Zelda Breath of the Wild Special/Master Editions, Amiibo- Discussion

Except they did DLC for Mario Kart 8 and Smash...this isn't new for them. It's just surprising cause it's Zelda.
Hence the "is" "wasn't" in my post. Apparently, it's just me that doesn't like the DLC road Nintendo is traveling down.

That's a racing game and that's a fighting game. I didn't purchase new tracks or fighters or stages. But I will say that Mewtwo and Lucas should have been included in SSB4.

Why do we need DLC in a classic Legend of Zelda adventure game? It just doesn't fit. It feels absolutely unnecessary. It just seems like they already had this content completed but decided to separate it into DLC. Kinda similar to what they did to FE:FATES--those should've been 1 game, not 3.

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Sexy scene with Zelda! (a Zelda amiibo is required)

Most DLC is unnecessary. If you don't want it, don't buy it.

Sometimes DLC is obviously cut content reintroduced later. Sometimes it's obvious that they worked on the ideas after the game was completed because they want to keep giving to the fans.

No one can say for sure yet but I imagine Zelda DLC won't be cut content from the main game. We will have to wait and see to know for sure. However, I'm glad that they will continue to work on creating more Zelda content for us to enjoy.

I don't know how you can argue that FE:Fates should have been one game. Minus the first 5/6 shared chapters, they each have their own unique story line/chapters. They gave you a way to get all the content for the price of 2 3DS games, which is about as much content as all 3 have combined.
When it comes to DLC, i usually buy the ones with story missions. Stuff like costumes i dont really care about. Looks like i will be finally using my nintendo money to buy.

Man, I am pumped for this. New content released throughout the year? And a new story? That's exciting. Plus at $20 I imagine it's going to be pretty extensive as well.
For a third of the game's MSRP, I would hope so. 

There's a possibility it could be like the  BotW amiibo, where they're charging more just because it's Zelda. 

How is it "unfinished"?

A lot of games have DLC. Are all of those unfinished? MK8? Smash Bros Wii U? Hyrule warriors?

$20 is a bargain and i'll pay it. Nintendo gets two thumbs up from me!!!
Hyrule warriors was unfinished. You had to by the season pass for $20 plus the legends pack for $10 to get everything. Most of the game was behind the season passes. From a Warriors fans view it was severely lacking content at launch. Not a bad game by any means though.
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Hyrule warriors was unfinished. You had to by the season pass for $20 plus the legends pack for $10 to get everything. Most of the game was behind the season passes. From a Warriors fans view it was severely lacking content at launch. Not a bad game by any means though.
Lol what? There was a story mode and an adventure mode and multiple characters and weapons. How on earth was that incomplete?

Just because they release a good amount of DLC does not mean it was incomplete at all at launch.
I think the real upsetting part is the season pass not being included within the special edition and master edition.

It's such a standard now to include it within any collector's edition at this point.

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Lol what? There was a story mode and an adventure mode and multiple characters and weapons. How on earth was that incomplete?
Just because they release a good amount of DLC does not mean it was incomplete at all at launch.
Compare the content Hyrule Warriors had at launch to any recent Warriors game and you will know it was lacking. Most people that bought HW were zelda fans so you would never know. Story mode can be beaten in less than 10 hours. Most gameplay came from adventure mode. The 2 season passes had 3 adventure maps and more characters & costumes than on the original disk. When 60% of the complete game came from the 2 season passes. The original game was incomplete. Oh don't forget the costume packs too. Those were not free either. Oh I bought all the DLC & own & beaten every modern Warriors game even import exclusives. Not crapping on zelda just stating facts.
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Compare the content Hyrule Warriors had at launch to any recent Warriors game and you will know it was lacking. Most people that bought HW were zelda fans so you would never know. Story mode can be beaten in less than 10 hours. Most gameplay came from adventure mode. The 2 season passes had 3 adventure maps and more characters & costumes than on the original disk. When 60% of the complete game came from the 2 season passes. The original game was incomplete. Oh don't forget the costume packs too. Those were not free either. Oh I bought all the DLC & own & beaten every modern Warriors game even import exclusives. Not crapping on zelda just stating facts.
Probably right when comparing to other Warriors games, but as a stand alone game Hyrule Warriors had plenty of content on release. It would be accurate to complain they did not live up to their previous standards. I had a great time with the game and never felt short-changed as I have with some other games.

Probably right when comparing to other Warriors games, but as a stand alone game Hyrule Warriors had plenty of content on release. It would be accurate to complain they did not live up to their previous standards. I had a great time with the game and never felt short-changed as I have with some other games.
Understood completely. Most Zelda fans would agree.

