yahoo thief!!! holding me hostage!


sup guys got a major problem need some help! theres whats goin on. someone stole my girlfriends yahoo account and locked her out. he has access to her emails with personal information such her social secuirty # and address. along with her contacts and other stuff like that. on top of changing her password and things like that he also made a new screen name using her personal info. we tried contacting yahoo but the bastards cant or just wont do anything. the guy is demanding nude pictures of my girlfriend in return for her account. he wants the pictures by 6 or 7 pm. (hes not getting anything!!!!!!)
anyway we can steal it back? he even took pictures off her computer to prove that he can. he says hes going to send those pictures to everyone on her conacts and hes going to post those pictures on the net and all over the web.
please help me dont know what to do!?
[quote name='Murcielago77']wait, what kind of f'n yahoo account is this that has your SSN and has access to personal files on another computer[/QUOTE]
Yeah, I've had a yahoo account and it has never asked me for my SSN.
her collage emails have her social thats why its there. shes applying to diffrent colleges and it has all her info on them! thats why. is there anything i can do!????
Maybe this is a ploy by your Girlfriend. I mean, think about it. Women have the most bizzare-ass ways of getting a point across, so maybe this is her way of saying "I weant you to take hot, dirty pictures of me". Something to consider.
[quote name='xenoman80']any1 anything?[/quote]
Keep a record of all the times he contacts you. Print out everything. All I can tell you is to contact the police and see what they say you should do.
Umm...i dont see how yahoo wont do anything..what did they say?

How did this guy contact you?

Also you cant take this to the police?

I would be calling all your credit card companys and the bank to let them know what happend.

Also....if you havent already turn the computer that she is on off and unpluged it from the internet....that makes you an idiot.
photoshop your girlfriends head on naked pictures from the internet. Trick the bastard into giving you the account back. I doubt the police can do anything.
[quote name='megaseadramon']photoshop your girlfriends head on naked pictures from the internet. Trick the bastard into giving you the account back. I doubt the police can do anything.[/QUOTE]

The guy probably already stole the ss number if he gives the account back the OP is still stuck with the ss number problem.
[quote name='2poor']The guy probably already stole the ss number if he gives the account back the OP is still stuck with the ss number problem.[/QUOTE]

You can call the SS administration about that. Contrary to popular belief, your SSN is public info.
Yes. Please stop using the Internet. And your gf. Neither of you were smart enough to have a more difficult password than "mtvrocks" or "poop," and I can only hope neither of you will ever get into politics or command a position where you are entrusted with customer information.

//mostly kidding

As for a solution (if you don't accept the first one), you can photoshop stuff pretty easily. In fact, unless this person is someone you know/who knows you, just pull some pics from any random website.
[quote name='xenoman80']sup guys got a major problem need some help! theres whats goin on. someone stole my girlfriends yahoo account and locked her out. he has access to her emails with personal information such her social secuirty # and address. along with her contacts and other stuff like that. on top of changing her password and things like that he also made a new screen name using her personal info. we tried contacting yahoo but the bastards cant or just wont do anything. the guy is demanding nude pictures of my girlfriend in return for her account. he wants the pictures by 6 or 7 pm. (hes not getting anything!!!!!!)
anyway we can steal it back? he even took pictures off her computer to prove that he can. he says hes going to send those pictures to everyone on her conacts and hes going to post those pictures on the net and all over the web.
please help me dont know what to do!?[/QUOTE]

You lost me there, did he steal the yahoo account ONLY, or the whole computer? And if he took pictures of your computer, then that means it's someone you know, as being able to have access into your dorm/room.

Edit* Nevermind, I think you mean he took pictures of the screen w/ her yahoo account info on it?
[quote name='SolidSnakeX99']You lost me there, did he steal the yahoo account ONLY, or the whole computer? And if he took pictures of your computer, then that means it's someone you know, as being able to have access into your dorm/room.

Edit* Nevermind, I think you mean he took pictures of the screen w/ her yahoo account info on it?[/QUOTE]

looks like he stole both her yahoo account and got into her computer!
Did you tried to reset the password?

You need to figure out who she pissed off and kill him! Also, it might be a good time to switch to dial-up. It is a pain in the ass to hack a dial-up account (account is so freaky slow to the point that it will take forever to upload anything major without you noticing it, not online 24 hours a day, different ip every single session). Also, she needs to use a firewall and not use passwords such as 123456 (or any other ridiculously popular password that are easy to crack).

The dial-up thing is probably extreme but you get the point.
[quote name='xenoman80']looks like he stole both her yahoo account and got into her computer![/quote]

This sounds like a bad prank. Notify a school authority.
[quote name='wbc1228']and not use passwords such as 123456 (or any other ridiculously popular password that are easy to crack).
On that note, never save your passwords. It's easier to hack, especially if you use the same password at multiple sites.
Nub move with the SS# now one of my Mexican cousins can come work here illegally under you GF's name LOL! No but really Identity theft is a serous crime and can be considered terrorism. Contact you local FBI office if you are really in trouble and this thread is not a joke. good luck and let us now how it turns out.
Reality's Fringe;1861226 said:
You can call the SS administration about that. Contrary to popular belief, your SSN is public info.

