ZUNE and your X360 - ZUNE HD Now in 64GB - Latest Update Now Supports AVI/XviD

I just have a question for the Zune owners out there, I own one and I was just wondering..

Have you every seen anyone else with one?
Also, Have you actually shared a file yet?

I'm still waiting to share this with some one but I can't find anyone with a fuckin Zune yet...
Yeah, I've shared music with a few friends that have the Zune. It's very quick, and it all works like it's supposed to. Funny comic.

I am getting pissed that I leave my Zune on sometimes after I'm done playing Xbox, so it drains the battery. I wish it had an Auto off feature. I charged it for 10 minutes this morning and wasn't able to use it when I wanted. My fault, but I need an auto-off.
[quote name='F8X']I just have a question for the Zune owners out there, I own one and I was just wondering..

Have you every seen anyone else with one?
Also, Have you actually shared a file yet?

I'm still waiting to share this with some one but I can't find anyone with a fuckin Zune yet...[/QUOTE]
My friend bought one when he played with mine, and he didn't even know about the wi-fi sharing or that Best Buy had a freebie $20 gift card offer that week. He made a point of buying the "sh*t" colored one. Of course I "squirted" some songs his way. Other than him...no. Of course I don't have class on campus or ride the bus anymore, so it's not like I have the opportunity to see what my fellow collegiates use. Between he and I, we're part of the anything-but-iPod camp, though I bought my Zune based on the potential of software upgrades, either through MS or hackers. That potential was worth more to me than the Zen Vision's codec support or easy alphabetical jumping; plus I hate touchpads.
[quote name='F8X']I just have a question for the Zune owners out there, I own one and I was just wondering..

Have you every seen anyone else with one?
Also, Have you actually shared a file yet?

I'm still waiting to share this with some one but I can't find anyone with a fuckin Zune yet...[/QUOTE]

for the first time today while riding public trans I saw a guy with one and noticed he was using the FM tuner... I kinda envied him, but oh well. Personally, I ride a rail system and bus system almost every weekday and I've seen too many iPods than I can count... for God's sake can't some people just learn and get something as good or better for cheaper? oh wait, it's the real world :lol:
It completely boggles my mind that on the Xbox 360, you can access something called "Video Marketplace", ya know.. in which you can rent movies, and purchase episodes of some of your favorite TV show??

And yet, around the same time that was put up, the Zune--Microsoft's PORTABLE Media Player--doesn't have access to this thing at all.

ALSO, it's funny that you can use the same Microsoft points in both Marketplaces, and yet.. you can only buy music for the Zune.

Shouldn't both the 360 and the Zune be able to access the same marketplaces?! Even allowing the 360 to access the Zune Marketplace for music..since you CAN play music on the 360.

That's really my only complaint thus far with the Zune.
[quote name='lilboo']It completely boggles my mind that on the Xbox 360, you can access something called "Video Marketplace", ya know.. in which you can rent movies, and purchase episodes of some of your favorite TV show??

And yet, around the same time that was put up, the Zune--Microsoft's PORTABLE Media Player--doesn't have access to this thing at all.

ALSO, it's funny that you can use the same Microsoft points in both Marketplaces, and yet.. you can only buy music for the Zune.

Shouldn't both the 360 and the Zune be able to access the same marketplaces?! Even allowing the 360 to access the Zune Marketplace for music..since you CAN play music on the 360.

That's really my only complaint thus far with the Zune.[/QUOTE]

even without owning a Zune, I've always questioned this. Most zune owners are 360 owners as well, so MS needs to join the two sides and make them feel as one.
[quote name='RelentlessRolento']I'm still looking for one of these but probably cant get one until a month from now.[/quote]

You're best bet will be the Circuit City coupon $40 off of $200 or more.
5/14: Halo 3 Zune


I’ve been told that they will be available online as early as the middle of May and then in stores around the first week of June. The soft launch will be similar to the to how the Pink Zunes were rolled out. The Halo Zunes will be limited edition but no ceiling has been decided yet. Since there have been over 4 million copies of Halo 3 pre-sold I think we can assume that they won’t limit the production like they did with the Pink Zunes.

