PlayStation 4 - General Discussion Thread

I got my PS4 controller today from Amazon.  That was a good deal, $30 of trade in for a $60 controller.  Of course I won't be getting the console for at least a year so it will be sitting in my closet collecting dust.  Still a good deal and unlike games, it takes YEARS for controllers to drop in price.

For those that care, Titanfall is an Xbox One, Xbox 360, & PC exclusive.
Not bothered, can still play it on PC, all this is showing is Microsofts desperation. Also it appears EA inked this deal behind Vinces back and sequel is all but confirmed for PS4.



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i dont understand why they would go to EA after getting fucked by activision. oh hey guys, we got screwed by one of the worst publishers out there, lets sign a deal with one just as bad, if not worse! way to go. im sure they could have chosen another publisher besides EA.

MS is so desperate that they have to block a port that would've come out a year later on their competitors platform, wow. Ah well, I guess I'll have to try Titanfall out on 360 since I doubt my crappy PC can run it lol

I really don't think MS locking up an exclusive is desperate, though if they were really smart they would've bought Respawn lock, stock and barrel. Big exclusives an make a difference, and Titanfall is probably getting the most buzz of any next gen title right now.

I really don't think MS locking up an exclusive is desperate, though if they were really smart they would've bought Respawn lock, stock and barrel. Big exclusives an make a difference, and Titanfall is probably getting the most buzz of any next gen title right now.
If it's not out of desperation, they should have just bought complete exclusivity to begin with instead of the timed exclusivity they had. It's clearly out of desperation at this point.

Exactly.  Seems desperate at this point, especially announcing it right before the PS4 launch.  Calculated for sure, but equally desperate.

Seems shortsighted on EA's part.  Money hat vs. building a franchise that could rival CoD.

Titanfall has the buzz.  It has the guys that made CoD a juggernaut and they just relinquish the FPS mantle to Activision, like that. They just cut their potential user base in half for a quick buck.   All you have to do is look at Halo & Gears. Were they huge games?  Sure, but their sales still paled in comparison to CoD simply because they were stuck on a single platform.  Can't take the crown by being cautious.

CoD is beyond stale, hopefully Destiny can challenge the champ.  Personally I'd love to see Borderlands overtake them all, but I don't think that's possible.

I really don't think MS locking up an exclusive is desperate, though if they were really smart they would've bought Respawn lock, stock and barrel. Big exclusives an make a difference, and Titanfall is probably getting the most buzz of any next gen title right now.
That would have been better in my mind, but Microsoft seems to be shying away from buying new studios or expanding existing ones. If anything, Microsoft Game Studios is getting smaller and they're just buying timed exclusivity from large developers. What I liked about the original Xbox was that they weren't afraid to expand their studios and focus on their in-house titles.

Exactly. Seems desperate at this point, especially announcing it right before the PS4 launch. Calculated for sure, but equally desperate.

Seems shortsighted on EA's part. Money hat vs. building a franchise that could rival CoD.

Titanfall has the buzz. It has the guys that made CoD a juggernaut and they just relinquish the FPS mantle to Activision, like that. They just cut their potential user base in half for a quick buck. All you have to do is look at Halo & Gears. Were they huge games? Sure, but their sales still paled in comparison to CoD simply because they were stuck on a single platform. Can't take the crown by being cautious.

CoD is beyond stale, hopefully Destiny can challenge the champ. Personally I'd love to see Borderlands overtake them all, but I don't think that's possible.

I think a Borderlands-esque MP shooter would be awesome!
They've been sort of hinting Destiny would be a Borderlands-esque massive MP shooter, so that could be good.

I stopped caring about Titanfall as soon as I found out it was just a competitive multiplayer shooter with nothing else to it.  And I have a PC that can run it, but I still don't see myself ever getting it (unless it goes for some ridiculous $5-or-less price at some point).  Destiny I want, because it's been said by the devs that you can play that solo, or choose to join in with others playing co-op as you want.  I'm good with that.  But I have no interest in the competitive FPS scene.  

