.

The beginning of your comment implies that most companies use online pass now which is just not true. Very few do and I can only find about 30-40 total PS3 games and about 50 total Xbox 360 games that use them when including Sony and EA who will no longer use them.
ea sports games are awful with microtransactions you can't even play with some people in madden 13 connected career they are locked till you get them in ultimite team packs and the legend packs cost money. Ea blocks alot of their games with dlc's made during game dev time which in my mind should never happen. only dlc i approve of is dlc made AFTER the game was published

ea was voted worst company in the country for a reason and now they are trying to do what ever they can to become mr nice guy again

the thing i hope happens seeing you have to pay to play online on ps4 that they use that money to get better servers. Before yo usay well live can be hacked also that's not what im talking about. trying to download a dlc or patch on ps3 servers is god awful. i tested it today matter of fact on ncaa football 14 demo took me ten mins to download a 2 gb demo on live and it took me over a hour for same size demo on ps3.

The online problems have been one of Sony's main issues all along, but supposedly it will be better this coming gen. Remember MS had a 7 year head start on setting up a robust online network, so the PS3's online was a huge experiment for Sony. The PS2 had some online sure, but it was a teeny tiny afterthought.

Ok, seriously, Timbo, you need to calm the fuck down and stop posting so much. It seemed like at E3 you were becoming a little more "fair and balanced". What happened since then? You've gone completely off the edge.

I mean, this has pretty much become the Timbo thread now - it is ridiculous.

so people don't care gamestop makes millions upon millions and publishers and game makers see non of that money and you think it's ok?




so people can't support the un consumer xbox one but support gamestop buy buying a 50 doller used game when they only give 15-20 bucks to the person trading in the used game? now that puzzles me.




buying a 50 doller used game is not being a CAG lol

so let me get this right people don't want o support anti consumer xbox one but will gladly walk into gamestop buy a used game for 50 bucks when they only give person 20 dollers for that game. plz tell me out that right their is not anti consumer

OK, you have GOT to stop with this line of nonsense. First of all, if you are trading things in for $15-$20 and buying games for $50 from Gamestop you are doing it wrong. I'm sure this will blow you away, but they actually give more than that for the brand new releases - sometimes upwards of $30 or more. Then, on top of that, there is nearly always a promo to apply. Everyone who renewed their PUR pro membership the last couple of months got a 50% bonus coupon that worked on everything (games, systems, phones). If you don't have that, you can get 30% extra towards certain preorders and then there is the $35 extra for 7 games (that works better on the cheaper games). On the buying side, there are frequent B2G1 sales and the like. Oh yeah, and the whole 10% more on trades and 10% off games with PUR pro.

So Gamestop is making them trade in the games for $20?

Obviously someone else is perfectly happy to take that $20, and what you seem to forget is the Flipside. If I didn't trade in some of the games I had to BB/GS I would never buy some of the $60 games I have. So the pubs/devs do see money from GS. From all the people who pre-order with the trade in credit.

Do you think Day One/Preorders would be lower or higher without trade credit from places?
Bingo - I currently have an Xbox One preordered. I wouldn't have even considered that without the ability to trade in a bunch of games I didn't want to play any more. (And by the way I'm keeping many more than I am trading so I would still want the ability to play those - that cutesy gif assumes trading in is all-or-nothing which is idiotic).

What I am curious about is the 10 person family sharing thing.

So if I buy all the games and my little brother is part of my family (10 person) He can play any game in my library anytime he wants to without me having to send the game to his account permanently? If it works like this and you have a great group of friends you essentially would not need to buy very many games, especially the single player games that you play, beat, and then put on a shelf.

Is this how it works or am I incorrect?
Yep - now, how is this helping out the publishers? I'd wager that the average game traded in to GS doesn't go through nearly 10 re-trades and re-sales. And yet here MS is going to let 10 "friends" share those games. I assume, Timbo, that you will refuse to participate in this gamesharing since you are taking food out of the developers mouths by doing so?

