Wii U - General Discussion Thread

OMG - it doesn't fold. That just seems... horrible ;). I could see it being a good thing for kids though. On the other hand, the folding nature of the DS/3DS protects it. I saw a kid drop her DS on the cement while I was at my son's soccer practice yesterday. Since it was closed, I think it was OK. This thing, though, I dunno... Anyway, not on topic here so I'll drop it. But man, just goes to show you can read gaming stuff every day and still miss things!
Yeah there's no doubt that its a lot cheaper to make. Nintendo probably only made it because it has a big profit margin. There's no hinge so the entire thing is easier to assemble and the wiring is more straight forward. The hardware that drives the 3d is probably completely removed which saves money and allows them to decrease battery size without cutting the units battery life. My understanding is that there's only one speaker so it's not even in stereo. The screen may also be cheaper.

I rather like the 2DS design for myself to use around the house. I love the clamshell design for it's easier transport/protection, but I think this will be much easier to handle to leave on the sofa for a sec while you answer a call, to use while lying on the sofa/bed sideway etc
I am hoping the center of balance is also improved with this, making it easier to use for an extended period of time when I am at home (I use grip/cpp for grip currently)

I don't know why they felt a redesign is needed and add even more model, but I can definitely some advantage to have this design for some of my usage. Not something I would ask for, but I can find a use for it.
I don't think it's easier for transportation because its larger and doesn't close. It won't fit in your pocket. With all the compromises they made to cut costs I just don't see the appeal of it.

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My understanding is that there's only one speaker so it's not even in stereo.
That's about the only thing I don't like about the new model, other than that I'm pretty interested in it. I've never been into portable gaming, so I would mainly just play it around the house anyways, so the folding feature would be lost on me. I've demoed the 3D effect in-stores, never really interested me too much.

Plus I'd feel much more comfortable handing it off to my daughter, no hinges to break, and I could probably get one sub $100 soon enough if I waited. Good screen protectors can handle the scratching problem, so no issue there either.

I know this is off topic in the Wii U area, but I still like it. As long as Nintendo can continue to be profitable with the different iterations, what's the problem with having options?

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Oh MAN, that 2DS looks sexy as hell.  Giving me major original Game Boy vibes.  Ugh, might have to get one in the future.

As for the Zelda bundle: why hasn't anyone mentioned the fact that it comes with Hyrule Historia and a Digital Deluxe membership?  That's quite a bit of added value, especially in conjunction with the price cut.  If I hadn't bought my Wii U at launch last year I would be ALL OVER this bundle.  I wonder if the DD membership is for two years like the launch consoles.

I don't think it's easier for transportation because its larger and doesn't close. It won't fit in your pocket. With all the compromises they made to cut costs I just don't see the appeal of it.
I wasn't talking about transporting. I talked about having it around the house, easy to lay it down while you answer the phone. easier to pick up and continue and when you are lying sideway, the design, no hinge and also what looks to be a more balanced design will be easier to hold in bed/sofa and to use around the house.

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I wasn't talking about transporting. I talked about having it around the house, easy to lay it down while you answer the phone. easier to pick up and continue and when you are lying sideway, the design, no hinge and also what looks to be a more balanced design will be easier to hold in bed/sofa and to use around the house.
I suppose if you use it with headphones that would be alright...

No clamshell design means that there's no easy sleep mode to save battery/pause the game? Maybe they added a way to do a PSP-style sleep mode by tapping the power button, but that's kind of a big thing if it only supports either being on or off.

Does it? I've been trying to find an image highlighting where everything is on the 2DS, but I can't seem to find one on the official site. They only have tiny images with low resolution that don't actually let me "take a closer look".

Does it? I've been trying to find an image highlighting where everything is on the 2DS, but I can't seem to find one on the official site. They only have tiny images with low resolution that don't actually let me "take a closer look".
at 1:01 go full screen and 1080p u should see it quite well, "sleep:"


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Does it? I've been trying to find an image highlighting where everything is on the 2DS, but I can't seem to find one on the official site. They only have tiny images with low resolution that don't actually let me "take a closer look".


It doesn't exactly seem like the version of the 3DS that you'd use for Streetpassing. It sort of seems like the tablet version of the 3DS, which typically aren't devices that you take out with you in public for your daily commute or whatever.

Edit: I shouldn't have to scrub through a video to find the right frame that clearly shows the right views of a device so I can clearly see what's on it.