I stopped caring about Titanfall as soon as I found out it was just a competitive multiplayer shooter with nothing else to it. And I have a PC that can run it, but I still don't see myself ever getting it (unless it goes for some ridiculous $5-or-less price at some point). Destiny I want, because it's been said by the devs that you can play that solo, or choose to join in with others playing co-op as you want. I'm good with that. But I have no interest in the competitive FPS scene.
That's where I fall too. $60 for MP only? I don't think so. Say what you will about short campaigns but at least they add value to the proposition. Look at Shadowrun and Brink. Two $60 coasters within a few weeks.

Yeah, but there are people who really enjoy multiplayer. To some, there is no COD single player, only multiplayer. I prefer the sp, but that's just me.

But for multiplayer only games, some work. I REALLY enjoyed MAG despite all of it's faults and would love another one, but that was more due to the player count than it being multiplayer only. Don't see Titanfall having high player count in matches...

Titanfall is definitely a nice exclusive for MS that will move X1's.

No impact on my eventual purchase decision as I don't do competitive MP any more. Not sure I'll even do coop like Borderlands again as I just don't have the time/interest for those kind of time sink games. Destiny does look great though. My gaming time will just have to uptick a lot for me to buy another of those games. I'll probably ditch my 3DS before getting a PS4 though so that will help some since all my gaming time can be focused on one platform.
What are they desperate for?
Lagging way behind PS4 in preorder numbers. Mostly negative press all year leading up to launch etc. They needed some big, good news to get some positive hype going. Titanfall as permanent exclusive on consoles is a big deal and good move on their part to make a move in that direction. Should help keep some of the COD/BF type gamers from jumping ship to Sony even with those games apparently looking better on PS4 this fall.
There have been a couple articles where it's been said that the PS4 is handily beating the Xbox One in pre-orders by more than a 2-1 margin, that does mean that they need to make some big moves, but again I hardly think locking down an exclusive is desperation. A price cut would be desperation.

Yeah, I'd agree desperation is far too strong a term.  It was just clear then needed to do something to get some more positive buzz ahead of launch given where reactions and preorder numbers have been so far.

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Lagging way behind PS4 in preorder numbers. Mostly negative press all year leading up to launch etc. They needed some big, good news to get some positive hype going. Titanfall as permanent exclusive on consoles is a big deal and good move on their part to make a move in that direction. Should help keep some of the COD/BF type gamers from jumping ship to Sony even with those games apparently looking better on PS4 this fall.
I'm sure they are confident in their console, it's not a sprint it's a race. Once people actually get to use the console and experience it there's not going to be anything to worry about.
The Xbox brand never really has to make a profit. As of January 2013, the Xbox division has lost $3 billion over 10 years. I don't know what their long term plan is but it doesn't coincide with mine.

It's Sony that really has to hit it out of the park with the PS4. They lost a lot of goodwill with the PS3 that they regained during their E3 reveal. Some of that goodwill is being etched away by delays, but delays are common so I doubt it will have much effect. If they can differentiate the PS4 as a gaming system first and a media center second, I think they'll do well. 

I think that's really what it boils down to

Sony is obviously fine with being a gaming console first, other bells and whistles second.

Microsoft wants their console to touch every experience of your home entertainment.

It's all about what you sent as a consumer. Both systems are going to flourish.
The FAQ confirmed that no USB storage or MP3s will be supported. Presumably it won't support audio or video files of any kind.

While it isn't expressly stated in the FAQ, I got the impression that the only way to back up saves is to their cloud service (which requires a PS+ membership) and there is no way to backup anything else.

This all sounds like a big step backwards. I understand not needing to be an all-in-one media center, but it's ridiculous to not include basic functionality that's in practically every device (including both the PS3 and Vita).

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My first thought on not allowing any USB storage is it's an anti-piracy measure. In order to make the console hack-proof they are making it so there is no way for anyone to ever transfer any unofficial files to the system.

Something about that excessive amount of control over the system really bothers me.

Was really hoping to use the PS4 as a media player like I do the PS3.  Hopefully playing MP3s and media files will be patched in later.  If not then I'll just have to keep the PS3 hooked up which I planned on doing anyway because of the massive amount of RPGs being released on it next year.