Oh I should correct myself I made a mistake with the DLC earlier. Season pass 1 was $20. The legends character pack was $13 & season pass 2 (characters only on Wii U) was $10.
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Honestly it doesn't bother me that the expansion pass wasn't included. I preordered the SE because I was satisfied with the contents of the package as it was when they announced it. Yeah it would have been cool to have the pass in there but it is what it is.
I think the real upsetting part is the season pass not being included within the special edition and master edition.

It's such a standard now to include it within any collector's edition at this point.
Nintendo's marketing team strategizing how to best monetize this game and its fanbase.


This Zelda DLC announcement may be the last straw for me.  I'm not seeing many compelling reasons to support the Switch at launch.  There are too many other brand new great games.

This DLC announcement has also nearly extinguished my excitement for this console entirely...I hate DLC...but have been fine with the way Nintendo itself has handled it to this point (I'm not sure why anyone is counting HW...Nintendo did not handle that DLC).
I would almost be fine with the content, well...I'd still be annoyed but much less so, if it was just the extra costume and story (even though to me this feels like this is cut stuff to meet the console deadline). However...hard mode is now locked behind a paywall. That's been in Zelda games at launch for years. I have to pay extra for it now? That's such crap..I definitely won't be supporting this. Too bad everyone else will...so this will probably become a standard thing with them.

For MK8 & Smash: Those WERE complete games. You did not pay extra for 200CC or 150CC. You payed extra for maps, characters, & karts. A decent amount of content for the price! Smash felt much more overpriced to me...so I didn't pay for any of it, but since all game modes were there & you were just paying for cool extra characters/stages it wasn't such a bad thing.

With this, now having to pay for online capabilities (when I will only be using it for Splatoon & occasionally MK8), plus no backwards compatibility I'm entirely dissapointed in the system...Now I have to wonder how much Splatoon content will actually be free.
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This DLC announcement has also nearly extinguished my excitement for this console entirely...I hate DLC...but have been fine with the way Nintendo itself has handled it to this point (I'm not sure why anyone is counting HW...Nintendo did not handle that DLC).
I would almost be fine with this new DLC content, well...I'd still be annoyed but much less so, if it was just the extra costume and story (even though to me this feels like this is cut stuff to meet the console deadline). However...hard mode is now locked behind a paywall. That's been in Zelda games at launch for years. I have to pay extra for it now? That's such crap..I definitely won't be supporting this. Too bad everyone else will...so this will probably become a standard thing with them.
They said this contains a "NEW" hard mode, from my understanding of past coverage a typical Hard Mode is already available. I'm not sure if this means something along the lines of Master Quest or what, but I doubt it will just be the typical "enemies do more damage" setting, otherwise it'd be available at launch.

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For MK8 & Smash: Those WERE complete games. You did not pay extra for 200CC or 150CC. You payed extra for maps, characters, & karts. A decent amount of content for the price! Smash felt much more overpriced to me...so I didn't pay for any of it, but since all game modes were there & you were just paying for cool extra characters/stages it wasn't such a bad thing.
Precisely. I had a long rant written up but decided not to post it.

Those were complete gaming experiences. Then DLC was devleoped at a later time which enriched the games. It was DLC done right. You can add this Zelda DLC to the long list of ways Nintendo is nickle and diming us with the Switch and many of their other recent business decisions. The good-will bucket is running on empty.

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They said this contains a "NEW" hard mode, from my understanding of past coverage a typical Hard Mode is already available. I'm not sure if this means something along the lines of Master Quest or what, but I doubt it will just be the typical "enemies do more damage" setting, otherwise it'd be available at launch.
I noticed that, and I'm hoping that's the case. Somehow, I entirely doubt it though. If it turns out to be an entirely new mode I would be much less annoyed about the whole thing, but it still feels like this is something they probably could have included were they not rushing this entire console to market.

Precisely. I had a long rant written up but decided not to post it.

Those were complete games. Then DLC was devleoped at a later time which enriched the game. It was DLC done right. You can add this Zelda DLC to the long list of ways Nintendo is nickle and diming us with the Switch and many of their other recent business decisions. The good will-bucket is running on empty.
This. All of this. I hate the new direction Nintendo is headed. They're taking all the worst aspects of Sony/Microsoft, and ruining the few pluses they had over the other companies by doing so (instead of learning from the others mistakes).