In the end Microsoft isn't doing anyone favors by still allowing used games but for "participating retailers" only. This ain't going to hurt GameStop, this is just going to hurt your fellow CAGs. You know the same CAGs on this forum that help you get deals on your games.
Yeah, so here is where the whole "bringing up Gamestop" thing goes crashing into a brick wall. Microsoft is DOING NOTHING to negate Gamestop's used game business. IN FACT, they are helping it a great deal by removing the ability to sell games user-to-user and on eBay or Amazon marketplace. You might look down on those forms of sale as well, but at least there people are getting fairer value (seller gets more, buyer pays less, as the middleman Gamestop is cut out of the equation). Microsoft is in fact propping up Gamestop and their so-called evil business model even more.

So, yeah, you need to drop the Gamestop chatter as it is complete and utter nonsense and doesn't even apply with the Xbox One.

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The online problems have been one of Sony's main issues all along, but supposedly it will be better this coming gen. Remember MS had a 7 year head start on setting up a robust online network, so the PS3's online was a huge experiment for Sony. The PS2 had some online sure, but it was a teeny tiny afterthought.
well to be fair to sony online networks is what ms has been doing for 20 something years

JR: Publishers are our major partners, we talk to them on a very regular basis – we listen to what they say. At the end of the day they have to provide an account to their shareholders and the single biggest factor that influences whether they make money, on either individual titles or a portfolio, is the size of the installed base that they’re publishing on. And that dwarfs everything else. If you get a spreadsheet out, which we obviously don’t have time for, I could demonstrate it to you.

So, yes there is a certain common knowledge that there is unhappiness within the publishing community over the fact that they do not participate in the second-hand business. However, if you offer any publisher a choice between an installed base of X – where X is a very large number – with the status quo on the second-hand disc-based model or 50 per cent of X and some sort of putative cut of the second-hand business I can predict with 100 per cent certainty what they would take.
CEO of Playstation Europe Jim Ryan believe publishers care more about install base than getting revenue off used games.

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so people cry about xbox one bing anti consumer an telling people not to support it but yet they will gladly pay 50 bucks for a used game when they only give 20 to people for that game. Who in their right mind would accept 20 dollers for a game that just came out a month ago after paying 60 for it.
People who don't commit retail fraud? :bouncy:
And here's even more reason why it is driving me crazy to see moralizing about Gamestop and peer-to-peer used game selliing from Timbo. Lest anyone forget, Timbo justified being able to pay $60 for new release games because you can easily return them if you don't like them - yes, even after you have opened them and played them. How did he explain how he did this? By telling the retailers they were defective and then convincing them to give a refund instead of a replacement copy. Never mind that this wouldn't work 95% of them time (though he claims he is so charming he gets it done - I'm doubting that but whatever). It is also shady and, guess what, hurts both the retailers and probably the publishers at well. So bravo.

so you bash me for posting alot but you mods allow personal attacks to happen?

might i add seein retailers pay the publisher of the games ahead of time return games don't hurt publishers and msot of the time don't hurt retailers i know the store i buy for we do allow open games back for in store credit for up to 30 days and we then just mark the product down in price.

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so you bash me for posting alot but you mods allow personal attacks to happen?

might i add seein retailers pay the publisher of the games ahead of time return games don't hurt publishers and msot of the time don't hurt retailers i know the store i buy for we do allow open games back for in store credit for up to 30 days and we then just mark the product down in price.
TBH I have been replying back and forth in this thread alot, I haven't witnessed a personal attack in awhile. Also I can't believe you are justifying that...

What I am curious about is the 10 person family sharing thing.

So if I buy all the games and my little brother is part of my family (10 person) He can play any game in my library anytime he wants to without me having to send the game to his account permanently? If it works like this and you have a great group of friends you essentially would not need to buy very many games, especially the single player games that you play, beat, and then put on a shelf.

