Yakuza 3 (PS3) $39.99 @ Best Buy

Buy this game! It's very good, especially the story. Good mix of seriousness and fun. And people have to buy if we want Yakuza 4 to come out.
The only thing that is related to GTA is gangs and the map I don't know why everyone keeps comparing this to GTA. I'm still disappointed that the many content was cut out from the US release, what a waste of blu-ray
a price drop is usually a good sign of a "Yakuza 3: Uncut" version of the game coming soon... Sega sees the trend in Capcom... re-releasing RE5:Gold and Super SF4
[quote name='KrazyGunner']a price drop is usually a good sign of a "Yakuza 3: Uncut" version of the game coming soon... Sega sees the trend in Capcom... re-releasing RE5:Gold and Super SF4[/QUOTE]

I think a price drop is because the game simply didn't sell well. There is no way Sega is going back through to make an Uncut one with the sales this game had... not worth the manpower or hours.
[quote name='KrazyGunner']a price drop is usually a good sign of a "Yakuza 3: Uncut" version of the game coming soon... Sega sees the trend in Capcom... re-releasing RE5:Gold and Super SF4[/QUOTE]

Very, very unlikely. They didn't do this with the first two games and really have almost never done anything like this for their other games. There just isn't enough market for the series to justify an "uncut" version and the risks and costs associated with releasing one.
[quote name='KrazyGunner']a price drop is usually a good sign of a "Yakuza 3: Uncut" version of the game coming soon... Sega sees the trend in Capcom... re-releasing RE5:Gold and Super SF4[/QUOTE]
Don't hold your breath.

This game is great, but hasn't sold very well. It has hours upon hours of story and side missions/mini games. Not sure why people bitch so much about the content that was cut out. Sega clearly had a reason for this. If they spent extra time and money on localizing that stuff, we might have not seen this game stateside.

This game is a must for any PS3 owner. I got this game at launch and haven't regreted it.
[quote name='Ferretom']Yeah, don't worry too much about the cut content guys. It sounds like a lot, but there is so much left in the game that it's pretty negligible in the end. It's the first Yakuza game I've played and I'm really loving it - there's a hilarious dynamic between teaching orphaned kids life lessons and beating thugs to death with trash cans and entire bicycles that you just don't find in Western games.[/QUOTE]

The only reason it got a western release is due to the hardcore fans and they're the only ones who will notice the missing content. They should have subtitled and shipped it.
I love the Yakuza games, bought all 3 on day 1 and I sorta cared about the hostess bars, but really really don't care about the side missions or mahjong/shogi/etc. I mainly play the games for the action and story and Y3 is fantastic in those categories.
[quote name='phantasyx']5% Bing as well dont forget![/QUOTE]

Best Buy has been missing from Bing for about a week. Haven't found any real explanations or comments as to if they'll return.
[quote name='paddlefoot']The only reason it got a western release is due to the hardcore fans and they're the only ones who will notice the missing content. They should have subtitled and shipped it.[/QUOTE]

I'm torn about it for this reason as well. Some bean counter at Sega got REALLY confused when approving a budget to localize and release this game.

It sells mostly (mainly? entirely?) to hardcore Sega fans, or hardcore fans of the series. If you don't follow the Japanese gaming scene it's likely you've never even HEARD of Yakuza. Yet they turn around and then start cutting content that was made a pretty big deal about -- to the same crowd who are the ONLY people who will buy the game.

It's classic Sega ineptness.

That said, I want to buy it, but it should've released at $40 to start with, and not against a bunch of super strong releases.
[quote name='the7k']Remember folks, they didn't just cut mahjong, shogi and running a hostess bar (which in Y2, was enough playtime to constitute it's own game) - they also took out many missions, which results in a disjointed experience. Some of those missions gave massive experience bonuses as well, which means that the Western version is much more grind-heavy than the original.

