Your Top 5 Films Of 2007? (so Far)

[quote name='pittpizza']My 5 would probably be (in order)

1. No Country For Old Men (haven't seen it but can pretty much tell it will be my fav. movie of all time).
2. Darjeeling Ltd (hvent seen it yet either but I LOOOoooove Wes Anderson flicks).
3. Superbad adn Knocked up (are they really even different movies?)
4. Live F or D Hard
5. 300[/QUOTE]

Have you seen any of these movies? Superbad and Knocked Up are completely different from eachother.
[quote name='ananag112']Shrek 3
Spiderman 3
Bourne 3
Pirates 3
Harry Potter 3[/quote]

Prediction for your favorites in 2010:

Spiderman 4
Bourne 4
Pirates 4
Harry Potter 4

I saw every movie I listed in 3-5. Superbad and Knocked up are not completely different movies. They are different sure, but not completely different.

Here is what I consider to be completely different movies: Schindler's List & Dumb & Dumber; Jurassic Park & The Last King of Scotland; (or to use more modern movies) No Country for Old Men & The Bee Movie.

I have seen both Superbad and Knocked Up and while they had ostensibly different scripts, they had alot of the same actors (Seth Rogan, Jonah Hill), were written by the same two guys (Seth Rogan and Judd Apatow), and had alot of the same type of humor. Movie buffs could help me out but it also would not surprise me if they had the same producer/director/studio/whatever.


Oh yeah was Spiderman 3 this year? If so put that in my list, I loved it. Also add Bourne Supermeacy. hate to break it to ya jav, but I heard somwhere that Matt Daaaaaamon is not down for doing any more Bourne movies.
[quote name='Magehart']I can't believe nobody mentioned:

The Bourne Supremacy [/quote]
I guess you're talking about Ultimatum?

1. The Bourne Ultimatum
2. 300
3. The Simpsons Movie
4. Spiderman 3
5. 300

I think they were the only ones I saw this year. I saw 300 twice with different friends each time. If I saw Pirates 3 and Oceans 13 then they would probably be #4 and #5. I Am Legend looks like a top 5er.
My favs for the 2007 year have been:
1. 300
2. Transformers
3. Superbad
4. Alpha Dog
5. Smokin' Aces

Actually my favorite movie that I saw in theaters this year (that was not original released this year) is Nightmare Before Christmas in 3-D.....It was just baaadddass.
Other movies I haven't seen that came out this year, that I have high hopes for are: Grindhouse, Pirates 3, HP: OftP, Simpsons, and Bourne Ultimatum.
American Gangster
The Bourne Ultimatum
Live Free or Die Hard

I also saw Transformers and Superbad, but those were atrocious. And I saw Spider Man 3, which I actually liked a lot, but it wasn't in the top 5.
[quote name='javeryh']Prediction for your favorites in 2010:

Spiderman 4
Bourne 4
Pirates 4
Harry Potter 4


Yeah, if you couldn't tell, that was a joke post.

I doubt there would be another Bourne movie though....and Harry Potter 4 will probably come out much sooner.
[quote name='ananag112']Yeah, if you couldn't tell, that was a joke post.

I doubt there would be another Bourne movie though....and Harry Potter 4 will probably come out much sooner.[/quote]

I know - I just thought it was a funny list considering how many sequels keep coming out... Damon said he was done I think and aren't we on HP5 already?
[quote name='Zen Davis']As I said, I'm not going to name names, but the majority of people, even if they had varying decisions than mine, I can understand why they would pick the films they do.

A couple of people just left me scratching my head though.

And Pan's Labyrinth came out in 2006. So did Children of Men.[/quote]

Children of Men Widely opened in the USA on January 5th 2007. Also you were right about Pan's Labrynth, I just didn't go see it until 2007.
[quote name='pittpizza']I can't beleive nobody mentioned the Hitman Movie.


You guys call yourselves gamers.

And yes, I know the movie sucked.[/QUOTE]

I would think as gamers we'd be less likely to like the movie. I haven't seen the movie but I really doubt it does the games any justice (of which I'm a big fan of).
[quote name='darthbudge']Children of Men Widely opened in the USA on January 5th 2007. Also you were right about Pan's Labrynth, I just didn't go see it until 2007.[/quote]
Crap, then I'm adding Children of Men to my list.
[quote name='darthbudge']Children of Men Widely opened in the USA on January 5th 2007. Also you were right about Pan's Labrynth, I just didn't go see it until 2007.[/quote]
Children of Men opened in Limited Release in 2006 so that it could get Oscar consideration so it is considered to be a 2006. IMDB also says this as well.

Not trying to be anal, but I think it's silly to call a picture a year after it came out one of the best of the year. I'll be watching Children of Men tomorrow.
[quote name='ctice44']Yeah there has been five out already. Number six comes out in 2008.[/QUOTE]

Damn. I just saw the first one. I didn't know so many came out already.
In no order:

3:10 to Yuma

And that's about all I can remember I even saw. Also saw three of the big four summer action flicks, but don't think they're top movies.
1. No Country for Old Men
2. Eastern Promises
3. Superbad
4. American Gangster
5. 300/ 3:10 to Yuma

Probably will change the list after seeing Juno, Sweeney Todd & There Will be Blood.

Micheal Clayton, Bourne Ultimatum, Rescue Dawn and the Simpsons Movie were all really good .
[quote name='pittpizza']Ohhh noo Ikohn, please do tell us who here has crappy taste in movies.[/QUOTE]

make a list of your top 5, then add 5 more and you will have a top 10 crapfest
i havent had the chance to see many movies this year.
but here they are -

assassination of jesse james
transformers (the experience of watching it with my 6 year old son and seeing him in awe of how cool giant robots are made this movie, I was his age when i watched the cartoons and had the toys)
knocked up

i want to see no country BADLY, im a huge coen bros fan and ive heard nothing but great things about it.
want to see lars and the real girl and wes andersons movie too.
its hard to get to movies with kids, I did see nearly every kid/family movie that came out this year though.
bread's done