Is this how it works or am I incorrect?
Yep - now, how is this helping out the publishers? I'd wager that the average game traded in to GS doesn't go through nearly 10 re-trades and re-sales. And yet here MS is going to let 10 "friends" share those games. I assume, Timbo, that you will refuse to participate in this gamesharing since you are taking food out of the developers mouths by doing so?
Completely disagree. Everyone has already talked about how they buy cheap used games and then sell them off to make some money back. Guess what? The person that bought it from you has the same idea. I could buy a used game on ebay right now and I have no idea how many people its gone could've gone through 50 sales already, and any of those people could have let plenty of their friends borrow it before they sold it off. That's the point....right now there's no limit to how many times one used copy can be sold, and yet the developer only gets paid once.

The family share would let you share it to 9 others. (we're still waiting to hear any restrictions on that)

so you bash me for posting alot but you mods allow personal attacks to happen?

might i add seein retailers pay the publisher of the games ahead of time return games don't hurt publishers and msot of the time don't hurt retailers i know the store i buy for we do allow open games back for in store credit for up to 30 days and we then just mark the product down in price.
This is not a personal attack: Please stop this line of defense. It's not working. Admitting to doing this is only making things worse.

I haven't seen any personal attacks.  And I wasn't so much telling you to stop as a mod, just as a human being. (When I get involved in a thread like this I recuse myself from any modding, anyway, except for vulgarity/spam/etc).

I hadn't read this thread since last night and there were several new pages and it seems like every other post is yours.  It is just too much, that is all ;).

Look, even I think there is potential here with this X1 - but it sure seems like people are jumping through hoops to justify the bad things.

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Yep - now, how is this helping out the publishers? I'd wager that the average game traded in to GS doesn't go through nearly 10 re-trades and re-sales. And yet here MS is going to let 10 "friends" share those games. I assume, Timbo, that you will refuse to participate in this gamesharing since you are taking food out of the developers mouths by doing so?
Completely disagree. Everyone has already talked about how they buy cheap used games and then sell them off to make some money back. Guess what? The person that bought it from you has the same idea. I could buy a used game on ebay right now and I have no idea how many people its gone could've gone through 50 sales already, and any of those people could have let plenty of their friends borrow it before they sold it off. That's the point....right now there's no limit to how many times one used copy can be sold, and yet the developer only gets paid once.

The family share would let you share it to 9 others. (we're still waiting to hear any restrictions on that)
And you would like to put a limit on that because....? (Please don't tell me it is to help publishers) If you care about the publisher so much, go buy stocks.

I really doubt used game selling on eBay goes through as many people as you think either.  It would be an interesting thing to study though I'm not sure how you would do it.  But I can guarantee you one thing - if there are any "estimates" from publishers, they are overblown ;).

But most people don't sell their games.  Thus it seems like most second sales would go to people who then afterwards don't sell the game again.  Maybe they give it to someone, sure.  But that's probably about it.  It still seems, in the long run, there would be less sharing than this 10 person thing MS is on about (though it remains to be seen if that is as great as people think it is).  If this plan is truly as generous as they make it sound let's face it, there will be a crapload of gamesharing threads and sites all over the Internet and that will have a huge effect on first sales.  So, it is either bad for publishers or Microsoft PR, because of the backlash, is pushing a feature that isn't going to be as great as they make is sound.

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with that said i played second son at e3 it's a great game but i enjoyed the new ips on x1 better but it's not making me get a x1 at launch IF i do get one at launch which im thinking might not get any at launch it will be ps4.

not all games that come out our crap lol go lay last of us you will not call it crap
Nice example... we are talking about sympathizing with Microsoft and you mention a great Sony game.
i love great games who gives a junk what system the game is on
The point is that Sony is one of the biggest supporters of used games. They are not worried about used games impacting their sales (they've stated that used games help sales). And yet this is what you use as an example of why used sales are bad.

