XBox vs. PS2


112 (100%)
I'm strongly considering getting either an XBox or PS2 sometime in the near future. Both have a price tag of $150 (I will be buying either system new, used simply is NOT an option). I'm not baised either way, but I find myself leaning toward the XBox for some reason.

What I'm asking for is the pro/cons of each system from the CAG point of view. Forgive the slightly GameFAQs-ish type of question, but I'm looking for someone to sway me one way or the other.

One last note, buying both...for not an option. Also I already own a Gamecube.
Best thing to do is simply make a list of all the games you want for each system that are out now and comming in the very near future, whichever has more games, buy that one. Also remember with the PS2 you get the full library of ps1 games as well ( I don't know if you already have a ps1 or not).
Unless you have to have Final Fantasy, I would go with the XBox. I am truly tired, but arguments that you'll hear for the box are the quality of its online gaming, its console exclusives (i.e. Halo, Fable, Ninja Gaiden, Crimson Skies, etc.), its graphical prowess over the other two systems, and HALO, oh wait I already said that. Anyway, just get it because of Halo multiplayer LAN parties. It truly is the reason to have a box. Unless you don't have friends with XBoxes, or friends that like videogames, or friends...


IMHO, get an XBox and you will not be disappointed.
it all depends on how you use it

i personally favor the ps2 because i love the controller and the huge library of games to choose from

but the ps2 milks you for money for every little thing that you need to play games....

such as the memory card....if you only have $150, go for the xbox...though you might regret it later....

if you're into online gaming, go for the xbox (im personally not into online gaming)....

if you're into playing 4player games and only have $150, go for the xbox (im lucky if i can find one other person that enjoys gaming in my area that isnt below the age of 10)....the ps2 only has 2 controller ports unless you buy a multi-tap.....

if your hands aren't that big, go for the ps2....i don't see the big deal or think that the xbox controller is that big at all, but i hear a lot of bitching about how big the xbox controllers are...personally, i prefer the ps2 controller just because of the set-up

if you're into a crazy insane selection of games compared to its competitors, go for the ps2 (though you'll need the extra cash)

if you're into the best graphics, i guess the ps2 isn't the best choice...though i personally dont see any difference...i mean, imo graphics can't get much better then they already are on any current-running console (though i thought that about the last generation of consoles as well)

in the end...i choose the ps2....i have all 3 current systems and the gbasp and the one that i play 90% of the time is my ps2....then again, i dont really care for halo (which seems to be the main reason everyone else owns an xbox, not me)....either way, you need all 3 systems imo
Ok, as owner of both, here is my opinion. (Hope this helps)

1) Library - Being the first of the two systems on the market, this has a much larger library. This is a ggod thing from a cheapass standpoint because many of the early PS2 games can be had for cheap.
2) Console Exclusives - If you are a fan of RPG's, particularly console style rpg's then the PS2 is your only choice. There is also alot more fighting games for the system.
3) PSone Compatibility - I didn't think this would be a big deal since I still own my PSone, but I'll be damned if I don't use this feature frequently.
4) Controller - I actually like the xbox s type controller better, but most prefer the PS2 controller.

1) Library - while you can get earlt PS2 games for cheap many of them are crap.
2) Only two controller ports - With the popularity of FPS games, two ports just don't cut it.
3) System's Power - I'm not just talking graphics here, games like return to castle wolfenstein are single player only for PS2 because of it's serious hoursepower problems.
4) Overall cost - you'll need a memory card, broadband adaptor (for online play) & a harddrive, just to be playing the latest and greatest. All of that stuff addds up to be about another PS2...

1) Console exclusives - if you like FPS then check out Halo. Don't let the hype kill this one, it's genuinly good. Ninja Gaiden is the best 3rd person action game out there, and the difficulty isn't as bad as everyone says.
2) Extra features - harddrive, builtin networking, for controller ports means less for you to spend
3) System power - peole say they don't care about graphics, but if you can get the best, then why not? It's also the only console to truly support HDTV's higher resolutions.
4) Xbox Live - sure, you have to pay for it, but it's very well run & maintained, lots of game shave downloads, which ads to the life of older games, plus soon the Live Arcade will be available allowing you to play many arcade classics on you xbox

1) Library - not nearly as expansive as PS2, with the exception of Morrowing there are NO rpg's fpr the system.

