GGT 286 bids adieu to the Last-Gen (except gunnm)


I might buy this Wii U bundle for $160 on CL: "Slighty used Wii U deluxe bundle (plastic still on console). Zombie U. Wii U pro controller with chager cord. Nerf game pad case, Nintendoland."

Hey weevles, I got around to trying Xbox Fitness finally. I did a quick 10 minute session and it felt like it was better of a workout then the other 2 Kinect workout games I played on 360 (Nike + and Your Shape), this definitely feels like it's going to help out a lot, especially with the various different types of choices they have for excercise.

A lot of the categories share the same videos and there aren't too many videos currenlty up but it looks like they will be adding more into it. Plus, each individual video has a ranking/5 star system and challenges so you can do them multiple times to improve your score and such. Currently I can see the potential for it and while it will get better when more stuff is added, it is also currently a free addition to the membership so it's good for what it is.

These are the current categories you can filter it by

Recommended for You

Popular Now

Workout Programs (Not free, like $9-$11, with a few being $30 a piece no thank you)

Under 20 minutes (All free but one)

Over 20 minutes (Mix of free and not free)

No Equipment Required (Most of them free)

10-Minute Solutions Workout (All free)

Beachbody Workouts (All free)

Jillian Michaels Workouts (None free, $9-$11)

Mossa Workouts (All free, 5 of them)

Tracy Anderson Workouts (None free, these are the $30 ones)

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I'm tired, but I can't sleep. My Thanksgiving plans with my lady fell through. Looks like all I'll be doing this week is watching the new Wolverine movie over and over again.

Hey weevles, I got around to trying Xbox Fitness finally. I did a quick 10 minute session and it felt like it was better of a workout then the other 2 Kinect workout games I played on 360 (Nike + and Your Shape), this definitely feels like it's going to help out a lot, especially with the various different types of choices they have for excercise.

A lot of the categories share the same videos and there aren't too many videos currenlty up but it looks like they will be adding more into it. Plus, each individual video has a ranking/5 star system and challenges so you can do them multiple times to improve your score and such. Currently I can see the potential for it and while it will get better when more stuff is added, it is also currently a free addition to the membership so it's good for what it is.

These are the current categories you can filter it by

Recommended for You

Popular Now

Workout Programs (Not free, like $9-$11, with a few being $30 a piece no thank you)

Under 20 minutes (All free but one)

Over 20 minutes (Mix of free and not free)

No Equipment Required (Most of them free)

10-Minute Solutions Workout (All free)

Beachbody Workouts (All free)

Jillian Michaels Workouts (None free, $9-$11)

Mossa Workouts (All free, 5 of them)

Tracy Anderson Workouts (None free, these are the $30 ones)
I saw some of that. Seems kind of neat, especially since a lot of it is free with Gold. Plus achievements.

Mando-Dawg would be all over that P90X.

I'm tired, but I can't sleep. My Thanksgiving plans with my lady fell through. Looks like all I'll be doing this week is watching the new Wolverine movie over and over again.
Don't worry dawg, we'll skype.

Did your girl turn out to be okay from that bite?

I saw some of that. Seems kind of neat, especially since a lot of it is free with Gold. Plus achievements.

Mando-Dawg would be all over that P90X.
Yeah, I didn't do a P90X yet, but there aren't that many of them yet. Since it just started there are only a few (like 1-4 videos of each type) out so far, but there's enough there to get a good workout in while waiting for more to show up.

As for achievements, I got 75 points out of my first workout, it looks like there are a fair chunk of ones that you'll get easily, some medium ones, and then a few that will take quite a while. But it's a good spread to keep people working out and giving them something to go for!

I'm tired, but I can't sleep. My Thanksgiving plans with my lady fell through. Looks like all I'll be doing this week is watching the new Wolverine movie over and over again.
Make sure you pay close attention to that bath scene over and over (even though we all know in reality that's the only part you are actually gonna watch)

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I saw some of that. Seems kind of neat, especially since a lot of it is free with Gold. Plus achievements.

Mando-Dawg would be all over that P90X.

Don't worry dawg, we'll skype.

Did your girl turn out to be okay from that bite?
Yo, P90X is fun as fuck. Probably the best workout I've gotten my whole life. I need to legitimately buy them one day.

Skype sounds fun! Still waiting to find out. She said it's looking a lot worse and now it hurts to move her arm at all. She's seriously afraid she's going to lose it, but her doctors just keep telling her they're doing all they can. They've given her an antibiotics shot and that looks like that's all they'll do for now. She goes to a follow-up tomorrow to see what they'll do moving forward. It looks pretty bad. A couple of the teeth marks are apparently becoming boils.

Make sure you pay close attention to that bath scene over and over (even though we all know in reality that's the only part you are actually gonna watch)
Wait, there's a bath scene?

Do the Insanity program! Shit is fun.


Well I guess you don't have to see the movie now then :(
MoCi only sees movies with bath scenes confirmed.

Damn I would have totally bought that mociwe. I stayed up till 1 am waiting for an xbox I still have my 120gb too...

Managed to get two mega man games doe thanks based AWD

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Figures the Tracie Anderson stuff would be $30.... Fuuuuuu.

Thanks for the overview. So all of the content is kinect integrated then?
Does anyone know if that Best Buy Wii U mario bundle/nintendoland/wiimote bundle will be available to people who arent in their elite rewards superclub? I tried to ask in the thread for it but everyone was too busy telling me how big their dicks are

Wait, there's a bath scene?

MoCi only sees movies with bath scenes confirmed.
Trying to act like you don't remember it, I see what you are doing there.

Maybe ;D

Damn I would have totally bought that mociwe. I stayed up till 1 am waiting for an xbox I still have my 120gb too...

Managed to get two mega man games doe thanks based AWD
I'll let you know if any other good deals show up, you still have your hard drive from before so those little ones would work? At least you got some Mega Man games!

Figures the Tracie Anderson stuff would be $30.... Fuuuuuu.

Thanks for the overview. So all of the content is kinect integrated then?
Yeah, they don't even have one free one to try out, although all of the ones that cost money do have a single free workout trial that you can try.

I navigated all of the menus with my controller but it looks like you can also use your hand to navigate the menus with Kinect, once in the workout itself it's all on Kinect though.

I'll let you know if any other good deals show up, you still have your hard drive from before so those little ones would work? At least you got some Mega Man games!

Yeah, they don't even have one free one to try out, although all of the ones that cost money do have a single free workout trial that you can try.
I just refresh xbox 250gb in amazon search every like hour or so in between studying right now.

Odd how a 10 hour youtube video of miku would be longer then the actual game

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I don't like the rental system kinda makes the game too easy. What happened to going out in the world and finding the hookshot?

I've only found two pendants so far so I'm not that far into the game but those damn centaur fire breathing things fuck you up. No invisibility frames when they attack you


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bread's done