Sony makes great games and takes risks on new IPs, they don't need DRM to do that.
i was not quoting a statement that had anything to do with used games :facepalm:
Which new IP's are you talkimg about? I'm pretty sure some of the third party titles are goimg ps4 eventually. Notably Titanfall.

But most people don't sell their games.
If this were true, everyone wouldn't be flipping out on microsoft about limiting used game sales. :)

@htz of course I want publishers/developers making more money. For one, it could lead to more exclusives (if the x1 sells well). It could lead to companies making sequels of games that I want to play. Plus, I think if people bought more games new, then every developer wouldn't be trying to turn their franchise into COD because they'd see they could still sell by being different.

I really doubt used game selling on eBay goes through as many people as you think either. It would be an interesting thing to study though I'm not sure how you would do it. But I can guarantee you one thing - if there are any "estimates" from publishers, they are overblown ;).

But most people don't sell their games. Thus it seems like most second sales would go to people who then afterwards don't sell the game again. Maybe they give it to someone, sure. But that's probably about it. It still seems, in the long run, there would be less sharing than this 10 person thing MS is on about (though it remains to be seen if that is as great as people think it is). If this plan is truly as generous as they make it sound let's face it, there will be a crapload of gamesharing threads and sites all over the Internet and that will have a huge effect on first sales. So, it is either bad for publishers or Microsoft PR, because of the backlash, is pushing a feature that isn't going to be as great as they make is sound.
One thing's for sure, people with the X1 going to GS to trade in and regularly getting lower prices than PS4 customers for their games and seeing them resell for higher prices for longer than used PS4 games are not going to be happy.

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But most people don't sell their games.
If this were true, everyone wouldn't be flipping out on microsoft about limiting used game sales. :)
I mean most people in the general public, not on CAG - ie, those who you would sell to on eBay and Amazon. I'm sure a huge percentage of the time that is the end-of-the-line for that game. It goes there and stays there.

And in general, when I see most rants about the Xbox One (on other sites), it isn't about not being able to sell your games, it is about the 24 hour check-in and always on Kinect. Those features actually don't bother me all that much.

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But most people don't sell their games.
If this were true, everyone wouldn't be flipping out on microsoft about limiting used game sales. :)

@htz of course I want publishers/developers making more money. For one, it could lead to more exclusives (if the x1 sells well). It could lead to companies making sequels of games that I want to play. Plus, I think if people bought more games new, then every developer wouldn't be trying to turn their franchise into COD because they'd see they could still sell by being different.
Keywords "It could"

Which new IP's are you talkimg about? I'm pretty sure some of the third party titles are goimg ps4 eventually. Notably Titanfall.
titanfall was announced yesterday as a 100 percent x1,360,pc exlusive was big news on ign
When asked by Eurogamer about the chances of Titanfall hitting the PlayStation 4, Emslie was downright optimistic. “It’s definitely not out of the question,” Emslie replied. “We have a huge appreciation for the fans. Coming out and showing it to everybody, we’re super nervous and wanted to make sure everybody loved it. We love all our fans, whatever console they support. So yeah. We want to make everybody happy, but this is where we’re at right now.”

For its part, EA is remaining tight-lipped about Titanfall on any other consoles save for the Xboxes. Perhaps the picture will become clearer in 2014 once Titanfall actually ships, but for now, PlayStation 4′s prospective owners know there’s a chance they too will get to enjoy Respawn’s first game.
Read the quote, it is most likely a timed exclusive.

so you bash me for posting alot but you mods allow personal attacks to happen?

might i add seein retailers pay the publisher of the games ahead of time return games don't hurt publishers and msot of the time don't hurt retailers i know the store i buy for we do allow open games back for in store credit for up to 30 days and we then just mark the product down in price.
Return games do hurt retailers, but let,me see if I can get it out of you.