You know...everyone all the time screams. "NEVER LET ANYONE SEE YOUR SS NUMBER ITS THE WORST THING FOR SOMEONE TO HAVE" cant really do anything without giving it to someone.

Credit Card..SS number...Job ap....SS number...Passport SS number....hell i have to use my SS number to punch into work everyday.

On any given day (because i work at a hardware store) i literaly see about 50 SS numbers that i could copy down easy.

That number is just not that imporant.
this guys not asking for money. just the pics the asshole probably wants 2 jerk off to them. sick bastard!
[quote name='xenoman80']this guys not asking for money. just the pics the asshole probably wants 2 jerk off to them. sick bastard![/quote]

I am pretty sure your are just an idiot, who is making up a poorly thought out story.

Good bye.
[quote name='Soodmeg']I am pretty sure your are just an idiot, who is making up a poorly thought out story.

Good bye.[/QUOTE]

Sounds about right.
[quote name='Greetard']Sounds about right.[/quote]


I am so saddend by the lose of your beloved Dancing Ninja.

It was 1# on my best sigs of CAG list.

Christ.......if i could only see it one more time.:cry:
I propose we all adopt Greetard dancing ninja sigs, each showcasing one different frame of the original dance.

The we create a new thread, and we all post in order.

Then, if you click on the scroll bar, perhaps it will always be in the same spot on each screen, and if you click fast enough, it will appear to dance.

Then we can all link to the thread.

It could almost work.
[quote name='Soodmeg']Greentard.

I am so saddend by the lose of your beloved Dancing Ninja.

It was 1# on my best sigs of CAG list.

Christ.......if i could only see it one more time.:cry:[/QUOTE]

[quote name='Strell']I propose we all adopt Greetard dancing ninja sigs, each showcasing one different frame of the original dance.

The we create a new thread, and we all post in order.

Then, if you click on the scroll bar, perhaps it will always be in the same spot on each screen, and if you click fast enough, it will appear to dance.

Then we can all link to the thread.

It could almost work.[/QUOTE]

I've been trying to find a way to reduce the size...but I can never get it to dip low enough without an extreme loss of quality. I'm workin' on it.

My sig is such a better topic than the OP's "story."

I vote to change the name of this thread to:

"The Official Dancing Ninja Sig Thread Hosted by Xenoman80 Because My Story Sucked and I Love Greetard and He is the Best and Amazingly Humourous, 'Etcetera, Etcetera, Etcetera'- Yes That is a Quote from 'The King and I' Because I Love That Movie Because I'm a Feef and Like to Watch it With My 'Girlfriend' Who, FYI, Happens to Wear the (Very Large) Pants in the Family. Did This Title Garner Enough Attention to Myself, Because It Took Along Time to Create that Story that Isn't Being Appreciated Even Though No One Cares About it Anymore Because They are All Lolligagging at Greetard's Flabbergastingly Beautiful Sig. I Wish I Could Be More Like Him. He's Like fuckin' Fabio and Shit. Also, I Cannot Type or Spell for the Life of Me. FOR THE GODDAMN LIFE OF ME."

Anyone else agree?
[quote name='xenoman80']this guys not asking for money. just the pics the asshole probably wants 2 jerk off to them. sick bastard![/quote]
Ya think?! It's my opinion that if a man wants naked pictures of women it's clearly for some kind of art project.

I'm at least 99% sure you're making this whole thing up, so good luck with that.

And btw, if he's a sick bastard for wanting to wank it to naked pictures then sir, every man is a sick, sick, dirty bastard.
For some reason, this is all I can think at this point:


[quote name='SpazX']Ya think?! It's my opinion that if a man wants naked pictures of women it's clearly for some kind of art project.[/quote]

I heard that there's easier ways of getting naked pictures of women from the internets. It may just be a rumor though.
[quote name='Grave_Addiction']Give the man what he wants.

Then post the pics here.[/QUOTE]
I can't believe it took until near the end of page 2 for somebody to say this.

reminds me of netbus - that was fun in college. Did a scan once and found a guy already infected. Uploaded a program that makes a sheep jump all over your screen. Saw the guy IMing another guy :
"Hey, Stop! You said you only wanted to test this! What's with this fucking sheep?!!?"
[quote name='xenoman80']i wish i was making this up he's sing her screen name. to contact her she has to screen names[/QUOTE]

I don't know what the fuck you just said little kid, but you're special.
[quote name='rodeojones903']I don't know what the fuck you just said little kid, but you're special.[/QUOTE]

the guy is obviously singing out her name in a passionate cry for naked pics.
[quote name='xenoman80']he also made a new screen name using her personal info.

anyway we can steal it back? he even took pictures off her computer to prove that he can. he says hes going to send those pictures to everyone on her conacts and hes going to post those pictures on the net and all over the web.
please help me dont know what to do!?[/QUOTE]

so what is this asshole's screenname. you should have his ip on file. i'm guessing he sent you an email threat (i guess he could have used the telephone, but that would disclose his identity). once you figure out his ip, you can track that ip back to him. it will probably involve some legal work (not sure what... I'm not a lawyer or anything like that) to get his internet provider to spill the beans, but there is no way he can remain anonymous forever.
bread's done