Zomb-pocalypse (Left 4 Dead: Game of the Year Edition)


Way back when, there wasn't really a good zombie game (no, Dead Rising doesn't count. It sucked.). Then, Valve reached into their bag of good ideas and made a little game called "Left 4 Dead". It was considered the "Game of the Year", so they made an edition call "Game of the Year Edition" and guess who bought one? That's right. The multiplayer, zombie shoot 'em up is now in my hands.

Story: So their are 4 survivors in four different situations. Two deal with the city, the other two are in the woods. In all of them, there are random spawning weapons, zombies, bosses, and ammo in everyone of them. The goal of every level is to get to the safe zone so you can escape. Really simple, easy, and not hard to grasp.

The characters in this game are, as the Valve team say, supposed to be relateable. Take Zoey, the only girl of the four. She was locked in her dorm room watching scary movies when the infection hit. Altogether not my favorite back story, but it'll do.

Francis is my favorite. When the world went zombie, he picked up a shotgun and started having fun. He's tough, covered in tattoos, and a fucking boss.

Louis is the average Joe. He's wearing a tie, designer watch, pants, and shirt. He's just so average that he seems like a little girl during the game. It seems like when he's in trouble, I roll my eyes, and just kind of walk away.

And there's Bill. He's the ex-Vietnam vet, and a total bad-ass. With any gun, he is the best, but with the assault rifle, he's the shit. Bill just makes this game bad ass because he seems like he's the leader of the group.

The characters (well most of them) do a pretty good job of caring for them. If they are in trouble, you go and help them, except Louis.

Rating: 9/10

The Source engine shines like light in the dark. Everything reacts like it should. Body parts fly off of bodies, blood sprays everywhere when zombies are shot, dead bodies move when they fall down hills. It really looks great.

The guns are not so diverse. You have the Uzi and the pump action shotgun at the beginning. Then as you progress, you get better guns. These include the semi-auto shotgun, the assault rifle, and the hunting rifle. You can even dual wield unlimited ammo handguns! How awesome! The only thing here ist that the hunting rifle really has no use here. You only use it when you leave a safe house and the zombies are far away. Even then it has no real use. It's just kinda there it feels like.

Rating: 9/10

So like I said, everything looks great, but the game itself. If you look around, the trees, the grass, everything looks like it was derived off of a PS2 game. The collision detection is kinda bad. You can walk through survivors, but not zombies? Also, the flames from fires look iffy. But when you think about it, these guys had a pretty strict budget and so much stuff to put in. The maps are vast and open. You can walk anywhere in the woods. The only thing stopping you are fences and cliffs. Really, they are well built maps. Hats off to Valve.

Rating: 8/10

When I played this at my friend's house, it was so much fun. The game ran smoothly, and only the little things where only wrong, such as the annoying 9-13 year olds being little shits online.
Common curtsy people! Anyway, the games don't take long, and it's intense as ever when played with real people. The AI in this game is okay, but not as good as the real thing. When you need help and a zombie onslaught is happening, the AI will turn on you and just fend for themselves. But humans will turn around, and shoot the smoker, hunter, or witch off of you and then proceed to kick some ass.

Rating: 9/10


Seriously, just pick up this, or the second game. They are both amazing. It's really rare that I rate games 10 out of 10. This game has been the best 30 bucks I have spent in a long time. But for the non Xbox live members, find this or Left 4 Dead 2 for computer. I'm regretting not doing that now.
Money? Questions? Plans to take over the world? Well don't be shy! Write them down on the comment system below.

I thought Dead Rising was awesome. Needed some tweaking overall, but the concept was great. I had fun with it, and still jump on from time to time to beat the hell out of some zombies.

L4D is a completely different beast. I love it. What came with the GOTY edition? Just the DLC? Need to get L4D2, but no time for it with Borderlands and CoD:MW2.
Yeah I think that it only came with the DLC and a commentary of the first level of the game. I've never played it before I bought it so I wouldn't know. I plan to get the second one soon. So when I get it, I'll be sure to write a review for that.
Wow. Louis sounds like the one I would actually like the most. It seems like the reason you don't like him is specifically why I'd probably empathize with him; he is not a mainstream video game muscle man action hero.
bread's done