Might have to ebay my black one and get this one :whistle2:k
Man, they're really desperate to sell those Zunes, aren't they? I still doubt that even a stunt like this will get their MP3 player market share out of the single-digit percentiles.
[quote name='CoffeeEdge']Man, they're really desperate to sell those Zunes, aren't they? I still doubt that even a stunt like this will get their MP3 player market share out of the single-digit percentiles.[/quote]
The Zune's actually pretty sweet. I don't know why it gets a bad rep. My sister has a iPod Video 30GB and after she saw how easy my Zune works and syncs, she hates her iPod. Seriously though, its simple and easy to use, and the widescreen is badass, thats what matters to me. I don't know if its just a setting on her iPod but if one song is deleted from the PC after she had synced the iPod, the next time she syncs it and it doesnt find it, it clears the song out. Zune doesn't do that :D
[quote name='CoffeeEdge']Man, they're really desperate to sell those Zunes, aren't they? I still doubt that even a stunt like this will get their MP3 player market share out of the single-digit percentiles.[/QUOTE]
13% is single digit? That's the 2nd highest out there, I pod then has the most by far
:drool: Damn, why couldn't I have waited to get my Zune?!

[quote name='anomynous']13% is single digit? That's the 2nd highest out there, I pod then has the most by far[/QUOTE]

It depends how you look at the numbers. If you look at all mp3 players, flash and hard drive players, then MS is only dealing with single digit market share percentages. If you look solely at hard drive based players then MS is looking at around 13% market share. It's still a long time coming before anyone is gonna have a reasonable shot at taking down Apple in the mp3 player market, though.
[quote name='anomynous']13% is single digit? That's the 2nd highest out there, I pod then has the most by far[/QUOTE]
As explained above by Buster Rod G, they hold a single-digit share. I never said I was talking about harddisk-based players only. I said "MP3 player market," as in, the entire thing.

LinkinPrime, since you seem to be so interested, I'll give you a point-by-point explaination of why I, personally, think the Zune is useless.

Let's look at what Zune has. Big screen. Isn't of much use to me. I don't intend to watch videos on a handheld (I won't sit through a movie on any small screen, I watch TV on my TV [what a concept], I don't really watch music videos at all), and I don't need huge album art to let me know what I'm listening to. Photos, ah, I'd never take the time to put any on. So, yeah, big screen or small screen, no diff to me. I still like the monochrome ipod, myself. Next up, FM tuner. Nice, I'll admit, but there's only one radio station in town I can stand (random '60-80s station), and I usually just listen to it while driving. Nice, but I can do without. The Zune's wifi shit is just useless, no way I'll ever have a use for it. I don't use playlists (I listen one song at a time), and I don't listen to podcasts. Any "sync" performance is lost on me. The only way I ever add music to any mp3 player is plain old file copy in Windows Explorer. I don't buy music from online music stores. If I buy music, I buy it on CDs. I don't like to pay for things I can't hold, in general.

So, the only things that matter to me (aside from price/capacity ratio) in terms of choosing an MP3 player are form factor and interface, and I vastly prefer the iPod over the Zune in these categories. While I understand that some people like bigger stuff (I like the bigger DS, for instance), I prefer the slimness of the newer iPods, and the overall smaller size. And I'm sorry, I just can't use the plain ol' 4-way toggle on the Zune, after being so used to the iPod's clickwheel, which allows a degree of "analog" control, in that you can scroll at any speed you please, changing speed and direction easily. So, that's it for interface.

Look, I hate Apple and Macs and all, but I think they just happened to have designed a better MP3 player for my needs, hands down. So, yeah. There ya go.
[quote name='captmurphy']Well I have wanted a Zune for quite some time, and that Halo 3 themed one just may push me over the edge....[/QUOTE]

ditto on that. When they first came out I almost got one, but then I passed up on it, but this may finally get em to buy one.
I went from a Zune, to an iPod video because I broke my Zune via running it over with my SUV. I have to say, I love my iPod, but I miss my Zune. If the Zune software didn't suck so bad I'd go buy another one right now.
[quote name='Chris in Cali']I went from a Zune, to an iPod video because I broke my Zune via running it over with my SUV. I have to say, I love my iPod, but I miss my Zune. If the Zune software didn't suck so bad I'd go buy another one right now.[/QUOTE]

It can't be worst than itunes. Can it?
I'm going to get a Zune in a week or so, packaged with my computer.

