Your username

One of my best friends in college and I realized that everyone we had ever known named bob was cool, and thus decided the name bob was inherently cool. I also collect action figures, and they made a figure of the Joker's long haired henchman Bob from the first batman movie. The figure's card called him bob the goon.
When I started Atari.NET I needed an address to use for myself. Defender was one of my best 2600 games so I was defender @ atari net and used defender more and more ... I actually use my last name in a lot of forums that are business related....but this site is more personal for me I only have...normally defender isnt taken most places for some reason but if it is I use defender39 (39 being my favorite 2 digit number).

plus I like the double meaning of the word
I've used various other screen names, like thepeenil, peenil_wivil, the_wivil and remotelyqueued, but I thought I'd come up with something a bit different this time around.

So, I got to thinking one day what would be cool. I dunno, Grave_Addiction just popped into my head. Now for you guys who think it means I'm addicted to graves, that's not the case. I was thinking of Grave more as an adjective.

Anyway, I came to find out that there is an actual one day, and I must have put the girl who runs it on my buddy list back in the day. Well, I totally forget about it and all of a sudden I see GraveAddiction pop up on my friend's list. I didn't know who the hell it was, so I got to talking with her a bit.

Very creepy lady. She is addicted to graves.
When I was still a youngin, like 10 years old or so, my friends and I made up a character called Gandhi-man. We'd run around the house yelling in weird accents. Magilacudy was what my real name sounded like in said accent. I've kept it ever since for e-mail, user names, etc.

I wasn't able to get magilacudy on AIM because some bastard took it, so I use magilacude. One day I'm going to find a way to look up who stole my AIM sn and reclaim what's rightfully mine... :twisted:
Mine's from the Warren Zevon song Mr. Bad Example.

"I'm very well acquainted with the seven deadly sins/I keep a busy schedule tryin' to fit them in"
From a series of books. Though I've been using it long enough that most of the top hits on google are now associated to me instead of information on the books.
This is my nickname amongst my game industry friends. It started during my early Sega test days. I was really enthusiastic about the work I was doing. Heck, what gamer wouldn't be at 20 years old? Anyhow, every time I found a major bug in a game (usually an always crash bug) I'd run around flexing like a bodybuilder saying "I found the fatty bug!" It was pretty funny looking since I was really skinny at the time. People started calling me fatty and the name stuck.

It's current iteration came from a friend of mine @ the Sega Channel. He "urbanized" it by changing the 'F' to a 'Ph' and 'The' to 'Da'. Most people call me phatty for short now.
well i was in a PE class last year where i was the only white guy in the class. so they started calling me whiteboy and it spread all around the school so that is my new identity... the amazing whiteboy.
[quote name='whiteboy']well i was in a PE class last year where i was the only white guy in the class. so they started calling me whiteboy and it spread all around the school so that is my new identity... the amazing whiteboy.[/quote]

Isn't it amazing if there was one black kid in the class and everyone called him Blackboy, that everyone would be considered racist. And then the NAACP would sue the school for millions of dollars.

But for some reason, it's considered okay to do this to a white person.
Leviathan is the Old Testament monster from the deep. I had to rearrange the spelling and add an X because somebody had teh original title. Probably some old bible scholar.
Doyle is my last name, in high school(then college, and now job) people started saying "O'Doyle rules" at me, normally for no reason, which is from Billy Madison. I used it as a screen name on aol and the like since then with the Z because the S was taken by someone. It's nice when I play hockey too, score a goal, chant is ready made.
I used to write a lot, and was really smooth with the lady's.

Now that im chained down with my girl, it more or less means nothing now.

FreakinHugeNigel, my e-mail address, now that has meaning...
When I was young I lived in an apartment building.
Everyday after school I used to wait in the hallway for about 20 minutes for my mom's to get home from work. I was really big into picking my nose, There was only one place for me to wipe my snot where it would not get noticed and that was behind the door knocker (it was kinda big and hollow in the back), thus was born the snotknocker
Monsta Mack and Mafia are actually two indy wrestlers that were on a tag team called the hit squad. My friend IRL said he was gonna pick Mafia for his nick on CAG, so I picked Monsta Mack.

My other two nicknames are Jagr (which I usually spell backwards now: Rgaj) and Kefka. Kefka is way too common but I used it for my Ultima Online character. Jagr wasn't too common but I used it for about 6 or 7 years on Kali, so it had to be put to rest. I'm sure most people know where Kefka and Jagr come from. I also go around as David_Blackrose, Blackrose came from my favorite type of rose and David is my real first name so I said what the heck.

My last original nickname was Dwayne_McDohl. McDohl came from the heros name in Suikoden 1 and it really stuck to me, especially since I loved the game greatly (till Suikoden 2 came out, then I went to RPG heaven). Dwayne is actually The Rock's real first name, so I picked it for haha's.

