You know Nintendo is doing something right when...


3 (100%)
you walk past a donut shop ten o'clock at night and see 2 old guys (60+) playing Wii 5 hours past closing, and smiling and laughing.

Discuss any experiences or strange things you have seen Wii related.
[quote name='Dingleberry']pics plz[/QUOTE]
Alas maybe I should have, but whats weirder, 2 old dudes having fun with a video game console when they should be sleeping, or the guy taking the picture of them from outside?
I would take pictures just because it's something funny that no one else has seen....but maybe that's just me.
My mom asking me to play Wii Bowling. She had heard it was fun from her sister (my cousin has a Wii also).

Yea...she beat me her first time playing :whistle2:/

fuck you nintendo

I'm really excited about the Wii, haven't be able to find one, yet.. Hopefully in the next few weeks. Reason is, I having been trying to get my Wife into VideoGames for years. Tryed everything from Harvest Moon -to- Nintendogs.

Wii is the 1st Videogame related thing she has ever been interested at, Yay!
[quote name='rodeojones903']That is what scares me the most about the wii. I don't want Nintendo trying so hard to get the non gamer that they forget the gamer.[/QUOTE]

I just wanted to document this being the first occurance of the new #1 criticism of the Wii from Sony fanboys come March. No, rodeojones is not a fanboy in the sense that we all use the word fanboy. He's a well thought out poster who probably has excellent hygeine as well. I'm just saying that the less enlightened posters will hammer away with this point over the next six months or so the same way "LOL GRAFIX AND GIMMICK CONTROLLER" was pre-Wii launch and "Zelda doesn't count, warez da gamez?" is right now.
The Wii just sucked in a whole new world of gamers that would of otherwise turned away. I love the Wii and believe Nintendo turned the "game watcher" into the "game player" with the Wii and the DS Lite.
I like that gaming is beign more well recieved by older people... I want to paly games when im 30 without being too ridiculed.
[quote name='help1']I like that gaming is beign more well recieved by older people... I want to paly games when im 30 without being too ridiculed.[/quote]

Well, my Grandma suggesting, "Oh, we could play that bowling game again!" after Thanksgiving dinner.

Or the email from my Dad after Christmas. Two short sentences saying, "Glad you could come. Nice to have the family together." And then a paragraph about how he loved the Wii, had so much fun with it, and if I could help him get one, he'd love to have it for his Super Bowl party. I managed to score him one at Walmart and he got it yesterday via UPS, but he was willing to pay the scalpers' prices on eBay for it he liked it so much. I don't think he really played games since the Atari 2600. It's like I'm in some sort of weird alternate dimension where my whole family loves playing video games.

I'm scared.
[quote name='seanr1221']My mom asking me to play Wii Bowling. She had heard it was fun from her sister (my cousin has a Wii also).

Yea...she beat me her first time playing :whistle2:/

fuck you nintendo


My mother-in-law bowled a 201 her first time. I almost threw the controller in frustration.
We advanced gamers are too critical in how we play. If we just relax and use the basic schematics we should score fairly well.
My dad kills me in the fitness age part because I over do it. :) I score a 68 while he scores a 25 playing all slow and easy.

This in deed is the greatest family get together experience ever!!
My dad got me into video games when I was 4, and that was back in "communist" (socialist) Russia, in the institute of applied sciences of the academy of the ussr. We played Space Quest together, trying to solve puzzles. I was four, and I did not speak a single word of English back then.

Hadn't played games with mi padre ever since before 1996, that is UNTIL the Wii came out... I recall giving him the GameCube controller to enjoy a quiet game (quiet is a bit of a sarcastic term here) of WarioWare and him being very happy that he could easily remember where the A button was. Attempts to get him into Smash Bros. and MarioParty were met with disdain since he didn't feel like getting aquainted with the controller - something that I've noticed to be a universal fear in adults.

He was skeptical of the remote, though I've briefed him quite a bit on the nature of Wii one time over an hour-long drive to Houston one day, and he thought that the remote idea was "great in theory." (This was before the Wii was out). He picked it up with obvious dissapointment, that there were buttons on it, the names for which he always has troubles remembering. Usually, he gives a game a try, laughs and says "well, that's cool" and goes back to drinking tea, beer, wine, coffee, and scribbling his damn formulas.

We played Tennis for a little bit, but asking him if he wants to play it again, he said "yeah, I'll kick your ass this time." I've not heard my dad threated to kick my ass ever since I stopped making Cs in 9th grade. Even mom expressed her interest to "try it when you don't have all your friends watching me."

That said, both of my parents are long-time gamers, though very much of recreational and "puzzle" oriented variety (something that I guess is genetic). Sure, they don't pwn zombies in Zelda, but they also been relying to computer games as their way to have fun ever since I remember myself. Most of the titles are rather obscure, and an amazing variety of those games are Russian, or really weird european stuff, so I guess it isn't -that- much of a surprise that they "felt" the Wii controller. However, it is a joy to see them instantly understand how things are controlled, and upon closer inspection both have expressed the need to have a 'more serious' one-to-one relationship between the motion in the physical world and the game. In other words, both of my parental figures went from "wtf?" to "l33t gamerz" in a matter of 5 minute round of a Wii Sport of their choice.

That, and my dad thought his Mii looked cooler than mine because his has a "bitching mustache." Coming from a quantum optics PhD, it is a fact.
my dad who never plays video games (long ago he had an atari addiction and so swore them off)... any way he must have played about 5 rounds of 18 hole golf just for starters (with different family memebers of course, but that's alot of gaming for him).

also how everyone who came over for christmas just had to try my wii (i brought it home for christmas so everyone could see it, and me thinks my dad was sad to see it go).

oh and as a side note 2 of my brothers are now looking into buying themselves wii's
bread's done