Your favorite Platinum Trophy experience PS3


10 (100%)
It hasn't been too long since I've moved over to gaming on the PS3 (from prev. gen) so the whole trophies concept is still very novel to me. I'm not so much worried about the whole "level" system, but it is nice to have an indication of having totally completed a game.

How seriously to you take your trophies? Is it worth trying to platinum every game you own? My first PS3 game was GOW3 and it took me just a few days to platinum, and FFXIII (which I'm currently playing) seems like it can be done in one playthrough.

Are most games this easy to platinum or do they vary hugely? Are there any games you particularly enjoying getting a platinum trophy for? Any recommendations? Thanks and please feel free to send me a buddy request on psn. ;)
Final Fantasy 13....easy to platinum? I put forth the effort to plat it, and it took me ~ 80 hours to do so...many of those hours being spent grinding for money. And 80 hours is on the Fast side of things...there are many people that take over 100 hours to plat it.

Of the games I got platinum on, LittleBigPlanet was probably the most fun. There was never any grinding, and most were easily obtainable with a bit of skill and a bit of luck.
My favorite Platinum is easily Mirror's Edge since some of the Time Trials are especially tough and very satisfying once completed. Stage 2 Time Attack I'm looking at you.
I usually only go for trophies in games I truly enjoy, otherwise I more or less ignore them. Rock Band 2, Infamous, and Final Fantasy 13 are the only games I have that I will try to platinum at some point. Although I haven't gotten platinum just quite yet, Rock Band 2 has been my favorite experience thus far (100% a song on drums on expert is the only trophy I can't easily get of the ones I'm missing >.
Batman: Arkham Asylum and Fallout 3 were my favorite to Platinum so far.

My least favorites to Platinum were probably Infamous and Assassin's Creed 2 - though the only things making them my least favorite are the feather and shard collecting other than that I loved both games. Also, Alone in the Dark: Inferno, just because it was fucking terrible.
[quote name='blaked569']the must tedious (but rewarding) platinum trophy EVER has got to be shooting all the Ga-Ko ducks in MGS4, ugh[/QUOTE]

What? MGS4 doesn't have trophies? Unless you mean like in-game trophies.

Favorite Platinum was Modern Warfare 2. The story mode was enjoyable, but the Spec Ops was awesome. Just wish they had more Spec Ops missions.

Was 1 trophy (hard mode) away from Platinum Wolverine, but I was so damn bored with that game already.
Fallout 3 for being such a long game. Also WipEout HD for its difficulty. Of course I only have 3 Platinum trophies. :lol:
Dead Space and Fallout were very easy but fun. FFXIII isn't very hard, just takes a long time. My favorites have gotta be Demon's Souls and Disgaea 3 because there was so much to do and they were still fun after playing for 150+ hours.

Oh and Killzone 2 was a pretty good one because of the top 1% online and elite mode trophies.
[quote name='Whambamm']My favorite Platinum is easily Mirror's Edge since some of the Time Trials are especially tough and very satisfying once completed. Stage 2 Time Attack I'm looking at you.[/QUOTE]

Same here. I absolutely loved every second of Mirror's Edge. I played through it originally on PC, then picked it up again on PS3. The time trials and speed runs were awesome.
Prince of Persia (the one with Elika as the female character), great game, my first platinum too. The other ones are God of War Collection and GoWIII, of course, U: DF and U2:AT. Too bad that R&C:ToD doesn't have trophies, i never finished that game. R&C:ACiT was pretty fun to play for Platinum.

IMO, people don't count "kid games" as legitimate platinum-worthy are wrong! While the games might not be fun/polished/balanced, but some of trophies are equally anal. I gave up the platinum on G-Force, it's freaking insane!

I happen to platinum Planet 51, people said it was easy platinum. Well, good luck! That kids' game is freaking insane to plat... Partly because it was broken and mostly because it's quite anal.

Most fun and enjoyed platinum (hard, but ultimately rewarding):
GoW Collection (flawless column climbing and the Challenges)
GoW III (aMAZEd and annoying Zeus, or even Hades)
PoP (annoying complete combo perfectionist, the Epilogue is more difficult, i completed that too, 100% :))
U: DF (crushing mode :whistle2:()
U2:AT (again Crushing mode, but there's a cheat)
R&C:ACiT (blaster runs hot, annoying... but it's a lot easier on EASY, duh)
Heavy Rain (super sweet to plat, love it... Perfect Crime is a bitch though and i hate to kill Madison a number of time on purpose :whistle2:()
SAW (i'm actually one of the few liked the game, thank goodness that you don't need to beat it on hardcore mode, i'm not sure how hard is it, but the later puzzles require more time and thinking)
Dante's Inferno (easy to plat and fairly fun till the end... i haven't play the DLC yet).