I almost didn't post my rant, as I'm not so much mad as I am severely dissapointed with everything I've been hearing..I've been pretty quiet about my thoughts on the switch itself. I'm sure most people here know by now, I'm a huge Nintendo fanboy. I loved the Wii U. However, I literally like nothing about this console except it's portability. Between all the nickel & diming (raising amiibo prices, this new shitty online service, an $100 dock that is mostly just a hunk of plastic to organize plugs, ect..) I don't really think that's even worth the cost right now.

I want to hope that this will all change after launch, but it's not looking like that way. Instead people will pay for all this over priced stuff, and nothing will probably change...
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This. All of this. I hate the new direction Nintendo is headed. They're taking all the worst aspects of Sony/Microsoft, and ruining the few pluses they had over the other companies by doing so (instead of learning from the others mistakes).

I almost didn't post my rant, as I'm not so much mad as I am severely dissapointed with everything I've been hearing..I've been pretty quiet about my thoughts on the switch itself. I'm sure most people here know by now, I'm a huge Nintendo fanboy. I loved the Wii U. However, I literally like nothing about this console except it's portability. Between all the nickel & diming (raising amiibo prices, this new shitty online service, an $100 dock that is mostly just a hunk of plastic to organize plugs, ect..) I don't really think that's even worth the cost right now.

I want to hope that this will all change after launch, but it's not looking like that way. Instead people will pay for all this over priced stuff, and nothing will probably change...
It seems like you're assuming the worst here, even while you bring up Nintendo's generally positive track record when it comes to DLC. Although I think Nintendo is probably more to blame for that than you are by withholding so much information this close to launch. There's still so much we don't know that it's not surprising many fans are feeling jaded.
It seems like you're assuming the worst here, even while you bring up Nintendo's generally positive track record when it comes to DLC. Although I think Nintendo is probably more to blame for that than you are by withholding so much information this close to launch. There's still so much we don't know that it's not surprising many fans are feeling jaded.
The lack of definitive information is why I've been so quiet about my current distaste for the system. I figured Nintendo would eventually clear things up, choosing not to assume/speculate like others have been, but instead all the news being reported on just continues to disappoint me. This latest DLC announcement literally just wrecked the last vestiges of hope I had for the console's release.
Which is a shame, because I think they have something special here. They're just not handling it correctly at all.

InB4 the Wii U version turns out to be a limited run at launch

Glad I have a Wii U copy preordered, but my hype levels are seriously low
Same. I think I'll preorder myself a copy just to be safe.
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To be honest I'm still not completely sold on the Zelda graphics either.  Game will be good because its Zelda.  But the graphics and art direction haven't been explored or reviewed in any objective capacity, that I've seen.  So far It feels like Windwaker style re-deux, fifteen years later.  I haven't seen any youtube reviews raving about the art direction.   Anyone know a good one?

These large open-world games also have to have satisfying objectives, loot, and progression, and not just a bunch of points vomited all over the map a la Ubisoft games.  Very large worlds can often lead to hollow gameplay experiences and too much time spent running around.

A lot remains to be seen at this point.  So far I've seen nothing to suggest Zelda:BotW will score anything outside of 8s and 9s across the board.   The same scores many other games are getting Q1 2017.  

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The lack of definitive information is why I've been so quiet about my current distaste for the system. I figured Nintendo would eventually clear things up, choosing not to assume/speculate like others have been, but instead all the news being reported on just continues to disappoint me. This latest DLC announcement literally just wrecked the last vestiges of hope I had for the console's release.
Which is a shame, because I think they have something special here. They're just not handling it correctly at all.
Well the closer to release we get, the more terrible news they unveil. There's got to be a reason they're not saying anything. They want to sucker as many people as possible to drop their money on a sinking ship. We still don't know if the smartphone app chat thing is necessary or not, and we're two weeks away from launch. Why are they expecting people to invest in something they don't have all the information on yet?

Yeah isn't it a weird phenomenon.   We are approaching launch in a little over two weeks and there are still all these ambiguities and unanswered questions.  And WE are the people that follow this stuff every day. 

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Yeah, I want the console to succeed. I'm just not seeing much hope on the horizon.

As it is now, this launch is a mess. Who knows though. Maybe a lot of this will change post-launch.

To be honest I'm still not completely sold on the Zelda graphics either. Game will be good because its Zelda.
So far It feels like Windwaker style re-deux, fifteen years later.
These large open-world games also have to have satisfying objectives, loot, and progression, and not just a bunch of points vomited all over the map a la Ubisoft games. Very large worlds can often lead to hollow gameplay experiences and too much time spent running around.