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Was really hoping to use the PS4 as a media player like I do the PS3. Hopefully playing MP3s and media files will be patched in later. If not then I'll just have to keep the PS3 hooked up which I planned on doing anyway because of the massive amount of RPGs being released on it next year.
Glad I'm keeping my PS3. I love RPG's

Im hoping Sony upgrades their harddrive space limits with firmware updates.  It seems really weird that you'd include a 500gb harddrive, but only allow people to replace it with drives less than 160gb in space.

Really Berzerker?  some needs to catch up on their reading skills

"What type of hard drive does PS4 use?

PS4 is equipped with a 5400 RPM SATA II hard drive. Users can choose to install a new hard drive so long as it complies with these standards, is no thicker than 9.5mm, and is larger than 160GB."

We can put and 5400 RPM SATA II drive in the ps4 as long as it is bigger than 160 GB!  I am already shopping for a TB, not maany 2 TB options in that type of drive out there!

Im hoping Sony upgrades their harddrive space limits with firmware updates. It seems really weird that you'd include a 500gb harddrive, but only allow people to replace it with drives less than 160gb in space.
You should reread the FAQ. The drive must be larger than 160GB, not smaller.

If my reading of the FAQ was correct, it appears that you can connect your headphones to the controller and hear all in-game audio.

Is it possible to output all game audio through DUALSHOCK 4 controller’s 3.5mm headset jack?
Yes, you can select the Output to Headsets option to either ‘Chat Audio’ or “All Audio.”
I'm hoping that the sound quality is high enough for all in-game audio, not just voice. This could give you wireless headphone-like functionality right out of the box. Just bring your own headphones or earbuds.
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Yeah just plugged my DS4 into my PS3 and it works like a charm. It is really a big improvement over the DS3.  The DS3 was the main reason I kept from completely moving over to Sony.  Now to try BF4 out and see how I like the DS4 on FPS.

Ughhhh a pre-order opened up today online at Walmart, I sent my CC info and everything and it went through, hours later Walmart declined my payment for no reason whatsoever. FMLLLLL >_<

Have you tried pairing the DS4 with the PS3?

Do you mean like wireless? I do not think that will work. In fact the PS home button won't work on it either unfortunately. I am liking the DS4 so far but why DICE why did you not have an option to set the triggers as aim and shoot? It is killing me to use the bumpers for this.

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The Xbox brand never really has to make a profit. As of January 2013, the Xbox division has lost $3 billion over 10 years. I don't know what their long term plan is but it doesn't coincide with mine.
It's been repeatedly pointed out that with Gates essentially gone and Ballmer stepping down the Xbox division is on VERY thin ice, they pretty much have to hit it out of the park this round. Many want MS to completely drop hardware and just be a software and services company as they make tons more on that than on their devices which have seen a small profit at best historically.

Do you mean like wireless? I do not think that will work. In fact the PS home button won't work on it either unfortunately. I am liking the DS4 so far but why DICE why did you not have an option to set the triggers as aim and shoot? It is killing me to use the bumpers for this.
Wasn't Killzone with bumpers too? I know there was a high profile shooter recently that had bumpers for aim/shoot. It's annoying, and so hard to get used to.

Wasn't Killzone with bumpers too? I know there was a high profile shooter recently that had bumpers for aim/shoot. It's annoying, and so hard to get used to.
I thought all Playstation shooters used the bumpers... I just check the manual for CoD: Black Ops and they use the bumpers for shooting.

Well, thanks to the Amazon promo it looks like I'm getting a DS4 this Friday. Seems kind of silly but I guess I'll put it up on the shelf in the place where the PS4 will go and look at it for 2 weeks ;).
I thought all Playstation shooters used the bumpers... I just check the manual for CoD: Black Ops and they use the bumpers for shooting.
That is my main issue with the PS3 for FPS. Not being able to remap the buttons is annoying. Hopefully the PS4 will be more friendly to that type of thing. It just feels more natural to me to use the triggers for firing.

They really want to just be a game console it looks like.
Yep. And fine by me as I prefer standalone devices as they're always superior to all in one gadgets. And I've already got all my media needs covered. Including gaming for the time being. Just zero interest in next gen at this point.
bread's done