By far the easiest to platinum are (somewhat boring, but satisfying platties):
Hannah Montana
Trivial Pursuit
Where the Wild Things Are

Mediocre (not very fun, but satisfying to plat):
Saga Collection (US and EU versions have different trophy folders, so technically you can have two platinum trophies of the same game)
Terminator Salvation (it's a quite broken game, not hard, but broken game)
Planet 51 (anal anal anal - AI in the last racing task cheats like hell and then there's that Chuck can't make mistake mission, sigh, worse than Kratos' Challenges)
Ice Age DoD (anal anal anal - the egg rolling is rigged, the timer goes on while the game loads! You will need perfection to achieve the goal)

Mundane platinum, but i like it:
Dynasty Empire (sigh, so repetitive... thank goodness that you don't have to all of the objectives)
Star Wars FU - with all of the DLCs too (broken :whistle2:()
Star Wars CW RH (so broken :whistle2:()

Games i haven't plat yet, but will one day:
Darksiders (good game, still haven't finish it yet)
Bayonetta (also a good game, but i suck at Witch Time)
inFamous (collecting shards and stunts, i hate those)
Tomb Raider Underworld (collecting treasures, sigh, i hate those)
Legends of WM (almost there, the final gold trophy is quite anal)

Games I probably will not plat:
Burnout Paradise (hate on-line trophies)

Like i've said before, trophies are more addictive than achievements simply because of the Platinum Trophy! 100% completion in achievement is 1000 points, but in trophy terms, it's almost like extra reward for 100%. So, ten platinum trophies is pretty much 10,000 achievement points.

As for leveling up in the PSN community, man, it gets really tough after level 15... My goal is level 20, but it looks like there's a lot of work ahead :lol:
none of the because in the end for many games getting a platinum become a damn grind. hell i feel bad for anyone who is trying to get one now with u2 with al the damn trophies theyve added recently its almost impossible to get a plat in that now.
[quote name='lokizz']none of the because in the end for many games getting a platinum become a damn grind. hell i feel bad for anyone who is trying to get one now with u2 with al the damn trophies theyve added recently its almost impossible to get a plat in that now.[/QUOTE]

You don't have to get any of the DLC trophies to get the Platinum trophy. You only need the trophies that came with the game when it shipped originally.
Yep, thank goodness that U2 plat only has two on-line trophies, which both are easy to get. Otherwise, offline players like me would not be able to plat U2.
[quote name='Brownjohn']You don't have to get any of the DLC trophies to get the Platinum trophy. You only need the trophies that came with the game when it shipped originally.[/QUOTE]

oh thats good to know then i suppose u2 was a ok plat to get. playing the mp helped me to get good enough to get the plat for u1.
Dante's Inferno is a fairly easy platinum and isn't too bad.

I'm working on Darksiders and Ratchet and Clank: A Crack in Time now. :)
I only have 1 plat just for the sake of having one, other than that I dont care if I get them really.

Like god of war 3. I like the game and Ill go back and play it again sometime but it has a couple trophies I just dont feel like messing with to get a plat.

I see I need to update my psn account it seems since I noticed my plat isnt showing up on it.
Eh, i wasn't an achievement hunter when i first got my Xbox 360. Then the points start to grow on me and making me playing the same over and over until it drained of the points. I usually consider beating a game as "complete and done." Now, i must try my best to unlock the achievements/trophies.

When I start getting trophies from playing PS3 games, it wasn't exciting at first... But as leveling my PSN account up, it was pretty cool (RPG fan here). First it was the bronze, then silver and gold... Then I realized Platinum trophies boost the Level most, i chase those. Now? I just chase the platinum trophies :lol: I wish achievements give you the same sort of reward for unlocking every points in a game! It's very satisfying...

Think about it... WHY DO YOU PLAY GAMES? Just for entertainment right? Well, what if the game sucks? How do you get entertaining value out of a "bad" game? Achievements/Trophies of course! That's why i keep on telling people. If you're hunting for achievements/trophies, there's no such thing as a bad game.

Now, I do wish Sony expand the trophy system to the next level... Add trophies to classic PS1/PS2 games and PSP games (including minis). Earning trophies on the go, grindings don't seem to be a bad thing :)
My first plat trophy was my favorite, because I was REALLY expecting it. I was playing Burnout Paradise, which is a fantastic racing/driving game BTW, and did something, got a trophy, and next thing I know, I get another trophy.