I hope that helps, please excuse any spelling or grammar errors, as I just wole up
Thanks for the advice so far (keep it coming!). I am not a big Final Fantasy fan, so you can throw that out the window. If there is any RPG that I'd pick up on release day it would be Star Ocean 3.

As for the extras, that always bugged me...Sony really should have put four controller ports in the PS2. Oddly enough, I have a PS2 memory card (don't ask) despite having never owned a PS2.

I'm not into online gaming, but I've heard many a good thing about it so I think I'd like to try someday. Live seems to be the way to go there.

The library thing never meant that much to me. Exclusives are the important thing. Like someone mentioned, PS2 has the most game for the two consoles, but most aren't worth the disks they are stamped on.

So after reading this and my previous opinions I'd say I'm currently leaning 65/35 - XBOX over PS2
Just to clarify a few things....

[quote name='peteloaf']Ok, as owner of both, here is my opinion. (Hope this helps)

1) Library - Being the first of the two systems on the market, this has a much larger library. This is a ggod thing from a cheapass standpoint because many of the early PS2 games can be had for cheap.[/quote]

Very true. This can be bad because there's a lot of crap out there also, but I'd rather have a lot to choose from, affordably. And there's crap on every system.
[quote name='peteloaf']


4) Overall cost - you'll need a memory card, broadband adaptor (for online play) & a harddrive, just to be playing the latest and greatest. All of that stuff addds up to be about another PS2...[/quote]

Not true....You should be able to find the PS2 Online Pack which comes with the network adapter and ATV Ofroad Fury 2 for 150.
Yes you will need a PS2 memory card.
Hard drive: AFAIK, the hard drive is currently used only for FFXII, a monthly-fee MMORPG, and some content for about two other games [those are the only 'official' uses, please correct me if I'm wrong.]

[quote name='peteloaf']
1) Console exclusives - if you like FPS then check out Halo. Don't let the hype kill this one, it's genuinly good. Ninja Gaiden is the best 3rd person action game out there, and the difficulty isn't as bad as everyone says.[/quote]

Here's something I find funny. I get Xbox Nation [it was free] just to kinda keep up. They rank the Top 20 games or something each month. The top game is *always* Halo. Yes, it might be a great game. But it came out, what, 2 years ago? There has been nothing better since then? That's great for the programmers of Halo, but not so good, imho, for the Xbox in general.

His other points are good. Disclaimer: I own only a PS2.
But ultimately what you have to decide is:
Are these features features i'd use? I don't game online, XBox Live is a non-issue for me.
I rarely [like, twice a year] game with more than 2 people, so 4 controller ports is not an issue.
I like RPG's.
And the ultimate arbiter:
Which games appeal more to you? Before I got my PS2, I did look at the Xbox, browsing its games and demoing them where I could. At the time I looked, the quantity of games wasn't very high, and the games I looked at didn't appeal to me. There was no game where I said 'Wow, I want to get an Xbox so I can play this game.' There were those games with the PS2, plus, I do have a bunch of PS1 games still as well.

I wouldn't get an Xbox over a PS2 *solely* because you need to buy a memory card for the PS2.

Some of the games I enjoy most aren't that graphically complex or fancy, but they're fun. And that's what counts.
In regard to Live, I wasn't too hyped about it at first either, but after using it I have been very impressed. It's so cool to hear a dude's dissappointment when you score a 95 yard touchdown on him, or sneak up behind him and snap his neck, from 1000 miles away.
I'm an Xbox man but if Xbox 2 comes out and there's no backwards compadibility then I am jumping ship and moving over to the Playstation camp.
I was convinced to get the XBox by some others who had traded in their PS2's to get the XBox.

