Your New Years Resolutions for 2012

Jess Stryker

Mama said to knock you out
I haven't seen one of these threads yet for the new year, but my resolution is simple. I tend to always break mine, even when I resolve to make no new years resolutions (as that is a resolution in and of itself, it is destined to fail from the beginning).

So myself, I resolve to make only one new years resolution.

How about you?
Drink a tad less to save some money. I'm a beer snob so it gets pricey fast!

Really focus on getting some more research publications out this year now that I shouldn't have any new classes to prep for a few years. Need to get cranking on the publish or perish part of getting tenure. Also just need to beef up the CV if I want to move jobs, not sure I want to stay at my current university/city long term.

Work out more consistently. Thankfully I eat ok and have a high metabolism so I don't put on weight. But I feel crummy when I don't work out regularly and I've been pretty lackadaisical on working out the past 6 months or so. No excuse with having a decent gym in my condo to use for free. Need to get in their 3-4 times a week instead of 0-2.
Lose a few lbs, read more like the above poster mentions, be less selfish, try to be less sarcastic/angry.
Well there are tons of things I would like to do, and tons that I need to do. I'm going to be practical this year, and hope that I can move out by FEB. WOOT. that'd be great
Find a job I will actually enjoy and stick with it, using the money to pay down the mortgage and fully fund my retirement account(s), and keep sticking to my food and fitness routine.
I don't make resolutions. Tomorrow is the same as today, yesterday, and the day before that. Just because the last digit on the calendar year changes doesn't mean I need to find something bad about myself and try to improve. I'll do that whenever I damn well please. ;)
Stop worrying about what other people think of me and focus on doing things for myself. I got so wrapped up in work in 2011 that I didn't take a vacation so to have some me time will be a gigantic help to reducing my stress.

I also plan on opening the Xbox 360 I received for Christmas.
[quote name='cheapbrokegamer']Get an awesome job, make lots of money, buy fancy clothes, get an awesome car, have more sex (with women). Basically, I want to be James Bond[/QUOTE]
Or Barney Stinson...
I'm going to try out being an optimist. I'm incredibly pessimistic, so I want to see if there's any truth to people who swear by living with optimism. I already know it's going to be really tough for me because of thoughts about my current job, but I'm definitely looking at it as a challenge. I'm (humility aside) incredible at giving good life advice to friends and family when they ask, but a lifestyle moron when it comes to giving myself advice.
It's probably tough to switch from being optimistic from being pessimistic. :D

I try to just be a realist and stay balanced. The bigger key is learning to focus on the positives in life and not dwell too much on the negatives. Something I'm still working at myself!
[quote name='dmaul1114']It's probably tough to switch from being optimistic from being pessimistic. :D

I try to just be a realist and stay balanced. The bigger key is learning to focus on the positives in life and not dwell too much on the negatives. Something I'm still working at myself![/QUOTE]

Yah, I hear that. How's this for ironic, I'm pessimistic that I'll be an optimist, but I'm going to give it a shot. Heh.

I consider my pessimism to be realism, but I also get that at times I can rain on my own parade or other's, perhaps erring on the side of doom and gloom, instead of seeing the opportunity for good.

It's a very difficult mindset to adjust though, you're absolutely right. Over time I've tried to assume disappointment then accept the occassional pleasant surprise, which seems wiser, but let's see how this "hope for good then me let down" thing works out. Haven't tried it before! :p
Being a realist is just a matter of realizing that life is full of both good shit and bad shit and that the scale tips back and forth over which is winning at the current time!

Being a pessimist is thinking it's mostly bad shit (when it's not--at least not permanently) and thinking you have no control over the good shit/bad shit ratio. It's just a vicious cycle.

So I try to focus on the positive, do the best I can with the things I can control to minimize the bad shit and maximize the good shit and make the most of things.

No point in focusing on the negatives too much, and being a pessimist who's just wallowing in self-pity and dragging down themselves and those around them.

Also no point in being an optimist and constantly being disappointed when life doesn't meet your too high expectations either. :D
get a job at paramount pictures in business development. or any other major film studios, though paramount appeals to me most. and get better at badminton (the sport not the backyard game).
Stick to better workout schedule. Either get a new IT job, and/or start going back to school part time. Clear out some of my dvd collection. I would like to keep writing about video games and see if that can take me anywhere for example community management, freelance writing/editing or PR
I have 2 New Years resolutions.

The first is to finally finish up my darkroom at home. I started it over 3 years ago but then I wound up renting a studio with a couple other photographers and the studio has a beautiful, fully finished darkroom so I have never gotten around to finishing my darkroom. The sad thing is that most of the work is already done. I just need to hang a drop ceiling for half of the room, put up plastic sheeting on the other half of the ceiling, seal the walls and floor, cover the windows with black wrap, and build a print drying rack and I will be good to go. As much as I like the darkroom at the studio, being able to print anytime I want right at home will be a beautiful thing indeed.

The 2nd is to begin digitally archiving all of my negatives. I have been putting this off even longer than finishing my darkroom. Its a MASSIVE undertaking and I hate even thinking about it. So for one reason or another I always wind up putting it off. Instead of looking at the project as a whole, I think I am going to concentrate on doing just a little bit every day. That way it doesn't seem so overwhelming. I estimate that I have well over 500,000 negatives (8x10, 4x5, 35mm, 6x6 & 6x7). In fact, its probably closer to 750,000. Its not a job I am looking forward to at all. I wish digital photography had never been invented!!
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