It was actually a pretty good feeling knowing that I "completed" a game based on parameters set by the developers.

I'd love to 100% Bayonetta, Bionic Commando, Mirror's Edge, and LBP since those were some of my favorite games.
I only have 4 platinum trophies:

Dante's Inferno
God of War (from the collection)
God of War II (from the collection)
God of War III
Wow, lots of love for Dante's Inferno. I was on the fence about it but I think I'll pick it up.

I just got my first Plat. last week on AC2. I got 1000/1000 achievements on it (and won an achievement contest on Giant Bomb for it) but loved it so much I re-did it on PS3.
My favorite platinums have to be both GoW 1 and 2 (GoW Collection), Modern Warfare 2, and Batman: Arkham Asylum. Especially Arkham Asylum. That is easily some of the most fun I've had in a video game.
Uncharted 2. It was the first and only time I've ever replayed a game right after I beat it. Then I decided to go for all of the trophies. I love every single moment of it..

Then I went back and got all the trophies in the first Uncharted. And from there... it got hazy.
Dang, listening to all of you guys is really making me want to go home and start getting those damn trophies! I'm working on FFXIII right now but just don't have the time like I used to. I'm at around 30 hrs into the game but so far only have 1 trophy other than the story-related ones (read: automatic). Apparently it will take around 70-90 hours to plat so whew, I gots some work to do!
It would be super duper cool if you can "sync" trophies and achievements :) I don't mind double dip the same game for both Xbox and PS3. Eh, keep dreaming :lol:

Does anyone here has the mentality of "playing this game will tarnish my trophy collection?" I know people refuse to play Terminator Salvation because the trophies "look" bad on the record.
[quote name='dannyox718']How seriously to you take your trophies? Is it worth trying to platinum every game you own? My first PS3 game was GOW3 and it took me just a few days to platinum, and FFXIII (which I'm currently playing) seems like it can be done in one playthrough.[/QUOTE]

What are trophies? Oh wait, you mean those silly fuckin' messages I get in my upper right corner of my screen that distract and annoy me when I'm very involved in playing a game?

Assuming I get through the backlog I currently have(10+ and growing by the day/week/month)I'll just be happy to see the frickin' credits roll on each game.:applause:
[quote name='IAmTheCheapestGamer']What are trophies? Oh wait, you mean those silly fuckin' messages I get in my upper right corner of my screen that distract and annoy me when I'm very involved in playing a game?

Assuming I get through the backlog I currently have(10+ and growing by the day/week/month)I'll just be happy to see the frickin' credits roll on each game.:applause:[/QUOTE]

Whats up your ass?
[quote name='dannyox718'] Are there any games you particularly enjoying getting a platinum trophy for? [/QUOTE]

Demon's Souls, so much I got 2 platinum trophies for it.
[quote name='IAmTheCheapestGamer']What are trophies? Oh wait, you mean those silly fuckin' messages I get in my upper right corner of my screen that distract and annoy me when I'm very involved in playing a game?

Assuming I get through the backlog I currently have(10+ and growing by the day/week/month)I'll just be happy to see the frickin' credits roll on each game.:applause:[/QUOTE]

You can turn the trophy notices off.
[quote name='Lyricsborn']Whats up your ass?[/QUOTE]
Ahhhhh. The response I could've posted to this question, but CAG is a PG-13 site at best most times and I'll keep it that way.;)

They were created for people who wanted to feel like they accomplished something, rather than just sitting on their ass for X number of hours playing Y game.

I miss the 'old days' of gaming where the feeling of having accomplished something was enough when you completed a particularly difficult game.

But to each their own.
But trophies are like a momento. They show what you played and what you did unlike back when you could complete a game and have nothing to show for it.
[quote name='Lyricsborn']But trophies are like a momento. They show what you played and what you did unlike back when you could complete a game and have nothing to show for it.[/QUOTE]
Save files and having completed games at friends' houses were our 'trophies' just a generation ago.:D
[quote name='IAmTheCheapestGamer']I miss the 'old days' of gaming where the feeling of having accomplished something was enough when you completed a particularly difficult game.[/QUOTE]

[quote name='IAmTheCheapestGamer']Save files and having completed games at friends' houses were our 'trophies' just a generation ago.:D[/QUOTE]

I must know how you can reconcile these two statements.
Burnout Paradise is definitely one of may favorite platinum trophy experiences, as it was my first platinum unlock ever, and the trophies seemed to unlock at a steady pace. It doesn't hurt that the game is fun either. :)

The WipEout HD platinum is my most cherished platinum however... ;)
I will have to revisit Burnout Paradise on the PS3. I played it on the 360 long ago but I do have it on the PS3 now. I just started playing Wiepout HD (figured I'd better make use of that PSN+!) last night and I don't see me having the patience to plat that one.