How do you determine when to order a new shipment of a particular game?
so you bash me for posting alot but you mods allow personal attacks to happen?

might i add seein retailers pay the publisher of the games ahead of time return games don't hurt publishers and msot of the time don't hurt retailers i know the store i buy for we do allow open games back for in store credit for up to 30 days and we then just mark the product down in price.
Return games do hurt retailers, but let,me see if I can get it out of you.

How do you determine when to order a new shipment of a particular game?
i don't order or single stores im a buyer that decides what store have inside stores in my district. We have many d.c we store products in.

so you bash me for posting alot but you mods allow personal attacks to happen?

might i add seein retailers pay the publisher of the games ahead of time return games don't hurt publishers and msot of the time don't hurt retailers i know the store i buy for we do allow open games back for in store credit for up to 30 days and we then just mark the product down in price.
Return games do hurt retailers, but let,me see if I can get it out of you.

How do you determine when to order a new shipment of a particular game?
i don't order or single stores im a buyer that decides what store have inside stores in my district. We have many d.c we store products in.
Sounds like what the Costco buyers do.

So let me get this straight Timbo, you work for retail and you have no problem blatantly ripping off retail stores trying to skirt around their return policies by acting like the typical jackass customer anybody who has ever worked in retail hates. Brilliant.

I never saw anyone have a response for this except io so I'll repost it:

So Gamestop is making them trade in the games for $20?

Obviously someone else is perfectly happy to take that $20, and what you seem to forget is the Flipside. If I didn't trade in some of the games I had to BB/GS I would never buy some of the $60 games I have. So the pubs/devs do see money from GS. From all the people who pre-order with the trade in credit. 

Do you think Day One/Preorders would be lower or higher without trade credit from places?

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So let me get this straight Timbo, you work for retail and you have no problem blatantly ripping off retail stores trying to skirt around their return policies by acting like the typical jackass customer anybody who has ever worked in retail hates. Brilliant.
most stores will give you in store credit which i get all the time. the company i work for all you get is in store credit. stores will do anything they can to keep people coming back if you worked retail you would understand that.

I've worked in retail for 15 years I understand all too well people like you who rip off companies and think nothing of it.

I've worked in retail for 15 years I understand all too well people like you who rip off companies and think nothing of it.
ripping them off? most retailers either sell the open product at a ten percent discount or send it back to d.c who then sends it back to where ever they got it and get refunded the price of that product. plus you act like i do it all the time all my new games come from amazon. Only times i buy games from stores is when they are cheap and older games .

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This isn't about being a paranoid lunatic. Considering the NSA thing, it's just plain creepy.
I suppose if you're a paranoid lunatic, it would be creepy. This has literally nothing in common with the NSA.

What is your nightmare scenario with Kinect? I won't comment either way. I'm just genuinely interested in hearing how you think Microsoft can sneak a government surveillance camera into a consumer electronics product... in a day and age where tech experts tear down these things on day one, and can analyze every single operation it performs, every packet of data it tries to send.
Amazing how Boner fanboys will look past glaring issues just so they can accept this piece of garbage into their home all to play semi mediocre launch titles. But I digress.. The problem with having all this data on you is it becomes your past, let's say you want to run for office or get a high profile job and your opponent can pull footage from your house and then use it to slander you. Right to privacy is a big fuckin deal and shouldn't be dismissed because some asshat fanboy thinks it's paranoia or lunacy.

Nobody sells open games. Stores only get refunded for unopened unsold products if at all and they just get refunded, they don't make a profit, you do realize stores NEED TO MAKE A PROFIT? Right?

This isn't about being a paranoid lunatic. Considering the NSA thing, it's just plain creepy.
I suppose if you're a paranoid lunatic, it would be creepy. This has literally nothing in common with the NSA.