I love it. I've played both and I can say I'm glad I made the choice. I like the graphics, hard drive, built in Net Adapter, 4 controller ports. These are great things at no extra charge. As far as Live goes, you can get a two month free trial code and check it out to see if it's worth it for the yearly subscription. I found a link to get the yearly subscription for half price with a game and headset so I went for it. I love racing PGR2 online.

The RPGs are coming. Fable looks like a great one.

As for the thing about Halo being a top game... the reason it is still ranked in the top 10 (not #1 every month) is that it is still in the top 10-20 games sold each month. It's that good of a game. There are better games out there for XBox, but that one is a classic that everyone keeps buying. I'm sure when Halo 2 comes out this Novemeber it will have similar results.
The least I play out of the three is PS2.Why you ask??
I don't like RPG's too much. And the games on PS2 don't interest me too much.

I prefer Xbox all the way. I'm happy w/ the library it has and it has some of the best games on any system. And yes Xbox has RPG's. Morrowind, KOTOR and Sudeki 8) . But later it's going to get Fable(which hopefully will be great), KOTOR II, Jade Empire.

If you ask me I'd say go w/ the Xbox.
Usually the games that don't get released on the Xbox are released on the PS2 & chances are if you really wanted a title you could get the GC version. Also with Xbox Live for multiplayer, & the incredible fall/winter lineup for the system I'd point you towards the Xbox. I have both systems and the Xbox gets about 95% of my gaming time. Sure the PS2 has a larger library but unless your looking for those PS2 only titles I don't see a reason why not to choose Xbox. Superior in gameplay all around Xbox is the way to go.
I would choose PS2. I had an Xbox and I never played it. Since I got my PS2, I am playing a lot more games than I was.

If you like platformers, RPG's, and fighters the system to own is the PS2. There maybe some on the way, but most just seem like pipe dreams that never turn into reality. Fable and Halo 2 are going to end up getting stellar reviews and then everyone is going to realize that both are over hyped pieces of garbage (niether has impressed me enough to say they are worth getting a console for).

If you lack a decent PC and like to play FPS then choose the Xbox, but if you have a decent PC there is no reason to consider an Xbox. Live is just a bunch of PC ports and sports games, and almost every good game for the system has been ported to another platform.
I have all three and I find myself going through "phases" where I play one console more than the others. Right now I'm in a PS2 phase where that's about all I play. Then I'll get an itch to go online and move to Xbox. Then a Nintendo franchise will come out and I need the Cube.

If I had to get rid of one... the GameCube goes. If I had to get rid of two... eh, tough choice.

The PS2 I think is a more enthusiast driven machine. If you liked the Dreamcast you can find titles like Rez, Space Channel 5 that were DC games. You can get games that would almost never appear on the Xbox like Gitaroo Man, Magic Pengel, Gallop Racer, Culdcept, Disgaea, La Pucelle Tactics etc. Since its base is so big games like that can find a home on PS2 that would never exist on the Xbox.

On the other hand if you like online play there is just one console out there worth your while. Xbox. If you don't want to get nickel and dimed to death buying a multi-tap, memory cards (I have 4 PS2 cards and boy, what a waste of cash., modem/BBA or HDD (Yes, only FF XI needs it now but wait until GT4 comes out and tell me if it won't practically be required.) get an Xbox.

If you are a fan of sports, driving and FPS games the Xbox is the better choice. The PS2 arguably has the best drving game, GT3 and FPS in SOCOM II but 1 game in each category can't match the depth on the Xbox bench. Driving? PGR, PGR 2, RalliSport Challenge, RSC2, Apex, Midnight Club II, Midtown Madness 3, Sega GT and the upcoming Forza Motorsport? You'll find one or more of those will give you your fill. FPS? Are you kidding? The system is crawling with them from the Clancy games alone, then you have some game known as Halo and I think there's a sequel coming. Sports games? I'll say this from having NCAA 2004 on the PS2 (I wanted online play and had to get it.) and the rest of my sports games on the Xbox. The HDD is no longer an option for saving dynasties its a requirement, those save/load times are unacceptable.

If you can look at the types of PS2 games I listed and not care if you have them the choice is a no brainer. Xbox. Pretty much everything that isn't console exclusive is PS2/Xbox so you're not going to be missing out on many multi-console games though there are a view like Mega Man Anniversary and Viewtiful Joe.