Besides, it's not the content getting cut that hurts - it's the REASON the content was cut. "Wouldn't resonate with a western audience." Bullcrap. How about you let ME decide what will resonate with me? If I don't like it, I can ignore it - rather than have it flat-out denied to me. Are we back in 16-bit era, where everything has to be censored so as not to offend us wide-eyed Westerners?

Regardless, I might pick it up at this price. I was fully intending to buy this game, I just wasn't going to pay the full amount unless it was a full experience.[/QUOTE]

Who cares about you? You're not the typical Western gamer. It's not about censoring but about Westerners not giving a shit about it. As a Westerner, I can tell you I don't give a shit about mahjong, shogi, or hostess clubs. Go back to your anime and pachinko.
[quote name='gettinmoney662']Who cares about you? You're not the typical Western gamer. It's not about censoring but about Westerners not giving a shit about it. As a Westerner, I can tell you I don't give a shit about mahjong, shogi, or hostess clubs. Go back to your anime and pachinko.[/QUOTE]

lol. Who care about you? I certainly don't give a shit.

anyways, might pick this up. i wasn't too big on the demo, but it seems really interesting.
[quote name='thedragon']I see what you're getting at, waiting for a price cut is justifiable, I'm just against an all out boycott, that seems excessive in my book[/QUOTE]

I'm against the boycotting because it will kill any chance of future Sega titles from Japan being released and also the Yakuza series.

I saw alot of people bitching about MW2 but I don't see anyone boycotting their garbage Stimulus Package DLC.
[quote name='Justin42']I'm torn about it for this reason as well. Some bean counter at Sega got REALLY confused when approving a budget to localize and release this game.

It sells mostly (mainly? entirely?) to hardcore Sega fans, or hardcore fans of the series. If you don't follow the Japanese gaming scene it's likely you've never even HEARD of Yakuza. Yet they turn around and then start cutting content that was made a pretty big deal about -- to the same crowd who are the ONLY people who will buy the game.

It's classic Sega ineptness.

That said, I want to buy it, but it should've released at $40 to start with, and not against a bunch of super strong releases.[/QUOTE]

I think it was a matter of revamping what they're doing to a new demographic and trying to sell to the masses. Games rarely thrive on niche markets especially markets as fickle as the US gaming market. They've learned from past experience unfortunately it didn't pan out on top of that they released the game at a terrible time because a couple of big titles were released around the same time.

Remember a game called Shenmue? Remember how it was highly rated and widely accepted as a very good game by it's niche community. Yet at the same time it sold horribly and didn't come anywhere close to recouping it's production cost for both Shenmue 1 and 2.
[quote name='Naramie']Try out the demo if you can it gives you an overall idea of how it plays out. Not for everyone it shares some similarities with Shenmue.[/QUOTE]

but Shenmue is still way better. it bugs me that they don't want to finish the Shenmue series due to funding (supposely) but yet have fundings keep this series go on and on. :(
[quote name='mmazurik']I was interested in this as another GTA type game until I heard that they didn't bother to add English voice work.[/QUOTE]
Why the fuck do people keep thinking Yakuza is a GTA-esque game? From my understanding that's a big reason it sells poorly in the US cause people think "GTA set in Japan, pass."

What makes people think that? You can't drive in Yakuza, you can't beat up bi-standers (only the enemies which you encounter), and the open-world isn't as large or elaborate as GTA. Yakuza is a brawler, nothing more, nothing less.

Seriously, HOW can people think Yakuza is a GTA ripoff?
[quote name='Naramie']I think it was a matter of revamping what they're doing to a new demographic and trying to sell to the masses. Games rarely thrive on niche markets especially markets as fickle as the US gaming market. They've learned from past experience unfortunately it didn't pan out on top of that they released the game at a terrible time because a couple of big titles were released around the same time.

Remember a game called Shenmue? Remember how it was highly rated and widely accepted as a very good game by it's niche community. Yet at the same time it sold horribly and didn't come anywhere close to recouping it's production cost for both Shenmue 1 and 2.[/QUOTE]

So cutting content out suddenly makes a game about playing as a Japanese gangster in an open world more appealing?