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Back on topic, the price drop to $299.99 is a good move, though it could've had a bigger impact before Pikmin's launch as the Wii U release schedule started ramping up rather than doing it after that launch.

Pikmin isn't a system seller and a simple price drop can easily be dismissed, but a price drop, LE edition and a Zelda (reimagining or whatever this is called) make much more of an impact. Hard to say no to all 3 combined if one is on the fence.

The software line/ramp up imo isn't missing much skipping pikmin3.  I think this is just in time.

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There's a sense of momentum to dropping the price right before a big game's release to entice people on the fence to splurge on both with more big titles coming each month following that. It's not like Wonderful 101 is a much better system seller than Pikmin 3.

lol 2ds go home nintendo you're drunk



About time on the price drop, still caught between a rock and a hard place but its a start. They should do a clearance or price drop on the basic to either 249 or 199.

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lol 2ds go home nintendo you're drunk



About time on the price drop, still caught between a rock and a hard place but its a start. They should do a clearance or price drop on the basic to either 249 or 199.
we might see i think we now know why some stores in canada hadbasic white for 199.99

Too bad no "Ambassador" program for early adopters this time :(  Didn't expect it but it would have been nice.  The Digital Deluxe promo is freaking useless imho (at least until there are more eShop exclusives.  I'll get retail games at retail, thank you very much).  If they tied this to the 3DS though it would have been amazing (I've dropped a lot of dough on the 3DS eshop)

I know Nintendo claims they couldn't have afforded to launch at a lower price, but honestly, a $300 Deluxe system with a full game (Nintendoland can only go so far) should have been the launch setup from the very beginning. Right now it's just necessary so that a PS4 isn't a mere $50 more, but... $300 and then a drop to $250 would have been way better and moved more units.

I know Nintendo claims they couldn't have afforded to launch at a lower price, but honestly, a $300 Deluxe system with a full game (Nintendoland can only go so far) should have been the launch setup from the very beginning. Right now it's just necessary so that a PS4 isn't a mere $50 more, but... $300 and then a drop to $250 would have been way better and moved more units.
i agree i think if they would keep the 8 gb version and put it at 250 those things good chance would start flying off the shelf. I think 300 only system will hurt them with ps4 only 100 dolles more.

Too bad no "Ambassador" program for early adopters this time :( Didn't expect it but it would have been nice.
Personally I was jealous of the $0.30 games this year, probably the closest thing to a Wii U Ambassador program. Not saying it was worth buying a new console over solely because of it, but it was a nice bonus for the early adopters (especially Super Metroid, with its semi-portability for the first time).

Too bad no "Ambassador" program for early adopters this time :( Didn't expect it but it would have been nice. The Digital Deluxe promo is freaking useless imho (at least until there are more eShop exclusives. I'll get retail games at retail, thank you very much). If they tied this to the 3DS though it would have been amazing (I've dropped a lot of dough on the 3DS eshop)
I got $15 back in codes thanks to the DDP, so it's been good for me. If the eShop wasn't barren for the first ten months of the console's life, I'd maybe have bought more and gotten more back.

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i agree i think if they would keep the 8 gb version and put it at 250 those things good chance would start flying off the shelf. I think 300 only system will hurt them with ps4 only 100 dolles more.
I was hoping for a $100 price drop all along. The truth is, the $249.99 price tag was a big part of what made the original Wii so popular.

So Nintendo claims they were losing a small amount of money on each Wii U console, now they drop $50 and throw in Zelda for "free" ? What gives.

I'm having a hard time deciding between the WIi U and PS4 for the end of this year/2014.I already have a XB1 pre-ordered.

I didn't play my WIi that much outside of Mario Kart, Smash Brothers and No More Heroes.

I think I just have a "problem" with not owning all consoles.

Yeah I have the same issue, keep trying to justify buying a Vita even though there isn't a whole lot of reason to and the memory cards are still ridiculous. Also us old fogies who loved the GC of course played Wind Waker but there's a whole generation of gamers who haven't now on top of anybody who didn't get the GC which based on sales was plenty.