I owned my PS2 last, I got by for about 2 years with just a Cube and the Xbox and did just fine. Last good Xbox feature? I have yet to see any game on it sell for more than original retail price with the exception of the much overated Air Force Delta Storm before it was re-released. In that regards its a better CAG system.
Owning both I'd qualify the decision on other factors. At some point you'll want access to the PS2 library. Due to its design the PS2 has a small advantage when it comes to price cuts over the Xbox. Thus if you hold off on the PS2 now you'll likely get it for a good chunk less when you finally give in. Alternately, you'll get PS2 library access via the PS3.

The Xbox, OTOH, isn't likely to get much sheaper. It's bill of material is inherently higher than its competition and Microsoft has the additional handicap of NVIDIA lacking any interest in doing a major die shrink of their two contributions to the chipset. Without moving the XGPU and the Audio-I/O processor down to .13 micron rules they're pretty constrained on how to further cut the cost of the Xbox.

So, if you get the Xbox you're less likely to be annoyed by a major price drop later but almost guaranteed to experience that with the PS2.
[quote name='DenisDFat']Let's see.

Xdude has no worthwhile games, PS2 does.

Not much of a decision.[/quote]

That's pretty ignorant. Even the biggest Xbox fan can find a few games he'd like to play on PS2.
[quote name='mmn'][quote name='DenisDFat']Let's see.

Xdude has no worthwhile games, PS2 does.

Not much of a decision.[/quote]

That's pretty ignorant. Even the biggest Xbox fan can find a few games he'd like to play on PS2.[/quote]

Minus Denis's usual worthless comments, I'm thrilled with the content offered to me here. You have all presented great agruements for both systems. I can safely say whatever the decision, it will be made well educated. I think PAD put it best though when he said that the XBOX was a CAG'ers system.

Thanks for the opinions guys. (oh, and gals if there were any)
ok just be aware that as im saying this, i dont own an xbox

ps2 Pro's
- huge library of games from ps1 (not sure if u have a ps1 or not)
-ps2 always gets the best 3rd party games (ffx, dynasty warriors, zone of the enders, devil may cry, tekken, virtua fighter)
- games from every genere, enough to please anyone
-easy to transport save files from your ps2 memory card to a computer for archiving reasons (datel maxdrive)
-has the most cheap, but still awesome games (you can look at used games on eb and find 10 great games under 10 bucks)
-best controller design
-best use of gimmick controllers (ddr pad, guns, eyetoy)
-plays dvds out of the box
-FREE online!

ps2 cons
-graphics arnt as good as the xbox
-older models have been known to die (but youre getting a new one ^^)
-need a multi-tap for 4 players

i really cant go into the xbox here because i dont know enought about it. hope i helped!
[quote name='mmn'][quote name='DenisDFat']Let's see.

Xdude has no worthwhile games, PS2 does.

Not much of a decision.[/quote]

That's pretty ignorant. Even the biggest Xbox fan can find a few games he'd like to play on PS2.[/quote]

its not ignorant. there are very few games i want to play on the xbox, xbox games just dont appeal to me, does that mean im ignorant too?

heres the games id own if i had a box:
KOTOR(also on pc)
Ninja Gaiden
panzer dragoon orta
house of the dead 3 (i wouldnt own this but id want it)
shenmue 2 (also on dc)
deathrow (looks intresting, and is cheap)

thats about it...6 games, and only 4 are really exclusive
[quote name='peteloaf']
1) Library - not nearly as expansive as PS2, with the exception of Morrowing there are NO rpg's fpr the system.
You forgot about Knights of the Old Republic (although like Morrowind it is also on PC. It also has Fable, Jade Empire, and KotoR 2 coming out soon.)
xbox, because its easier to mod, and endless things u can do like upgrade it to a 120 gig hd, or change the DVD drive if u get DRE's or put more RAM in.
The XBox is a better system, since it is about 50% more powerfu. Of course, the popularity of the PS2, causes game manufacturers to program for the ps2, thus the XBox games most often fail to live up to potential, except for exclusives. Still, when there are multiple platform releases, the XBox version is almost always the best, with few exceptions. I own all three, and my XBox collection is around twice what the other two are. They also have a much better online setup, especially if you have a wireless network.
At this point the XBox is the way to go. I can't think of any iconic PS2 exclusives outside of Final Fantasy that have any real pull with fans in the gaming market.

