Zen Pinball/Pinball FX2 -free game codes with 4000 likes

Got my last message about 10 minutes ago. He said he will have codes for the new table tomorrow - just waiting for MSFT to prop the content. Sweet!!! Can't wait.
how many codes will they give out? 10? 20? thats like a 1 in 400 chance or so that you can get one...
According to them, all you have to do is like them before the weekend starts (that means before Saturday, kids) and you are eligible to receive a code.

I make it a rule to never buy DLC shit because I hate marketing ploys. I would take it for free, though.
[quote name='Blade']According to them, all you have to do is like them before the weekend starts (that means before Saturday, kids) and you are eligible to receive a code.

I make it a rule to never buy DLC shit because I hate marketing ploys. I would take it for free, though.[/QUOTE]

How are extra tables, or any DLC, a marketing ploy? More content for a game you love is not a marketing ploy, it's catering to the fan base.
What you have to do? Just press LIKE? And they will select a winner from all the likers? Do you need to post to their wall to increase the chances?
[quote name='LordTobert']How are extra tables, or any DLC, a marketing ploy? More content for a game you love is not a marketing ploy, it's catering to the fan base.[/QUOTE]

...The game is free, but the only thing included with it are trials of tables you can purchase as incentive to purchase them. That is a marketing ploy.

Way to use your brain, chief. :applause:

But really, DLC in itself is a marketing ploy. You can buy Scott Pilgrim for $10, but you have to spend an extra $2 (sale price) to play as Knives? You can buy FFCC: My Life as a King for $15, but you have to pay extra for characters and dungeons? DLC is a way to get more money from the fan base, not a catering service; if it were a catering service, DLC would be available for free, like most Left 4 Dead 2 Steam updates are.
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[quote name='Blade']...The game is free, but the only thing included with it are trials of tables you can purchase as incentive to purchase them. That is a marketing ploy.

Way to use your brain, chief. :applause:

But really, DLC in itself is a marketing ploy. You can buy Scott Pilgrim for $10, but you have to spend an extra $2 (sale price) to play as Knives? You can buy FFCC: My Life as a King for $15, but you have to pay extra for characters and dungeons? DLC is a way to get more money from the fan base, not a catering service; if it were a catering service, DLC would be available for free, like most Left 4 Dead 2 Steam updates are.[/QUOTE]

You're comparing apples and oranges. Pinball FX2 is free as a platform. The tables are what you're paying for here. It's not like they're adding different colored balls as dlc, because yeah...that would be ridiculous.

If you wanted to compare apples to apples, you would have to think of Pinball FX 2 as an Xbox 360 and the tables are the Full Downloadable Games that you buy off the marketplace. I for one don't see anything wrong with that.

Another thing to add. These tables that you purchase are about $2.50 a piece. Chump change compared to the $800 to $7000 you would pay for a real machine.

Can't we all just get along? :D
[quote name='IMURZRO']If you wanted to compare apples to apples, you would have to think of Pinball FX 2 as an Xbox 360 and the tables are the Full Downloadable Games that you buy off the marketplace. I for one don't see anything wrong with that.[/QUOTE]

Another way to look at it is the Microsoft Games Room. You got a platform for free in that you could walk around all day and play demos of all the games available. If you actually wanted to play a game unlimitedly, you paid for it. Not so much a marketing ploy as a "try before you buy" situation. Plus, anyone that bought the original tables when they released for Pinball FX could play them for free using the new Pinball FX 2 platform.
Not sure if anybody heard what any of the new tables for Pinball FX 2 are, but I have one of the guys from Zen Studios on my friends list and yesterday he was playing the Mars table which used to be a PS3 exclusive. I also saw a comment from someone yesterday saying that they saw achievements for the Mars table at one point.

I wonder if the new tables will be uploaded for everybody this week...
you would think everyone who gets on here is a moderator... get your own site if u care so much buncha busy bodies remind of the old lady who stares at everything out her window only to call the cops any time a fly farts.....
[quote name='iRandom']Is it a deal?
Is it news?
Is it a freebie?

I don't mean to give you a hard time OP, I just think that this should belong in the freebies forum since it is a freebie
We give them likes and they dish out game codes...that spells freebie to me
I do understand why you posted this here; people would not have known about this had it been posted in the freebies forum, but rules are rules

Anyway great find[/QUOTE]

you would think everyone who gets on here is a moderator... get your own site if u care so much, buncha busy bodies..... reminds me of the old lady who stares at everything out her window only to call the cops any time a fly farts.....
[quote name='IMURZRO']Not sure if anybody heard what any of the new tables for Pinball FX 2 are, but I have one of the guys from Zen Studios on my friends list and yesterday he was playing the Mars table which used to be a PS3 exclusive. I also saw a comment from someone yesterday saying that they saw achievements for the Mars table at one point.

I wonder if the new tables will be uploaded for everybody this week...[/QUOTE]

If he's playing them, I think they have to be on the servers.

I still haven't gotten my code for the new table/s. :(

I don't want to pester the guy, but I still want my promised free code. >.
nice job saying you got 2000 people to like because of your post and you deserve codes OP :p
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[quote name='jab1235']nice job saying you got 2000 people to like because of your post and you deserve codes OP :p[/QUOTE]

I had to give it a shot. Actually I said 200 :razz:...and I didn't say I deserved codes, I asked if I deserved them. Luckily, they thought that I did. I also let them know that I'd buy the tables either way. They were sitting around 3900 likes when I posted here and they hit 4000 pretty quick with the help of this site. Now they as of now they're at 4498. Hopefully they get a little more business out of this. They deserve it, since they've created some of the best virtual pinball around.
Winners have been chosen and notified. There will be more opportunities to win in the upcoming week from sites like Destructoid, 1UP, Game Informer, etc. We will be sure to post the links.

The wait is over! MARS will release for Pinball FX2 on April 20th! We would like to thank everyone for being patient over the past few months as we have been busy working on infrastructure improvements to the platform (and yes, more content). We have chosen some lucky people to receive codes before the table releases, and will post links to other sites who will be giving codes away. We have added a lot of new people to our community the past few days, welcome and we thank you for your support! To our long standing community members, this game would not be what it is without your input and suggestions - keep them coming please!
[quote name='CheapAssHustla']Just saw that this game is free on XBL. The full game. I'm downloading it now.[/QUOTE]

You will be surprised when you will find that the game is free but every single table - not :D :D
[quote name='bullka']You will be surprised when you will find that the game is free but every single table - not :D :D[/QUOTE]

I have some extra points laying around so I'll just grab on table. How much do they cost?
bread's done