You OTT to drink more Kool-Aid... ohhhhhhhhhh yeah!

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102 (100%)

This video is so awesome it deserves its own OTT.

Props go to Brak!
In other news, I finally threw Gears of War into the 360, and the first time you meet the wretches freaked me the fuck out.

Approves of thread title
hah, great video, heres some of mine

[quote name='Roufuss']In other news, I finally threw Gears of War into the 360, and the first time you meet the wretches freaked me the fuck out.[/quote]nice OTT.
You up for some co-op in GoW?
[quote name='LiquidNight']nice OTT.
You up for some co-op in GoW?[/QUOTE]

Maybe a little later, I haven't even passed Chapter 1 yet and I've had the game the day it came out ;)

I was about to pop in Dead Rising... another game I bought the day it came out and never played.
[quote name='Roufuss']Maybe a little later, I haven't even passed Chapter 1 yet and I've had the game the day it came out ;)

I was about to pop in Dead Rising... another game I bought the day it came out and never played.[/QUOTE]

You are worse than I am! I have 11 360 games and the only one I have beaten is Smackdown. Don't plan on getting too many more games for months though and have enough to keep me content.
[quote name='Roufuss']Maybe a little later, I haven't even passed Chapter 1 yet and I've had the game the day it came out ;)

I was about to pop in Dead Rising... another game I bought the day it came out and never played.[/quote]alright, cool, I'll send you a friend request.
I've been trying to find people to play co-op with on hard core and insane because I got it late and most people have already finished up.
[quote name='CaseyRyback']You are worse than I am! I have 11 360 games and the only one I have beaten is Smackdown. Don't plan on getting too many more games for months though and have enough to keep me content.[/QUOTE]

Oh, believe me, I was going to go flip games at Rhino for more 360 games and I realized I have too many as it is.

Here's the ones I have that I've beaten 100% (or unlocked everything):

Smackdown 2007
Saints Row
Dead or Alive 4
Fight Night Round 3

Here's the ones I have that I need to play:

Gears of War (long ways to go)
Marvel Ultimate Alliance (halfway through)
Tony Hawk's Project 8 (same)
Dead Rising (didn't start)
Tomb Rader: Legend (beat it on PC, rebought for 360 cause it was cheap)
Full Auto (got for cheap, never played)
Madden 07 (might just sell it, didn't go too into it)
NFS: Most Wanted (got it cheap, didn't play it yet)
Condemned (same)
Oblivion (same... well, I put an hour into it, played it alot on PC though)
Viva Pinata (got for free from a trade-in deal, haven't yet played)

So yea, I got quite the list to go through. I might trade in a few games... EB stopped that trade 2 360 games get a 360 game for $10 didn't they?

I'm thinking of dumping Full Auto and Tomb Raider for something newer, like FEAR, NFS Carbon, or Rainbow Six Vegas. I'll probably end up selling Madden on Ebay.

Those are really the only three games I want right now that are out that I don't have.
Wish I could afford a 360 at the moment. I guess I technically can, but I would be 100% poor. I guess I'll stick with my ps2 for now.

I'm not too fond of the OTT title simply because they have a thread for those already, but it's still funny.

So bored...
[quote name='Eviltude']Wish I could afford a 360 at the moment. I guess I technically can, but I would be 100% poor. I guess I'll stick with my ps2 for now.

I'm not too fond of the OTT title simply because they have a thread for those already, but it's still funny.

So bored...[/quote]

Same here. Let's not get into the money discussion again.. :lol:

Come on, Evil. Drink the Kool-Aid. :D
[quote name='HumanSnatcher']I swear, I'm flipping out right now...[/quote]

I suggest going shopping? ;)

(Don't kill me!)
I'm broke as a joke after BF...

Even though there is no need at all for the landlords to come up here, I'm still paranoid as all fuck. They better know that before they enter the place for any type of mainteince(sp?) or even an inspection, they have to give at least a 24 hour notice
Tiph, you don't have a 360 yet either?

Human - Chill out a bit. Go find your roomie's pipe and calm down for about 15 minutes lol.
Man, this sucks. I was all hyped cause the newspaper said we'd be getting the Bears/Patriots game, which should be awesome, especially since I'm a Pats fan. I turn Fox on at 4:15 and what game do I see......Titans/Giants. Damn me living near NYC!
[quote name='Eviltude']Tiph, you don't have a 360 yet either?

Human - Chill out a bit. Go find your roomie's pipe and calm down for about 15 minutes lol.[/quote]

I'm paranoid that they'd smell the weed...that and it would make me even more paranoid...

I swear, I just hate this place. I wish we could find a place for cheap near here that has enough room for all of us, and would allow us to have our animals. Be nice to rent a house, but I'm thinking that unless we go thru an rental property locator we won't find one for less than 1200 bucks a month...even between 4 people that is way too much for us...
In other news, I still haven't finished cleaning my office, am only about halfway done with laundry and still haven't drawn the comic I thumbnailed nor have I written the column I was supposed to from about a week ago.

For some reason, I just cannot keep my eyes open today. I got about seven hours of sleep, which is a lot for me, but I'm so tired I don't feel like doing anything that involves moving and breathing at the same time.