The XBox doesn't have any RPGs? Yeah, sure. Morrowind and KOTOR are two of the best RPGs ever. Between KOTOR2 and Fable (among other things) people should be content for the duration of the system's lifespan.

Halo isn't overhyped - just because it's not some people cup of tea doesn't mean it's overhyped. If it didn't live up to the hype, it wouldn't STILL be one of the top selling games for the system. Same thing goes for any mega-hype game with huge sales. Just because some people think GTA sucks doesn't mean it does.

Enter the Matrix was overhyped since it had a huge buildup and turned out to be a shit game according to the majority of consumers. Halo doesn't fall in that category.
i didn't read any body's post, but my experience with both systems are great! I've had my PS2 since launch and it gave me years of enjoyment. i have to vote for xbox for several reasons. first (for me anyway) is the HDTV support, it looks so nice on my HDTV!! second is a little game called morrowind. that RPG is amazing! i've played it for about 56 hours and i'm not half way through the game!! 3rd would be the exclusive games, and the graphical difference between the xbox and PS2.

it's all up to you, but i think an xbox is the way to go.
[quote name='punqsux'][quote name='mmn'][quote name='DenisDFat']Let's see.

Xdude has no worthwhile games, PS2 does.

Not much of a decision.[/quote]

That's pretty ignorant. Even the biggest Xbox fan can find a few games he'd like to play on PS2.[/quote]

its not ignorant. there are very few games i want to play on the xbox, xbox games just dont appeal to me, does that mean im ignorant too?

heres the games id own if i had a box:
KOTOR(also on pc)
Ninja Gaiden
panzer dragoon orta
house of the dead 3 (i wouldnt own this but id want it)
shenmue 2 (also on dc)
deathrow (looks intresting, and is cheap)

thats about it...6 games, and only 4 are really exclusive[/quote]

You just proved my point. Even a person who doesn't want an Xbox can find a couple games he wants to play on it. You just listed 4 games that you'd buy if you had an Xbox. Just as I'm not a PS2 fan but there's a few games I would want to play on PS2 - most notably the Ratchet and Clank games.

DenisDFat is ignorant - you aren't.
Agreed. I *could* find games to play on any system, but not necessarily enough to warrant purchasing it [based on my personal decisions]. There's a little cream on every console, and a lot of crap on every console. The individual has to decide if the cream/average/crap ratio, in terms of features and games, is worth the time and money for him/her.
there's nothing. not a single thing.

Xbox is where not to go when you want cute, E-rated games that are fun to play, vibrant in colour, and readily available.
I read about the first 10 posts so I don't know if this was mentioned, but I think Xbox is also the only system that supports Dolby Digital in their games. Big plus for me and other gamers that have DD compatibility sound systems.

Also I came down to this similar situation when I had all 3 systems. I realized I couldn't keep getting spending money on games (not to mention the time) on all the systems, and I wasn't about to start using money that I use to go out and do other stuff. So I decided I had to put some restraint on myself and just sell off one of my systems. So here's the factors I considered

PS2 - lots of assortment of games, IMO best controller just cuz of the shoulder buttons. Games I enjoyed were the Summoner series, Red Faction series, FFX, and Silent Hill 3 are the only exclusive titles I can think of that I enjoyed. I also enjoyed their Guncon games.

Xbox - 2nd system I purchased around spring 03'. I love alot of their big hits and NBA ID series is my favorite b-ball series now, plus some of their other underrated games I liked. Their future lineup looks best for me, and newer titles just keep getting better. Games I enjoyed that are console exclusive are: Halo, KOTOR, NG, Deathrow, NBA ID series, Crimson Skies, Breakdown, and probaby a few others that have slipped my mind ATM.

