Your most hated 360 game that everyone else loved?


7 (100%)
The other thread just got me thinking about games that are very popular and critically acclaimed nowadays, but you can't stand for one reason or another.

I think mine would have to be Oblivion. The game itself feels so soulless to me. I realize that for me, well written, developed characters are the most important feature of any RPG, and that's something that Oblivion seemed to lack for me. I'm definitely willing to concede it being a good game, but it's also one I can't get into.
That's a easy one. Mass Effect far as exclusives go. Far as multi goes I never liked Bioshock or GTA IV or Fallout 3. I hate all of those.
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Halo 3

Honestly, I own an Xbox more for Xbox Live than anything. Most Xbox exclusives bore me (Gears, Fable, Halo), but I love the Live experience and what MS is doing with it. It blows PSN out of the water.
Bioshock for sure. I've tried playing it a few times and I just can't get into it. Red Dead Redemption is another that comes to mind, but I was able to at least beat that one. I don't really like GTA type games anyway, so I should have expected as much, but the gameplay was pretty boring. I did enjoy the story though, so that made it manageable enough to beat the game.

If we are talking about strictly exclusives, then I guess ODST, though it was only the first 2/3 of the game. The last 1/3 was awesome, and of course you get the MP disc, so it is probably not fair to even list it.
Bioshock and CoD games. I rented bioshock but just didnt appeal to me like other FPS games. and CoD is just boring.
[quote name='Number83']Gears of War 2.

Even the first one was mediocre.[/QUOTE]

why do u have an avatar of Gears 3 then?? lmao... get real
[quote name='nnthomas']why do u have an avatar of Gears 3 then?? lmao... get real[/QUOTE]

He must be joking. Besides the avatar Gears 2 is still showing up as the last few games he played. :roll:
MW2 (well the series mainly). Had MW2 and forced myself to finish it. Production values were good (I'll give it that) but the "rah rah. War is good. USA can do no wrong. Russia is evil" and the broken online play just ruined the overall experience for me. Mainly the online play. Talk about matchmaking gone wrong!

Gears of War - played but never understood the big deal of it.

Anything after Burnout 2. - I miss the simplicity and fun of Burnout 2. Seems the series got really complicated after that.
[quote name='IceBlueShoes']Anything after Burnout 2. - I miss the simplicity and fun of Burnout 2. Seems the series got really complicated after that.[/QUOTE]

I agree to an extent. I want to say anything after Revenge iirc, as after that was when they did the open world racing. I was never too big a fan of that whole system in my racing games to begin with, but in burnout, at least to me, it just don't fit at all.
I'm probably going to be called crazy, but I bought Red Dead Redemption at launch, thinking it would be different enough from GTA IV (my second most hated everyone else loved game) only to find that the story was frustratingly boring(Go get this guy, go rescue this person, John Marston, the wild west's best gopher!) and the gameplay didn't do it for me either. Still sitting here unplayed and unfinished and will likely stay that way.

A close second goes to Final Fantasy XIII. Absolutely could not get myself to finish that game for many of the same reasons quoted by many folks but more than anything, the characters were boring and uninspired(though Snow had promise.) and I did not like the "RPG on rails" gameplay. This is coming from someone who considers Final Fantasy VI his second favorite game of all time too. It also will sit unplayed and unfinished.
[quote name='nnthomas']why do u have an avatar of Gears 3 then?? lmao... get real[/QUOTE]

Because thats Old Dom...and I'm old.

[quote name='jman619']He must be joking. Besides the avatar Gears 2 is still showing up as the last few games he played. :roll:[/QUOTE]

Yes, because maybe my criticism of GoW2 presented isn't due to the fact that I just started playing it recently? :roll: But to be fair, I should probably get a little further into the game before passing judgement.