A lot remains to be seen at this point.
These points are something I've had immense trouble trying to explain to my fellow Nintendo/Zelda fans. I am the only one not wholly excited for the new Zelda, because I don't really like open world games...the story tends to suffer, the in game conversations even more so, and I don't like the crafting mechanic. I also don't like the art style, and although it's been said a few times that this is not a sequel to WW I'm pretty positive it is.
I still think it's gonna be a good game 'cuz it's Zelda but my hype levels are so low. If it wasn't coming to the Wii U too, that'd be it.
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Damn, I LOVE the art in the game. Legitimately and whole-heartedly, and I am not the biggest fan of Wind Waker's style. There's a whole lot different between the two, I think this game is much closer to Skyward Sword (while still obviously taking inspiration from a different art style than it or WW). I love how they've been taking real life art themes and motifs and bringing them into a 3D world. This might just be because I've spent so many years of my life churning out generic 3D models, but the stuff they're doing is genuinely beautiful and inspiring. 

I'd recommend finding some high quality youtube videos of gameplay footage without people talking over it, and throwing it on your TV. The music and visuals are immersive as  fuck

They said this contains a "NEW" hard mode, from my understanding of past coverage a typical Hard Mode is already available. I'm not sure if this means something along the lines of Master Quest or what, but I doubt it will just be the typical "enemies do more damage" setting, otherwise it'd be available at launch.
My complaint is there are 2 DLC packs. The hard mode one, and another with story content. You have to buy the season pass, there is no buying the pack you want for less, it's season pass or nothing.

Personally the fact they even released DLC for it at all made my opinion of nintendo go down quite a bit and my interest in the switch. Yeah they milk there shit so hard and often and fast the udders burst into flames from the friction but at least 99% of their games when you bought it you got the entire game. I hate dlc and now I hate DLC on Nintendo systems.

Much like every other game, if it has DLC then I buy it used so I don't support the developer with my money. If a game has DLC out for I don't want to buy the core game where they profit from it. It was an interesting idea to start with but now DLC went from an interesting idea into a whored out entire industry unto itself to the point most developers start pimping DLC and hyping it long before the core game itself is even out for sale.

I will not support it in any way, shape, or form.
My complaint is there are 2 DLC packs. The hard mode one, and another with story content. You have to buy the season pass, there is no buying the pack you want for less, it's season pass or nothing.

Personally the fact they even released DLC for it at all made my opinion of nintendo go down quite a bit and my interest in the switch. Yeah they milk there shit so hard and often and fast the udders burst into flames from the friction but at least 99% of their games when you bought it you got the entire game. I hate dlc and now I hate DLC on Nintendo systems.

Much like every other game, if it has DLC then I buy it used so I don't support the developer with my money. If a game has DLC out for I don't want to buy the core game where they profit from it. It was an interesting idea to start with but now DLC went from an interesting idea into a whored out entire industry unto itself to the point most developers start pimping DLC and hyping it long before the core game itself is even out for sale.

I will not support it in any way, shape, or form.
This is a long-winded post of just saying you only buy pre-owned games.

Kinda pumped they're adding more content to the game. That report that said Breath of the Wild won't be a launch game, but then it got reverted to a launch game a few months later, probably means the content they were finishing up for a summer or fall launch is now this DLC.  I'd rather have that option opened as opposed to not. I'm not quite understanding why anyone would have a problem against DLC, unless the game is titled Evolve or you're poor.

Damn, I LOVE the art in the game. Legitimately and whole-heartedly, and I am not the biggest fan of Wind Waker's style. There's a whole lot different between the two, I think this game is much closer to Skyward Sword (while still obviously taking inspiration from a different art style than it or WW). I love how they've been taking real life art themes and motifs and bringing them into a 3D world. This might just be because I've spent so many years of my life churning out generic 3D models, but the stuff they're doing is genuinely beautiful and inspiring.

I'd recommend finding some high quality youtube videos of gameplay footage without people talking over it, and throwing it on your TV. The music and visuals are immersive as fuck
I definitely see the cross between WW & SS, I use to make that comparison too lol. I'm not saying I absolutely hate the art style (like I legitimately hate the WW art style tbh...), I just don't like it too much...Sometimes I see these beautiful landscape shots in playthroughs, and I think "wow, that's incredible" but then I look at link and he just looks...kind of blurry and almost comical in comparison. I'm hoping once I have the game, it'll look better on my tv overall.

I haven't watched much footage outside of trailers in awhile though, so I'll definitely look into finding a high quality video. Maybe that'll make a difference, since I mostly just watched streams of it.
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bread's done