My other nicknames I use to go under as: Sourpuss (...), DarkDave, LightDave, Freeze, Freezer, Ash Ebonysoul, Tenma (from one of Akuma's finishers) and a bunch of other nicknames I can't remember.
[quote name='snotknocker']When I was young I lived in an apartment building.
Everyday after school I used to wait in the hallway for about 20 minutes for my mom's to get home from work. I was really big into picking my nose, There was only one place for me to wipe my snot where it would not get noticed and that was behind the door knocker (it was kinda big and hollow in the back), thus was born the snotknocker[/quote]

OMG-This is disgusting.
[quote name='snotknocker']When I was young I lived in an apartment building.
Everyday after school I used to wait in the hallway for about 20 minutes for my mom's to get home from work. I was really big into picking my nose, There was only one place for me to wipe my snot where it would not get noticed and that was behind the door knocker (it was kinda big and hollow in the back), thus was born the snotknocker[/quote]
Now that is a story behind a name.
Lol defender i was gonna say that, but so far no one had broken the chain on posting their own reason for screennames, glad you did it hehe XD

and.. OMG that is disgusting

I'm so original
I get Darke Katt from a character made by Eric Schwartz of Sabrina Online fame. It fit perfectly with hubby's Darke Wolfe, and I like this particular furry.

If hubby wasn't on here, I would have used OrigamiGryphon like I do everywhere else. Origami for the fact that I like to make it (going on 10 years of it, in fact) and Gryphons are my favorite mythological creatures. Can't wait to see the 3rd Potter for the Hippogriff, and the subsequent toys :D
[quote name='defender'][quote name='snotknocker']When I was young I lived in an apartment building.
Everyday after school I used to wait in the hallway for about 20 minutes for my mom's to get home from work. I was really big into picking my nose, There was only one place for me to wipe my snot where it would not get noticed and that was behind the door knocker (it was kinda big and hollow in the back), thus was born the snotknocker[/quote]

OMG-This is disgusting.[/quote]

I was like seven years old and I don't pick my nose anymore. Your right it is disgusting.

Now I cover one nostril and violently blow out the other. I can discharge my snot with pinpoint accuracy. When I'm indoors I use a kleenex.

Despite my unorthadox means of nasal waste dispulsion. I am a very sanitary individual.
Im a big Godzilla and Gamera fan (Ive been to cons), and the japanese word for monsters is kaiju, so I just put fan on the end of it. I kind of wish I would have used Daikaijufan, as it means giant monster fan.
Back in high school I participated in a Jello Wrestling fundraiser with a friend of mine. We were a tag team. I was The Wild W.O.P. and he was the Six Million Dollar Jew. My entrance music was from the Godfather, I came out in a beater with a cigar in my mouth and greased hair. He came out to Hava Nagila, wore a suit jacket, black dress hat (with hasidic curls glued on), one of those scarf-things rabbis wear, and a homemade t-shirt that had the star of David on the front and JEW on the back.

[before any of y'all get bent out of shape about the stereotypes, I am Italian, and he is Jewish, and dammit we can make fun of our own heritages]

We were hilarious.

Now I use WildWop for everything, intermittently switching with the MegaHurtz nickname I picked up in college.
[quote name='jlarlee']J= Jeremy Larlee= last name the beauty of having an odd last name[/quote]

Hehe, I'm right there with ya man. My last name is Stroope. You're already thinking of puns, aren't you?
[quote name='JakeT81588']Jake- first name
T- initial of my last name
8/15/88- my birthday

original huh? i need to find an alter ego.[/quote]

w00t and guess what i found??? lol
[quote name='sj41'][quote name='Tom']It's my name. I Know, origional.[/quote] Very origonal. :D[/quote]

Hehe, I know you were pointing out the fact that he spelled it wrong, but then you spelled it differently than he had.
It's kind of obvious where my name comes from. It's the subtitle from the Gamecube version of Wave Race (which is called Wave Race Blue Storm). The 781 part comes from the month and year I was born, which was July 1981. My name on the GameFAQs board was BurnoutCrasher (gee, wonder how that came to be?), and I was going to use that same name for this board, but I figured I would try something different. Coinicedentally, my birthplace was in a beach city, so there is something relevant to the name I chose.
I chose Rising Zan from a slightly obscure playstation action game of the same name. While the game wasn't the greatest, the concept of the hero being a "samurai gunman" was just too cool.

Plus two of my favorite movie genres are westerns and samurai flicks. 8)
[quote name='Ledhed'][quote name='jlarlee']J= Jeremy Larlee= last name the beauty of having an odd last name[/quote]

Hehe, I'm right there with ya man. My last name is Stroope. You're already thinking of puns, aren't you?[/quote]

Poopy Stroope
it used too be my screename so I figured it would be easy too remeber, then i changed my screename but kept the username the same
Self-explanatory for me, really. Finest film of our generation, and a crying shame that John Goodman was not nominated for an oscar. Walter Sobchak is his best work ever..
An nickname given to me by a friend in highschool, due to my height. Oddly enough, she's the only one who ever calls me that.

I gave myself the name Guile when I first joined a Quake III clan on the Dreamcast (before I joined the clan I went by the name ModeSeven). The clan was NK (nefarious killers) therefore I went by Guile*NK*. When the clan fizzled into oblivion I kept the name Guile and put wasNK after it so people I knew online could still recognize me. Everyonce in awhile I run into old clan members who recognize me so I am kind of glad I stuck with it.
[quote name='BigHow']An nickname given to me by a friend in highschool, due to my height. Oddly enough, she's the only one who ever calls me that.[/quote]

How tall are you? I'm a tall too (6'6").
I am big and My favorite color in cloths in gray i always try to wear gray cloths I like how it looks + it hides stains and goes with any setting =). so my friends said I am big like a stone and always wear gray so they justed started calling me a big gray stone one night which just turned into graystone.
bread's done