I don't understand how the cuts make the game "better". If they had totally revamped the game, changed the engine, changed the plot, etc, I would see your point. This was a cost cutting move, pure and simple. It had nothing to do with making the game more appealing to anyone.

Basically, by cutting the game, they cut its appeal to the very group of people who were GUARANTEED to buy it, and made it no more appealing to a group that's ignored 2 games that have already come out.
And now to the cut content which is thrown around whenever the game is mentioned, off putting them. But I bet MOST of the people who feel put off by it don't even know WHAT the cut content is. Let's review:

- Mahjong mini-game. Know how to play mahjong? No? Well, there you go.
- Hostess Bars. For those who never played a Yakuza game lemme explain what a Hostess bar is: You sit down with a girl and talk, she asks you questions which gives you an option to choose an answer, one boosts her heart, one lessens it. You order food and drinks, and you can give her gifts, then you get a bill after she's done with you. To sum it up, it's like a dating sim, but you don't get any after all the time and effort. Yeah...
- Japanese history test: Pretty self explanatory.

All of that is basically garbage, all the "good" parts of the game are still there guys. If these things were what drew you to the Yakuza series, then you my friend, have horrible tastes. It's whiny little bitches like this that ruins it for everyone, we probably won't get Yakuza 4+ because of this. Give yourselves a round of applause.
[quote name='JaxMoney']I see this game dropping another $10 in the near future[/QUOTE]

I feel the same way you do, though I would have bought this yesterday if not for the fact I can't get a Bing Cashback offer from Best Buy (was hoping for the 5% LCD TV exploit, but no dice).

Heavy Rain, GOWIII, and others keep me from settling for $39.99. $29.99 will be here before you know it.
in addition, 22 side missions were cut... whatevers...

I'm probably going to just get it at $20... still don't know about this whole controversy
keep in mind some of the sub stories that were cut were as brief as a couple minutes (such as interacting with a person, then walking down the street and interacting with another person. substory over). some are very short, others are longer and more intricate. theres 101 substories in this version (i think). plenty of content to be had, and not just a pointless time-sink. rather than spending 20 hours walking down a linear path, in this game you fully explore and interact with an interesting city and the people in it.

its also nothing like gta, as people have pointed out. its also got alot of rpg elements to it, such as inventory management, random battles, weapon forging, if youre into that. i dont think the demo is a very good indication of the game, so id check out some youtube vids to see if youll like the pacing or not. the combat might also seem too simple at first glance, but theres a ton at youre disposal by the time youve unlocked most of the moves you can do.
[quote name='MPoWeRM3']but Shenmue is still way better. it bugs me that they don't want to finish the Shenmue series due to funding (supposely) but yet have fundings keep this series go on and on. :([/QUOTE]

It's because they spent $70 million producing the first two games and barely recouped any of it after all was said and done. Yeah it sucks, I'd love to see a Shenmue sequel but it will probably not happen.
[quote name='MPoWeRM3']but Shenmue is still way better. it bugs me that they don't want to finish the Shenmue series due to funding (supposely) but yet have fundings keep this series go on and on. :([/QUOTE]

Because this game actually makes money?
[quote name='KrazyGunner']yeah... the cut content makes it an easy platinum, doesn't it?[/QUOTE]

no lol. it's still one of the most time consuming plats out there.
you'd be fools not to get this game at $40. i dumped 80+ hours into it and got 65% of the trophies. missing missions/hostess clubs or not, the game is fantastic in every sense.
[quote name='TypeSH']you'd be fools not to get this game at $40.[/QUOTE]I remember last month someone said it'd be foolish to not buy Demon's Souls when it first hit $40 and yet a few weeks later it could be had for $25 with a bonus $10 gift certificate.