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I think I just have a "problem" with not owning all consoles.
Haha same here. There are literally Zero launch games I am interested in. Only handful I would play are getting current gen/pc releases I can wait on a price drop on and play with hardware I already have. I have xb1 and PS4 preordered,..

i havent played my wii u in like 6 months, but that will change with the release of mario 3d. even if the game is playing it super safe i know it'll still be pretty fun. i got my ps4 preordered & will get a xbo as soon as halo drops. i host game nights so i need variety

Mine sat for 6 months as well.  Got NSMBU and that was it.  However this summer I grabbed Sonic Racing Transformed which was a blast.  Blows Mario Kart away.  Grabbed DuckTales and Pikmin recently.  Finished DT and close on Pikmin.  Super Luigi, Mario 3D, & Rayman are all must buys.  The WiiU has gotten more attention this past two months than my 360 which is kind of odd.

Aside from Tomb Raider and Bioshock infinite (both of which I rented) I've barely played my 360 this year, PS3 has become my main home console and it's been mostly for Jrpgs like Ni No Kuni & Tales of Xillia. My main console actually is probably the 3DS...

Everyone brings up the game selection as a reason to own or not own consoles.

For me, the whole point is moot. I have enough disposable income and a large enough collection of games that game selection no longer really matters. I've picked up the best, most entertaining titles for most systems, and still have them all. 

What I really need now is time, not games. For consoles like the Wii U, XBox One, and PS4, I am reasonably confident that they will all eventually host games that I crave. And in time I will be able to afford them. What I don't have is the time necessary to play all of the games I own. It's very frustrating sometimes.

So Nintendo claims they were losing a small amount of money on each Wii U console, now they drop $50 and throw in Zelda for "free" ? What gives.

What gives is Nintendoland - that's not included. This is just a different bundle and a download of it, not physical.
Everyone brings up the game selection as a reason to own or not own consoles.

For me, the whole point is moot. I have enough disposable income and a large enough collection of games that game selection no longer really matters. I've picked up the best, most entertaining titles for most systems, and still have them all.

What I really need now is time, not games. For consoles like the Wii U, XBox One, and PS4, I am reasonably confident that they will all eventually host games that I crave. And in time I will be able to afford them. What I don't have is the time necessary to play all of the games I own. It's very frustrating sometimes.
Time to get rid of stuff. I can understand collecting games. I used to have quite a collection but eventually got rid of a lot of stuff. Honestly, I don't need that much "stuff" in my life. I don't see any reason to keep EVERY video game you ever bought. Why not just keep your favorites and dump everything else on eBay? It's a bit of hoarding really and it's not easy to break yourself of keeping this stuff but once you do it's good.

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What gives is Nintendoland - that's not included. This is just a different bundle and a download of it, not physical.
Oh I understand that part. The fact that they dropped $50 is what I don't get in terms of profit. Nintendo was always about making as much money as possible in terms of profit and it seems things have changed with the Wii U and 3DS. My guess is they figure with the $50 cut they will still make money off people who buy other games, because i can't imagine Wind Waker HD costing THAT much money to make.

For the record I wouldn't buy many WIi U games, mainly the exclusives. Nintendo first got me with Bayonetta 2. I'd probably pick up Zombi U, Bayonetta 2 (when It's out), Sonic Lost World, New Super Mario Brothers U, Super Mario 3D World, Wonderful 101 and Lego City. All cheap/discounted of course except for maybe Bayonetta 2.

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The WiiU is struggling pretty badly and they need to do something to spur sales, especially with the PS4 and X1 coming. So now it will be $100 less than a PS4. If it was only $50 less it would be a tough sell (rather an even tougher sell than it is already). I think their cards were played for them. No doubt they have reduced production costs, though, and probably are taking the same amount of loss as they were before.

Time to get rid of stuff. I can understand collecting games. I used to have quite a collection but eventually got rid of a lot of stuff. Honestly, I don't need that much "stuff" in my life.
You misunderstand. I LIKE collecting games. It's a hobby for me. I also don't just pile them up around the house. I carefully clean, sort, organize, and shelve every game I acquire. Older systems are carefully cleaned, boxed, and labeled. For me it's a means of cataloging and preserving the history of an industry.

While I can appreciate your more bohemian existence, I fully intend to continue my collection.

Aside from Tomb Raider and Bioshock infinite (both of which I rented) I've barely played my 360 this year, PS3 has become my main home console and it's been mostly for Jrpgs like Ni No Kuni & Tales of Xillia. My main console actually is probably the 3DS...
Thats funny. Those are the only games that Ive played as well. I sold my 360 and still have my PS3. If Amazon gets this I will be getting one. I already have a PS4 pre ordered, but I may cancel and wait till tax time. I have a three year old and being able to have games that are ok for a child is a reason Im looking at the WII U. That and I marked out for the Zelda bundle.

bread's done