Interesting filmed documentary of a guy that took a trip to North Korea.

/[quote name='Ikohn4ever']they are excellent marchers[/QUOTE]

glad I wasn't the only one who noticed that. looks like they have some hot chicks in there, too.

Okay, on a serious note, this is very interesting and I'd suggest everyone watch it. I'm actually afraid they might kill this guy.
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I watched this when they first put it up on their website, I think it was like half a year ago. It was insanely interesting and worth watching. You can see just how crazy things really are in that country. I'll probably watch it again.
There's actually a South Korean movie coming out about life in North Korea. Forgot what it's called, but they had a screening on my campus just a couple months back. Anyone have an idea about what movie I'm referring to? It's a fairly recent movie (2009).
Everyone who watched this documentary needs this book:

Pyongyang: A Journey in North Korea

It's a graphic novel telling of a French animator's trip to the country for work. Incredibly fascinating and a perfect supplement to the documentary. It goes into more detail about how foreigners exist in North Korea and will give you a more in depth view of topics discussed in the film. I got it after watching the documentary, its a great read if you want to learn more after watching it.
That shit is bat fucking crazy. I watched that back when it was mentioned in Vice months ago, too. It's sad. Also, how the heck did he get the video camera into the country? I was pretty sure they didn't allow any cameras from foreigners into the country. I could be wrong, though.
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thanks for posting about this ive been wanting to see this myself. ive heard alot of weird things about how nkorea is. i also want to see that food inc movie.
There was a documentary a few years ago called "A State of Mind." It was about the North Korean Mass Games; the imagery was absolutely stunning. It's strange to think of something so beautiful coming out of such a rigid and controlling society. However, the Mass Games are likely only possible in that type of society. I highly recommend the film. I found it at my local Blockbuster so go ahead and rent it the next time your are there or put it at the top of your Netflix que.
Some foreign blockbuster war films about the Korean War.

Tae Guk Gi: The Brotherhood of War (Brotherhood: Taegukgi) - 2004

^ Overview: 2 brothers struggle to keep their family together during the Korean War.
^ Metacritic: 64/100 (user: 9.4)
^ Trailer:
^ Opinion: One of those films that gets compared to Saving Private Ryan, but SPR's characters were way more easy to distinguish from one-another than it was here. Effects were on par.
Assembly (Bugle Call) - 2007

^ Overview: A veteran of the Chinese Civil War leads an outfit during the Korean War by disguising as South Koreans as spotters for artillery strikes :)bomb:). Interesting to note that it's Chinese produced.
^ Metacritic: N/A
^ Trailer:
^ Opinion: N/A
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that was a good view. makes me wonder wtf those 2 asian chicks who got put in jail in north korea did. the guy said he got threatened with jail a bunch of times due to what they filmed or took pics of so either they just didnt know how to talk their way out of trouble or they did something that was a definite no no .
bread's done