Maybe it's some delayed turkey overdose reaction...
[quote name='Eviltude']Tiph, you don't have a 360 yet either?

Human - Chill out a bit. Go find your roomie's pipe and calm down for about 15 minutes lol.[/QUOTE]

If you smoke while you're paranoid you're just going to get more paranoid.
Yeah I can't think of too many places that are cheap around here that aren't ghetto as hell. My brother lives out in P-Town @ Townpointe RD and his rent is like 800 for a 2 bedroom, 2 bath. It's a really nice place and it's right near the border to Suffolk so it's a really nice area.
[quote name='Eviltude']Tiph, you don't have a 360 yet either?[/quote]

No. :[ Wanna buy me a Christmas present? :lol:
This is a nice OTT, if I do say so myself. (And I just did.)
[quote name='Hex']No. :[ Wanna buy me a Christmas present? :lol:[/QUOTE]
Secret Santa Anna Wind-Driven Wild-Fires Batman! I will probably buy one before Christmas though. You should splurge and do the same.
Heheee ... someone just made a thread on the main page featuring pictures of Britney Spears nekkid. I wonder how long until it disappears and the OP is banned.
360 is awesome, and I really don't have many games (only 15 I think) and I enjoy it every day.

Almost every game on the system is built to where you can play it for 15 minutes or 5 hours, depending on how long you have.

Most games I play for like 20 min at a time... don't need a giant time commitment.
[quote name='Eviltude']Yeah I can't think of too many places that are cheap around here that aren't ghetto as hell. My brother lives out in P-Town @ Townpointe RD and his rent is like 800 for a 2 bedroom, 2 bath. It's a really nice place and it's right near the border to Suffolk so it's a really nice area.[/quote]

Yeah, thats the Churchland area. Pretty nice area..hell, I think its the only decent part of Portsmouth. Kinda what we need is a 4 bedroom. Seeing as in VA you have to have a room for each person, or something like that. Seeing as all my room mates work in the Greenbriar area and I have to hlep my parents a lot, who are about 10 mins from there, it'd be in our best interest to find a place close to where we all ready are
[quote name='Maklershed']It appears that post I mentioned is gone already[/QUOTE]
Were they photoshops!?
I want to move out pretty bad, the problem is a) finding a good roommate I can trust and... well, that's pretty much it.

Everytime I'm ready to move out, some shit always happens that's out of my control.

Was going to move out two years, got into a bad car accident and lost my job (couldn't work for like a year).

Was going to move out last year around this time and I got laid off.

Was going to move out a few months ago with my ex and she dumped me.

I don't think I can really afford a place by myself around here.
[quote name='Eviltude']Secret Santa Anna Wind-Driven Wild-Fires Batman! I will probably buy one before Christmas though. You should splurge and do the same.[/quote]

For myself? If I have money after buying people stuff, maybe.

[quote name='shrike4242']Don't want much, do you? :rofl:[/quote]

Hey, $300 is a lot. From the 'rents I'm asking for a handun, and that's all. :x
[quote name='karsh']Man, this sucks. I was all hyped cause the newspaper said we'd be getting the Bears/Patriots game, which should be awesome, especially since I'm a Pats fan. I turn Fox on at 4:15 and what game do I see......Titans/Giants. Damn me living near NYC![/quote]

At this rate, they'll switch. When it's 48 to 0, they won't want people to change the channel, so they'll turn on the bears game.
[quote name='Roufuss']( Moving Out Stuff )[/QUOTE]
Yeah. I gotta move up outta this piece, as well.

I don't know what I'd do with my cayut, but I'd miss him pretty bad if I had to leave him with my parents.

But, yeah; it's hard to explain, but I feel creatively / artistically hindered living at my parents house. I really feel that if I moved out, I'd work on my drawing and shorts films a lot more.
[quote name='Brak']Yeah. I gotta move up outta this piece, as well.

I don't know what I'd do with my cayut, but I'd miss him pretty bad if I had to leave him with my parents.

But, yeah; it's hard to explain, but I feel creatively / artistically hindered living at my parents house. I really feel that if I moved out, I'd work on my drawing and shorts films a lot more.[/QUOTE]

Yea, I'm starting to feel stifled as well.

Don't get me wrong, my parents are great, espically my Mom... they don't really bother me, I get along with them great, but I'm just getting that feeling like it's time to go.

Gonna try and get two jobs or so in Jan so I can completely pay off all of my bills and work on getting my own place. The only problem is finding a decent roommate who I can trust.
I was going to move out this summer, but the house my friend bought is too far away from everything. Hopefully I'll be out of debt my next spring/summer, and then I can start looking around. [quote name='Roufuss']I don't think I can really afford a place by myself around here.[/QUOTE] Then go somewhere else. Find your muse/intestinal parasite. :lol:
[quote name='sblymnlcrymnl']Then go somewhere else. Find your muse/intestinal parasite. :lol:[/QUOTE]


I can't afford Mexico either ;)
[quote name='Brak']Were they photoshops!?[/quote]
Without question.

Said OP of the thread is already banned and said thread is gone.
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