[quote name='xilly']Dante's Inferno is a fairly easy platinum and isn't too bad.

I'm working on Darksiders and Ratchet and Clank: A Crack in Time now. :)[/QUOTE]

I can vouch for Dante's Inferno - easy plat and just about the right length (not much grinding and no need to beat it on 8 different difficulty levels which I detest). I bought this, Bayonetta, and God of War III cheap from Blockbuster during a glitch sale (where the games were all 50% off for half a day) and had intended to beat them all quickly and then trade them in to Dealtree. I did Dante's Inferno first and it worked out perfectly. I then did end up "beating" both Bayonetta and GoW III and while I enjoyed both games, no way would I enjoy the grinding and repetition and controller-throwing frustration of getting platinums on those ones.

R&C A Crack In Time is also a very easy plat by the way.

[quote name='carbontiger']
I just got my first Plat. last week on AC2. I got 1000/1000 achievements on it (and won an achievement contest on Giant Bomb for it) but loved it so much I re-did it on PS3.[/QUOTE]

I also bought ACII with the intention of beating it and sending it in to Dealtree also. But I loved the game so much I just decided to keep it. I just think it's cool being able to run around 15th century Florence and San Gimignano (since I've been to both places - well, in the 20th century, anyway ;)). So I am working on that slowly and intend to get a platinum on it as well.

And Demon's Souls - man, I just need to buck up and finish that. I have ONE trophy left to get (for the spells) and then I'm done. I've spent well over 100 hours playing it so it is a crime for me not to finish that up. But I have a tendency to do that - get 95% of the way and then just lose interest. I've done that on countless 360 games.

As for my "favorite" experience... Well, FF XIII would probably qualify. Though the most difficult one for me was Prince of Persia (the one from a few years back). While it didn't take nearly as long, it has one trophy that was by far the hardest thing I've ever done in a game. There is some sort of insane 44 (or something, I forget the specific) hit combo you need to do. While that doesn't sound like much, it was very difficult because the only way to get that number was to do a very specific set of attacks in a precise order. So it basically meant memorizing the pattern (using all the face buttons I believe) and then executing it without messing up the timing, running into an edge, getting hit, etc... And there were only certain places and fights where it was even possible to do it.
Sounds like I'm the only one having trouble getting the platinum for Burnout Paradise... GoW III is not that bad to platinum, a lot better than DI.
[quote name='Serpentor']Sounds like I'm the only one having trouble getting the platinum for Burnout Paradise... GoW III is not that bad to platinum, a lot better than DI.[/QUOTE]

Are you saying GoW III is an easier platinum than Dante's Inferno, or does "DI" mean something else? I find that hard to believe since you can play Dante's Inferno on easy to get all the trophies whereas you have to beat GoW III on super-hard difficulty, don't you? So that means two full playthroughs including one on super-hard. Plus there's those challenges which I tried for a bit but just got bored and frustrated with. Dante's Inferno does have a bunch of missable collectibles but if you follow a FAQ while playing they are easy enough to get. I got them all on my first playthrough. I just had to play about 1/3 of a second game to get all the "evil" points to finish up.

I guess GoW III would be much easier than Bayonetta though - that one looks like a pain. I could barely get through that on Normal difficulty.
DI=Dante's Inferno... It's true that DI is much easier to platinum than GoW III, but a lot less fun IMO. When I was cleaning up DI for the platinum, it felt like an annoying chore. When gunning the platinum for GoW III, frustration is there alright, but it doesn't feel like a chore, more like a challenge (hence more satisfying too).

Bayonetta on the other hand is tough. Mainly because the portal challenges, not that easy to conquer. You have to master the Witch Time! The difficulty trophies don't stack either... I'm still working on that one, it's tough!
Are Xbox people welcome in this thread? :)

My two favorite 100% completed games are Borderlands and Final Fantasy XIII. I probably had more fun overall with Borderlands, but I'm a little more proud of Final Fantasy XIII. Both of those games are more about time commitment than true challenge really, but I feel like there was more skill and strategy involved in finishing FF13.
bread's done