What is your nightmare scenario with Kinect? I won't comment either way. I'm just genuinely interested in hearing how you think Microsoft can sneak a government surveillance camera into a consumer electronics product... in a day and age where tech experts tear down these things on day one, and can analyze every single operation it performs, every packet of data it tries to send.
Amazing how Boner fanboys will look past glaring issues just so they can accept this piece of garbage into their home all to play semi mediocre launch titles. But I digress.. The problem with having all this data on you is it becomes your past, let's say you want to run for office or get a high profile job and your opponent can pull footage from your house and then use it to slander you. Right to privacy is a big fuckin deal and shouldn't be dismissed because some asshat fanboy thinks it's paranoia or lunacy.
but people have no problems in have a cam built into their labtop which is always powered when you use your labtop and alot of people have a cam on thier desktop.

Nobody sells open games. Stores only get refunded for unopened unsold products if at all and they just get refunded, they don't make a profit, you do realize stores NEED TO MAKE A PROFIT? Right?
yep you are right i guess i noo nothing even if i im the one that handles that stuff for a decent size retail chain

I never saw anyone have a response for this except io so I'll repost it:

So Gamestop is making them trade in the games for $20?

Obviously someone else is perfectly happy to take that $20, and what you seem to forget is the Flipside. If I didn't trade in some of the games I had to BB/GS I would never buy some of the $60 games I have. So the pubs/devs do see money from GS. From all the people who pre-order with the trade in credit.

Do you think Day One/Preorders would be lower or higher without trade credit from places?
It would be hard to say. I think if you could wipe Gamestop from existence the gaming market would be a lot different than it is today so its hard to compare. But yeah, right off the top of my head I would think preorders would be lower. I also doubt devs would care as much if they knew they were going to get a cut of every sale, even if it was smaller, then the current fiasco of having to sell at the beginning or pretty much be through. People seem to love to hop in their time machines and then come back and report that Microsoft and/or Sony would never do anything like Steam pricing, but that doesn't make any sense to me. If so many people are dependent on trade ins for buying new games, and if used games went away, then it obviously follows that some people just aren't going to be in at $60. I don't know why Microsoft and Sony would be sitting there at $60 a year out and not wanting to get the money of the people who are at the lower price points. They would just be hurting themselves. I think the reason why games on demand/full game pricing is so horrible NOW on PSN/Xbox Live is that truth be told they really don't care. They know that you know that there are cheaper avenues out there, and just sort of consider it a bonus if you buy digital and pay their convenience fee.

[quote name="Blaster man" post="10841793" timestamp="1371600028"][quote name="TimboSliceGB" post="10841085" timestamp="1371585652"]with that said i played second son at e3 it's a great game but i enjoyed the new ips on x1 better but it's not making me get a x1 at launch IF i do get one at launch which im thinking might not get any at launch it will be ps4.
[quote name="PenguinMaster" post="10841081" timestamp="1371585550"][quote name="TimboSliceGB" post="10841074" timestamp="1371585355"][quote name="PenguinMaster" post="10841063" timestamp="1371585092"][quote name="TimboSliceGB" post="10841057" timestamp="1371584991"]not all games that come out our crap lol go lay last of us you will not call it crap
Nice example... we are talking about sympathizing with Microsoft and you mention a great Sony game.
i love great games who gives a junk what system the game is on
The point is that Sony is one of the biggest supporters of used games. They are not worried about used games impacting their sales (they've stated that used games help sales). And yet this is what you use as an example of why used sales are bad.

Sony makes great games and takes risks on new IPs, they don't need DRM to do that.
i was not quoting a statement that had anything to do with used games :facepalm:[/quote]
Which new IP's are you talkimg about? I'm pretty sure some of the third party titles are goimg ps4 eventually. Notably Titanfall.[/quote]

Titanfall is not coming to the PS4. I posted the link a few pages back. It's only coming to the X1, 360 and PC.

Oops :)
And that said 100% exclusive not "times" exclusive.