Gamecube - last system I got when it hit $99. Resident Evil series exclusitivity was a big plus. Also RE 4 looks awesome.

Cons -
PS2 - I wasn't looking forward to any games at the time of this decision.

Xbox - I saw no cons for me.

Gamecube - not alot of appeal of games for me and Eternal Darkness and SSBM were disappointing at the time. Since I made the decision that disappointing list got bigger also with every single game I've played besides RE (I even had one RE be disappointing): MGS: TTS, Pikmin, Viewtiful Joe, Skies of Arcadia, Resident Evil 3, SSBM, and Eternal Darkness. I was also disappointed with the Metroid Prime and Mario Kart demos so much that I didn't get them. The only game I have beaten on that list was RE 3 and I only beat it cuz of that RE license.

Conclusion: My older brother who's in college had a PS2 at the time so I sold my PS2 and stuff that he didn't want for about $200 on ebay I think. When he visits he brings his PS2 over so I still have access to all 3 systems. I look forward to God of War on PS2, but that's about it on PS2 so far. Besides RE 4, the new Zelda game is the only other GC game I'm looking forward to. Xbox is by far my favorite system and their future releases look like it will keep it that way.

So far I would rank them
1. Xbox
2. PS2 and GC are tied, but if GC was missing that RE series it would easily be last for me.

But all you see are a bunch of opinions from users, so you should just make a list and/or try to see if there is a way you can try out some of the games you think you'll like and see which one's console you like best. I know I probably would've waited on the GC til' RE 4 came out if I knew I was going to be disappointed in all of those games. It's all about what you enjoy.
I have an Xbox and GC.
The reason I got the xbox was because of Xbox Live, the fact that I don't need to spend another $30 (or more) on a memory card and Halo.
I got the GC since I got a good deal on one ($70) and the exclusive games.
My best friend has a PS2 and it doesn't seem that great. It only has TWO controller ports and it's graphics aren't near as good as the Xbox.
The fact that the GC and Xbox have always had value is what got me to buy them.
[quote name='sj41']I have an Xbox and GC.
The reason I got the xbox was because of Xbox Live, the fact that I don't need to spend another $30 (or more) on a memory card and Halo.
I got the GC since I got a good deal on one ($70) and the exclusive games.
My best friend has a PS2 and it doesn't seem that great. It only has TWO controller ports and it's graphics aren't near as good as the Xbox.
The fact that the GC and Xbox have always had value is what got me to buy them.[/quote]

The value of the PS2 is in its games, and in the end that is where the most money is spent.
[quote name='CaseyRyback'][quote name='sj41']I have an Xbox and GC.
The reason I got the xbox was because of Xbox Live, the fact that I don't need to spend another $30 (or more) on a memory card and Halo.
I got the GC since I got a good deal on one ($70) and the exclusive games.
My best friend has a PS2 and it doesn't seem that great. It only has TWO controller ports and it's graphics aren't near as good as the Xbox.
The fact that the GC and Xbox have always had value is what got me to buy them.[/quote]

The value of the PS2 is in its games, and in the end that is where the most money is spent.[/quote]You are right about that. PS2 has several good series (Ratchet and Clank, FF, Sly Cooper) but the xbox overall will have better cheaper because of the harddrive. Also the GC is $100 so it is very cheap.
I own more than two times as many PS2 games than I do Xbox ones. And there's only 2 console exclusive 'box games that are out that I want and did not buy yet: Crimson Skies and Ninja Gaiden.
Also, out of my PS2 games, only 4 are multiplatform game, whereas 5 of my Xbox games are. Most of the Xbox exclusives I have are Sega games, whereas the PS2 exclusives that I own range from Devil May Cry to Karaoke Revolution.
I'd say the PS2 is a no-brainer. They're both great consoles, and I'm glad I own my Xbox - hell, lately I've been playing that more than either of the others - but the PS2 is a much wiser investment, IMO. Especially if you're not into online gaming (which I'm not).
I own all 3 Next Gen Systems. I have over 40 games for the Cube, a little over 20 for the PS2 (thanks to CC) and a little under 20 for Xbox, and I will say that Xbox would be the one I would take. Why?

