GGT 266 Backed Mighty No. 9

Easy come, easy go.

But they raised over $700K already with 30 days left.

Anyways, Capcom is too busy making great games like Dead Rising 3 to worry about lame old Mega Man clones which no one wants and would never buy, much less support with Kickstarter.  Oh wait....

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Infune claims that so far, Capcom has not approached him about any copyright issues.  He said he changed enough where it shouldn't be an issue legally, but even if Capcom did try to persue it, they'd likely get gamer-backlash since it's clearly something people want to see come to fruition.

In another life time gunm dawg was my brother or at best best dawg.

I backed $60 too. Also best GGT title in like ever

Infune claims that so far, Capcom has not approached him about any copyright issues. He said he changed enough where it shouldn't be an issue legally, but even if Capcom did try to persue it, they'd likely get gamer-backlash since it's clearly something people want to see come to fruition.
Brelston on twitter is getting a lot of hate because he's kinda like the face behind megaman at capcom now its kinda funny reading his twitter

Good job to snakeybro for mentioning it's new GGT time at like post 520! :p

i backed it with only $0.00
Same here, I'll buy it when it's actually out, I personally don't really do Kickstarters unless it would be really close to the goal and I wanted it, but this one looks like it's going to happen for sure so I'll just wait for the game.

Good job to snakeybro for mentioning it's new GGT time at like post 520! :p

Same here, I'll buy it when it's actually out, I personally don't really do Kickstarters unless it would be really close to the goal and I wanted it, but this one looks like it's going to happen for sure so I'll just wait for the game.

Wat. You want this game and it's close to goal with more than 29 days remaining per your requirements but you won't support it.

Wat. You want this game and it's close to goal with more than 29 days remaining per your requirements but you won't support it
I meant like if it was close to the goal and had like 2 or 3 days left and might not make it without last minute support, it currently still has like 29 days left and will easily make the goal, I'm not a fan of paying for something that I wont have until quite a bit later (Spring 2015 in this case) so I will just wait until then when it's out and I can actually get the game when I spend my money

Pit remake in Halo 4 is fun.  New richochet gametype is pretty sweet too. It's basically a cross of rugby + ctf + oddball.

Pit remake in Halo 4 is fun. New richochet gametype is pretty sweet too. It's basically a cross of rugby + ctf + oddball.
Indeed, it's a good map and I've always liked Grifball as well so it's cool to see them doing another sports style mode that uses a whole map now

I an't payin 20 bucks for a game that i wont get until 2015. Mega Man games are too hard for me anyway

I meant like if it was close to the goal and had like 2 or 3 days left and might not make it without last minute support, it currently still has like 29 days left and will easily make the goal, I'm not a fan of paying for something that I wont have until quite a bit later (Spring 2015 in this case) so I will just wait until then when it's out and I can actually get the game when I spend my money
in other words, he is just a cheap ass gamer. lol
Mega Man games are also not good.
mega man would sell, if they did a total makeover, and reboot for the franchise. This games look totally suited for nintendo, as their 3ds line/ wii-u titles. maybe nintendo can buy the rights, and try to increase their wii-u sales, by bringing in new "games". Instead of the rehash hd version of zelda for 20th time.
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Mighty No. 9 would good game for Sony.  They love this kind of high-end Indie stuff now.  Would be perfect for PSN/Vita.

SRIV is awesome as fuck.  A lot of fun.


It's only going to be, at best half as good as GTAV

If that is true, then GTA V will the ultimate open world orgasm of funness that will make regular fun seem boring and tiresome. I can't wait!

Any So Cal peeps going to the KH 1.5 HD Launch event at Downtown Disney? If so, can you get me a poster please? I will pay shipping. :p

Finished Journey. That was quick. Literally felt like 2 hours. For 3.75 I can't complain too much. I really liked the art style. Some of the visuals were really stunning. Co-op felt really meaningful as well. I'm not sure why it worked so well, but it did.

Frosty, have you played Dyad or Retro/Grade? They're the only other things in the PAX Prime sale that seem to mildly interest me.

Indeed, it's a good map and I've always liked Grifball as well so it's cool to see them doing another sports style mode that uses a whole map now
We still haven't played any halo together. We really gotta get on that. Games are so much more fun when theres is any amount of team work.

Finished Journey. That was quick. Literally felt like 2 hours. For 3.75 I can't complain too much. I really liked the art style. Some of the visuals were really stunning. Co-op felt really meaningful as well. I'm not sure why it worked so well, but it did.

Frosty, have you played Dyad or Retro/Grade? They're the only other things in the PAX Prime sale that seem to mildly interest me.

We still haven't played any halo together. We really gotta get on that. Games are so much more fun when theres is any amount of team work.
Dyad has a demo. It's hard to explain... it reminds me, in a way, of games like Tempest or Space Giraffe. I ended up buying it just to support it, but I haven't put any time into it yet (it was made by a small team of like 2 people).

After watching this commercial for it, I couldn't help it:

I mean, they say my dogs will love it and my neighbors are going to hate it.


Retro/Grade I bough awhile back when it was on sale (with it's soundtrack even).

I played through the first couple levels and, while an interesting concept, it wasn't really clicking for me. It may play better if you use one of the GH/RB guitars (I think this is supported), but I didn't feel bad spending like $3 on it ... I've spend a lot more on a lot worse.

I don't think I'd recommend it though, even for all the praise it gets, unless the later levels change it from something that bored me to something more special and unique.

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what the fuck is leda wearing? She's going to look back one day and wonder why she got such horrible tats and dressed so horribly. I mean we all wore cargo pants at one time

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Yay, Frostybro backed Beck and Mighty No. 9!  The thing made almost $800K in less than two days, so I think we're well on our way.

Off to play more SRIV...

bread's done