Respawn’s TitanFall is – PC aside – exclusive to Xbox consoles. That means the game will appear on Xbox 360 and Xbox One, but won’t appear on PlayStation 3 or 4.
Why? Well, it’s apparently because of the cloud system that Microsoft has been so hotly touting – despite there being no such flexibility for the 360 and Sony themselves claiming that the PS4 can use cloud computing if needed.
The game was initially intended for all platforms, according to a recent interview [via], but Microsoft’s extensive server farms allowed the developers “to think of the game a little differently” with Vince Zampella saying it was “the perfect solution”.
TitanFall is Respawn’s first game.
Nobody sells open games. Stores only get refunded for unopened unsold products if at all and they just get refunded, they don't make a profit, you do realize stores NEED TO MAKE A PROFIT? Right?
They only get money back on truly defective product. If it's sent back, and it's ok they don't get shet back. It's crazy how many rules exist when it comes to retail returns.

Do you think Day One/Preorders would be lower or higher without trade credit from places?
Isnt that a loaded question Mako?

Logically, the answer is yes. 100% yes they would be lower. Because regardless of what other people did, you would still be missing those that would preorder by cutting some of its cost with the fraction they get from used games.

Would have have any effect on the console(s) in question? Not in the slightest.

well if you don't want to support game companys fine but i for one don't buy many used games because i want to support the people that makes my games
The hypocrisy of this comment makes me laugh. By the way why don't people just ignore Timbo, that's apparently his strategy when he's called out for half the stuff he's full of crap on.

Do you think Day One/Preorders would be lower or higher without trade credit from places?
Isnt that a loaded question Mako?

Logically, the answer is yes. 100% yes they would be lower. Because regardless of what other people did, you would still be missing those that would preorder by cutting some of its cost with the fraction they get from used games.

Would have have any effect on the console(s) in question? Not in the slightest.
That's my point.

Slighting used game sales is taking a chance at lower profits which is what they are trying to improve...

And how much of this lower profit, and more expensive ass bonuses, ridiculous market schemes that are expensive. I think changes could be made that wouldn't mean getting rid of used game sales.

but people have no problems in have a cam built into their labtop which is always powered when you use your labtop and alot of people have a cam on thier desktop.
Who says people don't have a problem with this? Just because it hasn't been a mainstream headline in your world doesn't mean the issue doesn't exist.

Trade in values have been plummeting and I don't really understand why people think trading in 5 games for $75-100 credit (if you are lucky) is a good deal when you paid $300+ out of pocket for them.

Where I find value is like the NewEgg sale yesterday Max Payne 3 for $10 or the Black Friday sales or a decent Gold Box sale. Not in the used game market.
well if you don't want to support game companys fine but i for one don't buy many used games because i want to support the people that makes my games
The hypocrisy of this comment makes me laugh. By the way why don't people just ignore Timbo, that's apparently his strategy when he's called out for half the stuff he's full of crap on.
last used games i got was like five rock band games at least over a year ago. i don't even support gamestop i buy all my games from amazon

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If I had a nickel for every asinine thing Timbo said in this thread, I could afford to buy both consoles at launch  ;)

Anyway, the more I read about this Kinect stuff the less I like it.  It didnt work well on 360 and I dont have confidence in Microsoft learning from their mistakes and making it much more than a glorified add-on to the X1.

but people have no problems in have a cam built into their labtop which is always powered when you use your labtop and alot of people have a cam on thier desktop.
Who says people don't have a problem with this? Just because it hasn't been a mainstream headline in your world doesn't mean the issue doesn't exist.
why don't you put me on ignore if you don't like what i say you just advised others to do that

well if you don't want to support game companys fine but i for one don't buy many used games because i want to support the people that makes my games
The hypocrisy of this comment makes me laugh. By the way why don't people just ignore Timbo, that's apparently his strategy when he's called out for half the stuff he's full of crap on.
last used games i got was like five rock band games at least over a year ago. i don't even support gamestop i buy all my games from amazon
But you HAVE bought a used game. And since you lie about so much stuff I'm sure those purchases from amazon are marketplace used games.

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