YMMV- Gamestop and Best Buy are receiving NES Classics. UPDATED

i was able to get one at my local best buy.  I was #11 and they had a total of 15.  The employee said after today they are removing it from their system, not sure if there is truth to this.  

i was able to get one at my local best buy. I was #11 and they had a total of 15. The employee said after today they are removing it from their system, not sure if there is truth to this.
Pretty sure he's telling the truth. I mean the month ends soon, and it's discontinued after April.
Can I get a check for stores 20 and 21? Thanks!

Sorry if I missed this but am I correct in assuming that the numbers being posted are the qty the store received and not the qty in stock?

I got one, my store had 7. They handed out tickets around 9:30, said that was it, and like 10 people left. Next a couple of older ladies came up, we told them they only had 7 but the didn't believe us I guess, so stayed. Then no one would tell anyone else and there were probably 30 or 40 people in line at open.

I grabbed one of those Insignia controllers too. I like how it looks aside from their logo. The black and white is pretty sharp. Feels decent, though I probably won't hook up the NES for a day or two to try it. It does have a 10' cord.

Welps the misses was off by 3 peoples, she said a family of 4 got them, she thought it was 1 per household.  Lol.  Dang she witnessed scalpers for the first time.  She said "kids" were with the parent, so gonna ask her how old were the "kids" later.

Edit:  she said the kids looks like they were 10 year olds.  Lol.  Ah well.  Happy for those kids, they get their own.

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Thanks. Not worth the 45 minute drive.

I actually already have mine... I picked it up Easter Sunday at Walmart using brickseek. But since then, my family members and friends have got the fever so I've been on the hunt with a decent amount of success (I scored 2 the next day, one for my mom and the other as a wedding gift for my brother), but I'd say it's all winding down.

I know there's still eBay but I absolutely refuse to pay a cent over MSRP + taxes just because some asshats want to make money. My NES nostalgia is not worth a few hundred dollars, especially since there are other affordable (or free) ways to play cartridges, build systems, or emulate games.

Enigma if you would be so kind as to check stores 162, 279, 1050 and 271. Thank you so much
0, 0, 0 (but it shows 7 as unavailable for some reason), 0

Store 2512 and 230 please.
0, 5

Can I get a check for stores 20 and 21? Thanks!

Sorry if I missed this but am I correct in assuming that the numbers being posted are the qty the store received and not the qty in stock?
0, and sort of. RSS updated a bit ago, so as of 30-45 minutes ago, the numbers I've been posting should be "current" stock. These numbers do NOT account for tickets that are still out and need redeemed, however.
I grabbed a ticket around 8am and went home. Went I got back at 9:55 there were people waiting in line although a sign said all tickets were handed out.

Here's where it gets interesting:
A guy at the front of the line -but important detail here, was without a ticket-, goes to Store Pickup and flat out demands a NES Classic. He was going on about "Standards of Practice" which according to him dictated they couldn't hand out tickets when there was nothing on their website about it or press release or anything. I do wish stores were more transparent about these things too but I don't think having tickets violates Standards of Practice, which I'm not really sure is a real thing or not. If it is I can all but guarantee it doesn't apply here.

Then the guy is going off about the diverse crowd there...not sure what he meant by diverse and I have no idea how this helped his point. As far as diversity there was this angry guy, a biker guy (also angry but letting the other guy do the talking), a dad holding a toddler a Mom with her 7 year old kid, about 7 regular looking males, a husband/wife duo, and an old guy who wasn't there for NES at all. And we were all white...so not sure where this diversity is coming from since it was mostly white males. I know diversity isn't always about race or gender but the crowd looked pretty "regular" to me.

He starts recording on his phone, to which the worker says she can't help him anymore if he is recording. He says it's his right to in this state (is it? I dunno). The guy holding the 2 year old calmly tells the guy he's being unreasonable and scary, to which the guy denies. He tells him to call his senator and the angry guy insisted he will. The dad guy checks out and tells him "alright, well call Al Franken then he'll help". This ordeal held up the line for 5 minutes...

Funny thing is, he ended up buying a generic controller and exstwnsion cable. I got a scalper vibe from the argumentative/angry guy for what it's worth. If he truly wants one for his own, I hope later he realizes he sounded like an idiot and yes, scary. I am happy to have one finally but have been in this guy's position before and felt disappointed. I didn't take it out on the workers though or create a hostile environment for everyone else however. Really neat to have and worth $60 but not worth being a jerk about in the grand scheme of things.
It's supposed to be but I've never ever seen this enforced anywhere.
I see. The way I see it, if you're in line, you should get one. But maybe each person must have their own form of payment and can't use their daddy's unless it's cash, lol, oh well.

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Misses did take a picture of the line when she first got in line.  After tickets were handing out and talking to the person in front of her, the person told her that people cut the line prior to the ticket hand out.  I guess she didn't see this, she said if she saw it she would've said something.  So she's going to try to show BBY that people cut the line by showing the picture.  Her phone is at 1% though.  Oh man.  I told her to just let it be since no one enforces the line and tickets were already handed out.

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