Your Thoughts of a job issue


I have worked at my current place of employment for about 8 years, since I was in High School. I am currently one of the "head guys" at the place.
I am leaving there for another place that pays 5.50 more an hour and offers health and dental benefits, plus I would get full time work and only work 3 days instead of 5 that I work now.

Anyway, I went to the final interview last week and got the job. The last 8 years have been fine, no real problems. BUT, now that people think I may be leaving(have not actually told anybody full details as of yet), I am getting all sorts of shit thrown at me from mutiple directions. There are other details in the whole situation but I'll cut it off there.

A Christmas present for the boss is being discussed, 20 bucks per person. Plus, there is a "Christmas party" kinda thing happening, that is going on during the lunch hour. The boss is being a real dick right now, along with one other person(which happens to be my sister). I leave on January 11. SO, my question to you is this>
If you were in this situation, would you give 20 bucks for a present for a guy that you have never really liked, and he is now being an assface? Also, do you go to the Christmas party?
You are going to leave them so yes I would so some respect that people will not forget you before you leave.

Again yes put in the Twenty bucks and do not be a scrooge like me.

Also what make your co-workers angry at you for leaving? Is the job a bad place to work?

Do you do all the work or you the head man or something around there?
Like my dentist I had for a breif moment had to go back to Canada since he did not fill out his visa( or whatever correctly) and the whole place was filled with angry Asia Canadians.

Stil it only Twenty dollars. On that subject what kinda job is this and does the boss knows that you are leaving?
[quote name='Roufuss']Don't burn bridges until you're successfully crossed through to the other side.[/QUOTE]

I thought that as well, but there is another guy leaving because of shit going on and this exact issue I'm in has happened other times as well. I had originally decided I was going to stay there right up to when I started the new job(Feb 12), but now I am just leaving to get out of there. My sister and I have been at odds for a while now, and the work crap is starting to affect outside work issues. I just smell a war brewing so I figured I'd leave early.

I just know this is going to be an issue with us at Christmas(at my parents house).

I'll probably pay the money, and go to the party. I think that this is going to get thick before I leave there though. I just don't see a way this will turn out well.
I would say no on the present, and the party is whether you want to go or not. Might not be a bad idea to go, since you aren't leaving for another couple of weeks. I just don't believe in buying presents for people you don't like. Might just be a personal thing, but still...
[quote name='Rags']I thought that as well, but there is another guy leaving because of shit going on and this exact issue I'm in has happened other times as well. I had originally decided I was going to stay there right up to when I started the new job(Feb 12), but now I am just leaving to get out of there. My sister and I have been at odds for a while now, and the work crap is starting to affect outside work issues. I just smell a war brewing so I figured I'd leave early.

I just know this is going to be an issue with us at Christmas(at my parents house).[/QUOTE]

Then, if you're 100% sure the job is going to come through, just leave now, and explain to future employers how hostile the work situation got and you felt like you couldn't work there anymore.
Chip in on the gift and go to the party. You don't have to like the environment or some of the people that you're there with, but you'll go and be polite and smile... what you don't have to mention is that you are smiling because you are taking comfort in knowing that you won't be there much longer.
[quote name='Roufuss']Don't burn bridges until you're successfully crossed through to the other side.[/quote]

Yup. Don't go out like a punk. $20 isn't that much - hell I have to buy my Secretary a Christmas present AND a Secretary's Day present for $50 each every freaking year.
[quote name='Roufuss']Don't burn bridges until you're successfully crossed through to the other side.[/QUOTE]

Don't burn bridges, period.

Employees all chipping in on a gift for the boss seems kind of weird to me, but if everyone is doing it, I'd probably pony up, too. I thought the boss is supposed to get gifts for all of his peons. Not the other way around.

And may as well go to the Christmas party.

If you give decent notice (2 weeks) and people are shitty to you about moving on to a better job. Be gracious about it, but F em.
The thing about the issues with the boss are this>

On Thursday, a day after the interview, a dead issue gets brought up about something that happened weeks ago before I was even looking for another job. It was not a problem then, but now it seems to be for some reason. This sparked something with my sister and I. He is a dumbass that knows hardly anything about what goes on there(like a lot of bosses).
The shit is being fed to him by my sister(who works with me) because she is pissed about different issues. He is a puppet for what she thinks at the moment.

My boss tells me this on Friday before lunch(the day after my sister and I have it out).>

"I just don't think you are motivated right now, and your head is not in the work right now."