Yakuza 1 & 2 weren't hard to find at $20 each brand new a few months after their releases. This game has been out for two months and is already 33% off. It would seem foolish to not wait another couple of months and get this one for $20-$30.
[quote name='KrazyGunner']yeah... the cut content makes it an easy platinum, doesn't it?[/QUOTE]

yup, compared to the japanese version. the quiz game that was cut was extremely difficult, even for some fluent speakers from what i read. this version is very do-able, but will take around 60-80 hours on average to platinum. the only thing difficult about it is the minigames, since the cpu is very cheap at times.
Got this game at full. Def worth the bang for your buck

LOL at people saying the price will drop ... no sh!t sherlock

Get this game if you dont have a backlog, this game will give you 40hrs easy
[quote name='Thrinn']I remember last month someone said it'd be foolish to not buy Demon's Souls when it first hit $40 and yet a few weeks later it could be had for $25 with a bonus $10 gift certificate.

Yakuza 1 & 2 weren't hard to find at $20 each brand new a few months after their releases. This game has been out for two months and is already 33% off. It would seem foolish to not wait another couple of months and get this one for $20-$30.[/QUOTE]

Just don't wait TOO long.... Took me a long time to find a complete, working Yakuza 2 recently, and it was still over MSRP with shipping. Yakuza 1 isn't nearly that rare though.
[quote name='Dead of Knight']Just don't wait TOO long.... Took me a long time to find a complete, working Yakuza 2 recently, and it was still over MSRP with shipping. Yakuza 1 isn't nearly that rare though.[/QUOTE]

Yakuza 3 seems to have pretty wide distribution. I know Toys R Us, Best Buy and a number of regional retailers like Fry's all stock it. That wasn't the case with Yakuza 2.
Great. They had it at my BestBuy so I picked it up with $20 rz cert for total $21.50. lol @ the cashier who said 'oh yeah, that's like GTA in Japan.' haha, but wow 5gig install, im gonna have to uninstall something big like fallout 3 or re5gold before I install this...
[quote name='Naramie']It's because they spent $70 million producing the first two games and barely recouped any of it after all was said and done. Yeah it sucks, I'd love to see a Shenmue sequel but it will probably not happen.[/QUOTE]

[quote name='Dead of Knight']Because this game actually makes money?[/QUOTE]

[quote name='whoknows']And is also better in every way.[/QUOTE]

They spent $70 million on Shenmue for a reason and it truly shows in quality. Yakuza on the other hand doesn't come close with the cost of development and quality. Some of you will argue Yakuza's better. It's because you like the gangsta theme and story line better (more modern). If you view the two series based on contents and cinematic experience, you'll see Shenmue is still superior.
[quote name='MPoWeRM3']They spent $70 million on Shenmue for a reason and it truly shows in quality. Yakuza on the other hand doesn't come close with the cost of development and quality. Some of you will argue Yakuza's better. It's because you like the gangsta theme and story line better (more modern). If you view the two series based on contents and cinematic experience, you'll see Shenmue is still superior.[/QUOTE]
That's nice, but Shenmue didn't make money. You were bitching about why another Shenmue hasn't been made. We gave you the answer and you continue to bitch.
[quote name='Dead of Knight']That's nice, but Shenmue didn't make money. You were bitching about why another Shenmue hasn't been made. We gave you the answer and you continue to bitch.[/QUOTE]

Obvious you are looking for a fight with this kind of response. If anything, you are the bitch. You even call youself super bitch and it shows.
[quote name='Naramie']I think it was a matter of revamping what they're doing to a new demographic and trying to sell to the masses. Games rarely thrive on niche markets especially markets as fickle as the US gaming market. They've learned from past experience unfortunately it didn't pan out on top of that they released the game at a terrible time because a couple of big titles were released around the same time.

Remember a game called Shenmue? Remember how it was highly rated and widely accepted as a very good game by it's niche community. Yet at the same time it sold horribly and didn't come anywhere close to recouping it's production cost for both Shenmue 1 and 2.[/QUOTE]

Demon Souls is niche and its sold very well, Sega chose to target the masses when it was the hardcore crowd that petitioned for Yakuza 3, it was just another dumb decision that backfired on them and its no surprise their US branch is being closed
bread's done