Halo. I've spent more time playing Halo multiplayer than anything. Even Phantasy Star Online. (Which I was addicted to in both DC and GC versions.) PS2 is better for RPGs and some single player games, but right now, if you want to play games with friends and other people on the LAN, bring the Xbox. You won't regret it.
[quote name='DenisDFat']Xbox is where not to go when you want cute, E-rated games that are fun to play, vibrant in colour, and readily available.[/quote]

Most Xbox players are older than 10 and prefer not to have cute E-rated games.
As usual, it all depends on what games you like to play. But for the most part, I have to go with PS2. Between the summer of 2003 and the summer of 2004, I think Xbox is a clear winner, but overall, the PS2 still has the obvious edge.

Look at it closely-

The PS2 has almost ALL video game genres covered. You will not see JRPG's on the Xbox, you won't see strategy games on the Xbox, there really aren't any exclusive fighters or platformers on Xbox that are worth playing, and you won't see any rhythm/dance titles on Xbox, either (I believe it just got its first one, DDR). When you can list 35+ RPG's, Virtua Fighter 4, Ratchet and Clank/R&C: GC, Jak and Daxter/Jak II, Dynasty Tactics, Romance of the Three Kingdoms VII, VIII, Disgaea, La Pucelle Tactics, Ring of Red, Amplitude, Gitaroo-Man, Frequency, etc....all on PS2, and with no representatives on Xbox, that says something about each system's diversity.

If you're only into FPS, Western RPGs, and action/sports games, than Xbox is probably the system for you. It also has, 95% of the time, the best version of multi-platform titles. It's why I own one. But there's also a reason why I have 36 PS2 games and 16 Xbox games...there's simply so much more to choose from on the PS2, and I'm a HUGE RPG fan. Add in top "AAA" games like Final Fantasy X, Devil May Cry, Onimusha 2/3, Ratchet and Clank/R&C: GC, Gran Turismo 3, Ace Combat 4, Kingdom Hearts, Amplitude, Jak and Daxter/Jak II, Suikoden III, Xenosaga, Red Faction, Silent Hill 3, Soul Reaver 2, Virtua Fighter 4, etc., and it's an easy choice for me.

I could never do without some of the choice titles in my Xbox collection, though. Chronicles of Riddick, Halo, Top Spin, Ninja Gaiden, and both Splinter Cells (best played on Xbox), are more than enough to make me want to keep the system.
All I'll say is that I would never try to play THUG or and fighting game on the xbox controller s; the placement is right but the feel is so wrong.
The feel of the S controller does take a little bit to get used to after using the Dualshock 2 for so long, but now it feels so much better.

I've got both systems and honestly I really seldom used the PS2 anymore. The only games on the horizon that I see for the PS2 that interest me are God of War and FF12.

Xbox seems to be catching it's stride now. Doom3, Fable, Jade Empire, KoTOR 2 and of course Halo 2.

For me it comes down to the fact that more of the games I want to play are on XBox. That should definitely be the biggest part of the decision.
I bought my GC in order to play rougue leader. since then, I have enjoyed many other GC games. then I bought xbox so that I could play mechassault. if ps2 had any games I really wanted to play, I would buy one. I'm sure ps2 is a very good system, it's just not for me(I still have my working playstation from when it 1st came out). I prefer xbox, because of the hard drive, the 4 ports, xbox live, the superior power and graphics, and the games. I buy multiplatform games on xbox only. nintendo makes great games, and GC has more exclusive titles that I like. the fact that xbox is the best for almost all multiplatform games makes xbox the easy number one choice for me.
[quote name='mmn'][quote name='DenisDFat']Xbox is where not to go when you want cute, E-rated games that are fun to play, vibrant in colour, and readily available.[/quote]

Most Xbox players are older than 10 and prefer not to have cute E-rated games.[/quote]

then most Xdude players are stupid
Get a PS2 before getting an Xbox. The software library is more robust. There are tons of cheap quality titles readily available for it. Definitely get an Xbox though.
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