Later in the day, he says this to someone>

"No, we're not behind. Mike's the man, and he's done with his stuff so he is going to catch everyone else up."

It's not what was said, but the timing of it all. I am not some bitch that can't take criticism. Yell at me, don't care. He says shit that he does not mean, then backs up later why he is wrong and does not know what is going on. It just makes no sence other than I am leaving that this is coming at me.
As for burning of bridges, if the new job doesn't work out, you'll still need references from your current one. So play nice, smile at the people you want to punch, and exit gracefully when the time comes.

You might also find, as I have after leaving jobs, that once you leave the work environment, and all that work baggage is off your shoulders, that your former coworkers were actually alright, and you wouldn't mind showing up to say hello sometime, if nothing else, just to say hello.

Good luck to you!
Yes. Give the money. Attend the party.

Nothing is more stupid than 1. Not being the bigger person and 2. Not having good references on your resume. Your title and abilities acquired at your current job are the reason you're getting the new job and getting better pay.

Always respect where you've been to fully end up where you're supposed to be.
[quote name='nicholas01']As for burning of bridges, if the new job doesn't work out, you'll still need references from your current one. So play nice, smile at the people you want to punch, and exit gracefully when the time comes.

You might also find, as I have after leaving jobs, that once you leave the work environment, and all that work baggage is off your shoulders, that your former coworkers were actually alright, and you wouldn't mind showing up to say hello sometime, if nothing else, just to say hello.

Good luck to you![/QUOTE]

The thing with my sister and I will pass, but I don't think that it will until after I'm out of there. That's the reason why I am leaving earlier than I had originally planned.

I'll probably give the money, and go to the party. The boss is a prick, but he's also a moron. He kind of reminds me of Jack Gallow from "Just Shoot Me". There are other issues at hand that make the whole situation much more sticky than the ones I put on here, but I mostly covered the heavy points.
yea I say don't burn your bridges either...just blow it up instead lol..just kidding.

Just becareful down the road that the old employer doesn't give you a bad refrence out of spite, even if you were a good employee. Managers really have a problem letting there best employees go. Its a control thing.
I'd give it....

But in general I think it is annoying as hell to have to buy the boss a present. He should tell everyone to not give him anything.
I just figured out some things that the boss knows nothing of yet>

1. The guy(Chuck) that was supposed to take my place only wants to work part time. The guy is a real slow dumb shit to begin with and now he only wants to be there like 15 hours. (Keep in mind, 15 hours for him equals about 45 minutes of my time). He is that slow.

2. A part time guy is leaving around the same time I am. He hates Chuck, and is pissed at some other issues.

SO, the office is going from 2 full timers and 2 part timers to 1 fuller timer and 1 part timer. Sounds like it's going to be hectic there for a while.
[quote name='Rags']I just figured out some things that the boss knows nothing of yet>

1. The guy(Chuck) that was supposed to take my place only wants to work part time. The guy is a real slow dumb shit to begin with and now he only wants to be there like 15 hours. (Keep in mind, 15 hours for him equals about 45 minutes of my time). He is that slow.

2. A part time guy is leaving around the same time I am. He hates Chuck, and is pissed at some other issues.

SO, the office is going from 2 full timers and 2 part timers to 1 fuller timer and 1 part timer. Sounds like it's going to be hectic there for a while.[/quote]

Are u at work now?
[quote name='michaema']Are u at work now?[/QUOTE]

Nah, I talked to a guy that works there(part timer), which is how I figured out the info.

Bet you were gonna jump my shit for being on here at work eh....
Nah, i may have made a few comments about it, but thats it. I do most of my posts while im at work *working* so I wouldnt say much. I was mainly just curious... :)

EDIT: Im at work now *working*
[quote name='michaema']Nah, i may have made a few comments about it, but thats it. I do most of my posts while im at work *working* so I wouldnt say much. I was mainly just curious... :)

EDIT: Im at work now *working*[/QUOTE]

I was just kidding, the place I am at I get on CAG sometimes when I am talking to customers on the phone.

Kind of a side issue here, but on Friday I go into the boss's office. He turns and looks at me, and then rapidly spins back to his mouse and minimizes a screen(porn was up). He then calmly asks me, "yeah". What he did not know is that there was still a screen up(more porn). THIS, is why he does not know what is ever going on, this is all he ever does.
bread's done