No Halo Zune for me. Oh, well.
[quote name='mr ryles']It can't be worst than itunes. Can it?[/QUOTE]

I'm afraid it is, and I hate iTunes. The Zune software slowed down my comp like nothing I have ever seen before besides a virus. It was constantly running unessecary processes in the background, and overall it was very glitchy and inaccurate. The Zune hardware is fantastic, better than the iPod in my opinion, but the software is horrid. Microsoft needs to give the Zune marketplace a massive over-haul.
If I didn't already own an ipod that'd be pretty appealing. But then again other Zune deals that make it $150 have come along (I doubt this one will be that price) and also the Toshiba Gigabeat was only $99 for 40GB on amazon for awhile.

But yes my biggest beef with the ipod is the unique file structure they force you to use that makes little sense when browsing on a PC. you're forced to use Itunes pretty much. Thankfully the 360 recognizes the Ipod's file structure but the PS3 does not.
[quote name='Zoglog']But yes my biggest beef with the ipod is the unique file structure they force you to use that makes little sense when browsing on a PC. you're forced to use Itunes pretty much..[/QUOTE]
No you're not. There's a really easy to use plugin for Winamp to properly transfer music to an iPod, and there are standalone apps that will look at the iPods contents and generate the iPod's music database.
[quote name='LinkinPrime']I don't know if its just a setting on her iPod but if one song is deleted from the PC after she had synced the iPod, the next time she syncs it and it doesnt find it, it clears the song out. Zune doesn't do that :D[/quote]yea u just have to change the settings.

im thinkin about getting a Zune tho. this halo3 one looks nice. i went thru two 20g 4th iPods. id be scared to get another one. the 1st one lasted a yr and some months, then i took it to Apple and they replaced it just to be nice cuz i was pass the warranty. then the 2nd one broke a couple months later, and i was done w/ iPods.
Another fucking Gamestop exclusive!


The Zune™ - Halo® 3 Edition comes preloaded with a collection of music, videos and artwork, including:
• Halo 3 “Starry Night” advertisement
• Halo 3 E3 2006 announcement trailer
• Halo 2 theatrical teaser trailer
• Three Halo 3 “making of” documentary videos
• A custom episode of Red vs. Blue – just for Zune!
• The first six episodes of Red vs. Blue Season 1

• Halo Original Soundtrack – Complete Album
• Halo 2 Original Soundtrack, Volume 1 – All tracks by Marty O’Donnell and Michael Salvatori
• Halo 2 Original Soundtrack, Volume 2 – Complete Album
• Over 120 different images, including game concept art, storyboards, paintings, and conceptual marketing imagery

So that means, we won't be able to get it for about $230 or less, which is what Best Buy, Target, & Circuit City usually have them on sale for.

I still want it though.
[quote name='LinkinPrime']Another fucking Gamestop exclusive!



Meh. Kinda makes senses, but probably now probably won't help drive the sales of the zune as they will never be on sale there ever and I don't know how they handle their warranties.
Personally, I think it looks like shit, though if it was a MGS theme one and it looked like that, I would probably still buy it. :roll:
was playing with a zune the other day at best buy. from the images the design of it doesn't look half bad, but in person it looks kind of cheap.
Circuit City has all 4 zune colors for $199.00 this week. With the 15 off 100 it's not a bad deal. I picked one up for $150 at a tweeter going out of business sale. Now my fiance really wants one.
That Halo-theme is the only thing that interests me about the Zune, and I don't even care for Halo all that much.
Same here gunm, but I dont think I'd want that Zune software on my computer sideby iTunes. =p

Maybe if we buy enough Halo-themed Zunes they'll extend the Halo 3 Beta... nah.
[quote name='ryosnk']How limited will the halo zune be?[/QUOTE]

probably limited to the number of preorders, plus a few extra for each store... expect them to be sold well past Halo 3 release.
I get the feeling that this Halo-branded one is a last-ditch push for the original model, and we'll be getting news on a new model shortly after.

I'm mildly interested in one, but I will also wait to see what improvements are put in to whatever next version they bring out.
If they announce that the generation 2 Zune is Coming to Canada, and is competitive with the iPod Classic, I might grab it.
But MS probably isn't smart enough to bring it here, because apparently, profit=scary.
Oh yeah, and if they announce that its comming out within a couple days of the friggn announcement worldwide (or at least North America).
bread's done