I have a backlog that spans all the way back to Heroes of Might and Magic II: The Price of Loyalty.
At first, I did not like Oblivion, but after I learned the mechanics and how to do things (and set it to easy), it became more tolerable. Maybe i just don't like fantasy settings.

i HATED perfect dark zero because of the ridiculous single player save system, and the ridiculous achievements. i am glad i only paid $10 for it.
As much as I hate to say it, I didn't like Lost Odyssey. I didn't make it very far into it and maybe the beginning is just slow, but I didn't care for it.
[quote name='icp_00_111']As much as I hate to say it, I didn't like Lost Odyssey. I didn't make it very far into it and maybe the beginning is just slow, but I didn't care for it.[/QUOTE]
You're not alone. I got fed up with Lost Odyssey pretty quickly too while my friends all loved it.
Street Fighter IV - I think I'm just not skilled enough at fighters to pull off all the combos so it wasn't as fun for me. I guess it's also less fun just using the regular Xbox 360 controller instead of one of the fightpads/fight sticks, but I didn't care to spend any more money on that game than the initial $60 or whatever I spent.
Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare. I loved COD 2, but COD4 was boring for me. Something clicked when enemies kept respawning, and I felt like I was shooting cardboard cut-cutout enemies a la Ghost Recon.
I've always tried to find the word to describe it--is it hit detection? When I shoot soldiers on Halo, Uncharted, etc they react. In COD:4 it felt lifeless.

Traded COD4 in for Orange Box.
I'm going to have to go with Street Fighter IV. I'm not dropping another $150 on a controller just so I don't get destroyed in 10 seconds online.
Crackdown - I think mine glitched and I couldn't progress with bosses.
Oblivion - Only got halfway through and haven't picked it up since.
MW2 - Traded that shit in once the map packs came out.
Dead Rising
Every COD after MW1 (MW2 has its moments, but it's become degraded.)
Halo 1 onwards

I guess if I had to pick one, it'd be Dead Rising. Ugh. That's probably the worst (and only truly regrettable) 360 game I've gotten. I've done my homework, since.
Gears of War. I tried playing this game after beating the 2nd one twice and enjoying the hell out of it.

However the 1st one was full of suck and when i died 10 times at the part with the monster you cant shoot and have to lead outside I gave up.
GTA IV was pretty bad. Although I see a lot of people also don't like it, so maybe it doesn't fit in this category.

Left 4 Dead did nothing for me.

Modern Warfare 2 I liked initially, but at this point I don't think I'll ever touch it again, especially after getting into BFBC2. Popped it in last night to check my NAT status since I've had problems with it in the past. Actually shipped it out this morning, some guy paid me 37 bucks for it. Good riddance.
Any and every iteration of Halo. It's soooooooooooo mediocre at best and for the life of me I just can't understand the raving fanboys and why they give such excessive adulation to this undeserving series.
Gears of War. The A button doing everything was too much for me.

Halo 3. The best thing about HALO is; it's HALO. The worst thing about HALO; it's still HALO.
The graphics seemed so outdated and bad to me. I enjoyed it but the hype...
Bioshock. Just too much work for a shooter. I wanted to like it but just couldnt. And Oblivion/ Fallout 3, just never ending games where I never felt like I was getting any where.
Geometry Wars. As little as I care for all the FPS on XBox, this has to be the one title I absolutely cant stand anything about. The graphics, gameplay and "music" are all terrible. At least with Halo and Gears of War I can understand why someone would enjoy them.
Geometry Wars is a top-down shooter I thought. Or "Multi-directional" shooter according to wiki. I'm not a big fan of people calling every shooter an FPS, but I know what you mean, and I agree, musha. Its pretty lame.
[quote name='phantomfriar2002']
that ones questionable. sure the "media and reviewers loved it but the fans seem to hate it
Earthbo-oh! Xbox 360.

Oh in that case GTA 4. I'd gladly pick up Superman 64 and play the hell out of that game instead of playing that piece of crap. Actually calling that game crap is an insult to crap itself so I don't know what to call GTA 4. Rockstar owes me $75.

The Orange Box. Mostly the Half Life series. I don't think i'll buy another Valve game thanks to this game. I just don't like anything Valve has done.
Single Player: GTA4 (it became super boring that I quit)
Multiplayer: Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 (online is so glitchfest mixed in with little kid bullcrap)
bread's done